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  1. Once inside, Mike closed the back door behind his fuck buddy who stood waiting for Mike. Mike gestured to follow him and walked to the stairs and up to the master bedroom with his fuck buddy trailing behind, both silent. Mike went right for the bed and lied down on his back and said to his fuckbuddy, "Get comfortable. Lie down, chill,", and watched his buddy strip down to his briefs and lie down beside Mike. "I never even knew your first name until tonight. I know that we agreed to that for discretions' sake, but that was blown out of the water tonight. You know that I would never do anything to cause you any problems?" His fuckbuddy nodded in agreement. It was dark but Mike could feel his fuckbuddy staring right at him. "Can I call you Lawrence?" "Sure, but most people call me Larry." "Well, Larry, I gotta thank you for coming back and getting me out of there." "I am sorry that I suggested that we even go to that bathhouse. I feel like this is my fault." "It isn't your fault." "I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw you strapped to that bench, drenched in sweat, spun, cum all over your ass and in your crack, on your face, in your hair. You were literally coated in cum. How any guys fucked you? What do you remember?" "I remember a whole bunch of images or short moments but it was all hazy and hard to tell what was real and what wasn't. I passed out a few times, and each time I came to there was a different cock in my mouth. Once someone took off the blindfold, even though I couldn't focus my eyes, I could catch a glimpse. I don't know. I just remember feeling full of cock all the time, and I would be lying if I said that at some point I didn't start to enjoy it, cause I did. That's the thing that disturbs me the most." "But you thought I was there?" "Yeah, I know, I was seeing things. They injected me at least twice that I remember and from what I can tell it was probably crystal meth." Mike touched to spot on his left arm where he got the first injection. "I was so high for I don't know how long before I really even knew what was happening. At first, I was flipping out, terrified, and then when someone made it clear that I was going to get shot up, and I felt it go in my arm, I just let go, like that guy Jerry said. He whispered in my ear: "We are going to get you high no matter what. If you hold still, it will be quick, but if you move around, you're gonna get a bunch of nasty abscesses and have to explain to everyone why you look like a junkie" "Holy fuck. How'd it feel?" "Well, it's intense. A kind of ringing in my ears, and then I coughed for a bit. Then I was flying. And everything was blurry, unclear, and I sort of had no thoughts about anything but the feeling of a cock against my hole and another one slapping against my face. And when I felt that first cock in my ass and that first cock in my mouth after they injected me, that's all there was: cock. I have never been so hungry for sex in my life and I have done my fair share of drugs" "Holy fuck, wow. I admit that not only was I pissed off that I didn't get to fuck you, but - and I hope this doesn't piss you off - but I got hard when I walked up to the door of the room in the bathhouse, and saw you strapped in. When I felt your ass and crack, and the wetness, I put my fingers in my mouth and realized that it was cum. I was rockhard at the thought that you got barefucked and you got loads. I know we have always played safe, but I couldn't help it and I can't now: I am rock hard just picturing you there." Mike reached down to Larry's cock. It was hard. Mike moved his head down to Larry's crotch, never letting go of his cock. He squeezed that cock just lightly, then leaned in until he could slap the cock against his lips. Larry was moaning. Mike opened his mouth and slowly slid the whole length of Larry's cock into his mouth, until Mike felt his lips around the base of the cock. Larry's hands moved to Mike's head, keeping him in place and keeping his cock deep in Mike's throat. Mike started to show signs of gagging, but Larry held fast. All of a sudden Mike started violently gagging and Larry let go of his head. "Larry, my throat hurts from last night. I think it took a real beating and feels raw." "It's ok, let's just chill." Mike moved to lie beside Larry and they laid there in silence in the dark for a while. PIng. "Fuck. Where's my phone?" Mike was fumbling around on the bed, then turned on the bedside light, and scanned the room, realizing that he left his phone downstairs. He got up and told Larry he was going to check his messages in case it was his wife. He walked out and headed downstairs. He went to the back door and there was his phone on the table. He picked it up and saw that he had a text. He didn't recognize the number, and opened it. There was an attachment, so clicked on the attachment and all of a sudden he was looking at a vid clip that was difficult to make out, but then, clearly, his face in plain view, with a cock going in and out of his mouth. Someone says something in the background and Mike stops sucking the cock, and looks right at the camera and says: "Fuck me raw. Dump in me". Mike couldn't breathe. Who the fuck sent this? He checked the number again and it looked like a local number so he called it. It rang and then someone answered, a guy, who said, "That was just a tiny preview of what we have. What did you think?" "Who the fuck is this and what the fuck is going on?" "I am hurt. You don't remember me? I am one of the many guys who rode your throat and hole last night. In fact, I came back for seconds, then thirds, but you were so fucking high by then, I doubt you remember." "How did you get my number? What the fuck do you want from me?" "Ah, well, to answer your first question: I took the key to your locker, opened it up, rummaged through your stuff, copied your contact list and other info, took your Driver's Licence." Mike couldn't breathe. The voice continued: "To answer the second question, I want your throat and hole again. At the bathhouse. In the private room with private bathroom and shower. This Wednesday, 8pm. Got it?" "If I don't come or can't come for some reason?" "With what I have in still photos and vid clips of you? If you want to take that chance, sure, go ahead, but just about everyone you know and more, would get a series of good texts, with attachments. And cause I like to share, vids would also be shared online. And don't worry, all of it would be untraceable. You aren't dealing with amateurs." "Okay" Mike said quietly. He heard a click and the call was over. A second later, another text came through. Mike was terrified, but opened the attachment, and opened the vid clip. It showed Mike looking up and someone says something to Mike. He's in the bathouse. He says, "Yeah," then someone in the background says something, and Mike looks into the camera and says "I wanna get high and I want raw cock." Then you hear laughter, and see a tourniquet being tied on Mike's arm. With silent steps he headed back up to the bedroom, and Larry was asleep and deeply so. Mike crawled into bed beside Larry and began to play with his hole, trying to imagine which one of the guys last night is doing this to him?
  2. Mike heard a distant sound, like it was muffled or smothered by something. A ping, that's what he heard. He started to move his legs and they were painful. Spread far apart, it killed to try to pull them together. His arm was leaden as he lifted it to rub his eyes. He opened his eyes and was in total darkness. For a second he thought he was in the bathhouse, but then realized it was his own bedroom and he was in his own bed. The ping he heard played in his mind again. He started to fumble around on the bed for his phone. He didn't see it on his nighttable, but there it was, tangled up in his bedlinens. One flashing bar of power left motivated Mike to try to raise up and sit up. Moving his legs was painful, but he got himself seated on the edge of the bed, feet on the floor. The charger was in the nighttable drawer, so he fished it out, and slowly got down on his knees. His knees were sore, and even raw, and they hurt. He lowered himself down on his left elbow and held onto the night table with his right arm, This was difficult and he was sore all over from last night. With both arms propping himself up Mike moved closed to the outlet. To reach it he had to get his shoulders down and close to the floor so he could reach behind the nighttable. As he moved forward and got down to the floor he had a vision of himself last night. Clearly he could remember seeing himself reflected in the large mirror in that room at the bathhouse with shitty music drowning out most sounds and that red light painting everything and everyone ruby. And he could see that he was strapped into that fuckbench, and that guy Jerry was slowly fucking Mike while this other guy, a stranger. was sliding his cock in and out of Mike's mouth. He was able to turn his head slightly so that out of the corner of his eye he could see the whole spectacle in the mirror. And he remembered while he was bent over on his bedroom floor that there were three guys standing in the open door way at the bathhouse in this moment he remembered, waiting to be invited in. As a wave of remembered pleasure swept over him he felt winded at the realization that he checked out their cocks and with a hungry look that he wanted those cocks too. He didn't ask them to help him, tell them that he needed help or anything like that. He felt like something inside of him had been unleashed last night and that very thought made him feel more frightened than he had ever been before. , and then and now as he is replayed this vignette in his head, he felt as if he was falling because something was unleashed in him last night. Shutting that thought down, he started to get his chest down to the floor so he could reach down to the outlet behind the night table. Again, he felt this wave of pleasure as he bent down and slid his arm towards the outlet; his ass was raised up, positioned like he had his ass in the fuckbench. He closed his eyes, plugged the charger in and reached back and put his fingers gently on his hole. On first touch, the pleasure jolted through his body. He rubbed his fingers lightly across his pucker and involuntarily his hole puckered tight and then stretched open. Mike put just the tip of his index finger barely inside and admitted to himself that he wished he hadn't listened to his fuck buddy advising Mike to douche thoroughly before leaving the bathhouse. He wished he hadn't because right now he wanted to feel all that cum in his hole. Mike was terrified by this thought, and shut it down. As his phone was charging he saw that indeed a text had come in a short while ago from his fuck buddy inquiring as to how Mike was doing. He sent a reply explaining his soreness and disorientation and that, no, he hadn't eaten and just woke up. His buddy texted back that he was going to get a cab around 11:00 pm, go to that 24 hour Metro on College and then head up to Mike's house. Since he would arrive after midnight and it was a Tuesday night, most neighbours would be asleep. He also said he won't take 'no' for an answer. Mike was relieved, and texted back the street name he should get out at, and then a description of a laneway that leads toward the back of Mike's house and Mike can let him in through the back gate. It was about 10:30 at this point, and Mike's fuck buddy made him promise he wouldn't take a bath until he was there with Mike. Mike agreed, and left his phone to charge, stumbling to the closet to get some clothes to put on. It hurt to lift his legs to get them into the sweatpants and he almost fell over twice. Again, he stopped and reached back to feel his hole and closed his eyes tight as he rubbed his asslips lightly. He could see in his mind this olive complexioned young smooth guy saying something to him in Portuguese and slapping his cock against Mike's face, and Mike remembered that he looked at that cock and opened his mouth wide hoping that cock would start to slide into his mouth. Eventually, Mike was dressed and sitting in the family room with the back door wide open. He was sort of dozing off, but not fully asleep. A ping roused him completely. It was his fuck buddy getting out of the cab on the street behind Mike's house and heading up the laneway. Mike went out on the deck, looked around for any lights on in any houses and made his way to the back gate. There was his fuckbuddy, grocery bags in both hands and a large knapsack slung on his back. Without a word he entered the back yard, and let Mike step back in and lead the way. They silently made their way to the deck, up the stairs, into the house, and Mike slowly closed and locked the back door.
  3. Mike came to, and the blindfold was off, but he couldn't focus his eyes. The lights were low, the music pounding and he was getting fucked. He lifted his head and looked up into the mirror and saw a tall black guy was fucking him. Mike couldn't make out his face, and was trying to focus his eyes but then there was a flash of light. It was hard to hear anything but a kind of roar in his ears, but then he distinctly heard this black guy say to someone else, "Make sure you get his face, we'll need that later." Mike saw a phone in front of his face but he couldn't process what was going on or who these guys were, or how long he'd been out. The top fucking Mike realized he was awakening, and sunk his cock slowly and deeply into Mike, and leaned forward so he was completely covering Mike and whispered in his ear, "Your hole is fucking wet with cum. But were gonnna get you more loads, don't you worry." All Mike could do was mumble something incoherent before he passed out again. He woke up and passed out a few more times and each time it was like he was hallucinating. At one point the room seemed crowded with guys, jostling and talking about him. Another time he thought he saw his fuckbuddy, the one who convinced him to come to the bathhouse, fucking him. Mike was so out of it, he even thought that the bathhouse staff at the door when Mike and his fuckbuddy first came in, fucked him. Mike doesn't know when exactly the room was quiet but eventually it was quiet, everyone left, the door was open, and Mike was intently watching the hallway outside the door for someone, anyone to unfasten the straps. He longed to put his hand on his hole and feel it cause it felt wet and slick, and he just wanted to feel it. Badly. Some guy came to the door, all tattooed, kind of latino looking, swarthy dark, rough. Mike said, "Please untie me. Please help me." This guy said nothing, but walked over to Mike, and put his hand on Mikes hole and said snickering, "Puta. Tu quieres mas verga?" Mike pleaded for this guy to untie him, Instead the guy slid his cock slowly and deeply and began muttering in Spanish at Mike. He only pumped long strokes for what seemed a short while before he felt this gut shoot his load deep. Just then Mike's fuckbuddy appeared, and looked astonished. Standing stock still, he stood there looking at Mike with his jaw slack in disbelief. He walked over and began undoing the straps. Mike just blurted out that he had been drugged, and fucked by many guys but he doesn't even know who or how many, and they fucked him bareback, and shot what seemed like load after load inside him. He had trouble getting the words out and his buddy just listened and help him ease back to a normal sitting position. Eventually his buddy got him into the shower, cleaned him up, got him dressed and got Mike the hell out of there. Mike felt exhausted and alert, horny and drained, used and turned on that he had been used. His buddy wanted to take Mike to get meds after potential exposure to HIV. He even agreed to let Mike use his Health Card cause they could pass for each other. Mike was worried about being high and embarrassed but his buddy talked him into it, went with him to the hospital and walked him through the whole process including being present when the doctor came in to see Mike. It was pretty quick, and not as embarrassing as Mike thought it would be. He was grateful to his fuckbuddy for helping him, for trusting Mike by using his own id for Mike. Mike never even knew his fuckbuddy's last name or if the name he used was actually his name. And now he lets Mike use his health card to protect Mike's identity. He knew then that his fuckbuddy was a good guy and that he could count on him. It was a relief after feeling so powerless to stop those guys. They just completely took advantage of Mike in every way possible. Mike's fuckbuddy insisted on driving Mike home in Mike's car and taking a cab back downtown. He wouldn't let Mike drive. Again, Mike was relieved and grateful. It was a long drive to Mike's home in a northern suburb, and he told his buddy everything that he remembered. His buddy kept apologizing. When they got to Mike's street, his buddy drove the care very slowly so as to make no noise. Mike was grateful his wife and kids were away, but declined his fuckbuddy's offer to help Mike inside. The cab appeared pretty quickly and his fuckbuddy was gone. Mike crawled up to his bedroom, but couldn't sleep and lay there stroking his cock, feeling his hole and reviewing the whole night in his head. He couldn't get hard, but he couldn't stop. He got up finally and took two sleeping pills and eventually drifted off to a fitful sleep. He didn't hear his phone go off, and didn't see the text until the morning.....
  4. Bi Bottom Turned Part 3 Mike slowly began to feel like he was crawling up out of a well. Sounds were getting more distinct, and he was still getting tonguefucked. He could hear what sounded like several guys talking and laughing. And then.....yes, there was a tongue in his hole. He felt a hand and a blob of something cold on his hole. Then a finger started to slide inside his hole. "This cumdump is ready." Mike held his breath. He wanted this like he had never ever wanted cock. He didn't even really know where he was or if this was all really happening. He feels a cock bump up against his hole a few times. Then he feel it pushing into his hole. Mike was instinctively resisting and clenching his hole shut, and then someone put a bottle of poppers under his nose, he inhaled deeply just once and his hole opened up. That cock slid just inside, popping the head in but no more. Mike heard what he thinks is Jerry say, "This hole is primo. Hungy, tight, and fucking smooth. Boys, we are gonna have a good time. This set-up went perfectly." Mike felt the shaft sliding in bit by bit. Jerry would pull out a little then stroke in a litter deeper each time. But every time he was about to bottom out, Jerry would hold it and not go any deeper. Mike eventually was literally panting. Panting to get that cock in deep, panting to get fucked. "This raw hole around my cock? Nothin' better than this." Mike was getting raw cock. He heard it and he could feel it: no rubber'd up cock felt like this. He could feel the heat from that cock. He groaned and they heard and began egging him on. He wanted this and he tried to hide it from himself. But he couldn't hide now. Now all he was focussed on was that cock. Soon Jerry began longstroking his cock all the way in and all the way out. But on every out stroke, he'd pause just a moment and didn't take his cock completely out of Mike's hole. Then he'd slowly slide his cock deep, and eventually began bottoming out in this cumdumps hole. Mike was spinning. He was overcome with lust and desire and hunger. It was so powerful that he lost track of time and space and any other point of reference for reality except for this cock in his hole, and this room of guys watching. Mike couldn't tell how long Jerry was fucking him, but after a while he could feel Jerry pick up the tempo. He was steadily and rhythmically fucking Mike now. It sent Mike into absolute bliss, this steady strokes of a hard raw cock in his hole. It was unbelievable. Suddenly, Mike could feel that motion, that hardness, that driven way of fucking: Jerry was getting closer. Mike wanted it. He absolutely wanted it and he didn't want Jerry to stop. He still had his eyes covered, but it didn't matter. This was unbelievable. "Ah, fuck I am gonna shoot." "Lube him up, man. C'mon, make that hole slick for the rest of us. He wants your load, don't ya, fuckhole?" "Yes. Please. Please", Mike said quietly, like he was pleading. Mike felt that cock start to get really hard, hard enough so that he could actually feel it. And then Jerry buried his cock deep in Mike's hole and Mike felt that cock swell and pump up, then again, then again, then again. And there was a brief moment where Mike thought he could feel a warm something deep inside of him. He could feel his eyes rolling back and he fought it. Jerry pulled out and right away after some shuffling sounds, Mike felt another cock slowly sliding into his hole with more shouts of encouragement from the others, although Mike didn't know how many. This cock was fucking thick. Mike could feel it literally stretching his hole open. It didn't hurt and Mike was amazed cause this wouldn't be happening if he wasn't high out of his mind. He wouldn't be able to take this cock, no way. But now, he wanted it. And this top was determined. He was giving it to Mike slowly so Mike could get used to the girth, but there was no way this top was stopping even if Mike asked. Mike could tell. He could sense this top was taking his hole no matter what. But was this guy fucking Mike bare? He assumed so. He also hoped so. He couldn't believe it but he felt like he was free and he wanted raw cock and come. He always has. Eventually, this top was giving it to Mike in good long hard strokes. And deep, right to the base, right to where Mike could feel the tops body bumped into his. He fucked Mike for a while - it seemed longer than Jerry's fuck. But sure enough, eventually, Mike could feel this cock get harder and harder. It started to feel almost uncomfortable. He felt hands on the small of his back, pushing Mike down. Mike was just saying over and over and over, "Oh my god, oh my god.". He didn't want this to end. Ever. The top started just pounding it into Mike, and then with one extra hard and extra deep shove, sunk his cock into Mike, held it still, leaned in and whispered, "Take my load, hole. Open up that hole for my seed." Mike felt pulsation after pulsation as this top was undoubtedly dumping his load into Mike. Mike groaned and moaned. It was incredible. While lost in bliss, that cock pulled out and another one began to slide inside, this time deeper and hard right off the bat. Mike started to feel like he was going to black out, and he fought it. He tried to move but was still strapped onto that fuckbench. He could feel himself slowly going under and he was losing the fight to stop it. All of a sudden Mike was out cold.....
  5. Bi Bottom Turned Part 2 Mike could hear sounds that seemed very very far away. Everything was pretty dark and really loud. Music, playing really loud. He tried to move but couldn't and his legs felt very heavy He had a mask on and when he tried to remove it he realized he couldn't move his right hand. Or his left hand. He tried to move his right leg and it was the same thing: he couldn't move it. He realized he was tied down. And then he remembered: his room, that guy Jerry, that bump of coke.....he had a flash of recognition: the fuckbench. He was strapped into the fuckbench. He started to squirm, to see if he could loosen the straps, get out of this and out of here. His mind was still thick but he was struggling best he could. All of sudden he felt hot breath on his ear and a voice say, "Ah, you are awake. And you know where you are, I imagine." Mike felt a hand feel the crack of his ass and work its way in right to his hole. "We are going to have fun tonight.". Mike asked whoever this was to untie him, let him get up. The only reply he got was a chuckle. He could hear someone rustling around, zips opening, something being torn open, and then he felt something tighten around his left bicep. He started to get really scared and began pleading to be untied. "Hey man, please untie me. My back is hurting, some sort of spasm, please." Again, Mike just got a chuckle as a response. He felt cool air and the music get louder and voices. Voices coming into the room and commenting on his ass. Hands were on his body. He felt several hands feel his hole and then all of a sudden there was a tongue right at his hole, poking inside. Mike gasped and froze. It felt damn good. But he started to panic again, cause he was completely out of control and who knows who these guys were? He heard one voice say, "Jerry, has he gotten to the point yet?" Jerry, that guy, he was in the room. Mike heard what he assumed was Jerry say, "He is about to, right now." Mike felt something wet and cold wipe the inside of his elbow. He started to flip out. "Please, please, don't do this. Please, just untie me and let me go. C'mon, please. Is that you, Jerry? Please, man, just let me go!" Mike felt a sharp prick. He felt a needle. A fucking needle. They were shooting him up with something. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, no please, no!" He heard several guys laughing this time. He felt the needle pull out, the tourniquet being untied, and then a wall hit him. He sucked in air and began to cough this weird cough. A few short coughs and then a moment of stillness. Then this overwhelming wave rolled over him and he was flying. His mind was narrowing down to nothing but how horny he was. His ears rang loudly and he thought he could feel a tongue at his hole. He felt both hyper-alert and all fogged up, like his brain wasn't functioning. And he was overwhelmed with lust. Just as he opened his mouth mid-moan, there was a cock at his mouth. He opened his mouth wide and stuck his tongue out. He felt the cock slap against his tongue a few times and then very slowly start to slide inside his mouth. He was flying and cock never tasted or felt so good. It was like he wanted to choke on this cock, but he couldn't budge even if he wanted to cram this cock down his throat. He could hear these guys talking but he could barely understand what they were saying, but he could tell from words here and there, that they were praising him as a bottom, a fuckboy, and talking about using him. It made Mike even hornier to hear them talking about him like this. He couldn't believe it cause he would never usually find this kind of talk a turn-on, but now, now it was sending him reeling. The music seemed really loud and their voices sounded far away. And he was riding this wave of what he could only think of as horniness and this horniness overwhelmed him. And he could feel that tongue fucking his hole. And he loved it. He fucking loved it. And he just decided to lose himself in this feeling and go with it, all his inhibitions be damned. He moaned. And they heard it and began egging him on, urging him to show them what a cockwhore he was, what a cumpdump he is. That word, 'cumdump' made his hole twitch and the guy tonguefucking him noticed and told the others. "This cumdump's hole twitches at the very sound of that word." They all laughed. The guy tonguefucking Mike redoubled his efforts and before Mike could say anything about the condoms, about only getting fucked safe, there was a cock at his mouth, bumping up against his mouth. He opened his mouth and took that cock inside. And he fucking loved it. It started some steady strokes in and out of Mike's throat and he could take it like he had never been able to take it before. Mike felt hot breath on his ear. A voice said, "Hey, listen, can I put just the head of my cock inside bare?" Mike couldn't speak with this cock in his mouth and throat, stroking slowly in and out, so he sort of nodded as best he could to indicate "Yes". Yes, he replied. Yes, he wanted to feel a cock bare, inside his hole. Just for a few strokes, and no more, and as the cock pulled out of his mouth he said quickly, "Just a few strokes. Condoms are there, cause I only get fucked safe." Mike was uneasy when this drew more laughter, but he settled right back into sucking this hidden cock right in front of his mouth. Mike felt his ass cheeks being pried apart and then something hard being inserted into his hole. He started to turn away from the cock in his mouth, but before he could, this cock was slowly but steadily sunk deep into his throat and he couldn't make a sound and he couldn't budge. He couldn't believe it, he was deepthroating what seemed like a good size cock. All of sudden he felt liquid inside of him and that hard thing being removed from his hole. Mike was starting to almost black out again. Not like he was unconscious but like he was having an out of body experience. He felt something tied around his arm again, but this time he relaxed cause he knew there was nothing he could do about it and he was enjoying the high whatever it was they were giving him. Probably meth, he figured. This was slamming, he realized. He'd seen clips of guys shooting up meth. And smoking it. He found it intriguing. And now, right now, he found it fucking amazing. Again, the same cold wetness on his inner arm. Then that prick, and that pause, then he heard someone say, "Jerry, how much did you give him?" Jerry said, "3.5". There were hoots and whistles, then the tourniquet was removed, and this time Mike felt like he was riding a tidal wave....
  6. Mike was almost shaking as he was getting dressed. He douched for a long time because he had the privacy this time: the wife and kids were away for the week and this was going to be the best Monday night he had in a long time. This was perfect but unplanned because his fuck buddy was in town at the same time. They had been fucking together for just over a year each time his fuck buddy was in town, but never more than a few snatched hours. Mike always left wanting more. This time would be different because Mike hoped to get fucked all night. His buddy had a great cock, body and attitude which was both demanding and chilled at the same time. Mike was looking good. He worked out a lot and was in good form, with a muscled body from serious work with weights. His ass was shaved, his jockstrap on, and the lube and condoms in his knapsack. He also brought some weed just in case his buddy liked to smoke it. They had never discussed drugs so on the last few occasions they fucked around, Mike smoked a joint in the parking lot beside the hotel and then popped about a dozen breath mints in his mouth. And the sex was amazing. So hopefully tonight he would smoke some weed with his buddy. His phone buzzed with a new text: "Got a prob. Colleague is in room next door. Can't play here." Fuck! Great! Mike was swearing and feeling anxious. He needed this. So he texted back: "Any ideas where else?" His buddy texted back, "Bathhouse is the only option." Shit, this was not what Mike wanted. He was terrified to go to a bathhouse. Terrified someone he knew might see him, terrified he might see someone he knew inside. Too risky. He didn't know what to do. He texted, "No other idea?" He got a quick reply: "Nope, but we can get together next time I'm in town." Mike didn't even think about it and texted: "Nope, let's go to bathhouse." His buddy texted back and they worked out the details in a few more texts. On his way downtown, Mike got another text: "Waiting in the parking lot." Ten minutes later, Mike pulled into the lot and there was his buddy, looking sexy and chilled. He was taller than Mike by several inches, and lean and lanky. No matter what he wore his fuckbuddy had a bulge and just looking at his buddy's crotch made Mike stiffen. He parked, got out and they greeted and walked to the bathhouse. His buddy explained that he would get a room and Mike should get a locker, but to remember to sign a fake name. They walked in and it was aglow with red light, music pounding and a cute guy behind a grill. His buddy got the only room available, the one with the bench. Mike wasn't sure what that meant but he had an idea and he liked that idea. He got his locker and the two of them walked through, keys and towels in hand. They walked past a bar then to the back of the room there was a lounge with some guys sitting around watching porn and stroking. They all checked out Mike and his buddy. The stairwell was right there and they walked up to the third floor and looked for the room. They found it soon enough but Mike felt the place was disorienting and didn't really have his bearings, but once the door opened, Mike felt like he was in heaven: the room was big and had a padded angled fuckbench with straps attached. They both chuckled and made small talk as they got right down to business and began undressing and unpacking. Mike hauled out his lube and condoms and poppers and put them on the table beside the bed. His buddy was undressed and stroking quickly. Mike stripped down to his jock and put his clothes in his knapsack. They put their stuff in the locker, locked it and got down on the bed. His buddy laid back, sort of sitting up, legs spread, cock at half-mast and waiting for Mike's mouth. So he crawled right into place and took that cock in his mouth. He knew he had to give his buddy long slow deep strokes down and back up, over and over. So he started these deepthroat slowstrokes and got into a rhythym. He was in fucking heaven. He was incredibly turned on that he was in a bathhouse, sucking his top buddy's cock. He was stroking this cock with his throat, opening his lips even wider, making sure not one scrape of his teeth against this thick hard cock. He loved this cock. Just under 8" cut with a big knob and a thick shaft that must be at least 5" around straight to the base, Mike jerked off thinking about this cock. His buddy was enjoying this, clearly, from the encouragement and moans he made. Soon his hands began to reach down and play with Mike's ass. Eventually he had Mike turn around and present his hole to him. Mike felt his buddy's hot breath on his hole. Lightly and slowly his buddy ran his facial scruff just against one thigh and moved slowly up towards Mike's ass. Then he switched to the other thigh and did the same thing. Mike shivered, cause he knew this was going to be a memorable fuck. Soon Mike could feel his buddy's tongue swiping around his hole. Round and round his hole, his buddy continually swiped his tongue until Mike thought he was going to lose his mind. Then all of a sudden he felt that tongue against his hole and Mike felt like he was going to melt. His buddy's phone went off but he ignored it as he began to tonguefuck Mike which always makes Mike feel like he was going to pass out from bliss. Deeper and deeper, plunging his tongue in and out, Mike's buddy was feasting on his hole. Again, Mike hears his buddy's phone go off and this time his buddy stops and opens the locker to get his phone. Mike hears him fumbling around but he stays on his hands and knees cause he knows his buddy likes his ass up and available. His buddy mumbles something, and starts back tongueing his hole. Eventually his buddy starts tapping his hole with one of his fingers. Gradually he works one in, and slowly pulls it in and out. On one of the strokes in, Mike feels a burning sensation and grimaces and pulls away. He never liked getting fingered but tolerated it cause his buddy like a little finger action. The burning subsided and Mike felt surprisingly relaxed and if possible even hornier. He said to his buddy, "Let me try out that bench." He got up and leaned down and onto the bench. It was perfect. He found himself leaning just far enough forward so that he could see how easily he could suck cock and at the same time his ass was pointed out and up and completely exposed, There was a place for his legs to rest and for his arms. His buddy moaned and got behind Mike and began to tongue his hole again. He tonguefucked him deeper this time and soon began poking around Mike's hole with a finger. Mike tensed up even though this time it felt way better. Sure enough, as soon as his buddy's finger was inside of his hole he felt a burning, but stronger this time. He asked his buddy to pull it out. At this point his buddy's phone went off again. He mumbled and went to get his phone while Mike just lay in this fuckbench, completely horned up like he had not felt before. His buddy broke the silence and said, "I gotta go." Mike couldn't believe his ears. Turns out his fuckbuddy's colleague needed help with something for work for the next day and Mike's buddy was the only one who could help him. Mike asked if he could go and come back and Mike would wait there for him. His buddy said that might work, got dressed and they made plans to text updates. After he left, Mike was unbelievably horned up but limp. He couldn't get hard. And he wanted to get fucked. Badly. Soon, he had to piss but that meant walking up and down the hall and he was nervous he'd run into someone he knew. Figuring that he had no choice and feeling horned up by walking through the place, Mike found the nerve to do it. He got his key and wrapped his towel around himself, and tried to get his eyes to focus. They just felt strangely out of focus, just slightly. He opened the door, locked it and shut it and began to go down the hall to look for the washroom. He passed this sexy guy who reminded Mike of his fuckbuddy - same look, same kind of smirk. This guy watched Mike the whole way and Mike turned around to see this guy groping his crotch. He found the bathroom, and there was more cruising going on in there. There were several sexy guys here, Mike thought. But he was trying not to give off mixed signals cause he was waiting for his buddy to give him the fuck he wanted and needed. Finishing up, he saw in the mirror that guy he spotted in the hallway ask someone if they had a light. They didn't. Then he asked someone else who said the same thing. As Mike was about to pass him, he asked Mike directly if he had a light while holding up a joint. Fuck, thought Mike, that's what I want: to smoke some weed. So he said, "Yeah, I got a light in my room if you want to get it." This guy said, "Lead the way." They walked to Mike's room, and he opened the door and let the two of them into the room. This guy said right away, "Name's Jerry." They should hands and Mike introduced himself. Jerry made some funny comments about no one smoking weed around the place, and offered to share the joint with Mike. Mike figured he would, and why not? He was just killing time waiting for his buddy. Mike handed Jerry the lighter and Jerry sparked it up, took a deep hit and passed it to Mike. Mike took a couple of hits and passed it back. Back and forth they smoked and passed the joint, and Mike was feeling very relaxed. Jerry was commenting on the fuck bench, saying how hot it was and how great it must be for a top to fuck a bottom in one of those. They began joking around about it, and finally Mike explained that he was in fact a bottom. Jerry just moaned. He started commenting on how good Mike's ass would look in that bench. He was funny and fun. Mike relaxed and eventually gamefully offered a showing. He walked over to the bench and put his legs in the holders sat down and leaned forward. Jerry walked over with the joint, and passed it to Mike and started to rub Mike's ass. Mike loved it. He loved that he had another guy who he had just met feeling his ass. Jerry asked Mike if he ever did coke. Mike loved coke but only did it rarely at best. But there was Jerry with a little bottle of cock. He turned the lid, and there was a single bump. Mike motioned Jerry in front of him and with his cock right by Mike's face, Mike leaned in and took a hard sniff. Then Jerry cranked the lid again and offered Mike another hit. Mike leaned in to take this bump but had his eyes fixed on Jerry's cock which was starting to swell. He inhaled deeply, and for a moment had this incredible rush, and then everything started to go black.....
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