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Everything posted by rawbottomchub32

  1. Bbrts: rawbottomchub32 Loc: toronto
  2. This is very reassuring! Thanks for the info! I'll send you a PM.
  3. Hey there. Not really new but I figured I should be more active here. Been lurking around since like 2016 or something. Mostly for the stories. I'm 30, bottom, recently pozzed. Feel free to send me private messages! I'll reply as soon as I can!
  4. So I might be moving to Canada soon and one worry I have is my meds. I am poz and I can probably get some meds locally for at least 6 months to help cover me for a bit when I finally move to Canada. But I'm worried about after that. I don't know how the health care system works and reading around online made me worry about the costs. Right now, I am paying as little as 2 USD per bottle which lasts 30 days. Thing is, when I move to Canada, I will be starting from scratch with no place to live, no job, no one I know around. I will firstly work on getting my own place to rent then focus on job hunting. I heard healthcare is free but I am not sure how that works. Anyone here who can help me out? Maybe explain how things are for new permanent residents? Where would be a good place to get checked with an ID specialist to get my meds covered as soon as I can? How health care system works and how I could get free meds or at least pay less? Anyone wanna show me the ropes and be friends while I'm at it too? Would be great to find someone to talk to when I get to Canada. I'm targeting Toronto but I'm still open on that front. Hope to hear from you guys and I appreciate the help.
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