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Everything posted by Top-Secret

  1. Happy Holidays to Everyone (hope you all get your nutz drained )

  2. this is an interesting blog "Fucked by a Homeless man" hmmm ! , me being a Top (i guess this doesn't apply) . One thing I can say , is that I don't feel a homeless man is any different from guys who live in houses (except they can't bath as often as the rest of us). I personally can't have sex with anyone that's not clean . if i ever did meet a homeless man who I'm attracted too , then I would invite him over to shower AND THEN I WOULD FUCK THE DOG SHIT OUT OF HIM !
  3. there are guys on here who are HIV Positive, and guys on here who are Negative, and guys on here who are Positive and don't even know it. for all those who are positive and having sex with guys without revealing your status . i beg of you to stop the nonsense of purposefully passing the illness on to someone else. it's cool if they want to become HIV and crossover , but to poz others deceitfully is disgusting to me . yes we all as individuals are responsible for our own selves , healt...

  4. this is an awful story . even though it might be fictional , i'm sure guys are out pozzing others like this and it breaks my heart . i have friends who passed away from HIV so it sadden's me to read a story like this . GUYS WHO ARE ON HERE DOING THAT FOR REAL "I WISH YOU WOULD STOP."
  5. i live on south side of Chicago near Hyde Park . I'm interested in meeting up with you . just contact me in private so we can talk .
  6. I didn't know I lived in a city with gay porn models , guess I need to get out more and get in the mix lol .
  7. met a few guys online who down to meet up. 1 asian and the other Latino. i haven't had sex in so long , that theres this nervous energy inside of me lol : it feelz like i'm about to do it for the VERY 1ST TIME HAHAHA !

    1. Giftundpozempfangb


      If the sex is driving it must be released, is logical

  8. i can't believe i posted the same message 3 times in a row (smh) i have no idea how that happened lol !

    1. Giftundpozempfangb


      This happens ever apologize for it

  9. I prefer a dry hole or to at least be 1st . but hey ! if i'm horny and think the guy is really hot ,then I would still run up inside him if i find he has cum in his ass haha. i guess it depends on how i'm feeling that day/nite : if i been drinking or (dr@%^ng) i tend to say "FUCK -IT" and go for things , i normally wouldn't go for !
  10. i've fucked 6 guys in my life and all 6 were hot . I'm a top and top only , i can't get turned on by a guy who i don't find attractive : so "ugly fuck buddy" NO CAN DO ........I
  11. 1st things 1st ! ........get some PReP........next go bath house or Boystown.......Find em ; Fuck em ; Breed em

  12. 1st things 1st ! ........get some PReP........next go bath house or Boystown.......Find em ; Fuck em ; Breed em

  13. long overdue : i'm ready to stick my chocolate dip-stick inside a sweet,smooth, pink hole (HELL I'LL SHAVE MY NUTZ AND LEGS IF I HAVE TOO) .....haha !

  14. well finally got the hang of this site .......i think it's a great site.......hope 2 meet new people

  15. I NEVER BEEN WITH A WHITE GUY BEFORE ............(my fantasy lol)

  16. one of these dayz , i'm gonna turn into a whore lol .
  17. My mind is on interracial dating and "fun"

  18. hey bottom boy , i'm a total top/let me be your first ........or second , or third if i'm too late haha !
  19. i'm a top & top only so I can't comment on taking cock , but I've been on a date with a drag-queen who was about 14 inches long and thick as I'll ever see . It almost freaked me out when I seen it and i wondered to myself , "HOW CAN THAT THING EVEN FIT INSIDE OF AN ASS ????" .............i think he may have scared off a few girls when he grew up and had no choice but to become gay and just bottom. i know my logic sounds pathetic , but i never even seen a porn model with his size . abnormally large for a fem type guy !
  20. i can't vote a "yes" or "no" on this . i have not seen the scenes , but by looking at the photos (i'm guessing the blood is not real) being that porn is "suppose to be just acting and not real. I personally will not watch it (wether real blood or fake is irrelevent) because I'm not into that . at the same time i can't really say that Paul Morris has gone too far. people like "different things" and thats what make the world go round . i'm sure that there's "somebody" out there who "getz-off" on that shit : so ............who am i to say T.I.M. has gone too far ? .......i don't like it , but I can't knock the hustle/they doing what they gotta do , so "MO POWER TO EM."
  21. theres some really good looking guys on here lol , i feel broken hearted and blessed @ same time/ idk , i'm alive so i have nothing to complain about. but my happiness depends on my circumstances and the last time i had sex , was a temporary high "BUT I DID GET HIGH" lol.

  22. i'am by "all means" no saint and i am not perfect , but i believe in honesty and being upfront about your HIV status is a part of being honest . with that said , i'am not implying that you should go around "telling your business" to any and everybody. but i believe that when you meet someone and you are about to "get-it-in" that it's best to tell your partner before you do it. wether your in bath house/date/ or internet hook-up. i have an opinion on dating-sites (that contradicts) what i just said tho. i don't feel that an HIV poz person needs to post his status on his profile. i know it's a contradiction , but sometimes it may be best to keep your status private until you hook-up later "AND THEN TELL YOUR POTENTIAL PARTNER." i'am HIV neg and i think that if i ever became poz , i don't know but I'd probably feel a little embarrassed . So yea, there you have it, my personal opinion on the situation : TELL YOUR STATUS "PRIVATELY" TO THE MAN YOU ABOUT TO HAVE SEX WITH ,........BUT IF YOU DON'T REALLY KNOW SOMEONE "YET" OR IS INTERESTED IN SOMEONE AND YOU WANT TO BE "OPEN AND HONEST" WITH THAT PERSON , YOU MIGHT WANT TO WAIT TO TELL ,............(theres a TIME and a PLACE 4 EVERYTHING)
  23. wow , that was hot haha ! my raw black dick has never been with a white boy before ; i'm still "WAITING FOR MY BIG MOMENT TO HAPPEN" . . . . . . . (interracial fantasy)
  24. whatz on my mind ??? hmmm! "GUESS" ...lol , i 'am a freak (behind closed doors)

  25. hmmm! never had that combo b4 haha. I've been with a skinny guy who has the biggest dick I ever personally seen (damn thing looked like a spray can) . He was way bigger than me (i'm not ashamed to say) about 14 inches long and really thick (he was in drag). I fucked him and had a great time , but I couldn't get over what I had seen hahahaha , I didn't noticed it til he turned on his back and motioned for me to fuck him, in my mind I was like "WTF IZ THAT ?!?!?" ...........i see why he was getting fucked by guys cause NO WAY WOULD ANY GIRL OR GUY LET HIM TOP .......(hell he would fit anyway lol/and that real talk)
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