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Posts posted by 50latinos

  1. 1 hour ago, hntnhole said:

    When I moved here, I joined a local Dem organization (lgbtq+) that is mostly comprised of gay folks that were born around here, or at least grew up here (Ft. L.). 

    I would love to join.

  2. On 7/29/2024 at 3:51 PM, hntnhole said:

    Well, the "shipping container" housing project next door to Ramrod has just thrown down the gauntlet.  Previously, one could walk out of RR, down to the corner, turn E and walk in front of the used furniture store, turn at the store's parking place and get behind that building.  Guys fucked back there all night long.  

    However, driving past the other day I noticed some fencing on the back of a truck parked where guys would turn in to go behind the furniture store. 

    Sure enough, they closed off access with an 8' gate.  Maybe this will encourage RR to let Pig Alley be resurrected.  We'll see ... 

    For what I saw this last weekend, both Saturday and Sunday, Pig Alley is pretty much resurrected and thriving.

    • Like 2
  3. On 6/28/2024 at 1:58 PM, ejaculaTe said:

    The word "toast" accurately describes Wolf's future condition. (For the law nerds in the audience, based on the description given by NBC New York, the offense level is 40 (base offense level of 22 and 18 more points due to circumstances of offense. Even with a criminal history category of I, the Guidelines range is 292-365 months. The statutory maximum is 20 years (240 months), the most he can get, notwithstanding the Guidelines range.) 

    If he gets convicted he can run for president as a republican. We know that he already complies with the requisite of racism. The dude is on his way . . . 

  4. On 6/18/2024 at 11:33 PM, insatiableholeinTO said:

    Are you blind. I said Ivermection alone is not effective but used with other early treatments was very effective. Early treatments that were denied in the early days of COVID, but if you want to go and defend that asshole Faucci then you go right ahead I really could care less but don't fucking say I'm less educated because it's obvious you don't read to well

    Dumb . . .

    On 6/19/2024 at 5:21 AM, rawwhitebottom said:

    Fauci needs to be tossed in prison with his medical license revoked 

    that’s it 

    and Dumber!

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  5. 5 hours ago, BlackDude said:

    Interesting how “international communities” respect two of the most presidents who were most overt with their racism….a lot to unpack their if it’s true….

    Racism is not a mental defect exclusive to America, neither is stupidity.

    There are plenty of stupid racists in Europe as well as in the UK. But they are not a majority in either place. 

    [think before following links] https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2024/06/11/globally-biden-receives-higher-ratings-than-trump/

  6. 1 hour ago, nanana said:

    I’m gathering you don’t donate to the Democrats :-?

    I don't make political donations, but while I don't donate to Democrats because I am cheap, I don't donate to Republicans because I don't want to:
    1. See the end of American democracy, 2. Have a fat ignorant moron (or a "fucking moron" to quote his first Secretary of State) in the Oval Office, 3. I do not contribute to criminal organizations, ever, 4. I am not confortable giving my hard earned money to people who professed to be billionaires, 5. I don't like powerful people who attack porn stars, 7. I do not agree with fascism and fascists . . . etc, etc. 

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  7. 5 minutes ago, norefusal said:

    oh i've given to the dems many times 😜

    in a way it's the same: Hillary's emails, Hunter's lap top, Clinton's bj,  Obama's beige suit... people are losing their shit over things i just shrug off. as no biggie if others can shrug off Alito's insurrection flags, Trumps unending criminal probes, Thomas' $4M grift gifts, what can i say: i see the dress as blue and black, they see it as white and gold. (btw, did u see the dress couple is getting div cause he a wife beater!) 

    I don't ever make political donations to anyone but the poor devils that give money to that fat fuck dumb criminal Trump, who allegedly is a billionaire, will forever baffle me.

  8. 10 hours ago, barefucker44 said:

    The $200 M is between his campaign and the RNC combined.  I personally gave Trump a large donation the day after the felony convictions occurred.

    I wonder how does it feel like to give money to a criminal organization that wants to take away your rights and outlaw the way you live. I guess I'll never know.

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  9. 2 hours ago, Bottom Jim said:

    They mentioned it that maybe we could do it again The one couple said there 23 year old son might want to join in too

    Hope you said yes. Keep us posted.

    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, hntnhole said:

    If you haven't already left for Paris, I'd try some of the bars - Scheune, for instance.  They all have basements where guys fuck, and some of them are rather dark.  The attributes you think you reflect won't be so noticeable, and those fuckjoints are often packed, even on weeknights.  Good luck !!

    L'Impact . . .  love that whole in the wall. Even the upstairs bar is mandatory nude.

  11. 15 hours ago, Ieatcumholes said:

    In some guys there is a hairy patch in the small of the back just above the ass/crack that turns me on NO END! And after many decades, I still don't know why! 😖 But if you have that hairy patch, at the very least I want to eat your ass. And depending on your proclivities (that's such a 😍 word!), I might do more than that! 😜

    creating a mental note to stop waxing mine . . .

    • Like 1
  12. Just now, hntnhole said:

    I'm not so sure ..... 

    It's not inconceivable that she got to the US, figured out a way to meet Orangie, waggled those tits, smiled and had it all planned out.  Some say she was a bit of a high-class tart back when she was building that "modeling" career in Slovenia ... just sayin ... 

    More than not inconceivable, highly likely. 

    A world champion in gold digging, or so she thought.

    • Haha 1
  13. 7 minutes ago, topblkmale said:

    You're conflating legal immigration with illegal immigration.

    I don't know about Ivana, but Melania came with a EB-1 visa, a.k.a "Einstein Visa", reserved for people who are highly acclaimed in their field, like Pulitzer, Oscar, and Olympic winners., world renowned scientists and such. 

    I may be wrong, but an unknown two-bit nudie model from Slovenia hired by the Trump Model Agency is probably not among the type of people that can legally obtain that kind of visa. Unless gold digging is among the fields included.

    Rigging your visa application is illegal.

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  14. 7 minutes ago, nanana said:

    I  appreciate that you think the difference is that the mechanisms that tried to get to the underlying truth had integrity and operated in an equivalent manner, and thus that the things that pass as truths have been subjected to the same quality of analysis and introspection.  I    happen NOT to agree that the underlying facts were investigated with equivalent diligence and that the resulting "truths" are underpinned by the same rigor.  I   don't think this is unique to partisan Democrats btw, think there are many examples of partisan Republicans giving their own a lighter touch.  

    Not trying to play "GOTCHA" 50latinos and think you are doing a great job of channeling the way a lot of people in the country think about these issues.  No wrong answer here, but can you tell me how you interpret two major sources of data here: 1) the Hilary Clinton e-mails of 2016; and 2) the Hunter Biden laptop story suppression of 2020?  I    have a guess, but I   hate to treat people like stereotypes.  If you're willing to try a 3rd, how do you interpret Biden's efforts to fire the Attorney-General-equivalent of Ukraine at a time when his son Hunter was on Burisma's board without any experience in the gas/oil industry but with easy access to AF2? (BTW, if I  were asking a Republican, I    might focus on Obama's decision to bail out the banks, or Trump's decision to bomb Soleimani.)

    I  do not object to Democratic partisanship anymore than I    object to Republican partisanship; I    object to PARTISANSHIP itself.  It corrodes trust in institutions when people see the opposite party misusing the instruments of government to accumulate power, and I   think this has happened on both sides.  I    wonder how we could reverse trend toward tribal partisanship and rebuild some trust.  I  really do, just not sure it is in our cards, but still hopeful.  

    If you think that the Clinton emails and the Hunter Biden laptop stories were suppressed, then we live in different planets. At this point no one can argue that the media explosion that occurred when in October 2016 James Comey announced the reopening of the Clinton emails investigation made Trump president. Hunter Biden is in a world of hurt, prosecuted by his father's DOJ. The president hasn't lifted a finger to help him, as he shouldn't.

    These false equivalencies you are putting out there are as dangerous as the misinformation emanating from the bowels of the MAGA movement. Whether you are a republican or not is irrelevant and inconsequential.

  15. 2 hours ago, nanana said:

    I find It very easy to get that people have a wide range of inclinations to be more liberal or more conservative but I find It really hard to deal with people who are willing to criticize others for things their party leaders also do. Most of the Trump-deranged folks on this thread seem to give Biden a complete get-out-of-jail free card for massive corruption in the Biden family milking not companies but the country. I have no problem with holding Trump accountable; what I have a problem with are people who expect accountability for another party but let their party completely off the hook. When you do that, everyone watching you loses confidence in your competence. 

    That would make a lot of sense if any evidence of this "massive corruption in the Biden family" existed.

    Since they took over the leadership in January 2023, House republicans have wasted millions investigating these alleged crimes and corruption and have found nothing. The impeachment inquiry ordered by Trump and green-lighted by the ousted Speaker McCarthy resulted in nothing. The supposed whistleblower turned out to be a Putin asset who could prove nothing.

    So, yes. I am very sorry that you find it hard to deal with, but as a general rule bullshit is not something to be taken seriously. The same goes for the millions of dollars and thousands of hours wasted investigating Hillary Clinton. There should be some accountability for all that money wasted, don't you think?.

    On the other hand a jury of his peers in which selection his lawyers had ample say, after many hours of testimony and hundreds of documentary pieces of evidence, found Trump guilty of 34 criminal charges. 

    Can you see the difference?

    • Upvote 3
  16. 11 hours ago, barefucker44 said:

    The electoral vote counting was done according to procedure.  


    Does the procedure include a rally packed with lies by the loosing candidate and a  subsequent violent assault of the US Capitol by supporters of said defeated candidate?

    No to mention the slates of fake electors in several with which Trump wanted to subvert the will of the people and remain illegally in the White House. 

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  17. 20 minutes ago, topblkmale said:

    It seems some do enjoy the liberty to think only with their dicks and potentially dick filled assholes.

     ... or mini dick filled porn stars and Playboy models, to be point of getting convicted for breaking the law looking to keep this fact from becoming public knowledge.

    The only thread to our liberties is posed by that racist overweight two-bit Hitler wannabe that the republicans are about to make their presidential candidate for the third time in a row.

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