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Everything posted by 50latinos

  1. This is music to my hears . . . I just fucking love the place, I don't know why but I love it.
  2. Seriously!? . . . the way he was talking I thought he was from Kosovo. No one in the planet must be as confused as an English right wing extremist, when their current leader, the twice fired former home secretary Suella Braverman is a woman of color . . . as those political views usually go hand in hand with profound racism. Any way, at the end they should be happy, she seems nearly s bad and opportunistic as Trump.
  3. Dr. Jack Kevorkian was born in Pontiac, Michigan from parents fleeing the Armenian holocaust. He was a great man. Where are you from? And read again, he didn't call your remarks insincere, just your motivation.
  4. Nah. It's standard fake outrage at Fox, nothing new or theoretical, but I agree, very, very conspiratorial.
  5. For what I've seen, it is the media, or more precisely the right wing media, who seems confused as to whom the students are protesting against. This I believe, is a fake confusion pretended to spread misinformation in a manner that looks honest and outraged. Most protesters seem to be mad about the excesses of the Netanyahu response and not against the Jewish people, which in a large proportion,are also horrified by the murderous response of the government of Israel. If this wasn't an electoral year, Fox and the like wouldn't be putting out so much misinformation about the nature of the protests.
  6. This is my type. But I don't restrict myself of I would have very little sex in my life.
  7. Diantre! I don't think that your lawyer friends are very good. The guy was obviously counting on the fact that you would be too ashamed to take legal action, if you ever found out, and when confronted he just vomited and version of the 'implied consent defense' in which consent is implied if person remains silent in a situation in which a reasonable person would object to the defendant’s actions. This is used in extreme cases cases such as when medics are trying to save the life of a person who is unconscious and can't give consent for an operation, consent is implied. Implied consent can also be inferred when a person participates in an activity in which certain action is necessary or customary. Is that your case? I don't think so because your thought you were just having sex and not shooting porn for the sole profit of your top. That's why they make spectators sign releases when shooting porn in crowded spaces. I think that you may have a case because your assumption that the videos were for his personal use is very reasonable to me. and in any case he shouldn't be profiting from you without your consent. Things look even better for you because he made money using your image without your consent. I would sue for illegally profiting fro your property and all sorts of damages. I am not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV, so take all this with a grain of salt, but I would look into it if I were you.
  8. Plumbers and insane asylum nurses . . .
  9. If you are going to preempt any dissension to your premise as "driveltarded" (whatever that means) of "boring ass", why did you even bother to share it in the first place? I don't think this an honest discussion anymore. I advise everyone else not to feed the troll further.
  10. The highly improbable event of a western European country turning into a islamic fundamentalist nation is as scary and undesirable as the less improbable event that the US turns into the fundamentalist christian nation that the psychotic christian right is hoping to achieve with their support for Trump. I see no difference between the fundamentalist christian approach of government and muslim extremism. All the hope and dreams of the christian right: banning same sex marriages and abortions, death-penaly-o-rama, war on education, etc sound exactly like what they have in Iran.
  11. Don`t forget to visit Club L'Impact, where every night is naked night . . . and tell us everything about it.
  12. As crazy and it sounds, this is by far the best explanation I've read so far here. I still wouldn't get pozzed willingly by at least this guy made me understand those who would.
  13. Just these two lines got me rock hard. I have been fucked by bathhouses' attendants before. I can't help trying to break the rules.
  14. I use my mind. Seriously, when I am into it I am unstoppable.
  15. WOW!! This is hot. Kind of controversial judging by the comments in BFTV but hot nonetheless. I would happily trade places with Addrew Donovan, although I'd much rather bottom for him. [think before following links] https://www.boyfriend.tv/videos/1102765/rough-fucking-andre/
  16. For the fuck, for the fun, for the surrender, the touch, the smell, the submission. For me the load is irrelevant . . .
  17. I'd look hot af with that god having his way with me . . . like most men would 😉
  18. . . . for somebody else. If only. [think before following links] https://timfuck.treasureislandmedia.com/scenes/ander-hard-avatar
  19. Damn!! Sounds like I missed some great fun . . .
  20. You sound like an ideal lover to me.
  21. I my case it was more gradual than magical. I used to love topping and now it doesn't do much for me. I used to fuck this truly beautiful and hot hyper-muscular guy with a giant cock every time we met at the sex club but after a while our interaction started changing. I started giving him long blow jobs sessions which he used to deny me in our first encounters and I started fantasizing what would it be like to be fucked by him. The time I gathered the courage to ask him to fuck me he flat out refused and told me that he only fucked his husband. Now I just smile when I see him. I have been chasing cock ever since. I do not advertise myself as a top though. I don't use hook up apps.
  22. There was some EDC fundraising and I wasn't complying with the DC, so I had my two beers inside and left.
  23. I asked a barman yesterday about RR shooting down for good. He denied it, categorically. Who to believe??
  24. No he doesn't. He was responding to me and askiing me and I didn't initiate de topic.
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