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Posts posted by PHXariesAZ

  1. Ya, He's Gay, He Just Don't Know It Yet

    Chris was a typical high school kid .  He was a bit of a nerd who loved to run cross country and long distance track at school.  Being raised in a small, rural, southern town by a pair of ultra, religious parents did give him much latitude.  He followed three Christian values his parents instilled upon him from the Bible of premarital sex, masturbation and homosexuality as sins.

    It was during his senior year that he began to break out on his own.  When the Mitchell’s moved to town and joined the same church as Chris’s family the two sets of parents became good friends and so did Chris and their son Arthur.

    It was through this friends the Chris began to smoke pot with his new friend.  The two boys would enjoy a bowl or two a couple times a week.  This friendship also exposed Chris to the joys that the opposite sex could offer. On frequent occasions when Arthur’s parents would you out of town Chris would stay with Arthur, and Arthur's girlfriend would come over along with a friend for Chris.  While Arthur was fucking his girlfriend Chris would be entertained by the girl that came with Arthur’s girl.

    Chris still tried to maintain one fast stead rule, no premarital sex.  The extent of activity between Chris and whomever accompanied Arthur's girl amounted to a lot of kissing, heavy petting and a couple blow jobs.  Chris maintained in his head that his lack of enthusiasm with what ever girl came over was due to the fact that he didn’t love the girl.

    As I approach the end of my senior year, I have really valued my friends with Arthur Mitchell.  Once the final bel gang on Friday we headed to Arthur's house to smoke some weed before we head out to a kick ass party that night.  As we begin smoking Arthur's stash he realizes that he is almost out and will need to pick some up before the party.

    He contacts his dealer and arranges to meet him at Jeremy Well’s house at 9.  Jeremy is one of the school fags and he was having a party at his place since his parents were out of town.  Now we had been invited to his party as well, but I really didn’t want to go to a party with a bunch of fags.

    We smoked all the weed we had then showered and dressed to go out.  We picked up the girls, Arthur’s girlfriend and the friend she’d have for me.  When we arrived at Jeremy’s there was a good crowd already partying.  There’s was alcohol everywhere and schoolmates having a good time.

    We followed Arthur as he made his way through the house and out to the backyard.  As we began to cross three patio it was clear to me that this was the fag's hangout.  They were smoking weed and who knows what else as Arthur walked a direct line to this tall, slender black guy who couldn’t be more than 20-21 years old.

    The two shook hands and we were introduced to Dante.  After shaking hands the two conducted business and as we were almost ready to go one of our schoolmates grabbed Arthur.  It turned out that Arthur’s younger sister who was at the party had, at this early hour, to much to drink and had thrown up in the bathroom.

    In this instance his sister and her best friend were escorted out to the backyard.  Jeremy told Arthur that he should get the two drunk girls out of his house.  As much as I wanted to pound this queer boy, the priority was to the drunk pair.

    If Arthur was going to take these two drunk teens home it was going to be a challenge.  He drove a small, two door hatchback that barely fit four preps.  Now there were 6 to drive.  Hearing our predicament he made a very logical suggestion, she the it looked like all the girls would fit in the car he could give me a ride and we’d meet up at the party.  That settled our problem and Dante seemed like a cool guy to ride with to the party.

    The second I saw this white boy I got this feeling.  When my man Arthur introduced us and I we shook hands I new or for sure.  When the situation presented before me I knew I had a shot to find out and maybe Chris would find himself.

    As Arthur left to take his sister home I handed Chris a drink, a joint, told him I had one more deal to take care of before we could leave and to enjoy himself while he waited.  Jeremy and some of his friends wanted to buy some Tina and GHB.  I told my thing as I made my way through the house and found their group already in there briefs just waiting for the party favors.  As usual then invited me to stay and join them, but I had other plans.

    When I finally returned to Chris I found him well baked from the joint and significantly affected by the G that was in his drink.  I led him over to my car, we climbed in and were off.  As we drove I could see that Chris was slightly groggy, not too much where he was out of it, I didn’t want him like that, but just enough to be open to suggestions.

    As we drove I looked at him and asked, “Hey there Chris, you getting tired?”

    He replied, “I think it’s the combination of the weed I smoked and the booze I just drank.”

    I pulled the car onto a dark side street, pulled out my Tina pipe from the center console telling     my passenger, “Bro, I’ve got something here that will perk you right up.”  I held the pipe up, lit the torch and melted the contents.  As the smoke built up in the bowl I began to inhale which was followed by my exhaling a big, beautiful cloud while commenting, “Damn that hits the spot.” 

    Chris looked at me, “Man, more weed week put my lights out.”

    I let him know, “This ain’t weed, it’s called T and it’s kind of like an upper.  I think you’ll like it.”

    It was nice of Dante to give me a joint to smoke along with a drink while he finished up his business with the fags.  I have to remember to ask him what kind of booze this is he gave me, it’s got a strange taste to it.  I’m not sure how long I was waiting, but when he finally came out to get me I had already finished the drink and was practically roached the joint.

    Dante says let’s go as he led me to his car.  He had a nice ride, a Nissan 380Z loaded when everything.  The back seat in this car is useless especial with Dante's 6’ 4” height.  The front seat is so far back there’s no leg room if someone tried you sit in the back seat.  As he drove off I began do feel a little tired when he said something to me before eventually pulling onto a side street.

    He pulled a strange looking pipe out, held a strong torch lighter under it needed he inhaled the white smoke.  After he blew out a big white cloud he hand the pipe to me and instructed me on how to heat the T so or wouldn’t burn and when to start to inhale the smoke.

    I was a little hesitant about trying Tina, “So you just smoke it?”

    Dante answered, “You can smoke it, snort it up for nose and some like to slam it, inject it right into a vein.”

    I then said, “Injecting it sounds hard core, you ever try it?”

    Dante told me, “A couple times, I can take it or leave it.”

    As I was heating up the bowl Dante removed his shirt saying, “This shit all ways makes me hot.”  

    After I had done my first hit of this T, Dante had me do a couple more telling me, “It usually takes a few hits to really feel the effects.  He had me do 5 hits before taking the pipe from my hands and asking me, “How do you feel now?”

    As I did a self assessment before answering, I had to admit to myself that I felt more awake and energized, “That stuff is amazing.  I feel like I can take on the world.  And I see what you mean about making you feel warm.”

    Dante then encouraged me to take off my shirt which I eagerly did.  As we sat there I found myself admiring Dante's well defined body.  I had to ask him, “What do foo do to get arms and a chest like that?”

    He answered me, “Oh this?’  As he flexed his arms and chest.  “This is all natural, no ahead and feel.”

    With his invitation I found myself touching Dante’s arms, chest and abs while telling him, “I wish I had a body like his.”

    Dante was quick to tell me, “You’ve got a nice compact body, defined in the all the right places.”  Dante took this opportunity to touch my arms chest and abs which at first I thought strange, but I had just done the same to him.  In fact, it felt a little exciting to have someone touch me like he had just done.

    I then asked, “Don’t we have a party to get to?”

    Dante answered, “Fuck yeah, but I need to make a stop at my place to get more ‘supplies’

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  2. This is the last part of this story I am going to write.  I have a new idea and hope I can write it.  I hate it when just as a story is getting good we don't get the rest of the story.  I have rode this one farther then anything else I have ever written.  Keep an eye out for, "He's Gay, He Just Don't Know It Yet"

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  3. Part 31

    After Bam Bam had bred the kid for the first time in his life he made sure to work his poz seed into the kid's ass as he continued to piston his still hard cock inside the kid's freshly bred ass.  He reached for a freshly packed pipe he kept close at hand and took a big hit as the lid stared up at him with a hungry ass that needed more fucking.  He leaned down the the kid planting his lips on the kids and shotgunning the smoke into his lungs.  The kid willingly inhaled the smoke while the two shared a deep as their tongues explored each other'd mouth.

    One the kiss ended the kid finally exhaled the Tina from his lungs as a wave of energy and need washed over him.  Bam Bam offered him the pipe to take a hit of his own to which the kid resisted for a secind before placing his lips on the end.  Bam Bam instructed him on when to inhale and to hold it as long as he could and soon the kid had taken 5 hits of his own before Bam Bam resumed fucking him giving him an additional 2 loads.  After each load the two would smoke some more from the pipe.

    After the last load the kid was tweaking and in need of more cock to fuck him.  Bam Bam told the kid he knew the prefect place the kid could get all the cock he wanted and led him to the sling room.  The kid had only seen slings in porn he had watched but like the idea.  He climbed in and found it very comfort able as Bam Bam secured his ankles in the restraints (that were in place of the regular stirrups),  The kid noticed the restraints on the chains above his head and (with the drugs already in his system) was easily convinced to having his arms restrained as well.

    Once he was where Bam Bam wanted him it was time to get him really flying.  Bam Bam asked him, "Did you like the stuff we smoked?"

    The kid replied, "Yes, i have never had sex this good before."

    Bam Bam then told the kid, "If you liked smoking then you're going to love this!"  At that moment he held up a well filled syringe which he place in his teeth as he placed a  tourniquet on his right upper arm.  The restrained 18 year old kid started to call out for help, the sling room was designed so that nothing going on inside the room could be heard with the door closed.

    As Bam Bam swabbed the kids arm with alcohol he told the kid to remain still if he didn't want to get seriously hurt.  He took the point out of his mouth and slid it into a fat vain in the bend of his elbow.  After getting the flash then the entire syringe was emptied into the kids arm.

    Bam Bam said, "Ready or not a new slam pig is born." as he clicked off the  tourniquet  and watched the kids face as he rode the rush of his first slam.  The kid coughed out hard as Bam Bam watched his pupils dilate.  A clear change was happening to the kid as the Tina took over his body and brain.

    Bam Bam's cock began to harden as he watched the kids transformation.  He quickly opened the door to the room before mounting the kids ass and fucking another load inside the freshly slammed kid.  A crowd began to gather in the sling room as Bam Bam fucked the kid.  After he seeded the kid's ass for the 4th time he pulled out making sure to let those watching that he had fucked the kid bareback.

    That was all it took for those who fucked the kid after Bam Bam to also fuck the kid raw and soon the kid wasn't just asking to be fucked, but to have everyone who fucked him cum in his ass.  By the time the kid left for home he had stopped using condoms all together and was seeking out Tina not just to smoke, but seeking to get slammed.

    Matt was also on the hunt for neg guests to poz.  The one he found was perfect.  The kid was a 'total top' who enjoyed having his ass fingered while being sucked or when fucking a nice piece of ass.  Matt knew it was a matter of time with the Tina laced lube before the 'total top' would end up with Tina dick.

    Right on cue when Matt noticed this guy having trouble fucking a hot jock bottom he approached him.  He told him that maybe he just needed a break and invited him to his private room to rest for a while and that he could help him get hard after he recovered.  The 'total top' followed Matt back to his room while looking at Matt's muscular jock ass thinking how he'd love to fuck his new found friend.

    Once in the room Matt offered the 'total top' a Gatorade laced with G and T as the two relaxed on the bed watching bareback porn and chatting.  While watching the porn Matt asked the 'total top' if he had ever fucked a bottom bareback like in the porn they were watching.  While drinking the G and T laced Gatorade the 'total top' admitted to barebacking a number of bottoms, some of them with consent, some without their knowledge.

    Matt knew he had a prime candidate to knock up and pass on the bug after he returned to his college campus.  Matt let it be known that he'd not only let the 'total top' kid fuck him raw, but that he'd want him to shoot his load inside his ass.  After the Gatorade was gone and hearing what Matt had said about fucking raw, the 'total top' kid was getting really horny.  The bareback porn they were watching wasn't helping either.

    Soon the two began to make out and before long were in 69.  Matt's cock quickly got hard as the 'total top' showed his expert cock sucking skills taking the hard cock into his throat.  Although Matt was using all the skills he had the Tina from the lube he used to finger himself and the additional Tina in the Gatorade gave the 'total top' kid a major case of T-dick.

    Seeing this Matt quickly made his move and worked from sucking dick to eating ass.  This caught the 'total top' slightly off guard but the pleasure now emanating from his hole kept him distracted as he continued to enjoy the cock invading his throat.  Matt was able to reach the Tina laced lube and stash of Tina as the unsuspecting 'total top' was about to get a dose of his own medicine.

    The 'total top' kid was starting to moan around Matt's cock while getting the best rim job he has ever received.  Soon Matt switched from rimming to fingering the 'total top' while he resumed sucking on his T-dick.  The useless attempt at trying to get the 'total top' hard was a useful distraction as Matt worked his finger's inside virgin territory, well it was virgin territory to a to a cock.

    After Matt had worked 2 of his fingers inside he knew it was time for a booty bump.  While still sucking on a very flaccid T-dick, he pulled out a nice size shard of Tina and slipped it inside the ass of the 'total top'.  The kid took a brief moment to comment on the slight burn he felt only to have Matt take his other hand and force his had back on his cock.

    Once Matt felt the ass start to relax he added a third then forth finger with additional T-laced lube and eventually another shard of Tina.  There were no complaints when the second shard was inserted.  Matt pulled his finger out and stopped sucking the T-dick after a good 15 maybe 20 minutes more of fingering with the 'total top' not getting hard.  The 'total top' was feeling very empty with a strange need to have his ass filled.

    He looked over at Matt and asked, "Bro, please keep fingering my ass, it was feeling amazing."

    Matt looked at the 'total top' (soon to be a cum dump bottom) and asked, "You want something in your ass?"  The reply was a simple nod yes.

    Matt then asked, "How about my cock?  You want my cock in your ass?  It's obvious you can't get hard to fuck me so I guess that means I get to fuck you."  As Matt was saying this he was moving in between the legs of the 'total top' who offered little resistance as he then pulled his legs back to expose his hungry hole.

    Matt mounted him quickly and began to sink his hard cock inside the newly born chem slut.  The impaled 'total top' could only moan as Matt slowly sunk his cock inside him until he was balls deep.  He then began to slowly fuck his new cum dump as the no longer virgin could only moan.  He began to long dick his new fuck toy as he sped up the assault on the former virgin.

    Matt wanted to get the kid to beg for his load.  He leaned down and kissed the new bottom before asking him, "Are you ready for my load?  You ready for me to breed you for the first time in your life, breed you like you did to all those bottoms you've bred?  You ready to get pregnant?"

    When he heard what Matt had asked him he tried to comprehend in his drugged hazed mind that he was being fucked bareback, but his ass did the thinking for him when he answered, "Fuck yes breed my ass.  I want your load."

    When Matt heard that he was already passed the point of no return as he slammed balls deep and said, "Take my dirty seed!  Your ass is mine now!"  Matt fired shot after shot of poz cum into the unsuspecting (former) 'total top'.  Keeping his still hard cock lodged inside the freshly seeded hole allows him to work his load into the walls of the (soon to be) formerly neg ass.

    With Matt's cock still working his still hungry hole the 'total top' admitted that he really enjoyed getting fucked for the first time and even better he loved that he was fucked raw.  Matt kissed him before asking, "Would you like more raw cocks to fuck and breed you?"

    The answer was quick and simple, "FUCK YES!"

    Matt, with his hard cock still lodged inside the newly bred ass, reached over to the side table and pressed a button to signal other staff members to come to his room.  Within a few minutes the door opened and in walked Bam Bam, Thomas, the twins and several others who were 'good friends' or dealers from campus.

    Before he knew it the former 'total top was getting fucked by (just about) every poz guy on campus.  As he continued to get the fuck of his life the familiar Tina pipe appeared and it wasn't long before he was willingly smoking from the pipe and taking shotguns.  The leap to a slam was easy.

    Bam Bam had the new bottom mount him as he was laying on his back on the bed.  Matt then began teasing his hungry ass with a potential DP.  He was some what curious and eager to have his hungry ass stuffed but wasn't sure he could take it since he was already well stuffed by Bam Bam's large cock.  Matt let him know that he had a sure fire way to get the kids ass even more hungry.

    Without asking specifics he consented to Matt and before he knew it the tourniquet was on his arm, a prominent vein quickly swabbed with alcohol and the slam administered.  Once the tourniquet was removed the kid began to cough out hard as Bam Bam and Matt held him in place.

    As his coughing stopped a rag sprayed with Maximum Impact was placed in his mouth as Matt began to work his cock in along Bam Bam's.  As the Maximum Impact began to work along side the rush he was on from the slam it didn't take much effort before Matt's cock slipped in and was sucked in balls deep.

    Matt and Bam Bam double fucked the impaled bottom for a good hour with each giving 2 loads of poz cum.  After he was double fucked everyone took another go at his well filled ass.  The poz talk between everyone was very clear and even in his drugged up state he knew he was 'fucked' in another way.  But he didn't freak out about it since he loved to fuck as a top raw, why not get fucked as a bottom raw.

    He asked Matt, "Are you guys all poz?"

    Matt gave a cryptic reply, "What if we are?"  Matt noticed that his reply seem to have an effect on the bottom's T-dick as it seemed to stir.

    Matt was then asked, "If you're all poz that means I will become poz too."  As he said this it was evident the thought of being poz was turning him on as he cock was starting to get hard.

    Matt pulled the now hard bottom off his back and on top of him as he spread his legs letting the now hard, well bred, soon to be poz versatile guest access to his ass.  Bam Bam grabbed the lube and squirted some on Matt's hole and the hard dick about to penetrate and spew his last neg load.  Matt took that fucking like the slut he is not taking one load, not two loads but three loads before the kid was starting to crash.

    Matt and the now versatile and soon to be poz guest were left in the room to sleep for a while.  Matt asked the guest, "What are you going to do when you get back your campus?"

    The guest replied, "Poz as many guys as I can."

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  4. Part 30

    Steven was very satisfied with the addition of Sebastian to his stable.  Sebastian went right to work servicing the company's clients along with video shows and became a very popular power bottom in porn.  The crown jewel of the company was finally nearing completion just in time for spring break; that being the conversion of the old, rundown motel into a bathhouse.

    Steven had already begun advertising the clothing optional resort at several colleges in the cold northern states.  Reservations were already pouring in as the final touches were put into place.  The exterior of the building was now closed off so nothing could be seen from the street.  The pool was enclosed to include a retractable roof with the rooms right off the pool to be used for daily rentals and the rooms on the second floor above the daily rentals were opened up and created into a dark maze.  Of course there were hidden cameras throughout the property to catch all the action.

    Everything was set as the designated opening week was quickly approaching.  Steve even made sure to have his boy's schedules clear since he was going to need them to help poz the unsuspecting spring breakers.  As each guest registered they were given a survey to complete to (as they were told) match them with other guests for fun activities.  The real purpose was to gain an advantage to stealth fuck as many as possible.  The rooms were quickly filling along with a nice surprise,  group of high school seniors wanting to experience their first spring break.

    Of course there were plenty of condoms available, each one sabotaged that would have the bottom end up getting it raw and all the lube was a special meth mixture.  All drinks were spiked with GHB and the 'alcohol' used had no real alcohol, Steven had it all replaced with flavoring as to fool those who wanted a mixed drink.  The weed was spiked with Tina and the ecstasy was his own blend of MDMA and Meth.

    In no time there were naked college guys everywhere as the drinks began to flow.  It didn't take long for the sex to start.  Bam Bam had his eye on one of the high school seniors.  He could see the kid guzzling his 'G' laced drink and by the look on his face he was feeling the effects of the G and probably some Tina.  He quickly approached the kid and started to work on getting him back to his room.  The unsuspecting high school senior was mesmorized by Bam Bam's large cock that when he was asked if he's like to go somewhere private the kid could only nod.

    Bam Bam quickly ushered the kid to the private room area that was only used by employees.  Once in the room Bam Bam had the kid where he wanted him, alone with no one to see him get barebacked.  Bam Bam climbed on the bed and had the kid get between his legs so that he could worship his cock.  With the kid distracted trying to get as much of that monster cock in his mouth, Bam Bam reached for the pipe from the bedside table.  Lighting the torch he rotated the bowl as the ample amount of meth placed into it began to melt.

    Bam Bam took a big hit of the Tina then pulled the kid off his cock for a kiss only to give the surprised kid a shotgun of Tina.  After the shock wore off the kid he realized that he actually liked what he was given asking what Bam Bam was smoking.  Bam Bam took another hit, but this time he blew a big cloud out while telling the kid, "This is something that will brighten your world, increase horniness and heighten sexual pleasure, want try it?"

    With the minimal amount of drugs in him already the kid didn't hesitate as his mouth (and probably his dick and ass) made the decision for him as he answered with a "Yes".  Bam Bam held the pipe out to the kid as he instructed on how to hit the bowl, when to inhale and to hold it as long as possible before blowing the smoke out.  Bam Bam got the kid to do 5 massive hits with the last one being shotgun that ended in a deep kiss.

    After that last his Bam Bam could see that the kid was flying as he forced his head back on his cock.  The Tina aided the kids ability allowing more of the massive 9" cock to press into his throat.  Bam Bam took control by placing a hand on the back of the kids head telling the kid to take a deep breath through his nose as his cock reached his throat.  As the kid went down on Bam Bam, the hand on the back of his head gave him no escape as it forced him further down impaling his skull on the flesh pole that now invaded his throat.

    Bam Bam didn't hold him there long allowing him to pull off surprised that the kid didn't even gag once.  The kid seemed eager to try deep throating Bam Bam again this time trying to accomplish the task on his own.  Just as Bam Bam was about to apply a little pressure to force his cock back where the kid now wanted it to be, the kid's throat opened up and again took the cock down to the root.  After a several more times the kid was deep throating like a well practiced slut (a slut about to be bred).

    While Bam Bam was enjoying the great head, he had other plans in mind.  Pulling the kid off his cock he told him that since he got his fuck stick ready it was time to get his ass ready for a ride.  He spun the kid around so he could was the home made bareback porn playing.  Bam Bam began to rim the kid with deep tongue as he pulled out the meth laced lube and a big shard of Tina.

    As the kids hole began to open up he began to lube the kids ass.  The kid made a quiet comment about the burn as Bam Bam just added more fingers and lube telling the kid "I'm just working to open you up so I can slide my fuck stick inside you and give you what you need, make you feel good.  You want that, don't you?"  The kid responded by grinding his ass against the fingers inside him as he let out a deep moan.

    Bam Bam took this as a sign that the kid was ready for one more thing to get his boy puss primed and ready.  He took the shard of Tina he had and pushed it inside the kids open ass.  The kid yelped out at the burning sensation as Bam Bam used his fingers to rub it into the walls of his ass.  As the burning began to morph into a carnal desire the kid began to buck back against the fingers inside his now very hungry hole.  He was more then ready.

    Bam Bam pulled his fingers from the warmth of the kid's ass and scooted up behind the soon to be fuck high schooler.  Bam Bam kissed his way up as the tip of his cock neared its target.  He licked the kids ear telling him, "It's time for me to turn you into the cum slut that is buried deep inside you.  When I'm done breeding you, your ass is going to be dripping cum."

     By now the kid was panting as his hungry ass was being teased by a very stiff and dripping 9" cock.  Through his panting he managed to speak, "I've never been bred before."

    Bam Bam thrusted his hips forward sinking 6" of his cock inside the kid saying, "There's always a first time" as he pulled back a little bit before sinking the last 3 inches inside the kid piercing his deep internal ring and getting a deep moan from the impaled twink.

    Bam Bam wasted no time as he began to fuck the kid without mercy.  He was up to long dicking the kid as hr knew he was going to give the kid his first (of many) poz loads.  He made sure the kid knew the moment he was getting his first breeding asking him, "You ready for my first load?  You want me to breed your ass?  You ready to get pregnant?"

    The kid was not aware of what was about to happen to him at that moment but his answer to each question was a load "YES! YES! YES!" as Bam Bam shoved in one more time as he unloaded his poz jizz deep in the kid's ass howling, "Take my dirty seed."

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  5. Part 30

    Sebastian curiosity along with what he’d already smoked had him asking to be slammed.  Bam Bam was ready to slam his monster cock inside the soon to be slammed up newbie barebacker which changed his intentions.  As Matt applied the tourniquet Bam Bam was slowly sliding his cock inside Sebastian’s cum filled hole.  When he was balls deep and had Sebastian moaning in pleasure from being filled again Matt found a nice, fat vein and slid the point inside.

    After getting the familiar red flash he pushed the payload into the son to be tweaking teen.  After the rig was empty the tourniquet was removed Sebastian began to the his first rush from what he had no clue was a huge slam.  He coughed out hard as Bam Bam enjoyed the spasming ass.

    At fist Sebastian was speechless before finding the only words be could as he began to enjoy the fuck Bam Bam was delivering, “Oh, fuck yeah.  Fuck me, breed me.  Please knock me up.”

    When Steven heard this he was curious if the new born cum slut was caught up in the poz talk around him or seriously wanting to be pozzed up.  Bam Bam new he had a job ahead of him to further wreck the hole he was using and deposit his deadly load.

    Bam Bam kept asking Sebastian if he really wanted to be knocked up and impregnated with his poz babies.  Sebastian’s simple reply was, “Fuck yeah, screw PREP.  You guys look like you have too much fun.”

    This talk had Bam Bam so turned on it didn’t take him looking up deliver his first load as he leaned in to kiss Sebastian.  As Bam Bam continued working his cock inside the well seeded hole Steven quickly appeared asking, “You like my boys here?”

    Sebastian answered, “Yes sir, they're hot studs.”

    Steven then let Sebastian know that those that were still in the play room were all employees working for him.  Sebastian asked what they all did for Steven.  Steven told Sebastian each and every person’s job from Matt managing the rent-a-boy's to each dealer.

    The wheels were turning in Sebastian’s head when he asked, “Can you use me?”

    Steven’s answer was what anyone would’ve expected, “Absolutely.”

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    Part 29

    White Sebastian was getting his neg ass pounced and bred by a very poz Matt, Steven sent out a group text to let those that were selectively invited to take part in the weekends festivities.  Some would be clients who would pay good money to fuck and breed a neg hole.  As he heard Matt's vocal climax he knew it was time to bring up Steven's playroom.

    Steven had mentioned that he had a playroom during the chats he had when Sebastian.  It also allows him to ask about the twink and the things he wanted to try, things he was curious about and to find out far he might be willing to go.  Steven rejoined the two as they were catching their collective breath as they recovered.  Steven asked Sebastian, “You think you’re ready to explore my playroom?  I know of a few on my friends who are wanting to meet you and maybe take a ride in that sweet ass off yours.”  Sebastian’s answer was short and simple, “Fuck yes!”

    As they began to make their way down to the basement. Sebastian began to head to the kitchen where he had dropped his bag when he from arrived.  Steven let him know that his bag would be safe right where he left it as they ushered him down the stairs to the playroom.

    When Sebastian first saw the playroom he was like a kid in a candy shop.  Matt said that he’d grab some Gatorades while Steven showed him around the well equipped playroom.  With Steven keeping Sebastian preoccupied, Matt was able to retrieve the G spiked bottles and hand the unsuspecting Sebastian an opened bottle.  When the little tour reached the sling, ‘The center piece of the playroom’, Sebastian didn’t need to be told what he needed to do next as he took big gulp   his drink and climbed in to try it out.

    As Sebastian laid there with his ankles comfortably in the stirrups he commented that in the sling he could take raw cock and cum all night.  Then he noticed the wrist restraints that were conveniently left on the chains by his head and immediately moved his arms above his head saying, “You probably could do whatever you wanted to me if I was put on these.”

    Steven knew from their online charts that Sebastian was very curious about bondage.  The wrist restraints were purposely left there in order to plant the seed in the horned up twink taking him one step closer to their ultimate goal to stealth poz his neg ass and send him back home.  Steven replied to Sebastian’s comment as he held up the matching ankle restraints, “Only if we add these for your ankles.”

    A slow trickle of the invited few began to enter the playroom while Steven and Matt stood next to Sebastian in the sling.  Sebastian just laid there as the men who arrived began to strip down in full view of a very horny twink.  Sebastian stroked his hard, dripping cock a few times before he was stopped by Matt who reminded him that if he truly wanted to be a good bareback bottom he would need to concentrate more on his hole and less of his cock.

    The first of the guests to fuck Sebastian was none other than Milt.  He had paid Steven very well to be the first client to fuck and breed the unsuspecting Sebastian.  Sebastian did your best to concentrate on his hole, but every once in a while he’d reach down and give hard 6.5” cock a little stroke only to have Steven or Matt tell him to stop playing with himself.

    As more arrived they began to gather asks the sling and as it normally happens at parties like this, the all familiar pipe starred to be passed around.  After Milt had blown out an impressive cloud Sebastian asked what they we in the pipe?  Milt told him that they were smoking Tina. Milt could tell by the puzzled look on Sebastian’s face as he further explained that it adds to the pleasure of sex and suggested that Sebastian might try it.

    With the G he had already consumed and the number of guys there that were hitting a pipe or bong it wasn’t that hard to get the twink to take a hit if his own.  Matt was close by and began to hear the bowl of a well packed pipe as he instructed Sebastian how to blow clouds.  Matt signaled guys Sebastian to inhale as deep as he could once the smoke began to swirl in the bowl.

    When Sebastian had filed his lungs to border capacity Matt told the new meth user to hold it as long as he could before blowing it out.  Sebastian followed Matt’s inductions and before he knew it, the twink had blown 6 impressive clouds.  Milt was getting ready to breed the now high Sebastian as he grunted out for him to take his dirty seed.

    Milt quickly withdrew his softening cock from Sebastian’s cummy ass and was quick replaced by the next paying client as Matt fed him some more smoke.  By the time Sebastian had emptied the bowl and when the G well in control of his brain his horniness got the better of him and he soon found himself uncontrollably stroking a semi-hard cock that wouldn’t get any harder.

    With Matt standing right next to him and Steven close by warned him that if he couldn’t keep his hand off his dick that his wrists would be restrained and that would allow then to do with him at they pleased.  When he heard that warning he seemed to grab for his cock one more time as if he wanted to be restrained (which deep down he did want).

    As he was being fucked by the second paying client Steven and Matt grabbed his arms pulling then let his head and securing them in the wrist restraints attached to the chains.  To further his bondage they added the ankle cuffs as well.  Now me was totally at there mercy as he laid in the sling getting fucked and bred by Steven’s paying clientele while keeping him drinking G spiked Gatorade and having him blow more clouds.

    As the paying clients finished up and left leasing only the college PNP crowd it was time to really fuck this boy up as the points came into view.  Of course Sebastian wasn’t going to get one unless me asked for it like a good little tweaker.  He watched as one by one the college boys began to prepare their rig and then slam themselves.

    Sebastian’s curiosity got the better of him again as he was asking what they were all doing.  Steven explained, “Their slamming Tina, the same thing you’ve been smoking all night.”  Sebastian asked, “Is that a better way to do Tina?”  As Bam Bam was getting ready you slam his monster cock inside the restrained twink Matt appeared when a freshly prepared point  in hand answering, “Fuck yeah it’s better, like 1000 times better.”  Sebastian then asked to be slammed.

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  7. This is the longest story I've ever written.  I probably have 2 more parts that I going to write then I am going to take  break from the story.  Maybe I'll get back to at a later date.  I hope to get the next part done this weekend.

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  8. Part 28

    Sebastian had just been bred for the first time in his life and he was enjoying the freedom (he thought) PREP was giving him as he worked be just butt on s Steven's semi-hard cock working his neg ass massaging his dirty seed into the walls of his some what battered and bruised ass.  As he pulled his cock out of a well seed ass with pop Steven asked, “What did you think of round one?”

    Sebastian was still in the after glow of his first breeding as Steven asked him only to have the twink pant, “Fucking amazing!  I can’t wait for round two.”  While Sebastian was answering him, Steven was retrieving the second G laced Gatorade, handing it to Sebastian telling him, “Then he’d better drink up and when your drink is finished maybe you'll get that second round.”

    Again Sebastian wanted to jerk his hard 6 ½” only to have Steven stop him again.  As he held a firm grip on his wrist to looked the freshly bred twink in the eye telling him, “If you want to be a real bareback bottom you need to forget about your cock and learn to concentrate on your hole and the pleasure you’ll receive from surrendering it for a top to use, fuck, breed.”

    While Steven was telling this to Sebastian, the twink quickly drank down the 16 ounce Gatorade he was given.  He was ready for round two and Steven was ready to deliver as he pounced on top of the twink.  This time they were going to fuck face to face.  The two kissed as Steven’s cock slid easily back inside Sebastian's cum filled ass.  As he began to show fuck a very horny twink he was also pushing the load he had already deposited deeper into his colon along with massaging it into the walls where it right would take root and grow.

    As this fuck progressed Sebastian worked to concentrate on his hole Steven could feel the change.  Part of that change might have been the G he consumed, or it might be the little bit of Tina he had placed on his cock, but out definitely had Sebastian worked up as he began to moan.

    Anything Sebastian was enjoying the snow fuck he was receiving it was also driving him crazy.  He looked up at Steven and as he superbly clicked inside him, he said, “Use my hole, please yourself how you want.  Breed me.  Give me your DNA.  Steven took that as a sign that things we progressing better then he’d hoped as he began to long dick the neg twink.  Steven was able to last longer this round.

    While the two fucked on the couch as planned Matt walked into the apartment.  With Sebastian pinned beneath him he didn’t let up as Sebastian was slightly startled by the spectator.  Matt introduced himself and or was evident that Steven had told him about the twink and his desire to bareback.  Matt then asked Sebastian, “You think I might get a chance to breed you?”

    Sebastian lost in the bareback fuck he was able to answer between moans “Fuck yes, please?”

    Steven was ready to give him a service load asking Sebastian if he was ready for another poz load.  Sebastian was totally lost in the moment scream out, “Yes, fucking bed me with it.  I want your poz load, bad me with it.”  Steven roared out, “Take my dirty cum I your neg cunt.”

    As soon as he finished shooting his second load into the soon to be poz twink he pulled out allowing a now naked Matt to quickly sink his hard cock inside the well fucked and cum filled hole.  As Matt swiftly shoved the full length of his cock balls deep eliciting a deep moan from the twink.  As he bottomed out balls deep he leaned in and the two kissed as Matt began his own assault on his neg ass while Steven fed him his cock to clean.

    While he was being fucked bareback for a third time by someone new Steven said, “I can see your enjoying Matt’s cock.  Would you like me to invite some of my friends over to breed you? Make you first weekend as a barebacker of you’ll never forget?”  The little bit of G and T he had in his system had him hypersensitive and agreeing to Steven’s offer.

    A short time later Meet began to power fuck as he was reaching the point where he’d dump his load he had saved to help impregnate Sebastian with not poz cum.  Matt grunted out, “OH FUCK!  YOU READY FOR ANOTHER LOAD, ANOTHER DIRTY, CHARGED LOAD?”  Sebastian answered between his own grunts as Matt was pounding into him, “YES, FUCK YES, BREED ME WITH IT, I WANT YOUR DIRTY CUM.”  Matt drove his cock deep inside Sebastian as he fired nearly a 2 weeks load into the already cum filled hole.

    As Sebastian worked his ass trying to milk the remaining cum from Matt’s cock as Matt continued to push the cum in his hole around when his still hard cock Steve returned with Gatorade with more G even the previous ones Sebastian had already consumed.  He drank down a good amount of his bottle as Matt fisted his entire 16 ounce bottle me suggested that Sebastian finish his bottle before he stats to fuck him again.

    Sebastian had just finished his bottle when Matt began to slowly fuck Sebastian which gradual grew into an all out power fuck like me had just received from Matt moments before.  Matt knew the harder he pounded Sebastian, the more bruised and damaged his hole would become the more ‘fertile’ his ass become for pozzing.  While the two continued fucking on the couch Steven was sending out a group text letting those invited to join in on Sebastian breeding and eventual pozzing.

    By this point Sebastian was so lost in the sensation of getting fucked fucked raw.  With all that Steven his the him about concentrating on his hole he didn’t realize that his own hard cock had softened a little as he worked his ass for a second load from Matt.  He no longer needed you be asked if he was ready for another load.  He started the dirty, breeding talk first by asking, “Give me your cum, your poz cum.  I want your load, give it to me.”

    Hearing this turned Matt on to the point he knew he couldn't hold back much longer as he became a fuck machine pounding away getting closer and closer.  Reduced to grunts between the two jocks were evident of the animalistic fuck developing.  The next sounds came from Matt as he derived his second poz load to the new barebacker.

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  9. Part 27

    By Sunday Troy had  been fuck in every position imaginable and he was living every inch of raw cock and every drop of cum deposited inside his hole.  He was definitely liking the drugs that were plumped into his veins.  He had so much cum deposited inside his very hungry hole that it was dripping from his ass even when it was stuffed with a cock.

    After the last guy bred him be was left alone with Steven.  He ordered Troy to get back in the sling where he quickly mounted he well seeded how.  As  Steven slowly fucked the still high Troy, he was very direct with his new whore making sure be knew what he had become over that weekend.

    In his still drugged up state of mind he easily accepted what he was being told especially the part of being paid for getting fucked.  After Steven had added his load to the mix he helped Troy get dressed before giving Troy his share of the money the made that weekend.  The cash he was handed hooked him into his new life as a whore.

    Of course the money he made that weekend was higher then anything he would make in the future, but by this point he was so memorized by the money and the feeling he had still in his drugged up brain he’d never be able to break free.  The one factor he wasn’t told about was that he wasn’t just a whore, but a HIV+ whore.  He came down with the fuck flu just over a week after that fateful weekend and went right to work right after he recovered.

    In Steven’s efforts to expand his business he made contact with this twink who was asking what’s about bare backing and the use of PREP.  Steven as honest with him that with PREP he’d be able to fuck raw without worrying about HIV.  Steven was sure to plant the seed in his mind about bug chasers.  This did get the twink thinking for a brief moment about the freedom that would give him which he quickly dismissed.

    The twink continued to chat with Steven on line sharing his desire to go raw.  Steven learned that the twink got fucked once by one of his high school fuck buddies raw after the condom broke.  The guy only had the one condom and with both of them so turned that continued fucking, but he wouldn’t let his fuck buddy came inside him.

    After that one time the twink was so turned on by the feeling of his brief raw fuck he started to explore his desire to bareback all he could think about was what it would feel like to have a guy sue his load inside his ass.  Steven was able to get the twink to open up some learning his name was Sebastian, he had just turned 19, had a nice jock body and lived about an hour away.

    The more they talked the more Sebastian began to trust Steven so when the invitation to spend the weekend with the more experienced daddy type he couldn’t resist.  Sebastian wasn’t sure how he could make arrangements to start on PREP in the small them he lived in without anyone finding out.  Steven assured the horned up twink that he could arrange for him to get on PREP the second be arrives in town.

    While Sebastian made his plans to visit, Steven had plans of his own.  Although the doctor’s in town were not on his payroll he had a pharmacist in his pocket that would make sure that the pills given to Sebastian would be nothing more than sugar pills.  This false sense of security would leave Sebastian prime to be stealthed.  With all the action Sebastian was about to get along with the bareback'ers he would be introduced to and the poz talk he figured by the time they began to slowly begin to bring Tina into the mix the twink would hopefully be asking, not asking, but begging to be pozzed.

    Sebastian was eager to meet up with Steven and get started on PREP.  The thought that he was any to finally get the freedom to bare back had him constantly hard and horny.  Steven told him to do his best to refrain from jerking off and as he got closer to the weekend it became tougher to keep his hands off his 6 ½” cock.  The mental control Steven was starting to obtain over Sebastian had him comply.

    Sebastian was barely able to sleep before he gave up on laying in bed, cock hard as steel as hornier then he had ever been in his life at the thought of getting on PREP and getting fucked by Steven.  He decided to get an early start on his drive and arrived ahead of schedule.

    Steven didn’t want any excessive pressure on Sebastian, in fact, he figured the more Sebastian thought he was in control of his decision to let Steven (and who ever else Steven would invite) breed him over the weekend.   The plan was for Sebastian to go directly to the clinic where he had arranged for Sebastian to get his prescription for PREP.  He arrived well ahead of his appointment time and went inside hoping to get a ahead of schedule.  He was in luck as they had a cancellation and was seen by the doctor.

    Of course Steven was alerted by the one person he had in the office.  One of the medical assistants he had in his pocket after a night of heavy partying.  After the doctor reviewed PREP told Sebastian and that he should still practice safe sex, which Sebastian wasn’t paying any Steven to, his brain was already imagining Steven’s bare cock slowly sliding inside his ass.  He you the prescription from the doctor and headed the pharmacy.

    Sebastian sent a text to Steven letting him know that he arrived in early, had seen the doctor and was on his way to the pharmacy to get his prescription.  Both expressed that they could hardly wait to meet up, Sebastian couldn’t wait for his first willing bareback fuck, Steven couldn’t wait to corrupt the twink.

    Sebastian had his the ‘medication’ in hand me headed out of the pharmacy where he was to meet Steven.  Steven had made the short walk too the drug store so when Sebastian walked out of the pharmacy me would be greeted by the fuel of his sexual desire over the past couple weeks, and more over the last 24 hours.  The two exchanged pleasantries as they got into Sebastian's truck where Steven grabbed Sebastian giving him a deep kiss before that drove off.
    Sebastian couldn’t nice his hard cock as it pushed up from his body trending his jeans.  Steven’s hard, thick cock was very evident as they made the short drive to Steven's.  After entering the fenced in property and they got out of the car Steven pushed Sebastian up against the side of his truck kissing him again, but this time pressing into his young partner making sure that his hard cock pressed into his tight body.

    Once inside the two continued to kiss as Steven offered to get the twink some Gatorade so that he could take his ‘pill’.  Steven had ‘prepared’ a series of Gatorades with each one having an increase amount of GHB added.  The last couple me added a little Tina to work on the induction of chems.  Steven was sure he’d never notice the change in taste especially as others would start to show up at Steven's and join in on breeding the twink.

    After he had taken his pill, and downed about a third of his first bottle of Gatorade, Steven began his well planned assault on the only barrier left between then, their clothing.  A very willing Sebastian worked with his older partner as they cum found themselves naked.  They took a moment to look each other over as they were both pleased when the other’s looks as Sebastian drooled at the prospect of Steven’s cock.  Without any direction me dropped to his knees taking ass much of his cock as he could into his mouth.

    Sebastian's inexperience at sucking cock showed, but what he lacked in experience me made up for in enthusiasm.  Steven took advantage of this slowly guiding his younger partner.  Caressing his cock sucker’s head as he instructed him in the art of giving head.  Steven could feel the improvement in Sebastian's technique as he soon found his cock at the entrance to the twink’s throat.

    Sebastian was so eager he knew that there was only one way he was going to get that cock down his throat and Steven seemed to stay know the answer as well.   He moved his hand to back of Sebastian’s head and as he made his next downward motion he told the twink to breathe in deep through his nose as he felt that daddy cock at the entrance to his throat.

    With an accepting look Steven forced his cock into Sebastian's throat as the twink began to gag at first, but quickly subsided as he grew accustomed to the depth and thickness.  Steven relaxed his grip allowing Sebastian to control his new found skill.  The more of Steven’s cock he took into his throat, the closer he felt he was getting to blowing his load and he had a better place for the huge load me had been saving since he starred to chat when Sebastian.

    Fearing he would blow his load he pulled his cock from Sebastian’s mouth he maneuvered the twink into the near by couch were he had full access to his neg ass.  He quirky dove in giving the twink his first really good rim job causing him to uncontrollably moan in pleasure.  As Steven licked and probed deeper inside the neg hole the object of his obsession moved a free hand to his aching cock only to have Steven intercept his attempt to stroke himself.  Steven wasn’t going to let Sebastian to cum until he was ready to let him cum.

    Steven was sure to let Sebastian know, “Not yet.  I don’t think you’ll want to shoot you was just yet.  I think it’s finally time for me to bareback that jock butt of yours and breed it.”  Steven the grabbed the bottle of lube he had left within reach.  Steven typically like to use a special blend of Tina laced lube, but this blend was more mild then he typically like to use.  He was sobbing to the plan of gradually luring the twink into the use of chems.

    After applying just enough lube and with the minimal amount of G already working on his brain it was easy for Steven to move up behind him, position his poz cock right against his target's neg ass teasing him with his drag stick.  Sebastian knew that Steven was poz and that PREP was suppose to allow him to take any cock, poz or neg, without the worry of HIV.  Steven asked Sebastian, “Are you ready to finally get the bareback fuck and breeding you’ve been fantasizing about.” 

    Sebastian felt the tip of Steven’s cock begin to penetrate him as he felt lie time was standing still.  Once the mushroom cap of Steven's raw cock punched through he held it still allowing Sebastian to become accustomed to it’s size.  Sebastian had lodged ideas as the raw cock now invading his body felt so good he needed to have more of it inside him.  He began to push back causing Steven do push in deeper until Steven was balls deep.

    This left Sebastian to finally be barebacked and bred.  Steven slowly began to pull out and push back in making sure to hit all the right places.  Sebastian was trying to take in the feeling of skin on skin he was feeling without the fear since he was starting PREP.  The twink's moaning fueled his desire to breed Sebastian.  Between his moaning Sebastian began to beg dip be fucked harder.  This was bringing Steven closer to finally giving the twink his dirty seed.

    As Steven began to feel his balls tighten signaling his impending orgasm he asked the soon to be bred twink, “Are you ready to finally get the breeding you’ve wanted?”  Sebastian simply nodded ‘Yes’ as he was asked, “You sure you want my cum, my poz seed.”  Again the reply was a simple nod ‘Yes’.  Steven then demanded, “I want to hear you say it.  Tell me you want my load.”

    In the heat of the moment Sebastian cried out, “Fuck, I want to feel your load, nice me your load, your poz loads.”  As Steven heard that he buried his cock balls deep as he fired volley after volley of cum deep inside the neg twink.

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  10. Part 26

    Milt jammed the entire length of his cock deep issue Troy’s ass as his body stiffened with his delivery of a big load into the new whore.  As quickly as he had initially entered Troy, the withdrew his still semi-hard cock with a wet plop.

    While Troy stood there feeling empty someone put a freshly packed pipe to his lips.  The next paying customer came up behind him and maneuvered him over to a lounge chair and onto his hands and knees.  All the while he was still blowing clouds.

    Troy felt a rough object shoved into his ass followed by the guys Tina covered cock driven on balls deep.  The guy didn’t wait for the Tina to start to melt as he began to fuck Troy and fucked him hard and fast.  Troy could feel the burn of the Tina as he was getting fuck.  All he knew was that he needed that cock inside him and that he didn’t want to disappoint the guy fucking him.

    After a few minutes the burn faded and me was left with an incredible feeling that had him moaning with every thrust.  His moaning made the top start to fuck him harder, long dicking him completely pulling his cock from Troy’s ass before slamming back in harder and deeper with each thrust as Troy pushed back to meet the assault on his ass.

    Suddenly the top asked, “Is the whore ready for my load?  Will the whore be taking loads all night long?  Is the whore ready to get pregnant?”  Troy had no clue to the real meaning of the questions he was being asked ass he shouted out, “YES!  YES!  OH GOD, YES!”  The client then drove his cock deep inside Troy getting past the deep internal ring as he shouted, “FUCK YES, TAKE MY DIRTY SEED YOU DIRTY WHORE!”  His whole body shook as he delivered his poz cum.

    Troy was fucked by 5 more clients before Steven led him over to a sling that was set up just for him.  With the amount of meth Troy had smoked and shoved into his (now very hungry) ass had him feeling very empty.  He had no idea how hungry for cock he was about to become.

    Thomas returned from servicing his client to help secure Troy's wrists and ankles in restraints.  He kissed his roommate as he secured a tourniquet on his arm.  He could see the hunger and need in the friend’s eyes as he said, “Trust me” too which Troy simply nodded his head yes.

    Steven handed Thomas a prepared point that was going to send Troy into a place he had never been before and would seek from now on as his lined up to pay a dollar a minute to fuck him.  Troy watched as Thomas slid the point into a nice vein, getting the familiar flash is red as he drew back ever so slightly before pushing the generous slam into the new whore.

    Without any warning the tourniquet was removed as quickly as it was applied.  The look in Troy’s face showed his surprise as the drug worked into his chest causing him to cough out hard as his eyes dilated.  Troy began to hear ringing in his ears while his vision became blurry.  There was a clear change in his facial expression as the need to have his hungry ass filled not just by any and every cock possible, but with every drop of cum he could hold.

    Thomas was given the horror of being the first to fuck the new slammed up whore.  As he quickly slammed his cock deep inside the already seeded ass he had a good load is cum saved up.  The client Steven has set him up with spent the entire time fucking a tied up Thomas who was not permitted to cum.  All the fucking me received caused him to build up a nice load of his poz cum for him to deposit.

    Thomas, with those standing around the high as fuck Troy, began some ‘poz’ talk.  It was time you let Troy know what he was getting and what he had become over the past see hours and for the foreseeable future.  Thomas leaned in kissing Troy before asking him, “How does it feel to become the real you, becoming the slut you were meant to be, a whore like me, a fucking chemmed up cum dump?”

    Troy’s drugged up brain slowly registered what he was being asked as he realized whatever he was becoming, all he knew was that he liked it and wanted nothing more as he agreed with the question answering, “Fuck yes, I’m a slut and a whore like you, a fucking chemmed up cum dump.”

    Thomas then added, “And after every guy here dumps there dirty, poz jizz deep inside your neg ass you’ll be poz like me, like the other whores we work with.”

    Troy’s naivety showed ass he answered that he wanted you be just like Thomas.  Thomas then asked the bound, drugged up cum dump, “You want to be like me?  Like Luke, Robbie, you want to be a poz, gotten, whore?”  By this point Troy’s drugged up brain could only manage a simple nod in an agreement as Thomas began to thrash fuck Troy hard and fast as his balls began to tighten ass he landed in close to Troy’s face as he exclaimed, “You better bitch cause I'm breeding you with my dirty, poz cum right fucking now!”  With that said, Thomas shot a huge load deep inside Troy already cum filled ass as the two kissed before Thomas pulled his cock from Troy’s ass.

    Thomas was quickly replaced by Bam Bam who paid $100 for his turn at Troy’s neg ass.  One after another Troy you each cock and load knowing he was pleasing each guy that fucked him.  The seed was not just planted in his brain, it has taken root.  Troy was now one of Steven’s working rent-a-boy.

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  11. Part 25

    Steve was standing there in just his underwear as he witnessed Troy's final breeding before letting his presence be known, "I see the two of you have already started.  Why don't you rejoin the party.  I have a few people I think Troy should meet and get to know."

    With Thomas's hard cock still deep inside him. Troy felt like he discovered his true self for the first time in his life.  Even with Steve appearing in the shadows nothing was going t get Troy to give up on having Thomas fuck him again.  The way Troy was feeling he'd be happy with anyone fucking him.

    Thomas kissed the back of Troy's neck as slowly withdrew his cock.  He let his roommate know they should rejoin the party and that he was sure Troy was going to enjoy himself the rest of the weekend.  As they started to make there way to rejoin the 'festivities' Troy began to look for his clothes only to have Thomas stop him, "Bro, you aren't going to need those, besides, you have a great sexy body that you need to show off."

    Steve led the way back towards the pool as he asked, "How many loads?"  Troy started to say, "One" only to be corrected by Thomas who answered. "Four."  Troy smiled at the thought that he had four loads of his roommate's cum deposited inside him as they approached the group around the pool.

    Thomas kissed Troy before he left him with Steve.  Thomas knew he had a client waiting on him inside and was eager to get to work.  Steve placed his hand on Troy's shoulder letting him know, I have 2 of my workers I want you to meet.  I know you'll become good friends" as he directed him through the group to where a nearly naked Luke and Robbie, were standing only in a pair of skimpy underwear that appeared to be too small on them..

    Steve then introduced them, "Luke, Robbie, I want you to meet Troy.  I think you will get along just fine.  I think after he finishes his drink he'll be ready to meet Miss Tina."  A 'G' laced cola was waiting for him as he shook hand with the two who were about to take him to a place that would become very familiar.

    Troy didn't need any encouragement to down his drink, after the 'workout' he had gotten from Thomas he was in need of something to drink.  As Troy placed the empty cup down Robbie was already heating the glass pipe and taking a decent hit before handing the pipe to Luke who was eager for a hit for himself.  Troy asked about the pipe as Luke was sucking in his hit.  After Robbie blew a huge cloud that seemed to envelop them he told Troy that it was Tina, something to get him into the clouds and would make him horny to get fucked.  As the G worked into Troy's brain he couldn't imagine being anymore horny then he presently felt.

    After Luke had finished and handed the pipe to Troy, Robbie helped instruct him how to smoke it as he held the bright blue torch under the well packed bowl.  Robbie held the end up to Troy's lips and told him to slowly inhale once the smoke began to swirl and then hold it as long as he could before exhaling.

    On command Robbie took his first hit of Tina as Robbie and Luke urged him on and held it almost as long as his two new friends before blowing out a big cloud.  They had Troy take 3 more hits with each one bigger than the one before.

    Robbie began to explain to Troy how to do a shotgun, passing the smoke back and forth between two people while Luke began to heat the bowl and inhale a nice, deep hit.  Once Luke had his lungs as full as he could get them he leaned over to Robbie and the two locked lips as they passed the smoke back and forth several times before the smoke escaped around them as they began to kiss.

    It was Troy's turn to try a shotgun.  First he did it was Robbie then with Luke.  Each time ended with deep kissing.  The Tina was infiltrating Troy's brain to the point that any remaining inhibitions he had were melted away.  He admitted to his new coworkers that he had just gotten fucked for the first time in his life and that Thomas came inside him 4 times.

    Robbie and Luke knew that they needed to feed on his feeling of having a guy cum inside him telling him, "It's your job to let anyone cum inside you."  Both boys let Troy know that they never refuse another person's cum since it would be an insult to him.  Between the G and the Tina in Troy's system he began to feel a need to have Thomas fuck him again, actually, he was ready for anyone to fuck him and he wasn't going to have to wait much longer.

    While the conversation between the 3 was going on, Steve had a client wanting to fuck the new boy (Troy).  Milt was in his 40's, a very fit Daddy type with a big, 10" uncut cock.  He paid Steve big money for Troy's hole.  Steve's only stipulation was that he had to fuck Troy out by the pool.  Milt agreed and made his way over to his whore.

    Milt came up to the three and it was evident that Luke and Robbie were already familiar with the hot daddy and they introduced Troy to his first paying client. Milt had his own pipe in hand packed it full of Tina.  He took a decent hit for himself.  After he blew out a nice cloud he moved behind Troy and began to feed him hit after hit, working on getting his prize tweaked.

    Robbie and Luke knew from personal experience to urge Troy on since he was going to need to have his head in the clouds for what Milt was going to be giving him.  As Troy began to get even higher then he already was and with Milt pressed up against his back the hunger he began to feel earlier was growing.

    As Milt fed Troy the smoke he whispered into his ear, "That's it faggot, blow those clouds....you're gonna need to be a lot higher before I'm gonna wreck that hole of yours."  Troy could not avoid sucking in more Tina as the pipe was continually at his lips the second he had emptied his lungs.  The look on his face had slowly changed with each hit as Milt pressed up against his whore.

    Troy could feel Milt's body behind him as Milt pushed his boxers down to allow his hardening cock to rest between Troys ass cheeks.  Troy began to grind his ass back into Milt as he began to feel the hardening cock near his now very hungry ass to which Milt asked, "Is my little whore's ass hungry?  Are you ready for my monster to invade your hole?"

    Troy was so tweaked he could hardly process what he was being asked.  He only knew he needed something put inside his ass and began to press his ass back and grind into Milt even more while whispering, "Oh please fuck me."

    Milt knew that his whore needed one more thing to add as his cock would push this deep inside.  Wedged behind his ear was a nice shard of Tina that he took and pushed into Troy's ass only to discover his cummy ass.

    Milt said to Troy, "My whore boy already has had someone cum in he ass.  I love fucking a well used hole."  while he put the tip of his cock against Troy's hole and slowly applied pressure while Robbie put a bottle of poppers under his nose, instructing him to inhale deep.  The head of Milt's cock popped through as the poppers began to hit Troy allowing the melting shard to be pushed deeper inside the new whore boy.

    Troy felt a mixture of pleasure and pain as Milt pushed into him inch by inch eliciting a moan from deep inside of Troy.  Milt paused with about half of his cock inside before he pulled back a little and pushed in further.  The sensation of being impaled again had Troy's hungry ass thinking on its own as he began to push back meeting Milt'a thrust forward.

    Milt had to comment that Troy's hole had stated to suck his cock in when suddenly he bottomed out balls deep.  Milt began to slowly pull back before he quickly thrusted back in as the two were standing there fucking as a crowd gathered around to watch.

    Since the work Robbie and Luke were asked to do with Troy was accomplished, it was time for them to get to work with the clients at the party who had paid for their services as each was bent over and fucked or pushed to his knees to suck a client's cock while Troy stood there getting a good fucking while being able to see what was happening to his new friends.

    Even in his tweaked out brain, Troy knew he had to please Milt and was doing his best to take the fucking he was getting as he moaned every time Mile pulled out or thrusted back inside him.  The drugs had his ass doing things he never thought possible as it milked Milt's cock which had penetrated so deep into his colon he felt like it was in his stomach.

    Suddenly Milt grabbed Troy by the hips and began to really pound away on Troy as he was quickly nearing filling him with a 2 week load he had saved for this night.  Milt asked, "You ready for my load fagot?  You ready for my babies?"  Through his moaning while shaking his head yes he finally spoke for the fist time since Milt has penetrated his ass and shouted, "YES, FUCK YES, I WANT YOU LOAD, GIVE IT TO ME, PLEASE GIVE IT TO ME!"

    Hearing that pushed Milt over the edge as he slammed in a couple more times before he buried himself inside Troy's ass and fired shot after shot of his cum so deep there was no way it was going to leak out.  He even push Thomas's toxic seed deeper inside and, with the hard pounding he delivered, pushed Thomas's virus directly into his blood stream.

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  12. Part 24

    It became clear that Thomas knew what he had gotten himself into as he began to beg to be 'knocked up' and for 'poz cum'.  As people started to leave and Thomas was left with the twins and Steve he openly admitted that he had been looking to get pozzed so that he could be free to take any cock and load offered him and possibly poz a few neg asses along the way.

    This news got Steve thinking and as he looked and the fit, 18 year old asked him if he'd like ti work for him.  Thomas didn't hesitate and answered yes without knowing any details.  Thomas had a dark side from reading stories on Breeding Zone.

    He then asked Steve, "What would you want me to do for you?"

    Steve told him that there were many facets to his business from performing like the twins to being paid to have sex with someone.  Thomas began to get hard while Steve went into detail on the money he could make starting with getting paid for his pozzing video that would be privately sold.

    Noticing Thomas's growing hard cock Steve asked him if he'd like to 'do something with his tool?'  Thomas said he wanted to fuck the twin who had watched him fuck his brother.  He added that he already gave his brother 3 neg loads and feels he should give his last few to his twin.

    Thomas had a talent of cumming without the bottom ever knowing it, especially when he's smoked some Tina.  The twin in question took Thomas's place in the sling and before he knew it he took 4 loads from the soon to be poz friend.  The fourth load was known since it was the largest and strongest orgasm.

    Thomas was eager to start working for Steve, but was told he could only start working after he had the 'fuck flu'.  Thomas understood this and asked what the odds were that the bug took during his getting fucked by so many different guys.  Steve told him that the odds were even money considering the rigs used to slam him with were dirty point from poz guys.

    Sure enough Thomas came down with the 'fuck flu' 10 days later.  The first weekend after his recovery Steve had arranged a light schedule of clients and Thomas began his work.  Some of the clients he met with wanted to  show him off, some wanted to just party and fuck.

    During this time Thomas kept priming the pump (as he called it) with his nerdy roommate who he knew to be a closeted fag.  Troy was his name and he was from a small farming town.

    Through the talks he had with the shy kid, he knew him to be a virgin.  Troy asked a lot of question about gay sax and Thomas could see his little dick get hard as they talked.  Thomas thought he's make a good cum dump working for Steve.

    He took the idea, along with a few pictures he took of his 5'6", 110 pound, brown hair and eyes, slim roommate for Steve to look over.  Steve knew that with the right atmosphere and chemical enhancements Troy could easily be turned into the whore he was meant to be.  Thomas made one request to Steve, he wanted to be the one to take his roommate cherry and give him his first taste of cock.

    Steve agreed and with his monthly party coming up the next weekend figured that would be the perfect time for this boy conversion of questioning, neg virgin to poz, cum dump whore.  He supplied Thomas with GHB to dose his roommate with before they would leave for the party.

    All week Thomas started to tell Troy about this exclusive party he was invited too this weekend and that he was allowed to bring one person and he wanted to bring Troy.  Troy felt special since he was going to his first real college party and an exclusive party.

    The night of the party Thomas suggested that they have a drink together before heading over to the party.  As they walked across campus Thomas could tell the G was already starting to work on Troy so that when they arrived at Steve's Troy didn't really notice that there were no girls attending.  The naked guys swimming didn't even seem to bother the G'ed out Troy, in fact he openly stared at the naked bodies before him,

    Thomas noticed his roommate gawking at the naked party goers and asked him, "See anything you like?"  This made Troy blush and gave Thomas the opening he was looking for as he leaned in and gave his roommate his first real kiss.  Troy seemed to naturally accept his roommate's kiss.

    Thomas made sure to introduce Troy to Steve, Matt and Bam Bam, before escorting Troy to a designated area where he could start to push Troy's buttons and start his journey to becoming Steve whore.  The area was semi private with night vision cameras to record all the details.

    The two kissed again once they were in this secluded spot, this time the kiss was more passionate as Thomas slipped his tongue inside his roommate's mouth causing him to moan.  Thomas knew he had to make this 'first time' for Troy one he would never forget.  In fact it would be a feeling the soon to be whore would chase again and again as he would try to please any man he was going to be with after that night.

    As the long, passionate kiss ended Thomas whispered to Troy that with all the talking the two has done that he knew exactly what he needed and that they'd take it as slow r as fast as Troy wanted.  Troy nodded in agreement as he leaned in for another kiss.

    This time as they kissed Thomas began to slowly undress his (now willing) roommate.  Soon enough Troy followed his roommate's lead and worked to get his clothes off.  In short time both were naked.  Thomas first give Troy's 6" cock a light stroke before he made a quick move to give him his first rim job.

    As he keeled behind the naked roomy he dove in between his hairless ass as he began to lick the outside of his freshly washed hole.  Thomas could still smell the faint hint of Ivory soap as he worked his tongue around and eventually into Troy's virgin hole moaning at the new found sensation he was experiencing.

    In Troy's slightly, bent over position he couldn't help but look between his legs and clearly see in the dim light Thomas's 8", hard, drooling cock bouncing with his heart beat.  With the G releasing his inner desires he couldn't help himself as he asked, "Your dick looks so good, can I please suck it?   I want to suck my first dick."

    Not wanting to disappoint, Thomas Stood up knowing (from his personal experience) that a good whore gets on his knees to suck cock.  As he applied a little pressure to Troy's shoulders getting him to lower to his knees he let him know, "Of course you can suck my cock."  As Troy assumed his new position on his knees Thomas let him know as he grabbed himself, "This is a cock, not a dick, if you want to suck my cock, do it right and please me, you'll need to follow my directions, understand?"  Troy looked up and answered a simple "Yes."

    Thomas began to instruct Troy in the art of sucking cock.  He first had Troy show his cock love with his tongue before having him take the head into his mouth.  Troy was eager to please as he followed everything he was told.  Troy was a little hesitant when it came time to take his roommate's cock into his throat.  Thomas simply looked down at him and he knew his place and that if he was going to be good at sucking cock he'd have to learn to deep throat a cock.

    Thomas told him to breath in through his nose as he lowered himself onto his cock and to relax his throat as the tip reached the back of his mouth.  Once his cock was there ready to enter he was to breath his cock into his throat.

    With Thomas's hand on the back of his head he had little choice as he felt his head being pushed down and the cock he was sucking slowly snaking its way down his throat.  He did his best to follow the directions he was given.  Just as he thought he was going to puke or pass out due to the lack of air, the hand on his head let up and he was able to slowly pull back.

    Thomas let Troy know that he did well for his first deep throating and asked if he was up to try again.  As if sucking cock and deep throating was becoming natural to Troy (and it was) he bobbed up and down 2 times before burying his nose in his roommate's pubs.  Troy repeated this a couple more times to Thomas's amazement and bring him close to feeding Troy his pos cum.  Of course he had better plans for his poz seed.

    He pulled Troy off his cock as he lowered himself so that the two could kiss some more.  While the two kissed Thomas asked, "Are you liking what were doing so far?"  Troy answered with a "Yes" to which he was told, "Stand up and turn around, I was to eat that ass some more.  Get you ready to lose that virginity you told me about."

    Troy had an idea where this was going and stood up and turned giving Thomas access to his ass.  It was now time to get Troy's hole ready to be 'seeded'.  Thomas had a small bottle of warming lube (warmed from the Tina mixed into it) along with a nice shard of Tina.  He figured he'd tell the dumb farm kid as he started to lube his hole after a good rimming that he was 'opening' him up in preparation for his thick cock.

    Again Troy couldn't help himself as he began to moan while Thomas began to work his tongue around and then inside Troy's neg ass.  Thomas again asked his roommate if he was enjoying himself.  At first troy nodded yes, but then added, "OH FUCK!  Take me, give me what you know I need.  You know I want it all."  Was Troy asking to not just be fucked, but to be pozzed?

    In the small farming community where Troy grew up it was very religious.  It was so religious they never taught sex education in school.  There was no information provided on safe sex, the use of condoms or HIV.  Thomas knew all this and why Troy was ripe for the 'picking' (or pozzing in this case).

    Thomas knew it was time to 'lube' the neg boy up and start getting his ass hungrier for his cock.  He alternated between tongue and finger as he let Troy know, "I'm going to start getting you ready for what you really need."  Troy again could only nod in agreement as he felt the transition from tongue to fingers.

    The first bit of tainted lube pushed in by a single finger into his tight hole made Troy gasp.  It was followed by a little more lube and a second finger as Thomas slowly worked his fingers stretching and tearing at the walls getting them ready for his seed to be planted.

    A low moan was still escaping through Troy's lips as more lube was added along with a third finger.  When Thomas pulled his three fingers from Troy's hole he marveled at how his hole seemed to stay open a few seconds as if it was asking for something more.  Thomas knew exactly what it was asking for and knew it was time to booty bump the unsuspecting roommate.

    Thomas took the Tina shard with some more lube and slipped it inside as he let Troy know he was almost ready after he stretched him open some more.  With his three fingers he pushed the shard in as far as it would go and then began to flex his fingers so that Troy would think the slight burn was from having his hole stretched open to accommodate the poz spike that was ready to breed him.

    Troy's ass began to respond as the shard inside him was almost completely melted.  He began to grind his ass backwards onto Thomas's hand trying to get more inside.  Thomas knew he was more than ready as he stood up behind his roommate, wrapped his arms around his body, positioned his cock at the entrance to his neg ass and slowly applied pressure trying to breach the outer ring.  What surprised him was Troy pushing back and trying to impale himself onto his cock.

    As his cock head popped inside Troy let out a decent moan that was sure to be heard by anyone around the corner at the party.  Both of them held still as Thomas first kissed Troy on neck before whispering, "Breathe in and just stay still, breathe in and relax, let your hole get accustomed to having a cock inside."

    The two were frozen still.  As much as Thomas wanted to just go ahead and plow on in and fuck he knew that he needed to let Troy enjoy his first fuck, to learn the pleasure his ass would give others as well as the pleasure it would bring him when he let anyone fuck him.

    As the two stood there Thomas could feel Troy's hole start to relax and open up as it accepted his hard cock.  He was already heavily leaking precum as he asked Troy, "How are you doing bro?  Are you ready for some more of my cock in your hole?"

    Troy not only nodded he began to push back as Thomas took the cue and slowly pushed forward. Troy couldn't understand how all of a sudden he felt this hunger inside his ass that could only be satisfied by being filled by a dick, no not a dick, a cock.

    As he continued to moan he turned his head a little and asked Thomas, "Push it all in.  Please push your cock all the way inside me.  Make me yours."  Thomas replied, "Only if your sure."  About a third of his cock remained to be pushed inside as Troy nodded yes and added "I'm sure."

    Thomas first gave Troy a kiss on his neck.  He didn't need to be asked again.  With the position Troy was in and the hold he had on his body gave him the ability to thrust forward sinking his cock balls deep and eliciting a yelp (that was definitely heard by the party guests) followed by a satisfying moan.

    Thomas held still allowing Troy to get used to his thick, 8" cock before he st about slowly pistoning in and out of the former virgin.  It took about 10 minutes for Thomas to give Troy his first poz load.  The next load took a little longer.

    Troy continued to moan as Thomas began to fuck him making Thomas wonder if this was just cause it is his first time getting fucked or would he do this with anyone who fucked him as a whore.  Thomas made sure that Troy was enjoying his fucking, although he figured he must be since he was pushing back to meet his inward thrusts.

    Thomas said, "I can tell your enjoying my cock inside you."  Troy replied, "Yes I am.  Are you enjoying having your big, thick cock inside me?"  Thomas gave a nice hard thrust as he was close to delivering his second load and answered, "What does that tell you" while giving Troy a couple more hard thrusts eliciting the former virgin to moan with each one.

    Troy then asked, "Fuck me like you know I need to be fucked.  Give it all to me.  I want to feel you explode inside me."  He had no idea what he had just asked for and Thomas wasn't going to let him down as he moved his arms from around Troy's body to placing his hands on Troy's hips as he began to power fuck his roommate.

    He delivered 2 more loads without Troys knowledge before his cum dump said, "Your cock feels so hard, so big inside me.  It feels so good to have your cock inside me.  Fuck, I need your cum inside me making me yours."  The cum already inside Troy had him marked.  The drugs he has already had, and soon to have more, will cement his brain to chase this feeling again and again with every man he is paid to service.

    Thomas was really pounding into Troy.  He asked his fuck toy, "Are you sure you're ready for me to breed your ass?"  Troy nearly shouted, "Yes, fuck yes, breed me!"  That was enough to send Thomas over the edge as he slammed into Troy deeper than he had past the deep internal ring) and shot his biggest load.

    As the two were recovering from their fuck Thomas noticed a figure in the shadows.  He knew it was Steve.

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  13. Part 23

    It was very clear that Thomas liked to party and seemed totally comfortable with smoking in front of the twins.  It was  when he called one of the twins by his 'stage name' that he used on the web that Steve began to figure out that Thomas had seen them on line and was probably a bug chaser.

    The twins joined Thomas in smoking a few bowls as Thomas easily fucked and then bred the twin he was fucking.  When he finally pulled his still, hard cock from his freshly bred twin he turned to the other and said, "Next?"

    Before he could mount the other twin they began to ask him how long has he been partying?  Thomas let it be know that he began to first snort then smoke Tina during his senior year in high school.  The twins looked at each other and smiled as they admitted to much the same.

    Then Thomas called the other twin by the name he uses on the pay web site and the twins now knew he was a fan probably living out a fantasy.  The twin he called to took it upon himself to see how far he could be taken down the party path by asking him, "You ever tried slamming?"

    Thomas shook his head no, to which the other twin asked, "Would you like to try a slam with us?"  Thomas did not answer beyond a maybe as the twins began to apply a little pear pressure to their new friend.  As one twins described the rush and increased sexual pleasure the other twin slipped away to prepare a few rigs for the three to use.

    He returned to find his brother and Thomas making use of the modifications that were added to the room.  Over the summer a sling was added that could be raised out of view along with hidden drawers with toys and restraints.  The sling was just being lowered as the twin returned with 4 points.

    Thomas hopped into the sling and agreed to be slammed.  Restraints were quickly retrieved and used not just keep Thomas in place, but to insure that he couldn't back out of his first slam.  Before Thomas knew it a tourniquet was on his arm and a prominent vein wiped with alcohol.  He tried to turn away as the point was slowly slid into him only to be told to watch.  He turned his head back just in time to see the red flash right before the contents were pushed into his arm.

    Withe the needle pulled from his arm the tourniquet was removed and he coughed out hard as he rode his very first rush.  Before he could react one of the twins shoved a nice size shard in his twitching hole along with some lube.  Thomas's first coherent words were, "OH FUCK ME!"

    The twin between his legs wasted no time as he slammed his hard cock balls deep and replied, "Gladly!" and began to fuck their chemmed up friend.  Thomas was a little bit shocked at getting fucked admitting he was a top that had never been fucked before.  Between the drugs and the sensation of his first cock to enter his ass it was like a switch had been thrown as he moaned out.

    The restraints on his wrists were removed and he immediately tried to jerk his soft, Tina dick.  He realized quickly that him trying to jerk off was useless  as he then grabbed for the twin who stood next to him watching him get fucked by his brother.

    The slam set Thomas free to admit that when he first saw the twins he knew who they were and hoped that they would take him where he is now since he really didn't know anyone that slammed.

    He was then asked, "Is there anything else you'd like from both of us?"  Thomas couldn't deny his deep, inner, dark thoughts when he replied, "I want your dirty, poz cum.  I've watched you on your website knowing you were poz, watching you stealth others.  I am guessing that this is being taped and am willingly giving you my neg ass to poz!"

     In no time Thomas was given his first poz load from one twin that was followed up by his brother's poz load.  After that second load Thomas asked for another slam and soon found himself surrounded by all the residents of the building who proceeded to take a turn as breeding the willing chaser.

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  14. Part 22

    Shortly after the weekend with Charlie, the twins went through their bout of the fuck flu.  It did little to slow down their sex drive as they were left to spend their time in bed together.


    After they recovered from the fuck flu their sex drive seemed to multiply.  They were sucking and fucking each other when ever they thought they were alone or able to get  away with it.  One night they were blowing some clouds and thought that their parents were out to dinner.  Between the Tina in them and their over active sex drive they were careless as they were fucking.


    They were fucking in their bedroom with their door open enough that when their father walked by he couldn't help notice his two naked sons, one on his hands and knees and the other right behind his twin pounding away.  Upon realizing what was going on he barged into their room calling them 'queer boys', 'faggots' and proceeded to kick them out on their gay asses.  They grabbed what they could and stuffed it in their gym bags and quickly left the house they had grown up in the past 18 years.


    They only knew of one place to go and showed up at Steve's door.  After hearing what had happened Steve told them they could live their (since that was the plan after they were to graduate in a few weeks).  This also allowed them to do some more work for Steve as a twin sex couple.


    Things were fairly tame through the summer as the twins started to make Steve some nice money between their 'performances on the net and the occasional, 'personal and private appearance' with special individuals who paid Steve good money to spend time with two jock twins.


    On a sunny Wednesday morning as fall semester was approaching as the twins went to register for classes where they met Thomas.  The twins knew Thomas was special and without saying a word between them had the same thought.


    Bam Bam, Robbie and the twins moved into the two bedroom after the co-eds moved out over the summer.  This left the one bedroom open for rent and the studio was set up for the twin's to perform in along with anyone to take an unsuspecting hook-up in their to have the sex recorded (and hopefully a recorded stealth pozzing).


    Whether Thomas was gay or straight, the twins planned to get him into the studio, smoke him up and fuck him good.  Thomas didn't think twice as the twins were very friendly asking all about himself.  Thomas was very open with the twins as they learned he was far from home, all of his friends and classmates were going to either community college or a state school.


    It didn't take much to get Thomas interested in hanging out with the twins since classes were not set to start the following Monday.  That night Thomas showed up at the apartment building meeting the twins at the studio apartment.  The three guys chatted about high school, family and friends.  What the twins did not know was that Thomas had his own dark thoughts about the twins.


    Out of the blue Thomas asked, "Do you guys smoke weed?"  The twins didn't say a word as one of them pulled out a well packed bong and proceeded to light up.  Soon the three were passing the bong back and forth while successfully getting Thomas to take more hit's then they were.  The one thing Thomas didn't know was that the weed was dosed with Tina and his drink was spiked with GHB.


    As the drugs took effect it wasn't hard to get Thomas in the mood for something he knew deep down inside he wanted.  Thomas further surprised the twins when he asked if they ever partied with anything other than weed.  It was becoming clear to the twins (and Steve who was watching the action on camera) that Thomas was into more then they thought.


    Thomas could tell that there was 'something' in his drink and that the weed was more than weed as he knew the hunger for 'attention' was growing.  Steve was able to control the temperature of the room and slowly raised the temperature causing the three guys to begin to strip down.  Thomas was the first to remove his shirt as the twins followed his lead. 


    The conversation continued and Thomas never mentioned a girlfriend as he talked a lot about one friend in particular.  As the G and T in his system began to loosen his lips he let it slip about prom night spending the night with this one friend after dropping their dates at home.  Thomas didn't hold much back as he talked about the two of them trying a new drug that got them horny as fuck that resulted in.......


    Thomas suddenly realized what he has said when he noticed that the twins were only wearing their underwear and had moved in closer to where he was sitting and he was naked.


    There was no denying it as they began to touch each other in ways only a man can touch and please another man.  Thomas took a quick second to retrieve something from his cargo shorts pocket.  The twins could see that he had that familiar glass pipe and a small zip lock bag of familiar crystal.  The pipe was loaded and a torch was lit by one of the twins as the bowl was heated and Thomas took a huge hit before he handed it over to the twins.


    They were all naked now as they got high and proceeded to kiss, lick and suck.  It didn't take long before Thomas mounted one of the twins and began to fuck him raw.

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  15. Part 21

    A couple days after the twins audition with Steve he got a call from an elated Charlie's father .  It seemed that Bam Bam did the deed and his boy was sick from the fuck flu.  According;y Steve was owed the balance for the pozzing.  What wasn't expected was an offer to pay double if Bam Bam would return to fuck his son all through his fuck flu.

    Steve knew Bam Bam was available and offered reinforcements in the way of Robbie and the twins (who had yet to convert but could lend a hand in gang banging his son.  A price was agreed upon and the four were on their way.

    When Bam Bam entered Charlie's room, his presence seemed to lift the sick boy's spirits a little.  Bam Bam was shortly followed by Robbie and the twins.  Bam Bam went over and gave the sick boy a kiss as the other three began to strip.  Bam Bam spoke to Charlie after the kiss stopped telling him, "I heard you weren't feeling that great so I brought you some company.  We're going to make you feel much better."

    As that was said he produced a prepared rig (a prepared with a big fat dose and Tina).  Charlie was told that this was something special that would 'brighten his day' as a tourniquet was  placed on his right arm, a quick wipe of the alcohol pad followed by an expert stick with the needle before charlie could say a word the tourniquet was removed and he was coughing up a storm

    Robbie and the twins quickly surrounded Charlie as he rode the rush he didn't fight as the three quickly removed what little Charlie was wearing in bed.  A now naked Bam Bam joined them as the three took turns fucking the sero converting 18 year old over the the two days.

    The first day Charlie was finally over his fuck flu his father took him to get am HIV test which, as expected, came back positive.  On the drive home his father then told him what a worthless faggot whore he had become and that he was going to pay him back for disappointing him.

    Charlie's father grabbed him by the neck as soon as they walked through the door of the house.  He dragged him into the master bedroom where he threw his son on the bed telling him to "STRIP!"  A scared Charlie hesitated for a second only to get a quick back hand from his father and again the command, "STRIP!"

    This time Charlie quickly removed his clothes as he watched his father getting naked with him.  His father pulled out a syringes filled with a clear liquid.  He pounced on top of his son with the rig and his belt in hand.  Pinning Charlie to the bed he quickly pulled the belt tight on Charlie's arm as he began to explain, "You're going to learn to enjoy slamming Tina and whoring out for your dear old dad" as he slid the needle home before quickly emptying the contents.

    He didn't even wait for Charlie to stop coughing as he rammed his 8" dripping cock  balls deep into his rushing boy and began his brutal fuck.  After that point Charlie would be slammed and fucked by his father or anyone who paid his father for his ass to fuck,

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  16. Part 20

    A few night later Matt showed the video of the boys to Steve.  Steve knew the guy who hosted these partied main business was having his boys perform on camera.  They had an agreement that they never tried int the other's line of business without consulting the other before.  Steve knew that his friend rented his boys out on rare occasions and only to their 'fans' who paid to make their fantasy come true.

    Steve had always wanted a couple 'performance' boys to do live sex shows at private parties.  He thought the idea of the twins working for him like that was a perfect idea.  Since Matt discovered the talent he had rights to them as per their agreement.  He called his buddy to discuss this before having Matt retrieve the twins for a private meeting where they'd get an offer they wouldn't refuse.

    Matt knew exactly how to contact the twins without drawing attention.  He knew that they like to go on a run every night.  He took Bam Bam and they waited down the block his Bam Bam car knowing the twins would stop to talk.

    After they left the party the twins were so out of the closet.  The twins got in the back of Bam Bam's car and began to make out which progressed into cock sucking and ending with them fucking.  The twins thanked the two men who helped them out of their shell.  Matt told them, "Don't thank us yet. We can show you a lot more if you're interested."  The twins were excited at the chance for these college men to teach them more and that's when they told Matt about their nightly run since their father wouldn't let them have cell phones.

    Upon seeing the car the twins made a quick stop at the open window and leaned in to hear what Matt had to say.  Matt asked them when they would be able to get away for a night like they had that previous weekend.  The twins looked at each other knowing that their parents had a wedding to go to that up coming weekend and they would be home alone from Thursday through Monday.  Matt asked, "You think you could skip school on Friday?" to which the twins replied, "No problem."  Matt told them to be ready after school and arranged a place to pick them up.

    The weekend quickly came and soon the twins were brought over to Steve's.  They had no idea what was really planed for them they night as they were taken to the basement basement where they were allowed to shower and clean up (an out) as the final 'preparations' for the weekend were made.

    When the twins were ready they rejoined both only in their underwear, a now naked Matt and Bam Bam who had a naked Robbie with them.  The twins quickly shucked what little they had in upon seeing their naked hosts before being shown the play area that was well equipped with a number of items that intrigued the twins.  One thing they recognized were the two slings  hanging in the middle of the room.  They were then asked what they had been up to all week at home.

    The twins could hardly contain themselves as they confessed to fucking when ever they could with their parents in the next room while the three college men were already blowing clouds as Matt asked, "You just kissed and fucked? What but sucking cock?"  With the twins staring at the pipe they admitted they had thought about that but liked fucking more.

    Matt told "It's time you learn" as the pipe was now being passed between the twins as  Robbie dropped to his knees and directed the twins to join him as he began to suck Matt's cock first (since he is not as big as his boyfriend, Bam Bam) taking the rod into his throat a couple times before switching to Bam Bam's cock which he had no problem deep throating his monster cock.  The whole time the twins were watching they were blowing some impressive clouds.

    After some instruction it was time for the twins to try sucking both cocks.  Knowing this was (possibly/probably) not easy for them to accomplish, they wanted to see them try.  After only being able to get the cock to the back of their throats it was time for Plan B.

    That's where Robbie really was going to fit in with his smaller cock. They then had the twins start taking sucking on Robbie and soon they were deep throating him with ease.  Then the twins moved onto taking turns sucking each other since they each seemed to have bigger cocks them Robbie, but  not nearly what Matt and Bam Bam were packing.

    The  plan here was mostly Steve's with the idea of getting them into sucking each other for an audience making suggestions they took turns sucking each other.   Once the Matt was  satisfied that the twins had found a 'new hobby' to occupy their time he figured it was going to take a little more to get them to swallow cum.  It was time for a little G before the twins were going to be shown the finer points of swallowing.

    They were each given a cup of G laced cola and tole to drink it all down as they continued to  play with each other as the 3 college men watched.  As the action continued they were prompted as to what they should do as the G took effect.  The audience grew as the action between the twins continued until it was clear that they were going to need more 'chemical' courage.

    When Steve finally joined the small group he was introduced to the twins.  He asked the twins how much they were enjoying their new found mutual pleasure.  After the twins admitted to Steve, the gather group and themselves that they each had thought about sex with each other.  Steve then told them how they could make some money working for him, but they needed to be able to follow direction.

    He then asked them about their fucking  each other and if they liked dumping their load inside the other's ass.  The twins admitted they liked that the best.  The twins were then asked about swallowing the other's cum, to which the twins admitted that they were a little apprehensive about swallowing since their (straight) male friends admitted that girls they would get blow jobs from didn't like to swallow.

    That's when Bam Bam stepped forward with Robbie who quickly knelt at his (more dominant) boyfriend's feet and began sucking cock like his life depended on it for life.  The twins watched as Bam Bam placed his hand on the back of Robbie's head to prevent him from pulling off (as if he would even try) and within a few minutes it was very clear Bam Bam was ready to blow his load.

    Bam Bam grunted  as he filled Robbie's mouth.  Steve whispered something to the twins as they watch only nodding in agreement.  He looked to Matt and nodded.  Matt then appeared with 2 sets of ankle and wrist restraints.  The twins were then bound before each was given a small slam.

    One by one the twins were getting his mouth  'raped' by a member of the small group gathered not being given a chose as to swallow (or not).  Steve and Matt were the first to feed the twins a load.  After they were done each of the guys who came to watch the new sex performers "audition" took a turn giving the twins a taste of cum.  Within a couple hours the twins were freely swallowing and ended the 'audition'  by 69'ing until each had tasted his brother's cum.

    To celebrate their new found love of cum Steve told the twins that they could get into the slings and be slammed again as they would be gang banged like the previous weekend.  Neither twin said a word as they climbed into the slings and (without the need of being restrained), freely took a  large slam.

    As each twin coughed out and rode what would eventually would become familiar to them just before taking  a load from every guy  present  but multiple loads from Steve, Matt, Bam  bam and Robbie.

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  17. Part 19

    The twins eyes were darkened by the drugs that had just been pumped into their bodies  they not only took their first cock, but their first raw, poz cock as Matt and Bam Bam  began by slamming their cocks balls deep.  Matt's twin let out a strong moan as he was impaled.  Bam Bam's twin yelled out in pain as the 9" hard as steel rod penetrated deep inside piercing his deep inner ring in the process.

    They each started off slowly pulling their cock out before slowly pushing back in while pulling on the sling as they brought the twin back towards them hoping to penetrate a little deeper with each thrust (if that  was possible).  It was very evident by the sounds being made by the twin Mat was fucking that he was definitely enjoying his first fuck.  The other twin's yelps of pain began to quickly change to moans of pleasure as he too was getting into being fucked.

    Those who had joined the action going on in the play room quickly began to surround both slings as first Bam Bam then Matt began to speak to their twin.  They were saying to each twin things like, "Your liking that cock in your ass?" and "Are you ready to be a cum dump?"In their drugged up state the twins were giving into the pleasure of the fuck by answering "Yes" or "Fuck yeah."

    The speed at which the twins were getting fucked began to increase as the poz talk from those gathered around watching began to egg Matt and Bam Bam on bring them closer to depositing the first, of many, charged loads into the twins.  Bam Bam was this first to ask the question if his twin, "Are you ready to get knocked up?  Are you ready to get pregnant?" as he felt his impending orgasm approach.  Matt didn't ask his twin, hr told him, "I'm about to fucking poz your neg ass and make you my bitch" to which his twin replied, "I am your bitch."

    Shortly after that was said Matt yelled out, "FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" as he slammed in deep getting the tip of his cock through the internal ring as he fired his poz seed inside his bitch twin.  Upon hearing Matt, Bam Bam yelled out, "OH FUCK!" as he slammed in deep depositing his poz load deep inside his twin.  They each began to slowly piston in and out as they worked their loads into the batter walls of the twin they had just bred.

    After pulling out they were quickly replaced by one of the party goers as each twin began to get gang bang.  No one took count of how many loads each twin took that night until Matt and Bam Bam watched the video the party host had shot.  The count was nearly 3 dozen for each twin.

    As the party crowd began to thin Matt had an idea, he knew the twin he sat with in the car  and had fucked first was dominated at times by his brother.  He knew a way to change the 'playing field' (so to speak) as he first administered a shot of Caverject into the twins soft, Tina dick as Bam Bam gave the other twin another slam.  Matt then help his twin out of the sling as the Caverject began working on getting his dick hard.  He led him over to his brother and whispered in his ear

    so his drugged up and still bound in the sling twin could not hear.

    The now free twin stepped up to his bother's ass with his hard 76.5" cock and without mercy began to pound the hell out of his brother.  The twin on the receiving end of this hard fuck began to moan in pleasure as he brother said to him, "From now on you're my cum dump bitch!"  It took him a good 45 minutes but he finally shot his load inside his brother proclaiming, "I now own your cunt ass bitch!"

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  18. Part 18

    Bam Bam gave Charlie a ride home early Monday morning.  Right after he disappeared into the house Bam Bam saw his father down  the street.  He slowly drove towards him with his window rolled down.  Bam Bam let him know that everything h e wanted was accomplished.  He had been exposed to Bam Bam's un-medicated virus through multiple loads deep in his ass along with dirty needles that contained some of his poz blood.

    He also reported that by the end of the couple days his son was openly asking for Tina any way he could get it into his body.  His son was given a small amount of Tina, a pipe a one dirty needle to inject himself with if  he desperately wanted to slam.  Bam Bam was handed   an envelope containing $1500 as Charlie's father said, "Half now, the other half  converts."  Bam Bam told the man, "I figure he'll be poz 7 to 10 days."  He was basing the tie frame on when Robbie converted after his weekend visiting.

    Robbie  began to feel slightly ill one week after his visit.  His conversion was solely from poz cum he had deposited inside his ass from himself and Matt.  He figured  the added poz blood he received in the dirty needles along with the extended drug use he expected from the 18 year-old cum dump would get him there about the same time if not quicker.

    Bam Bam made the drive back to school and found Robbie home alone in bed.  Bam Bam knew Robbie had an appointment Saturday night to strip for some drunk frat boys before servicing each and every brother who was there to watch him do his thing.  He quickly stripped off his clothes to join his boyfriend naked in bed.

    The two shared stories of their weekend work which turned them both on to the point where Robbie quickly mounted Bam Bam's growing cock using the cum still present in his ass for lubrication.  This brought Bam Bam around knowing that they both would be needing to add something to the fucking that was just beginning.  Robbie had 2 points prepared as he handed his man a rig he prepared or himself.

    The two became still as they each simultaneously slammed the other.  They kissed as they removed their tourniquets together only breaking the kiss as they each coughed before They rolled over so Robbie was on his back as Bam Bam began to plow his ass.  They spent the morning fucking before Robbie had to go to a late afternoon class and Bam Bam had a lecture right after dinner.  Bam Bam made sure to see Steve before going to his lecture to give him the $1500 he received for his work that weekend.  Steve took $500 out of the envelope and handed it back to Bam Bam along with a bag of Tina.  He then asked his new boss where he was headed the coming weekend only to be told that the next scheduled pozzing would be in 2 to 3 weeks.  He had someone who wanted to get back at his ex boyfriend by pozzing him through his new boyfriend.

    The only activity for the weekend ahead was Robbie going to a private party at a local rave.  This rave was held every 3 months.  The guy who arranges the rave has always had a VIP room where special guests could hang out.  He was able to book Robbie to work the room as a sort of host making sure his special guests are treated right.

    When the weekend came Bam Bam went with Matt as he took Robbie over to the rave to work.  The host invited them to stay as long as they wanted.  The two figured they check out the guys attending the rave to see if they could find a boy to corrupt.

    They quickly spotted a group of high seniors from one of the area high schools.   Matt knew that they were seniors when he spied the twins in the group.  He knew the twins  twins (Allan and Arthur) from wrestling and although they were seniors, the pair was 19 years old.  Their parents held them back a year to help with their wrestling in high school.

    Matt made a comment to Bam Bam that he thought their might be something going on between the two identical twins as they continued to scope the group out the group of dancing jocks.  They watched as they began to break away dwindling the group from 8, to 6 to 5 before 3 dudes headed off leaving the twins all alone.  The guys who split off went to chase female pussy (although it was suspected one of them went after a known bottom boi fag with whom they'd easily end up getting action with before the night was over.

    Matt thought this was a perfect opportunity to lure the twins away from the rave.  he knew that the twins were big pot heads.  He hoped that they might remember him from last summers wrestling camp when he first laid eyes on the two and figured them to be closeted fags.  He knew neither had a girlfriend saying that they didn't want a girl to get int he way of their wrestling.  The two were inseparable.  Matt figured with a little weed, some G and Miss Tina, he could bring these boy out of their shell and discover their true self. 

    The twins looked like they needed a break when Matt went over to say hi allowing him to introduce his friend Bam Bam.  One of the twins asked Bam Bam about his nick name, to which he was given a direct answer about his club of a cock.  The twins seemed oblivious to much of what was being talked about until Matt suggested they go somewhere and smoke a little weed that he had with him.

    Matt was familiar with the rave having attended the last one and he knew there was an area where they could go and light up.  The weed was primo stuff and quickly had the twins baked since they made sure to get them to smoke more then the two college guys smoked.

    The next step was to offer the twins a 'drink'.  Although anyone over 18 could get into the rave, they were strict when it came to serving alcohol.  Of course Matt had a small bottle of booze that they could slip into their can of Coke with no one being the wiser.  A nice dose of GHB was added to each of their Coke cans and between the weed and the G both twins were starting to loosen up while also starting to become slightly tired.

    Matt knew this opened up an avenue to lead the twins down the path of no return.  They told the twins about a banging private party they could go to where they do some more drinking as the Twins were quietly escorted the sluggish twins out a back door so they wouldn't be seen leaving with the two college jocks as began to yawn and fight to stay awake. 

    One twin was placed in the front seat of Bam Bam's car as the other was put in the back seat with Matt.  As they drove off Matt commented kept building up the party as the twins fought to keep their eyes open.  It was time to introduce them to Miss T.

    Matt pulled out his pipe and torch as he told the twins he had something to 'perk' them up for the rest of the night (and a good chunk of the next  couple days) as he lit a torch and heated the bowl.  He inhaled a decent hit before blowing the white cloud out and saying, "Damn, that's good!"

    He then handed the pipe to Bam Bam so he could take a hit.  After he exhaled the white smoke he added his own comment, "I really needed that hit" before handing the pipe back to Matt who was now offering it to a curious twin asked what was in the pipe thinking it was more weed, "More weed will probably put me to sleep."

    Matt told them,  "This stuff is a mild stimulant called T.  It will help wake you guys up.  So relax, let loose and have fun."  He then urged them do as he and Bam Bam did in sucking the smoke and blowing out some clouds.

    Matt first offered the pipe to the twin in the back directing him when to start sucking in the magic smoke.  Bam Bam made a comment about being hot as the twin in the back was blowing out his first cloud.  When the twin in the front took his first hit and blew out an impressive cloud, Matt was agreeing with his friend driving about being too warm as they each took his t-shirt off revealing their well defined, muscular upper bodies.

    As the pipe went back and forth between the two twins each one cloud help from noticing the half naked stud sitting next to him.  After each had taken 5 massive hits as Matt and Bam Bam worked to challenge each twin to attempt to out do the other by taking a bigger and bigger hit off the pipe.

    By this point each twin had perked up and began to feel the warmth around them as Matt encouraged them to take off their shirts.  The twin in the front seat was the first to bare his smooth, lean, defined upper body before he told his brother to quit being a pussy and take off his shirt.

    The one twin in the back seat with Matt was trying to sneak a look at Matt's well defined upper body.  He quickly asked Matt, "How hard was it to develop such your chest and arms?"  The twin in the front seat was now looking back at Matt as he answered, "I got this from years of wrestling."

    Matt then flexed his arms and chest before suggesting the twins have a feel of his muscular upper body as they touched us arms, shoulders, chest and abs.  Matt then pointed  out the definition Bam Bam had was was all natural.  Bam Bam never really spent any significant time in the weight room like Matt.

    Bam Bam offered then had the twins feel his body like they had done to Matt asking them to compare their muscular bodies.  The twin's opinions were split with each twin picking the one that were sitting next to in the car.

    Then Matt and Bam Bam commented on how lean and fit the twins looked each now picking the twin that had picked them.  Bam Bam was the the first of the two to reach over and feel the upper body of the twin next to him.  Matt made sure to add his ow two cents in and compliment the twin close to him as he reach over an felt the twin's arms, chest and paying particular attention to his tight stomach.

    At first the uninvited touching ad the twins a little freaked, but after all they had just touched both of the guys they were riding with when they suddenly began to feel a little excited about being shirtless and touched.

    It was a long drive to get to the party they were taking the twins too  and since they didn't want them to remember the directions, let a lone, the parties location.  They twins began to ask more questions about the party, something they probably should have done before getting into the car.  After a good 30 minutes they pulled up to a nice house on the edge of  a near by town.  The twins had no idea where they were or what they were in for as Bam Bam parked his car.

    The twins were about to put their shirts back on when Matt told them to leave them off.  He added,"It typically gets very warm inside, your shirts will be safer in the car.  Besides you guys have great lean, tight bodies.  You should show them off."  
    The twins followed Matt's advice and seeing the two older, well built guys leaving their shirts int he car did the same.

    The twins followed Matt and Bam Bam as they walked up to the house and walked right inside without ringing the door bell or even  knocking.  They seemed to know some of the people at the party as Matt had Bam Bam take the twins to the den.  With the little bit of Tina and G already  in the twins they probably didn't notice the crowd at the party were mostly gay guys, most of them showing some skin (with a couple bare ass naked) now ogling the half naked twinks.

    Matt quickly joined them with G spiked drinks as Bam Bam offered the pipe so that the twins could blow more clouds.  Before too long each twin had taken another half dozen hits as they slowly drank down their drinks.  Both twins seemed oblivious to what was going on around them as their eyes seemed to be half open.

    Matt took this opportunity to lean over and kiss the twin who rode with him in the back seat as Matt was working on his twin to shot gun of Tina.  Matt wasn't sure what the twin's initial reaction would be, but knew what ever it was, it could be changed with more G and T.

    The twin  Matt started to kiss surprised him as he quickly parted his lips giving allowing his tongue access to his mouth along with a quiet 'MMMM" to be heard.  Bam Bam was already on his second shotgun with his twin as he got him to stand up as they were now kissing as they embraced and allowing him to loosen the twin's belt letting his baggy jeans to fall to the ground leaving him only in a pair of skimpy green bikini briefs..

    Not to be out done, Matt maneuvered his twin to stand as Bam Bam began to lead his twin towards the host up stairs play area.  Matt followed his friend as he worked to free his twin from his cargo shorts which now had this twin only wearing some black CK boxer briefs

    The guy who owns the house was a good friend of Steve.  He created  his second floor play room by knocking down all the walls (with the exception of 4 small, private play rooms.  He had half a dozen slings hanging from the ceiling and mirrors on the ceiling and walls which provided the ability to see most of the action.  Not to mention the numerous hidden cameras that recorded all of the action,

    They were greeted at the top of the stairs by one of the host 'house boys' who  asked, "Fresh meat?"  Matt simply nodded as he granted them access as Matt whispered to the 'house boy' and handing him his bag of party supplies.  Matt knew he could trust the houseboy to make up a 4 slams, a couple nice ones for the twins and one each for he and Bam Bam.

    Most of the part guests were still down stairs except for a few who followed the twins as they  were guided to the second floor.  The twins were easily maneuvered into the slings as they lost the last bit of clothing that remained.  Once in the sling the  twins were distracted as they each were now on the receiving end of a rim job and thus allowing Matt and Bam Bam to loose their own clothing.

    Like clock work the house boy who had greeted them at the top of the stairs returned with a few of his fellow house boys to assist in making sure that each twin was secure in his sling.  The twin had no clue as now a naked Matt and Bam Bam moved from where they had been eating ass to standing next to their twin with point and tourniquet in hand.

    With the ability to see each other in the mirrors of the play room they each began to administer the slams to their respective twin.  They quickly applied the tourniquet and  without the twins being ant the wiser with the G freely flowing through their lean, compact bodies, had a needle slipped in a prominent vein.  They each registered that familiar red flash just before pushing the plunger down and bring the twins on the last step to becoming chem sex slam pigs,

    Matt spoke as the twins began coughing, "Ride it out boys, we'll see you on the other side" as he and Bam Bam moved back between their twins spread legs and administered their own slams.  As the now wide eye and confused twins looked up at the naked forms before them as they were each impaled  by a hard cock driven balls deep as the host joined them proclaiming, "Let the fucking begin!"

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  19. Part 17

    It was now time to start seeding this neg 18 year old and poz him as he was being paid to perform.  Bam Bam let Charlie rock for a short time on his 9" poz cock as he readied the  dumb kid for what he was eventually going to get, a huge load of charged jizz.  Bam Bam hadn't cum in over 2 weeks as he prepared for his first job.

    Looking up at Charlie and seeing him lost in the pleasure he was feeling from having a cock finally inside him .  Bam Bam knew the next step was crucial since part of his job, not only to poz the dumb kid, but to get him used t partying.  He thrusted his cock up a little  deeper eliciting a moan from Charlie as he asked him, "Are you ready to really get fucked?

    Charlie shook his head 'yes' while rocked slightly, with his eyes closed and mouth slithly hanging open.  Bam Bam firmly slapped him across the face to bring him back to reality as he asked his soon to be poz cum pig the same question again, "ARE YOU READY TO  REALLY GET FUCKED???"

    Charlie was now forced to verbalize his answer, "Oh yes, I need you to really fuck me.  Give it all to me please?"  Charlie had no idea what he was really asking for when Bam Bam pushed him off and told him to get on his back while he retrieved a few 'necessities'.

    When Bam Bam returned he quickly shoving the full length of his cock back inside Charlie right before he sprayed a rag with Maximum Impact and dropped it on Charlie's face so he could not see what was coming next.  With Charlie's vision blocked  and lost in the feeling of the G and T already in his system it was easy for a tourniquet to be placed on his arm and a pre-loaded (and previously used) rig slipped into a nice fat vein.  With the expertise he had be taught, he quickly registered the familiar 'red' flash and emptied the slam into Charlie.

    As quickly as it was applied the tourniquet was removed and as Charlie began to vigorously cough causing the rag on his face to fall off as Bam Bam Administered his own slam before he began to start fucking the rushing teen beneath him.  The slam he gave himself was enough to bring him to the verge of orgasm and allowing him to power fuck the teen  he abused his formerly virgin hole.

    Bam Bam worked himself closer and closer to delivering his first poz load with good, long powerful strokes.  Charlie was now moaning as he felt nothing but the pleasure his hole was giving him.  A puzzled expression appeared on Charlie's face reaching down to discover he had a very soft Tina dick.  Bam Bam told him, "Your soft cock give away your true being.  I knew the moment I saw you that you were nothing more then a bottom bitch!   I knew you'd be taking my cock and  any man's cock you were offered,  After we're done, I'm sure you'll go out an search for more cocks to fuck you."

    Bam Bam punctuated his words by long dicking the teen, completely pulling his dick out before slamming it back inside.  As the teen ;s rush continued he quickly gave up on stroking himself and moved to feel the 9" rod working his hungry ass.  It seemed the drugs weren't completely clouding the boy's head when he realized that he was being fucked bareback.

    The expression on his face seemed to be conflicted between enjoying the sensation he was feeling from the skin on skin fuck and knowing that he  should ask for a condom.  Charlie questioned Bam Bam's raw cock in his ass as he slowly gave into the raw fuck he was receiving.  He was bluntly told, "You never asked for a condom when you willingly sat your ass down on my bare dick and I not stopping until I breed you" staring directly into Charlies eyes.

    He then added, "I can see the wheels spinning in your drugged up head, part of you screaming to fuck safe and the other part wanting as much of my raw cock as you can get  Slowly you're giving into the pleasure of feeling nothing between us, knowing that soon you'll be not just asking for my raw cock, but for my load."

    The suggestions that were now filling his head along with the sensation of the are back fuck were definitely winning out as he shook his head yes between moans asked for it harder and faster.  As Bam Bam was approaching his impending orgasm and depositing a massive poz load he began to continue his efforts in moving the teen closer to accepting being bred.

    "Yeah, I can see it in your eyes now.  You're liking getting fucked bareback, no your loving it raw.  I bet you want me to breed you, shoot my big load deep inside you.   Bring you helping you finally realize that you are now nothing more then a cum dump to be fucked and seeded by any man who wants that sweet, ass of yours."

    Bam Bam totally controlled the kid's mind as he began a quick, rapid fuck that he knew was going to cause his balls to fire a huge load.  Charlie started to ask for Bam Bam's load as Bam Bam continued to prime the pump.

    Bam Bam asked, "You want my charged load bitch?" Charlie practically screamed, "YES!  YES!  BREED ME!  PLEASE BREED ME!"

    As Bam Bam/s cock began to thicken he then instructed his new cum dump, "Ask me to breed you and charge your ass and I will fuck my charged load into your ass."

    Charlie was totally lost on what he was being asked to say and without any idea of what he was truly asking for he yelled out, "FUCKING CHARGE MY ASS!"

    Bam Bam could no longer hold back and with the kids plea he slammed balls deep past the kids deep ring and unloaded what was probably the biggest load of cum he had ever fired while peering into Charlie's soul.  Charlie felt the cock inside him spasm as he was being filled.

    The entire experience had Bam Bam turned on more then he thought possible as he began to make short jabs with his still hard cock deep inside Charlie.  He had expected to go soft but found himself ready to work on a second load.  This fuck took a lot longer then the first allowing Bam Bam to not only work the load already deep inside the boy into the battered walls of his colon, but to cause some minor damage that would allow the bug to seep into the teen's system.

    Charlie took 7 loads from Bam Bam, the first 3 before his cock ever left Charlie's ass and they took  little break.  Charlie started to gratitude for being shown his true nature as he sipped his G laced drink.  He wanted more of what he was already given so far that night.  Bam Bam told him if he wanted more of what he was already given he needed to finish his (G laced) drink and start to suck his cock hard so that he could fuck him again.

    Charlie downed his drink and quickly took Bam Bam soft cock into his mouth as the G worked into his system and Bam Bam retrieved another slam.  This time he didn't hide the fact he was administering another slam as he let Charlie know about the drugs he had already been given.  With the G fogging his brain he willingly accepted the slam as he was fucked some more.

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  20. Part 16

    As the new semester started Matt had stetted into one of Steve's spare bedrooms.  Bam Bam & Robbie were moved into the one bedroom apartment  Matt once occupied.  The studio was left vacant for the time being.  With the addition of Robbie who was Steve's first 'willing' worker.  Matt already had him booked to work some special parties. The one thing none of them knew was Robbie's  dancing abilities as he quickly became know as a stripper (which made a good cover for when he went out to service men).

    Shortly after the weekend Robbie spent on campus, Bam Bam was already getting action as a potent gifter.  His first gig was for a single father who wanted his 'queer fag of a son' pozzed on his 18th birthday.  The details were clear, he was to use what ever methods necessary to accomplish the job.  Matt, with the help of James, taught Bam Bam everything he needed to know on how to  administer a booty bump to an unsuspecting bottom, prepare and administer a slam, the importance of GHB and how best to dose (so that he intended does not get too much).  Bam Bam was a quick study and was ready for the job earlier then expected.

    The set up was for the kids 18th birthday dinner where Bam Bam would make contact his target.  He was able to get some G added to the kid's drink and with the right moves, hoped to take him to a local hotel.  There was help from the kid's father as the night progressed,  The father played it up as Bam Bam flirted with his target by urging him to talk to Bam Bam.

    The kid was a little reluctant, apparently not enough G in his drink.  The opening came when on Que  excused himself and headed to the bathroom.  Bam Bam wasted no time and approached and wished the kid a 'Happy Birthday!'  As the conversation continued the kid finish his drink allowing all the G to get into his system.  Bam Bam asked if the kid was enjoying himself to which the lid admitted it was ok.  Bam Bam when in for the 'kill' asking the newly 18 year old if he'd like to celebrate his birthday with a lonely, out of town visitor.

    The kids eyes lit up at the offer and with some urging, the kid left a note for his dad and the two walked out.  Getting into Bam Bam's car (which Steve supplied as part of his work), Bam Bam gave the kid a birthday kiss on the cheek before they sped off for Bam Bam's hotel.  After parking the car and heading inside  the room.

    Bam Bam offered to make the kid a drink, asking  if he would like a rum and coke (of course with the G in his system he was not going to get any alcohol, but more G), as Charlie had a seat on a love seat that was in the room.  As each had his own drink,  Bam Bam finally asked the kids name.  Bam Bam introduced himself as Lucas before asking the kid for his name.  The replied, "Charles, Jr, but most people call me Charlie."

    They chatted about consequential, mundane topics as the G slowly took affect on the intended victim.  Bam Bam began to put the moves on the kid as the effects of the G became self evident.  First he placed his hand on Charlie's thigh as he began to kiss him.  Then slowly he moved his hand higher up the kid's thigh and closer to his slightly noticeable cock.

    Charlie showed a slight hesitation to Bam Bam advancements even with the G already consumed.. He took this opportunity to attempt to get the open up asking him about his sexual experience to which Charlie admitted that the only experience he had had was jerking off while watching porn.

    This gave an opening for Bam Bam.  With his laptop already connected to the TV he asked if he could put some porn on the TV for them to watch.  Charlie jumped at the idea since he only had a couple, short video clips on his phone.  Once the porn started playing it was easy to get Charlie to finish his drink (and the remaining G).  The videos being played were a mix of home made by Steve with some  commercial porn.

    Bam Bam assured the 18 year old that he was going to be gentle as he showed charlie the time of his life, adding, "We won't do anything you don't want to do, I promise."  He knew full well that with the G (and soon to be T) in the boy's system along with Bam Bam pushing the right buttons, the kid would do anything Bam Bam wanted.

    The porn had the kid memorized and increased his horniness.  Bam Bam resumed exploring the kids body with his hands and soon was kissing the kid full on the lips.  He easily slipped his tongue into Charlie's mouth as his hand moved over a hard cock.  Charlie moaned slightly as his cock was ever so slightly squeezed.  Charlie really liked the porn and asked if there was anyway he could  get a copy.  Bam Bam flashed a devilish smile and answer that he intended to leave a copy for the teen.

    Before Charlie knew it he was slowly being undressed.  His shirt found its way to the floor as his belt was loosened and the button on his cargo shorts was unfastened.  Bam Bam had the kid stand up allowing his jeans to fall to the floor leaving him in a pair of bright blue 2xist, low rise briefs.  As charlie sat back down on the love seat as Bam Bam quickly removed his own shirt.

    They resumed kissing as now Charlie let his hand roam over Bam Bam's body, quickly finding his belt already unfastened to which he unbuttoned Bam Bam's khaki's and the two stood up allowing the slacks to fall to the ground as Bam Bam guided he prey to the bed.

    Once at the beds edge he pushed the teen onto the bed where he landed on his back.  This gave an opportunity to remove his briefs.  The G was in full effect as Charlie made to attempt to  protest as he lay there now naked, looking up at Bam Bam now wearing a nice pair of black Andrew Christian boxer  briefs that really accentuated the size of his growing cock.

    While looking down at the innocent looking teen beneath him, Bam Bam  hooked his thumbs in the waist band of his boxer briefs and slid them down before climbing on the bed to resume kissing Charlie.  The now naked two-some kept exploring until Bam Bam made a move to give Charlie his first blow job.  He took the kids (nearly) 7", hard cock into his mouth down the the root as Charlie let out an 'Oh my GOD!'

    The blow job had its intended effect on Charlie, but had to be stopped quickly as Bam Bam could sense the kid would cum real soon if he continued.  He made his move, to the disappointment of Charlie at first.  But when he pushed the teen's legs back and began to give him his first out-n-out rim job, the moans returned.

    The kid needed to be shown that his hole was to be the center of all his pleasure as was directed by the man paying for Bam Bam's work, the kid's father.  What was not know to that point was that his father intended to turn his son into his private cum dump while sharing him with his friends and maybe whoring him out for drugs.

    This position gave Bam Bam the opportunity to booty pump the unsuspecting teen as he started to prepare the kids hole for his  9" death stick.  As Charlie was lost in the sensations he was experiencing for the first time Bam Bam used the porn to distract the kid as a video showing a young, 18 year old Lucas being fucked by Matt.  Bam Bam drew Charlies attention to the video and saying, if your lucky, "Maybe that will be you tonight.?

    Between the G in him, the physical sensation of being rimmed and visually watching a teen kid like him getting fucked had his mind distracted  enough to allow Bam Bam to slip a spit lubed (Bam Bam's preferred lubrication) finger inside where nothing had ever been before.  He made sure to hit the kid's prostate sending a shock wave through the kids body. 

    Charlie watched as the twink in the video was getting fucked.  As he watched he realized he did not see a condom on the top (Matt) and asked about this fact.  While alternating between eating the kids virgin ass, and slipping a finger (or two) inside he let his prey know "This is a bareback video.  I'm guessing the little clips you watched had the top wearing a condom?"  With his eyes still occupied by the porn on the TV, Charlie slowly shook his head 'yes as Bam Bam took this opportunity to slip a shard of Tina inside hos hole along with a third finger.

    Charlie complained for a moment about a slight burning in his ass as Bam Bam worked the shard in as deep as he could telling the teen, "Relax sexy boy, I'm just working to open up this tight hole of yours so I can give you my birthday gift"  This would have Charlie thinking that any burn he would feel from Tina being shoved into his hole was just Bam Bam loosening him for his steel, meat, spike.

    After a third decent shard of Tina was deep inside Charlie, Bam Bam got on the bed next to  the teen and had him lay on top so he could work on getting his 9" death stick hard while Charlies hole was finalized for penetration.  He urged Charlie that if he wanted his cock  inside his hole, he'd have to get it as slick as he could.

    As Bam Bam continued to rim, finger and booty bump Charlie, he also coached him in the art of sucking cock.  When he had added a fifth a final shard of Tina, he took his free hand to the back of Charlie's had and helped him work down his cock until his cock was 2/3 the way in the teen's mouth and poised at the back of his throat.

    Although this was the first cock Charlie had ever sucked he knew from the mini porno clips he had watched that it was important to be able to get the other guy's cock in as far as possible.  Bam Bam told him to breath through his nose and on the next down stroke his only thought should be to relax and breath his cock.  He should concentrate on the pleasure he was receiving from the cock in his mouth and the pleasure he would bring when it slides into he throat.

    With that said, when Charlie worked down the 9" shaft when he reached the point where the cock was right at the entrance to his throat, Bam Bam applied enough force to the back of his head he only had one choice as to what to do next (whether he was ready or not), that cock was going down he throat.  He did his best to follow what he was told, concentrating on the pleasure he was giving as the cock seemed to grow hard inside his throat and pushing a little further into his throat.

    Bam Bam didn't hold him there long and soon Charlie was allowed to pull back so he could grab a breath of air while still getting his ass eaten.  He moved down again with a determination to deep throat this cock on his own.  Again, there was the hand on the back of his head as the cock slid into he throat before he stopped still a good inch from his goal  as a little pressure was applied allowing about half and inch more to slide in before the hand let up and Charlie repeated getting a quick breath before quickly plunging back down the full length of Bam Bam's cock this time feeling his pubes in his chin as he continue to work the last little bit inside with the hand on the back of his head nearly resting on his head.

    Bam Bam felt a sense of accomplishment since Charlie proceeded to work all of his 9", dripping, rock hard cock completely in he throat 3 more times as a sixth and final shard of meth was shoved inside with 3 fingers as Bam Bam made sure to massage the prostate.  Charlie stroked Bam Bam's slicked up cock and only had one thing to say,"FUCK ME!"


    It very clear that both the G and T had taken effect in the birthday boy.  Although this plea was noticed, it was ignored as the attention given to his aching prostate and hole continued and intensified.

    Now the virgin asked again, but with more pleading in his voice, "PLEASE FUCK ME!  FUCK ME LIKE A BITCH!"  Charlie was asked, "Are you sure you are ready and can handle this fucking you?"  Charlie shook his head yes and added, "If I can take this in my throat in my throat, I'm sure I can get it in my ass."  The kid was ready for his birthday present, a present that would last the rest of his life.

    Bam Bam had Charlie stand up and straddle him before lowering his ass right over his throbbing, dripping, spit slicked cock.    Suddenly Charlie felt the tip at the entrance to virgin territory as Bam Bam guided him down.  When the pressure was sufficient the tip of Bam Bam's cock slipped inside as Charlie could only say,"OH FUCK!"  Bam Bam helped to steady the teen who had just started to impale himself onto his cock.  Slowly Charlie slid down until he was just over 3/4 the way down as the tip was now at the deep internal ring.  Bam Bam  grabbed popper (that were planed to be close at hand) and instructed the impaled teen on their use while he held him firmly by the hips holding him in place.  After a half dozen good hits in each nostril Charlie was told to recap the poppers, take some deep breaths, relax and let gravity do the work.  As Charlie was taking those deep breaths it was like a switch was thrown as the last reaming part of Bam Bam's cock disappeared inside him.

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  21. Part 15

    Bam Bam took Robbie back to his dorm room where he continued to fuck Robbie while they recovered from the past few days.  Robbie was appreciative for what was done to him since it allowed him to discover his true self, a bottom boy ho needed to learn to surrender his hole to any man who wanted to use it for his pleasure.  The two were also discussing plans for when Robbie will be starting to attend college next semester as the two drifted off to sleep Sunday night.

    As the day slowly approached noon on Monday morning, as if fate was calling, Matt knocked on the door to Bam Bam's room.  As the two naked man stirred in bed, Bam Bam asked who was at the door to which a simple replay "It's Matt".   Bam Bam told Robbie to answer the door and has the naked 18 year old grabbed for something to cover his body with Bam Bam  simply said to him, "Naked!"  A naked Robbie moved to the door and quickly welcomed their visitor.

    Matt explained that he was there with a proposal for the two of them.  Matt went on to tell the two a little about the business, the old hotel Steve owned and the boys that Steve like to rent out.   Robbie listened intently as Matt spoke  and after all the Tina he had that weekend, was starting to get hard.  Matt knew that Bam Bam wanted to move out of the dorms next semester so that he could get a place with Robbie.  If the two of them were to go to work for Steve not only could they have Matt's apartment, but a nice pay check.  Matt was going to take one of Steve's bedrooms.

    Matt had spoken to Steve on Sunday and figured the way Robbie liked to be fucked, he could be transformed into a high price boy.  Bam Bam seemed to transform into a power, pozzing top who would be paid well to poz those that wanted it and those that other would pay to be force.

    Matt watched as Bam Bam was now rubbing his had up and down Robbie's back as the implications started to sink in, especially on Robbie who was coming to realize that not only did he receive his first fuck, but was probably now HIV+, a thought that, for some strange reason to him, made him incredibly horny.

    Bam Bam wasted no time and pulled Robbie close as the two kissed.  Robbie quickly mounted Bam Bam, who was lying on his back with his hard cock pointing straight up.  Robbie impaled himself on the full length of his friends cock as the two kissed and, seemingly, forgot Matt was in the room.  As Robbie road his friend's cock the two suddenly felt the presence of some one joining them on the bed.

    Bam Bam pulled Robbie in close as Matt quickly lined his cock up with Robbie's already full hole and pushed in along side.  Robbie moaned out as the second cock invaded his hole and he began to get his first, of many, DPs.

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  22. Part 14

    Matt further explained what to expect with the cough, fast breathing and quickening heart beat as he slid the needle into a fat vein, registered the familiar red swirl and pushed the plunger down.  As Robbie's coughing fit began to subside he had to blink his eyes as he saw his naked friend emerge from the shadows and quickly shove his rock hard cock balls deep inside him.

    Bam Bam was the first to deliver a charged load deep inside Robbie's neg ass, but he wouldn' be the last as the crowd from out by the pool began to filter into the basement play room.  Most of the local dealers, a number of the campus gay boys and a few friends from not too far away were invited to join in on Robbies' pozzing.

    It was very apparent by Robbie's reaction that he was thoroughly enjoying himself as Bam Bam worked his cock in and out his formerly virgin hole.  The G and T were rewiring Robbie's brain to accept (not only what was happening to him, but) his true self that was drawn out for all to see and him to feel.  Bam Bam leaned in to kiss his totally spun friend as he delivered his first load.  Bam Bam continued to work his cock in Robbie's freshly seeded hole trying to work his toxic load into the bruised walls of his ass.

    Bam Bam moved to Robbie's head to get his cock cleaned as Matt quickly moved in between Robbie's leg slamming his own hard cock balls deep inside Robbie's hole preventing any of the load already inside to leak out.  Robbie simply moaned in pleasure as his hole became the center of his world.

    One by one each man there deposited a load (some deposited more) inside Robbie's hole to the point where cum began to 'squish' out as Robbie was getting fucked.  Matt made sure to keep Robbie well spun as he was used  as a cum dump from Thursday night through Sunday morning.  Bam Bam wanted Robbie to himself for the last two nights.  Mat, along with help from James kept Robbie higher than GOD with slams of various amounts and different intervals.

    Matt began to notice a  definite change in Robbie that got him thinking.  Typically Steve had to trick the boys they turned into Tina whores so that they could make money off their high asses.  Matt had asked Steve if he'd ever employ a willing boy to which he quickly  answered, "Abso-fucking-lutely!!!!"  Matt was starting to wonder if he had found that boy in Robbie.  

    Sunday was fast upon them with Robbie still a little spun there was only Matt, Bam Bam and James  left when Andre checked in with Matt in order to collect  his fee for the security service before he was going to head out when he saw a now naked Robbie.  As he was chatting with Matt he kept his eyes locked on the slim, petite cum dump as he instinctively rubbed his hardening cock,

    Matt observed Andre's reaction to the sight before him and knew exactly what it was going to take to get Andre to breed Robbie.  Matt asked Andre to wait while he retrieved his fee for the evening as Bam Bam and James helped Robbie out of the sling and over the couch to allow him to rest a bit before leaving.   Matt retrieved some a few articles of clothing from  its storage location, walked over to Robbie and slipped a skirt, gril's training bra and a tank top on the tired youth before rejoining Andre.

    Matt knew that although Andre liked to fuck a nice piece of white ass, he knew if that Andre was more likely to fuck that piece of white ass if it was dressed as Robbie was now.  Matt whispered to James to have a nice slam prepared before rejoining Andre handing him a nice wad of cash.

    Andre suffed the cash in his pocket as his other hand began to unfasten his belt.  Matt got Robbie on all fours as James approached with the slam to administer to Robbie.  By this point Andre's pants were on the floor as he approached Robbie whole stroking his dripping, BBC (which Matt knew to be over 10" and thick).

    As Robbie began to ride his latest rush, Andre came in behind him, positioned his dripping cock against Robbie well abused hole and grabbed Robbie's slim waist.  With one brute thrust he had 3/4's of it buried inside Robbie's ass.


    What surprised everyone including Andre is the noise that came from Robbie.  It was well known that any guy who has taken Andre's cock as Robbie had just done typically screamed in pain no mater how high.  Robbie seemed to moan in pleasure as Andre began to work the remaining length of his cock inside Robbie high ass.

    The three friends watched as Andre pushed his cock deeper inside and surely pushing the remaining poz seed deeper into Robbie's body.  Andre fucked like a porn star on Caverject, he easily could cum, remain hard, keep fucking and cum again.  Andre fucked Robbie for a good 2 1/2 hours and depositing at least 6 loads before pulling his softening cock from Robbie's ass.

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  23. Part 13

    Brandon (a.k.a. Bam Bam) and Robbie grew up as next door neighbors and best friends.  There was only one year difference in age between them, but they were opposite when is came to looks.  Robbie was a lot shorter then his fiend.  At 5'6" he only weighed about 120 pounds.

    He arrived on campus late Wednesday night to spend the next 5 days exploring the campus he would soon be attanding.  He was graduating early from high school and planned on starting college right after the new year.  This got Matt thinking as they began to set their plan into motion to fully bring Robbie out of his sexual shell.

    He and Brandon had only 'fooled around' a few times jerking off together and only once did they try sucking cock.  Brandon recalled that Robbie was a natural at it when they exchanged blow jobs after graduation.  But as summer dragged on and Brandon began to get redy to leave for college the two didn't do anything more.

    They used the coeds from Matt's building to assist in the plan.  They would pose as Brandon's and James's girlfriends.  The plan Thursday night was to go to a local party where they would meet up with Matt.  While at the party they made sure Robbie would get 'mixed drinks' as they suposedly chose to drink rum and cokes.  The only thing Robbie was getting in his coke was GHB.

    When they met up with Matt he offered them some weed to smoke and before Robbie knew it he was  G'ed up and high on pot.  All of a sudden the girl that was wih Brandon complained that she was really sick and the two couples were going to take the girls home in James's small car.  With the one girl not feeling well they didn't want to crowd her in the back seat.  Matt immediately offered to give Robbie a lift back to campus as the two couples headed for the door.  Roobie was none the wiser as the two got into Matt's Mustang and drove off.

    Robbie was starting to doze off as Matt started the engine.  Matt said to the unsuspecting 18 year old, "Looks like you need a little pick me up" as he pulled out a pipe a little baggie.  Robbie answered him stating "More weed was going to put him to sleep".

    Matt let his new young friend know that it wasn't weed, "No bro, this is T, it's a stimulant.  It will wake you right up" as he lit his torch and sucked in a nice small hit before blowing out a cloud in the car uttering "Damn that's good!"

    He urged Robbie to give it a try holding the pipe towards him.  Robbie put his lips on the pipe as Matt lit the torch and heated the bowl instructing Robbie to suck in the smoke as it began to swirl around.  Matt let Robbie knwo he should take a couple more hits since it takes a few to really feel the effets.

    After four good hits Matt could see the effect it was already having on Robbie asking how he felt.  Robbie's answer, "I feel more awake". was no surprise.  Matt quickly removed his t-shirt and threw it in the back seat exposing his muscular upper body commenting "That stuff always makes me  feel very warm.  Don't you feel a lot warmer Robbie?"

    Robbie nodded in agreement as he admired Matt's well defined chest and arms.  Matt then suggested for Robbie to remove his shirt.  Matt caught Robbie staring as he then showed off his biceps and triceps Matt invited Robbie to feel his arms and chest as he was flexing while letting his rider know that he used to wrestle until he decided to focus on his education.

    But knew how to stroke the little guys ego.  He told Robbie he liked the lean compact body he had as he reached over to touch Robbie's ars, chest and abs.  At first this advancement from Matt made Robbie feel a little uncomfortable, but then he had just felt  Matt's muscles a few seconds earlier.  Besides, the physical contact they made with each other kind of excited him since it had been months since he had any physical contact with another person.

    Just as they were about to start to drive Matt's phone went off letting him know that he had a text message.  Matt looked at the phone then told Robbie that Matt  and James were at the girl's place, that there was a pool party going on and that we should join them.

    Robbie was quick to say "Let's go" to which Matt added "Right on!" adding that they could smoke some more T when latter if Robbie wanted to , and Robbie  wanted to.

    When Matt pulled into his parking space Robbie reached for his shirt only to be stopped.  Matt informed him "It's a pool party, I doubt we'll be needing our shirts bro" as they climbed out of the car and headed in the gate.

    The usual suspects were there some still wearig swim suits, a few bare ass naked.  Matt immediately shook hands and gave a hug to Andre who was there to keep order.  Steve was out of town for the weekend since he had to take Luke on his first 'working' trip.   The kids boyish looks had already brough in a nice sum for Steve that when Matt asked him about having the pool party Steve agreed as long as Andre ws there to keep things from getting out of hand.

    Andre was a former football player who worked security on campus and was in Steve's back pocket.  Although he was very straight, he liked on occasion to fuck a nice piece of white ass.  I had a feeling he might tap Robbie before the weekend was through.

    They quickly found Matt and James in the pool with the girls sitting near them on the deck.  As Matt hit the pipe before offering it to his friends in the water.  After they each took a couple hits Robbie wasted no time in making some clouds of his own before noticing that both Brandon and James were naked.  Bam Bam kooked up at the half naked Matt and Robbie asking "Are you guys here to swim or what?"

    Matt dropped his shorts, said swimm and jumped into the pool as Robbie watch before following his example.  Once in the water Matt worked to get Robbie in the corner alone where he began to make his move first by kissing him then letting his hands roam over his small frame.

    Robbie was liking the attention he was getting has he allowed Matt to continue his exploration of his mouth with his tongue and his slim body with his more powerful hands.  Robbie was a little worried that his close friend might see what was going on, but Matt let him know that Bam Bam's attention was on the girls sitting by the pools edge.

    The attention Matt was giving Robbie was, along wth the G & T in his system, was making it easy for Matt to manipulate the smaller (and more submissive) Robbie that when he made the suggestion, "Why don't we move this inside to my apartment?"  Robbie was quick to agree with a simple nod of his head.

    Robbie quickly grabbed their shorts and shoes as he followed Matt inside like a puppy dog.  Once inside Matt's apartment and before they resumed kissing, Robbie took a brief moment to tell Matt, "I've only done thi a couple times with a friend, I'm."  Matt put a finger on Robbie lips to stop him from continuing and said "Their is a first time for everyone, don't worry, we'll take it slow and you can say stop any time you want" knowing full well that the T & G would keep him going.

    After some more kissing Matt fixed them some drinks and Robbie hit the pipe a few more times.    Matt put a larger dose a GHB in Robbie's drink this time and shortly after he finished it had Robbie  bent over his couch as he gave him his first rim job.  Robbie couldn't help but moan as he felt Matt's tongue circle, lick and penerate his virgin hole as Matt urged him to hit the pipe freely.

    After Matt was satisfied that he was priming the pump he then had Robbie get on his knees and sucking only the second cock in his young life.  Matt was thinking how right Bam Bam was, Robbie was a natural at sucking cock.  Maybe he could get Robbie to do a little work on the side for him after he started school.

    As Robbie held Matt's cock in his throat he felt like he could bust a nut at any moment.  He pulled Robbie off him and brought him in for a kiss before leading him to his beroom where he manuvered Robbie on his back allowing him to climb on top after grabbing the lube, poppers and some Tina.

    As the two kissed Matt began to lube up Robbie's virgin hole.  First one finger then as he added more lube and a second finger he made sure to slip a nice shard of Tina inside as well.   Through the kissin Robbie attempted to say something about the burn he felt from the Tina only to be quieted by the now more dominant Matt.  More lube soon followed along with another shard of Tina as Robbies as was now being stretched and prepared for Matt's cock.

    When Matt easily had four fingers inside Robbie's hole he broke off the kiss only instruck Robbie to hit the pipe a few more times before he was going to finally get fucked.  Robbied ass was so hungry and in need of being filled by Matt's (ot any man's) cock he took five massive hits off the pipe Matt had in the bedroom before turning to Matt and letting himknow he was ready.

    There was no discussion of status, or condoms as Matt lined his cock up with Robbie's hole.  With all the work Matt had doen on opening up Robbie his cock popped in easily and he slowly slid it all the way inside.  Matt knew his job was to get Robbie craving to be fucked since Bam Bam wanted the honors of being the first to breed his friend.  So aftera good 30 minutes of fucking where Matt had to really concentrate on not cumming they took a break.

    Matt asked Robbie if he'd like to see the rest of the place.  Mat had access to the basement play room and when they got down there Robbie imnediately saw the sling and wanted to jump in.  As he laid there Matt asked "You want to try the sling out?"  Robbie shook his head and answered "Yes I would."  Matt kndw it was time to take thing up a notch and told Robbie "There is only one way you are getting fucked in the sling, you have to let me restrain you and you have to take a slam."

    Robbie agreed to getting slammed without even knowng what a slam was as Matt secure the straps on his ankles and wrists.  Robbie began to panick a little when he applied the tourniquett and had the loaded point in hand, but Robbie seemed to relax a bit after Matt kissed him and told him "The stuff in this point is the same stuff you've been smoking all night, T, and I know you like smoking T, right?"  Robbie nodded in agreement before Matt when on, "I know you're going to enjoy slamming, just sit back and enjoy the ride."

    Matt further explained what to expect with the cough, fast breathing and quickening heart beat as he slid the needle into a fat vein, registered the familiar red swirl and pushed the plunger down.  As Robbie's coughing fit began to subside he had to blink his eyes as he saw his naked friend emerge from the shadows and quickly shove his rock hard cock balls deep inside him.

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  24. Part  12

    Luke's training was reaching a pinical as he quickly learned his new role in life.  After he was told that 'he sent a letter to his parents telling them how he got a girl pregnant, that  they both dropped out school and were moving away to get married and raise their kid together.  Luke knew his parents would be disappointed since they did not believe in premarital sex and he would be disowned.  Steve took the opportunity to sell off the majority of Luke's property with the exclusion of his car, cell phone and laptop.

    This he had one of his dealers who closely resembled Luke and had him drive out west where the car was to be sold along with the laptop and any othrer identifying belongings incase they tried to find him.

    Just about a week and a half after Luke's first breeding, and daily breedings since then, he began to feel sick.  This only made Matt increase his training.  Luke needed to lear no matter how he felt, he had a job to do in pleaseing the customer.

    While Luke's training continued, James kept an eye on 'Bam Bam'.  Every so often he would leave a little clue about what might have happened the other night.  It took a full two weeks for Bam Bam to get the fuck flu.  After he recoverred he received a plain brown envalope with no return adress on it n his mail box.  It contained a DVD which he imediately watched on his laptop when he was alone in his dorm room.

    He was stunned to see himself not just begging to be fucked, but begging for each guy to breed him along with the slams he received.  The video ended with an address to the county free clinic where he could get tested for HIV.  He must have watched the DVD a dozen times while jacking off until he couldn't cum any more.  The next day he went to get tested and sure enough, he was HIV positive.

    Luke was ready and puy to work earning good money for Steve.  Bam Bam started to ask around trying to find the mysterious man he met at the dorm party.  He vaguely remembered James talkig to him and immediately tried to hook up with him.

    Sure enough Bam Bam was open to not just flip fucking, but asked James about partying and about Matt.  Bam Bam was not upset or mad, in fact he was relieved.  Deep down he always wanted to not only fuck bareback, but to bottom too.   And with wht had happened he felt a freedom he never knew existed and wanted to thank those that took him down this path.

    They ended up at Matt's where the three spent the night high as fuck.  Matt and James explained Tina and slamming to Bam Bam as they each took Viagra while downing a little GHB.  As the Viagra a G took effect Slams were prepared as both Matt and James let Bam Bam know that they each wanted to feel Bam Bam's raw dick inside them as he experiened his first bareback fuck as a top.

    The night, and good part of the next day, the three spent fucking and sudking.  Bam Bam discovered the pure of breeding and being bred.  These events made him think about his cousin who he always assumed was a closet case.  When they were in their early teens they had on a few occasions 'messed around'.  They came up with a plan.

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