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Posts posted by 50latinos

  1. 12 hours ago, bicurpp said:

    Going to be visiting FTL next month and was thinking about trying to go to Cumunion at Clubhouse 2. Would I better off just hitting up 321 that Saturday or going to cumunion? I’ve never been to one of these events and any tips would be appreciated.

    Honestly, a Saturday at 321 is way better than any Cumunion, even the one they hold the first Wednesday of each month.

    • Upvote 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, BootmanLA said:

    I'm not shocked by anything Trump does any more.

    But it's quite possible to evaluate someone who's been in the public eye, very loudly and prominently, since the early 1970's, about whom millions of words have been written and who has actually had multiple books about himself ghost-written for wide distribution; moreoever, we're talking about someone who publicly flirted with running for president more than once before actually doing it in 2015 and exploiting the foibles of the Electoral College (and a uniquely unpalatable-to-many opponent) to win the election.

    If you don't understand the difference between being able to judge a public figure like Trump, and tea-leaf reading a handful of posts on a website like this and claiming to KNOW what people "REALLY MEAN" - well, I'm not shocked by that either.

    Don't feed the troll . . . 

    • Haha 1
  3. On 5/16/2024 at 6:39 PM, KERVORKIANjack said:

    Dude, you would never once mention any fucking Saudi or whatever until someone else brings Islam up.


    Islam is not a gay guy's friend, in fact, I just realised something I can't remember ever doing it with a Muslim dude this side of 2020. I've not encountered a guy called Mohammed or whatever anywhere in any place where gays meet.

    It's obvious they feel more threatened and need to stay closeted with a pro-ISISlam president squatting in the White House. 

    Let me put it in very very simple terms so you don't get -too- confused.

    1. Trump and radical islam may pretend to be enemies but only idiots believe them since they don't exactly hide it when they make business together. Like when MBS gave Jared Kutcher $2 billion or when Trump Handed Afghanistan to the Taliban.

    2. Both Trump and radical islam are enemies of the gay community.

    I understand that you are probably no brighter than Shane Frost, but if you are going to participate in a message board you should at least try to work on your spelling and grammar.


    • Upvote 2
  4. On 5/16/2024 at 5:26 PM, KERVORKIANjack said:

    Sorry but, are you completely fucking retarded?

    Trump is an anti-Islam hero, and Hitler said ISISlam was "the only religion I respect" in Mein Kampf.


    Sure!! The anti-slam hero that suck Mohammed bin Salman Al Sau's cock for money. Get your facts straight before insulting other people.

    Maybe Trump's love for MBS is due to the fact that he sleeps with Mein Kampf on his night table. Stormy smacked his soggy ass with it.

  5. 4 minutes ago, ejaculaTe said:

    If one reads enough posts on Reddit and Twitter, one could reasonably infer that BNWO is a fetish word that has to do with BDSM and, in particular, race play. Black superiority over all other races is emphasized.

    I'll definitely look into it.

  6. On 4/25/2024 at 5:25 AM, Leather69 said:

    Basically what the bloody hell is BNWWO?????????????????????????????????????????/

    Black New World Order, I believe.


  7. 59 minutes ago, hntnhole said:

    You wouldn't mind a little vowel substitution, would you?  May I swap out a v for a b ?

    OMG! I did that, didn't I? How embarrassing . . . although that would be a little consonant substitution. LOL 

    Anyway, you may  replace, substitute whatever you want in and out of me. You are one of my heroes here. 

    • Thanks 1
  8. 2 hours ago, verslut said:

    Donald Trump is such a pathetic loser toddler. I revel in his impotent whingeing.

    It's too bad he's sucking the Republican Party dry to pay his legal bills, and average Republicans are just... okay with it.

    That's because MAGA is a cult.

    Not so much a political but much more of a vowel movement. 

  9. 20 hours ago, Samak76 said:

    It surprises people but I’m a MAGA republican. He’s a retard but his followers are White American Men like me. 

    You are white American, fine . . . But are you also an ignorant dumb racist and a nazi sympathizer that wants to destroy America's democracy and the freedoms that, for example, allow you to be openly gay?

    There is a lot more to MAGA than simply being a white American.

    • Like 4
  10. 14 hours ago, Sfmike64 said:

    Someone just proved himself to be a complete moron who doesn't take science seriously. Please go fuck off. This bullshit has been going on since the 1990s with people like Peter Duesberg and other charlatans.. It's not clever, it's not truthful, it's not remotely backed up by science. 

    Well said! Thank you.

  11. 46 minutes ago, norefusal said:

    i don't even know what this means anymore. 

    when i was young homeless guys were literally dirty men living on the street for prolonged periods because they'd burned every bridge. 

    nowadays, so many people are temp homeless. the homeless guys i sleep w are usually hot young guys w meth addiction issues that get them thrown out by their BF or sober hs as they relapse etc. 

    it's not uncommon for them to shower or do laundry at mine as part of the hook up as they're all very clean and trying to live "normal" despite being in a "situation" 

    South Florida weather does a real number on homeless people.

  12. 2 minutes ago, ellentonboy said:

    Exactly, since when does Andy Star standby on the sidelines.  He is generally front and center, and on his back, or on all fours! LMAO

    He was. Just not in that little part of the video. I shared a link to the whole thing above. 😍

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