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Everything posted by Latintgrl

  1. Am a bottom. I met a guy on Craigslist yesterday before he came over i shaved my whole body my chest legs ass etc. About 3 hours later he showed up .. i did not notice this razor cut on my chest he fucked me with condom. And he wanted to cum on my face but was not able to make it their so he Shot his load of hot cum all over my chest. He also rubed his hand all over my chest with his load of cum all over my chest What are the risk to Hiv transmission. If he was a POS I just noticed a few razor cuts the next day. Here one of the big cuts i must have gotten when i was shaving my chest. Cant upload the picture say too big
  2. Hi Am a bottom. I met a guy on Craigslist yesterday before he came over i shaved my whole body my chest legs ass etc. About 3 hours later he showed up .. i did not notice this razor cut on my chest he fucked me with condom. And he wanted to cum on my face but was not able to make it their so he Shot his load of hot cum all over my chest. He also rubed his hand all over my chest with his load of cum all over my chest What are the risk to Hiv transmission. If he was a POS I just noticed a few razor cuts the next day. Here one of the big cuts i must have gotten when i was shaving my chest. Cant upload the picture say too big
  3. What state are you in
  4. i went to fair this weekend lots of fun i try to go every two weeks i moved to downtown manhattan so i went bact to fair what fun i had this past weekend ohh am latin & indian mix
  5. Hi My email was leaked and i need to delete my post on this site. Please help i google my user name everything shows I will mail a money order in a few days to thd address need confirmation on you mailing address thank you Please. Need this done soon
  6. Hi please help my personal email was leaked to co workers i need my profile deleted so no one can do a google search please remove my profile and Post please remove Posts
  7. i know i wish the black guy came back anyhow this Theater is in queens New York City its called Fair Theater google it.. it has one gay movie room one TS TRANNY Movie room then One Str8 the str8 one is the larger room the othere are small they banned ts transexual back in 2009 since the were prostitute that brought Heat from the NYPD ... ANYHOW they allow crossdressers as long as u dress in the theater in booths or restrooms they have lockers also bring yourr own lock small size u cant do any action play in open Public area Only in Booths that have free porn playing in them i belive state law is only 1 person per booth but No one fallows it this theater has mostly latin white gay men very feww like crossdressers etc drinking is not allowed so bring vodka in a water bottle like i do anyhow since i had to move out of state to Arizona i cant find theaters like the ones in NYC I Hate this backward Arizona State not even glory holes nothing so if anyone in Arizona email me need alot of cock i will rent motel if anything
  8. its true i justed wanted my story out i wish i was good writer it was a really fun night i was a bit tipsy and poppers so i suck alot of cock that night only got fucked by 1 guy
  9. i was in NYC a month ago i went to a xxx theater in queens fair theater i was fully dressed in mini skirt red 5inc high heels wig make up only crossdresser in the theater i met a black guy who had me suck his cock and he fingered me before he started he asked if i ever did tina i said No i only drink vodka he said i can smell it your drunk you little slut... am going to get u on tina he took some white looking powder i think and put it on his finger and finger fucked me i felt i was in heaven he try fucking me but i was too tight so he stoped his cock must have been 10 inc he made me swallow his cum after he left i open the small booth door and a older white man came in he handed me cash and told me not to count it just get on your knees suck daddy cock i did for 15 mints being on tina had me floting after i sucked him he fliped me over and told me he was clean and he was going to breed me and he did i could not stop him he said this is my life to be a xxx theater bitch his cock was small enough he fucked me real good and cum in me before he left hee jerked me off sucking my sissy cum
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