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Everything posted by jcastpoz

  1. Hi all. My first post, been reading some of the awesome stuff here on and off for months so thought I'd get in on it and ask a question that's been baffling me for some time now. I'm quite the poppers fan. I can't think of the last time I whacked off or got sucked off without it. The rush, the way you can feel the shape of cock in your mouth when you huff while sucking, I can't explain how good it is and alot here will know what I'm talking about. I could make a million more points on why it makes sex just that little bit better. My body seems to act quite differently to poppers though. Yes, some make me go softer, some make me go harder. My confusion comes from the oral side of things. Every single video I've seen that involves someone huffing before necking a nice cock, they're able to go so much deeper into the throat without any isses. Don't get me wrong, I'm training to deepthroat. I don't actually expect to be able to take a whole cock from just amyl alone, practice makes perfect, BUT I can't even go deeper than my non-poppered usual throating length. Once I get any more past the head, I WILL gag, no matter what. It just stumps me because isn't the effect to 'relax' your body's muscles and reflexes? Am I the only one (or one of very little) who experience this? The one exception is AMSTERDAM. I recently tried Amsterdam while sucking and I could actually go deeper than usual without gagging (not as deep as I desired, but alot deeper than using any other poppers brands). I don't work in chemicals but could it be a variance of what's used in Amsterdam that is relaxing my throat yet other brands will not? My only downside to amsterdam is that it's so strong, it's a bit more difficult to maintain my hard-on, especially when bottoming. Has anyone got any more insight here or any suggestions of brands that may utilize what amsterdam does? I'd love to try it. I can't get over how my mouth feels the shape of the dick while I'm sucking it, it's absolutely mindblowing for me and my fb. Any suggestions on INTENSE poppers too would be great. I buy my bottles from Australian based websites (mainly due to speedy delivery) but willing to venture into international waters if I can get some better stuff!
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