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Posts posted by sinfuljock

  1. So I have interviewed for and am likely to get a job working for an older (40s) man who fucked me at a pool party last weekend. After he did we talked while everyone was recovering and he mentioned he was looking for a new personal assistant which is what I currently do. This new position under him would pay significantly more than my current job and have extensive travel.

    Based on the interview and activities after, it's pretty clear he expects the sexual aspects to continue as well. I have no problem with this and find him very hot, but wonder if anyone has a different opinion that isn't as biased in favor of taking a big dick up my ass. So what are your thoughts?

  2. And to add a little humor to this thread, one of my favorite comics, the Australian stand-up comedian Jim Jeffries, rationalized the difference between sluts and studs in a hilarious fashion.

    To quote him, he once said in one of his stand up acts...

    "Every single time a man sleeps with a lot of women, he's called a stud. But if a woman sleeps with a lot of men, she's called a slut. And people think this is unfair. Nah. It's completely fair. And I'll tell you why, right. Cause it's fuckin' easy to be a slut. It's fuckin' HARD to be a stud. To be a stud, you have to be witty, charming, well dressed, have nice shoes and a fake job. To be a slut, you just have to be... there. There are fat ugly sluts out there. There are no fat ugly studs. I've met slutty dwarves, I've never met a stud dwarf. Maybe in their own realm, but none that have crossed over to our world. And when I say sluts, I don't mean that as a bad word. I love sluts, I fuckin' need 'em in my life, sluts."

    He goes on to explain the difference between sluts and "nice girls." It's hysterical. Funny as it is though, just like with most observational comedy, there's no denying that there is definitely some truth to it...

    That was great! thanks!

    Here's the link if anyone wants some non-sexual entertainment :)http://youtu.be/qqrJp-EKy-w

  3. So... I've been brainwashed.... Hmmmm.... Yet.... I never had access to gay porn growing up. Wasn't molested as a child. Didn't even know anything about gay culture. Didn't know the terms top and bottom.. Yet I wondered why it was only women who could date other men and have sex with them... And wanting to have a man inside me... And that was when I was jacking off before I could even ejaculate... So I was very young. Could you please tell me where and when I was brainwashed? I'm not doing anything for the cause. I'm doing it because it feels damn good. Period. I'm sorry... But respectfully... I disagree...

    This exactly

  4. So my bf has been taking many trips back home to Denver over the last six months because his mom is sick. These trips last anywhere from a week to three. I usually cannot go because of work. His most recent trip was supposed to be a week but has been extended. He doesn't stay at his parents house but in a hotel even though they have room because he says he needs breaks from them.

    I know it has been very hard for me to not cheat on his past trips, and I have completely given up trying this last week and been basically the slut I've always fantasized about.

    So how likely do you think it is that he is getting some on the side? I'm not sure if I'm trying to justify my behavior or if it's really likely. Honestly it would be a turn on for me...

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