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Posts posted by Beastboy42

  1. On 7/16/2024 at 11:35 AM, smoothie52 said:

    I'm so glad you enjoyed my original story and you did a fantastic job of making it you own. I still feel the same and would love to be taken and pozzed like this. Until that time our stories will have to do!

    It inspired me as well.. I did a re-write as well awhile back. Always wanted to show it to you before posting it

  2. SO, I am taking a break from writing the "Pozzed in Palm Springs" story, mostly after getting a little burn out, and wanted to try something different. Story is a different style and perhaps a bit more 'tame' but I hope it will still be enjoyed.



    The books are spread to the walls, the papers are cast around the room, and the tattered remains of a night of study and education have fully given way to the sounds of impassioned love between two men.


    Ajamu drives his fat, coal black cock in deep, burying himself up to his balls in the tight white ass pushing back against him. He moans as the hot walls of the stretched boy pussy massage his aching ebony fuck stick. Beneath him, lying on his back, a young white boy lays gasping, feeling the huge black meat impale deep inside. Ajamu bucks his hips in a slow lazy rhythm, savoring the sensation of working this young white ass.


    “Good boy Daniel, squeeze me as I claim you.” Ajamu said to the boy, Daniel. Daniel's legs tighten around Ajamu's waist, urging him to fuck faster, but Ajamu is in charge here. He's waited a long time to be inside this smooth, muscled, 18-year-old slut, and he is going to screw this fuckchute as long as he can until he delivers his seed deep into the boys untrained Womb. An act he knows will happen regardless of the possible consequences.


    Sweat drips from Ajamu’s slick forehead as he twists his hips to corkscrew his ebony Baby Maker into Daniel's boycunt. Watching his long, very veiny cock slide smoothly in and out, His mind is on fire with lust, desire, hunger, and regret. He knows this night of passion will fulfill his needs and the needs of the boy, but it could also change his life forever.


    Ajamu was a 42 year old tall, lean, but surprisingly well toned African that had emigrated from Gambia. While arriving with high hopes, he had been disappointed by his inability to find a decent job. Trained as a computer systems engineer, he'd had the misfortune to arrive in early 2002, just as the high tech bubble imploded. After months of working nights as a cleaner, he had been happy to take a second part time job as a math tutor to Daniel.


    Daniel was the younger son of a sportswear manufacturer. He was bright, but undisciplined, and it seemed unlikely that he would gain admission to a prestigious university. Daniel was an only child, and also had only a single parent.  His mother had passed away many years ago, and her death had perhaps started his rebellion. His father had put almost all his time into running his business, and so had little time to be their for his son. While he loved Daniel, he felt he could not be the father he needed to be, and so it was decided tutoring was necessary.


    He remembers their very first lesson. He had gone to Daniel's house, and they had spread the textbooks on the floor of his room, where they sat. The lesson had gone well, and Ajamu could feel early on that this young wealthy American was eager to please him.  He would listen, respond, and Ajamu could tell he was much smarter than perhaps he let his parents believe.


    All throughout that first lesson, Daniel could be seen stealing glances. At the end Daniel announced he wanted to show something. He went into the bathroom that adjoined his room, and returned stripped down to a pair of silky red sports briefs.


    "So, what do you think?", he had asked, turning around in different poses.


    Daniel was someone who was very attractive, and knew it. His father was of Irish descent, his mother Filipino. From his father he had inherited curly red hair and light creamy skin; from his mother, delicate features, smooth skin, and brown eyes with just a hint of her almond-shaped eyes. He was active in sports, and his body was well-toned.


    Ajamu saw all of this at a glance. He also saw how the low-cut briefs showed the pale untanned skin and thick, curly hair of the topmost swath of Daniel's pubes, and how the briefs accentuated the round curves of his young ass, and how the impression of his semi-rigid cock was pressed in relief against the crotch of his briefs. Ajamu felt a growing sense of discomfiture which was swelling as fast as his cock in his jeans.


    "It's one of the designs my Dad makes. You like it?", Daniel prompted. Ajamu grimly nodded. "Here, for you - you'll look great", Daniel said, and threw Ajamu a new box of the briefs. And with that strange exchange, the first lesson was over.



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  3. On 7/2/2023 at 3:40 AM, POZbreedingPIG said:

    Thank you for this very hot story! I haven't read anything so horny in a long time. What other guys did Keith meet that night? When did he get his Fuck Flu? Is he stil in contact with "Daddy Max" & "Cameron" or "Travis & Partner" ?

    Please, please for more chapters !!!

    thanks for the kind words and the comment, will certainly answer all questions Inthe coming chapters 😉 

  4. Welp here we go, the next chapter.  It might be a while before I can work on Another sequences. So I hope everyone enjoys this one.







    Palm Springs tends to be known for being a wide flat area out in the desert heat. While much of it is flat, there is a ridge of rock hills along one side that numerous houses have been built into over the years. One such house was built of red brick baked in the sun for close to 50 years. It was large and jutted out from the rocky hills much like a castle.  It was here that Max, Cameron and Keith had just pulled up to in the Bears big pickup truck.


    Looking at it, you’d think no one was home as most of the lights in the house seemed turned off, but the dozen or so cars parked out front showed a different story. As the truck parked, Max leaned over from the drivers seat toward Kieth.


    “Ok Kiddo, here’s what you need to know, this place has some of the wildest most depraved sex parties all year, and Pride Week tends to be the best of those. You’re young and horny and still finding things out, and that’s fine Kiddo. You’ve already crossed a couple of boundaries today I’m sure you never thought about before, and this here, this is one more. Going into that house, you going to be in a for a hot mess of guys all wanting to fuck and get fucked in the kinkiest ways possible, and before you ask, yeah, most of them are going to be POZ. If you want to back out, now is the time to do it.” Max said, his voice stern and serious, wanting to get the point across without scaring Keith. Keith looked at the house, he could feel the thump thump of music blasting even from the car.


    “You got two Toxic loads in you sexy, but me and Max have been off our meds for about a month or so. You come in with us, there’s going to be guys who have been off meds for years, or never been on them at all.” Cameron said as he reached out to stroke Keith though his sweat soaked shorts. Cameron grinned as he felt the kids cock throb at his last comment.


    “Yeah I know, Im scared, but I think I need this.” Keith said before giving a moan as Cameron stroked him.


    “Well, sounds good to me, let’s get going.” Max said as the three exited and walked toward the house.  Coming up to a small enclosed patio, they stopped as a huge black bear of a man sitting by the door stood up.


    “Keith, i’d like you to meet the owner and host of this sex fest, Sigmund.” Cameron said as the enormous ebony man looked down at the three. He wasn’t wearing much, just a black leather biker jacket and a pair of jeans that were mostly unzipped and could barely contain what had to be an enormous black baby maker. Sigmund looked at the three and made a show of grabbing his crotch.


    “Yeah thats me, but everyone around here calls me ‘Big Sig’ and with good reason.” He said, fishing out a massive foreskin covered phallus and waving it around just long enough to get a gasp from Keith before stuffing it back into his pants. “Good to see you two here again, Max, Cameron, looks like you brought along some fresh meat for the fun. He Poz?” Sig asked as his gaze bore down into Keith.


    “Not yet, but thats probably going to change by tonight.” Max said, and Big Sig chuckled.


    “It will if I have anything to say about it. I’m watching the door for the next hour and after that, well, keep an eye out for me.” He said, fishing out his massive member again, the foreskin so wrinkled that even looking half hard, it seemed there was still an inch or so of skin covering the tip. Less than a foot away form it, Keith could catch a heavy musky scent coming from the hooded cock. He watched it hypnotically before Max and Cameron began to push him towards the door.  Just before the went to open it, Sig reached out again.

    “Hey you guys hold up, I know you two won’t care much, but I should still let you know, Angel is at the party tonight, visiting from San Fran.” He said and Max turned around.


    “Angels here? Shit, I thought he died last year.” Max said, and Sig grinned.


    “Well, if you see him, jury is out on wether that might be true or not. Either way, if the kid is on the fence about getting knocked up, meeting Angel might be, educational for the pup.” He said as he turned back around.  For Keith, who was about to ask what the deal was, the question was lost as the door opened and the three entered inside.


    On the other side, the first thing Keith noticed was the music, loud electronic dance music that boomed through the house. The second thing of course were the men. Just in the front part of the house, Kieth saw about a half dozen beefy men in various states of undress. The third thing was the interior. As much as Keith was their for perky sexy, he couldn’t help but notice that the inside of house seemed to have been frozen in time from the 1970s. Everything from a sunken couch area around a metal fire pit, to shag carpets to various hanging decorations. It was jarring enough to briefly district him from the riot of sex and debauchery going on around him. A firm swat to his ass by Cameron of course got his attention.


    “Ok kiddo, we both fucked you good earlier today, and I know how are seed has already made you hungry for more. But you’re young and got a good thick cock on you boy.  Theres plenty of time for fun here, but we want to see what you can do.” Cameron said.


    “What do you mean?”


    “He means, before we find more guys to pump your guts full of toxic spooge, we want to see you fuck some holes on your own.” Max said and then leaned in close “If you end up carrying our Poz Babies, we want to make sure your going to be a good boy and spread our strain around to the next generation” He said, almost whispering it into Keiths ear as he heard the boy moan as Cameron chuckled.


    “You didn’t think we were coming here just to fuck you all night? We could do that at home Kiddo. Now, go out and find some nice ass to knock up and get your rocks off. It is just as good to give as to receive after all” Cameron said.  Keith looked to the two hot Daddies, thinking how much he’d been corrupted in such a short amount of town. This morning he’d come to Palm Springs hoping to get a little action, and now here he was being seduced into possibly being infected with a serious disease, and then, spreading it to others.


    Keith turned to ask Max what they were planning on doing, turned, and suddenly found himself alone.


    The sounds of sex were everywhere, grunting, moaning, the sounds of wet skin slapping against skin.  Keith felt overwhelmed, not sure where to start as everyone already seemed engaged.  A sudden cry caught his attention from a darkened room he was passing.





    Keith stopped, though his heart started racing as he looked into the darkened room. Figures moved in the darkness and he could make out someone hunched over a body, the bottoms legs slung over the tops shoulders. The two were going at it on an old dirty mattress that was slung on an even older looking box spring that lay in the middle of the room. The guy on top made a loud grunt and began to shiver wildly as he unloaded.  Keith entered in, his hand unconsciously moving to grip his own cock and started stroking it as the two in front of him were clearly gripped in orgasm.


    Stupefied by the sight before him, Keith find himself asking the obvious.


    “Fuck, are you cumming in him?” He said, immediately feeling like an idiot as his eyes got used to the almost pitch darkness.


    “Piss off kid, I’ve been waiting all day to Re-Charge this bugged up hole, don’t need a smart ass interrupting.” Said the man on top, occasionally grunting as he flexed his cock, clearly intent on getting every drop of cum into the bottoms ass.  With his eyes adjusting, Keith could see them both a bit better. Both seemed much older then himself. The top had a husky but firm looking ‘dad bod’ with a bushy salt and pepper beard.  The bottom, from what Keith could see, looked to be a skinny tattooed Latino guy.


    “Now now, don't be so horrible. He's clearly a newcomer, I’ll be he’s not been fucked himself yet,”  The bottom said before turning to look at Keith, his face a dark red and sweaty. “Come on over here, this is all a bit new to you isn’t it, first Party like this?” The bottom said as he ground his ass a bit against the top, getting another moan.  Keith watched, his own cock fully erect now.


    “Um yeah, kinda, I came here with two other guys that I met earlier today.” He said, now fairly close to the others, now sniffing the mix of sweat and cum and other juices that filled the small room.


    “AH, that makes more sense, you’re not a smartass, you’re just new aint you.” The top said , his voice speaking with a wheezing tone as pulled his dick out with a wet juicy slurping sound.  Keith looked at it as it was still mostly hard, the cock slick with cum and juices. The top began to stroke it slowly, seeing Keith eyeing it, he squeezed out a few drops of cum from the tip. “Well new comer, the slut needing some fresh toxic loads over here is Joaquin, and I’m Traivs.” The older of the two said as they helped Joaquin up from the cum encrusted mattress. As soon as Joaquin was up, Travis wrapped his big thick arms around him, pressing his still drooling dick into their dripping ass.


    “I’m Keith,” he said lamely as he watched Travis run their big hands up and down the tattooed but smooth skinned body of Joaquin.


    “Well Keith, if you are at a party like this, You’re either Poz, or you’re looking to get Poz. And judging by how shy you still seem, I’m guessing your are still shooting blanks as it were.” Travis said, his voice still wheezing slightly, yet gruff and speaking in a tone of dominance that went down Keiths Spine.


    “Yeah not yet, I never thought about it before today, but, I’m kinda thinking about it now.” He said, looking at Travis molest and play with Joaquins body, twisting a nipple, or squeezing what Keith saw was a slender, yet very long foreskin covered cock.


    “If thats the case, why don’t you lay back and ride my Toxic Poz Pistol, my balls got plenty more lethal bullets to fire off for a young buck like you.” Travis said with a lewd grin.  Keith swallowed nervously, he wasn’t sure what he was going to do, something about the bear made disagreeing almost impossible.  Luckily, it was the latin who came to his rescue.


    “Ease off, you’ve promised all those toxic babies to me tonight remember? Besides, I think our boy is needing something else, aren’t you” He said, swishing over to Keith who realized, despite the tattoos, scares, and deeply tanned body, Joaquin was probably more of a queen than anyone else he’d met so far. Keith felt smooth fingers slid down to his cock and cup his balls. “How about you come over here and give my hole a try as well. I can promise it will be something you’ll never forget.” He said as he pulled Keith forward with one hand, and continued to stroke Keiths now drooling dick with the other.  “Guessing you’ve not fucked anyone tonight? “


    “Not yet, actually, not shot a load since this afternoon” Keith said as he gave a small moan as his sock was stroked.


    “Well you are in luck, this big gruff Poz Daddy loves to watch others fuck me up. So how about you get ready to add you own cum to my hungry poz pussy.” Joaquin said as Travis, almost, interrupted him but got a swift swat to the ass. “So tell you what, how about you come over here, and slide that nice young cock of yours up my drooling sex pit” he said as he once more laid back on the stained mattress, pulling his legs back to show off a slick ass. The ass looked tight, smooth, but knowing it was most likely full of infected POZ seed made Keith hesitate.


    “Thats, hot, but I’m not sure…” Keith started, but before he could say anything else, Travis had come up behind him and wrapped his big bear like arms around his body, pulling on a nipple.


    “Look just relax, if you are at a party like this, you shouldn’t be worrying about who you fuck or how. Your cock knows what it wants, so just be a good horn dog, and fuck this ass while it’s good and juicy.” Travis said as he worked on Keiths tits, seeing how much the boy moaned and shuddered from them.  In Keiths mind he was having another crisis of hesitation. The ass in front of him was clearly Poz, and the cum dripping out was also infected, and yet, as he moaned and felt his cock twitch, a voice told him he’d already done this once before when he Fucked Daddy Max.


    What was one more fuck. With a grunt he slumped forward, and easily sunk balls deep into Joaquins sloppy ass. Joaquin moaned as he pulled his ass forward and then back, and back again, fucking himself onto Keith's erection.


    "Fuck that feels good!!” Keith moan, grunting under his breath but certainly loud enough for the others to hear, as he began to thrust his hips, slowly and gently at first, fucking Joaquin. Each thrust making a wet, sloppy sucking sound from the ass he was fucking.


    “See how good it feels? Poz Cock, Poz Ass, it all feels better than being Neg. You’re going to find this out.” Travis said, sliding his hand onto Keiths well toned ass, the top third of which was bare as his boxers were sliding down a bit by now. Watching the kid fucking, Travis slid his fingers down and started exploring his ass crack, pushing his boxers down even further as Travis pushed a fat finger into Keith tight yet yielding ass.


    "Oh Fuck! I think I'm gonna…UNGH! I’m going cum!” Keith exclaimed, as his body started to jerk suddenly, his asshole spasmed tight around Travis beefy finger. Keith gave another deep moan and grabbed Joaquin's hips, and began to fuck deeply and erratically, jerking into the sloppy poz hole as he unloaded his negative seed.


    “Oh yeah there you go. Just let it go neg boy - cum inside him. Good boy. Shoot out all your neg seed.“ Travis said, as he continued to work his finger deeper up Keiths throbbing ass. His cheeks clenching as he continued to cum, Keiths hips hammering hard into Joaquin, unloading his cum into Joaquin's poz infected sex pit.


    "Oh, fuck, yeah, fuck, fuck...' Keith grunted as he came, grinding his cock into Joaquin's guts.


    "Good boy," Travis praised again, letting Keith slowly come down off his orgasm as he started to stroke his own cock again, now quite firm after watching the fun. “Shit boy, you done make me good and horny again.” He said as he watched Keith give a final grunt and pull out. Cum dripping off his cock, which was still rock hard and pulsing. Travis whistled at the sight, admiring the young stud. Joaquin meanwhile reached for a plug that was behind the bed and, with a well practiced motion, slipped it in his hole with a wet juicy pop.


    “Mmmmmm Only thing better than a hot load up my guts, is two hot loads.” He said as he stroked his belly with one hand, while sucking the cum off his fingers from the other.


    “Too right, of course, there is something else just as good as getting two loads, it’s giving two loads.” Travis said as Keith suddenly felt the heat of a large, pointed, and dripping dick at his ass. “How about it boy? You just had your dick deep up a Poz ass flooded with infected seed. The bug is probably already up inside you, why not just let Uncle Travis take it one step further.”


    Keith gasped and leaned forward, he wanted to say no, but as he felt the cock push against his ass, he realized it felt too good to stop.  This was it, he was going to get Poz Fucked.

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  5. Hey all. Been taking longer than expected working on the next chapter, mostly I keep adding stuff to it, and can't always find them time. that said Getting closer to having something to post, and offering up a teaser of the start of the next chapter...

    As always look forward to feed back and plenty of Oinks from those enjoying it. 



    Coming up to a small enclosed patio, they stopped as a huge black bear of a man sitting by the door stood up.


    “Keith, i’d like you to meet the owner and host of this sex fest, Sigmund.” Cameron said as the enormous ebony man looked down at the three. He wasn’t wearing much, just a black leather biker jacket and a pair of jeans that were mostly unzipped and could barely contain what had to be an enormous black baby maker. Sigmund looked at the three and made a show of grabbing his crotch.


    “Yeah thats me, but everyone around here calls me ‘Big Sig’ and with good reason.” He said, fishing out a massive foreskin covered phallus and waving it around just long enough to get a gasp from Keith before stuffing it back into his pants. “Good to see you two here again, Max, Cameron, looks like you brought along some fresh meat for the fun. He Poz?” Sig asked as his gaze bore down into Keith.


    “Not yet, but thats probably going to change by tonight.” Max said, and Big Sig chuckled.


    “It will if I have anything to say about it. I’m watching the door for the next hour and after that, well, keep an eye out for me.” He said, fishing out his massive member again, the foreskin so wrinkled that even looking half hard, it seemed there was still an inch or so of skin covering the tip. Less than a foot away form it, Keith could catch a heavy musky scent coming from the hooded cock. He watched it hypnotically before Max and Cameron began to push him towards the door.  Just before the went to open it, Sig reached out again.

    “Hey you guys hold up, I know you two won’t care much, but I should still let you know, Angel is at the party tonight, visiting from San Fran.” He said and Max turned around.


    “Angels here? Shit, I thought he died last year.” Max said, and Sig grinned.


    “Well, if you see him, jury is out on wether that might be true or not. Either way, if the kid is on the fence about getting knocked up, meeting Angel might be, educational for the pup.” He said as he turned back around.  For Keith, who was about to ask what the deal was, the question was lost as the door opened and the three entered inside.

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  6. hey all... 
    Going slow on writing, ended up doing another short chapter, mostly just filler. 
    next chapter things should get spicy again and I'll try and write something a bit more substantial. 



    It was 5:18 when the doorbell rang, and as expected Keith stood I the opening, looking nervous and horny. Cameron had opened it, wearing only a thin T-shirt and a pair of loose boxers, his cock making a dripping spot on the front as he looked the boy up and down.


    “Well Fuck, Max was right, he said you’d not let us down, and here you are. Come on in.” He said, Keith walking in and looking at the huge beefy Daddy in front of him.


    “Thanks, I, Don’t even know why I came back.”


    “Fuck I did, you got our seed in you, our POZ seed, and it’s got a hold on you big time. You took only a bit, but I can tell its already getting in your brain, telling you need more.” Cameron said as he led the boy in and wrapped his huge arms around him and kissed.  Keith melted instantly, wanting to protest but enjoying it too much. The muscles of the man, his sweat, his scent. Cameron kissed deeper, almost as if trying to suck the air right from Keiths lungs, his eyes rolled up and he felt like he was going to pass out before the huge bear let go. Keith stumbled back panting for breath.


    “Like that Kiddo? Just a taste of what we have planned for you tonight. Just so you know, Daddy Max is out right now, he’ll be back soon, but it’s just you and me right now.” Cameron said as he pulled Keith back in close.


    ‘Fuck, so hot, I want, more, of you, and him.” Keith said, still gasping.


    “Want more POZ cock Boy?” Cameron grunted as he guided the boy toward one of his fat thumb sized tits, nestled in the scratchy fur of his body. Keith began to suckle on it immediately and gave a mumbled.


    “Mmmrmmmmmmm” sound.


    “What was that kiddo? Got to speak up for Daddy here.”


    “I said. I, fuck, I do, I want your Poz cock in me, I don’t care what happens. I just, I need more.” Keith said, and Cameron laughed.


    “Fuck boy, you have no idea just how much more we have to give you in the next few days. But before that lets get cozy, Max should be back soon, but we can have some fun to ourselves.” He said and pulled the unresisting Kieth with him as he headed toward the back of the house. In moments Cameron had pulled the Keith into the bedroom and down on a large bed that smelled of sweat and sex. Cameron tore of the thin stained shirt he wore and leaned back on the bed, pulling Keith on top and squeezing him in a tight bear hug.


    Instinctively, Keith began nuzzling into the thick chest hair and began to nuzzle and sniff.  Gently Cameron guided the boy into his rank hairy pit.


    “Theres a good boy, just relax and breath that in for a while, it’s better than poppers I promise.” He said as Keith moaned and nodded his head. For Keith, who always prided himself on getting clean after using the gym, always using deodorant, the intense funk from Camerons pit hit him hard and made his eyes water. He wanted to be disgusted by it, but he felt it awaken something deep inside him, something raw and primal.  All too soon, he was breathing it in an almost hypnotic state.


    Cameron chuckled as he watched Keith breath deeply. He didn’t often meet many guys who so quickly got into his scent like this, and he started to think about the chances of this hot boy coming into his life.


    “I don’t think it’s an accident you found us you know. Im not one for fate or destiny or that shit, but, fuck kiddo, there’s hundreds of horny gay men around right now, and you walked right into us first. Like you were meant to find us.” He said and reached down to stroke his already thickening infected phallus. “What do you think kiddo? You think it was fate running into two hot Daddies off their meds? Looking for a boy to infect?” He said casually as he listened to Keith moan. As much as Keith was lost inhaling the pit fumes of Cameron, the words were enough to rouse him from his moaning…


    “Fuck, I don’t, I mean god you’re so fucking hot, Max is hot, I want you both so bad, but, it’s still so messed up.”


    “Messed up? How so?” Cameron said, egging the kid on.


    “Your both, Poz, and, wanting to spread it, spread a disease that can kill you? It’s I mean, once your infected…” Keith said, his voice trailing off as Cameron moved him toward his other pit now, letting the boy inhale the rank scent from the other side.


    “Shhhh look, I know you’re scared, and unsure… but don’t worry about that right now. Just relax and Let your new Daddies show you a good time.” He said, squeezing his cock, watching as a few drops of virus infused precum dribbled out from the tip. Scooping up the precum, he kept a firm grip on Keith as he slide his fingers down toward his exposed hole, enjoying getting another moan as he gently slid the small amount of his viral strain into the boy. “Thats a good boy, relax, and just accept it one part at time. You’ve got a long night ahead of you.”


    A moment later, the sound of the front door could be heard, and Max came back into the house carrying a load of groceries. Dropping them off in the kitchen, he made his way to the bedroom and smiled.


    “Hope you two aren’t starting already? We’ve got a party to get ready for” he Sid, his body slick with sweat from the heat of the June summer day. Cameron chuckled and let go of the death grip he had of Keith deep in his pit, letting the boy get some fresh air.


    “Of course not yet, just, talking about things. Discovered out new boy is a Musk Hound, almost passed out sniffing my pits here.” He said, Keith looking drunk as he rubbed his face, his eyes heavy from the pit fumes. Max grinned and started to rub his crotch.


    “Well is that a fact? Going to be good to know. Especially for tonight. I’d say its just about time to get ready for the main event tonight.” Max said as Keith looked up, releasing only now his cock was sprouting a massive hard on that he couldn’t immediately do anything about.


    “Party? What type?” He asked.


    “The sexy type you youngster, now lets get dressed, not that it will matter. Any party at Big Sigs Castle is going to have you naked in no time.”

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  7. Thanks for the hood feed back.

    and yeah. Wanted to mostly set things up for more “fun” in a chapter three.

    it might be a while before I can finish the next chapter. I dint get a lot of time to type these days. And it’s hard sometimes to come up with convincing dialog where I’m not just repeating myself.

    that said. Next chapter is going to have the three playing for a bit before going to the “party” where I plan for our young hero to get introduced to a whole spectrum of HIV infected pigs

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  8. Well here it is, part two of, not sure how many more parts. 
    not much Smut here, most wanted to try and transition things from the original story toward where I'd like to take it.


    ‘Thats it boy, relax and let your new Daddies POZ you up, Welcome to the Family!” Max had said as his thick hairy arms squeezed tight around the body of Ketih. The younger boy floating in a brand new world of dirty piggy fun he hadn’t imagined up until a few hours ago.


    As Max pounded his infected Daddy Dick up Keiths hole, his partner Cameron, grabbed the kids face and shoved his own HIV positive cock down Keiths Throat. In the middle, Keith moaned and gurgled and twitched as he felt his naked sweaty body pushed between the two. His own throbbing cock mashed down into the somewhat course fabric of the worn beach towel that they were all fucking on. The heat of the sun and the feel of grass made his body all the more sensitive.


    Max had been holding off for a while, but felt his cock start to twitch as he squeezed Keith all the more.


    “Fuck boy! Here it comes, here comes Daddies infected load!” He grunted, an instant later he bellowed like a Bull in Heat as Keith felt the HIV positive cock explode deep up his guts. Max’s body shuddered as he road out his orgasm, reveling in his unmedicated load pumping deep up the boys unprotected ass. A few moments later Cameron grunted and shot his load as well, filling the boy from both ends as they collapsed panting in the hot afternoon sun. Cameron pulled his cock from Keiths dripping face, giving the plump tip a squeeze to milk out a last few drops of jizz as he stood up.


    “Going to go grab some more beers and some water, you two love birds enjoy.” He said, shaking his cock as he turned and went into the house leaving Keith and Max behind. Max chuckled and squeezed Keiths well build but still smaller body as he flexed his now semi hard cock inside the kids ass.


    “Well you’ve done it now kid, thats some prime High Viral seed soaking into your guts right now. You might not be infected right now, but I can sure as hell promise you will before you leave here.” He said, licking the sweat from Keiths back and neck, kissing him softly as Keith moaned under him. The two stayed locked together, Keiths mind on fire with what had happened, yet made no attempt to remove the infected cock from his hole as the two lay together. Eventually he gave a muffled grunt, and Max leaned to his side.


    “What was that sexy boy?”


    “I said, Its, ugh, its hard to believe you’re not on meds, both of you, you’re so fucking hot and well built. I thought guys with HIV looked more, wasted.” He said, his mind starting to realize a bit more of what he himself might end up like.  Max started to chuckle.


    “Cause we usually are on meds boy. Your Daddy Max and Cameron like to stay in good shape and keep fit, that means taking our pills like good little pigs.” He said as the sound of a door was heard.


    “Yeah, except when Pride swings around, thats our fucking time to cut loose and let our Virus have some fun.” Said Cameron, coming out holding an ice cooler full of beers and some water bottles. He popped a can and started to chug as he took a seat on an old plastic lawn chair. Max grunted and started to stand up, pulling Keith up as his now limp cock finally fell out of the well fucked hole.


    “A while ago we decided to get out Poz Freak on and loved how empowering it was to have the Virus pumping through our cocks again. Ever since, we take a ‘vacation’ each year at Pride, making sure our big bear cocks are nice and Toxic for young horny neg holes like yourself.” Max said as he grabbed a can for himself as well. Still weak on his knees, Keith Stood uncertain as he listened to the two hot bears, both now sitting down with cocks still dripping.


    “F-Fuck thats, messed up, you go off your meds on purpose, to infect other guys at Pride?” He said, moving to get some water, feeling like he was still caught in a fog as he felt his body drenched in sweat and cum trickling down his well fucked hole. The two bears looked at each other and laughed.


    “This is Palm Springs at Pride boy, there’s probably more guys here infected with HIV then anywhere else in the country right now. Shit, if not infected with HIV, then infected with ‘Something’” Cameron said with a laugh as he pulled up another cheap plastic lawn chair, offering Keith a place to sit. As soon as he did, both Bears dropped a large beefy arm around him, fingers gently playing with his naked skin. The two settling into a long rehearsed routine of ‘Bad cop, worse cop’ as they teased Keith towards his inevitable corruption.


    “Yeah, and right now I can bet at least a third of those guys are also off meds. Trust me Kid, whether you admit it or not, you coming here is a step towards embracing becoming a part of our family, and embracing who you were meant to be.” Max said, before down to pat between Keiths legs.


    “Family? You mean becoming your ‘poz son’?” He said stifling a moan.


    “Something like that, look this is a lot to take in I know, but I don’t think it was an accident you ran into us out on the hunt. I know you’re still pretty out of it, taking your first load of Viral Seed can do that. How about we take a rest, clean up, let your take in what your future has to offer.” Cameron said, as together he and Max got another groan from Keith. The two looked at each other and grinned.


    It wasn’t long after, that the three had gone inside and cooled off. The house was like a lot of homes in Palm Springs, built in the 50’s with a lot of cinderblock and glass. Keith asked to take a shower, but both Daddies agreed they liked smelling off sweat, cum and piss. As the AC cooled down their bodies and relaxed Keiths brain, they took the chance to ask more about Keith and his trip.


    He lived in a little suburb in San Bernardino and was currently going to college.

    He’d come up for the weekend and had checked in at a cheap motel.

    And while he’d bottomed every now and then, he much preferred to be on top.

    After a while chatting, and some more water, and some more beer, Cameron looked up.


    “How you feeling Kiddo?” He asked, genuinely curious now that the buzz of sex had died down a bit. Keith was silent for a moment as he looked between the two hot daddies on either side of him.


    “Scared? Excited? Horny, I feel like I should go to the nearest hospital, but, I also feel, like…” he trailed off and Max leaned over.

    “Like you need more don’t you?” He said.

    “YES! Its fucked up! Im a top, usually, I don’t get fucked much, and I usually play safe, but all I can think about is getting more cock inside me right now!” He said, and then felt something inside him change.

    “You are half right kiddo, what you need, is more POZ cock.” Max said, and before Keith could respond, he leaned over, giving him a thick deep kiss and thrusting his tongue down Keiths throat. The two moaned deeply before Max pulled away.


    “Alright sexy, here’s the truth, we got you marked for a cute innocent boy to take home for a quick randy Poz fuck and pass our seed along too. But I think we didn’t count on making such a, connection, with each other. Being POZ is more than just being infected with HIV, you heard us earlier, it frees you, liberates you, and connects you to becoming a part of a family bigger than you can imagine. You’d become not just our Poz Son, but you’d be a part of all those that carried this strain before us. The essence of hundreds of gay men flowing through your body.” Max said, leaning in close to Keith, and licking his neck. Keith moaned, Cameron chuckled.


    “Thats one way of putting it. Daddy Max likes to be a bit, dramatic, but he’s right about the Virus changing you. Meds or not, Toxic or medicated, once infected, you will become a part of something bigger.” Cameron said, as he looked up at an old clock on the wall. “Ok here’s the deal. It’s the Friday of Pride weekend, and just after 4 o’clock. If you want this, like, REALLY want this, then you go back to your motel, grab your stuff, and meet us here at 5 and spend the rest of the weekend with us. If you do, you are going to take our loads, and a bunch of other unhealthy men. By the time you leave on Sunday, you will most likely be pregnant with your Daddies strain of HIV.” Cameron said as he watched Keiths eyes glaze over.


    “Oh, Fuck…” was all he said as he tried to fight his growing lust with what his rational brain was saying was a very bad idea.


    About twenty minutes later, Keith had cleaned up, got his clothes back on, and headed out the door. Watching him go down the street to hail a cab, Max and Cameron, leaned against each other.


    “What do you think sexy, he coming back? Or do you think he’ll run scared?” Cameron said as Max leaned over, thrusting a finger up his hole.


    “Both, you saw the look in his eye, he’s scared of course, but we both got our mark left on him. He’s body might not be infected yet, but I know his brain is, he won’t be able to help coming back for me” Max said with a grunt before closing the door.


    “If he does come back, what should we do with him, aside from the obvious.


    “Like you said, its Friday night of Pride in Palm Springs, there’s a dozen fuck parties going on, but there’s one special one I know we can go to.”


    “Oh? How special we talking?”


    “Heh, Special like Big Sig is in town, and is going to be throwing a party at the ‘Castle’” Max said, and the two began to laugh.

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  9. 3 hours ago, str8mature5 said:

    Some of the old stiries are the best !

    very true, though its hard these days to tell just HOW old a story is. The story opens saying its in the year 2005, but, well its also fiction. The file I found had a date of being created in 2011, but that was the date I would have downloaded it from online. 

    That said, I do agree much ofd the older stories, especially from the Bugshare and Bareback Exchange days tend to be the more intense and raw. 

  10. Well, due to popular demand, I started, finally, trying to write up a "part two" to the story.

    The tone and dialog will be obviously different since I'm writing it vs how the original story was done. Going to try and keep the way everyone "sounds" similar to the story.

    Got a teaser of the next bit for those interested:



    ‘Thats it boy, relax and let your new Daddies POZ you up, Welcome to the Family!” Max had said as his thick hairy arms squeezed tight around the body of Ketih. The younger boy floating in a brand new world of dirty piggy fun he hadn’t imagined up until a few hours ago.

    As Max pounded his infected Daddy Dick up Keiths hole, his partner Cameron, grabbed the kids face and shoved his own HIV positive cock down Keiths Throat. In the middle, Keith moaned and gurgled and twitched as he felt his naked sweaty body pushed between the two. His own throbbing cock mashed down into the somewhat course fabric of the worn beach towel that they were all fucking on. The heat of the sun and the feel of grass made his body all the more sensitive.

    Max had been holding off for a while, but felt his cock start to twitch as he squeezed Keith all the more.

    “Fuck boy! Here it comes, here comes Daddies infected load!” He grunted, an instant later he bellowed like a Bull in Heat as Keith felt the HIV positive cock explode deep up his guts. Max’s body shuddered as he road out his orgasm, reveling in his unmedicated load pumping deep up the boys unprotected ass. A few moments later Cameron grunted and shot his load as well, filling the boy from both ends as they collapsed panting in the hot afternoon sun. Cameron pulled his cock from Keiths dripping face, giving the plump tip a squeeze to milk out a last few drops of jizz as he stood up.


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  11. On 1/11/2023 at 9:25 PM, Heir2012 said:

    New story. I'll be releasing 2 parts. I might write more if enough men like it.

    Hope it isn't going too dark. Maybe you'll want it to go darker. Let me know. 


    Part 1

    Some may say that what I do is wrong. Some may say it’s unethical. Some may say it twists the laws of nature unnaturally. They’d be right. That doesn’t mean I’ll stop.

    I stood at the bar of Club Baridos, drinking a beer, watching as a hoard of college students danced. It was spring break, and every year there was an influx of uninhibited kids looking for a good time. Busses shuttled them here from all over the country, sometimes all over the globe. We had alcohol, drugs, sex. There wasn’t anything else they could want, meaning we attracted thousands at a time. This was good for me because I liked having a selection.

    I originally stopped at the club to pass along some “contraband” to the owner, a friend who often tipped me off to suggestible young men looking for a “daddy” to take control for a few hours. I wasn’t for hire. I just had an insatiable need to fuck. At this time in my life, money meant little. The contraband was just for fun. The only need I had was to have my bare cock buried deep in a man’s ass. I’d already fucked a student that morning, a young man from UCLA, a Junior studying business. I think his name was Keith. I didn’t ask what he studied or where he went. I also didn’t want to know his name. He told me all of this because he had gotten nervous once I got him back to my place. Clearly, he had been new to the whole “bottom” thing.

    He wasn’t new anymore. I broke him in like a pro. I also made sure he left with a parting gift. He had been a good fuck, even if his talents hadn’t developed yet. Still, there’s nothing like slamming your dick so far up into a man’s body that their eyes roll back, their heads contort backwards, every muscle and vein in their neck straining as they try to breathe. Their hands grasp at either the sheets or my arms which hold them down. For most, their dicks, which I make sure are left untouched, are rock hard and shooting cum along their stomachs. If I’ve done a very good job, they’re shooting up to their chins, sometimes shooting into their mouths which are open in silent screams of ecstasy.

    Even with that morning fuck, I was ready for more. I turned away from the crowd in the club and looked into a mirror mounted on the wall. I lifted the tight sleeve of my left arm and could see the faint markings of my biohazard tattoo. In dim lighting, it was almost unnoticeable. When I’m fucking a chaser, I don’t mind if it’s seen. Most of the time, that’s when the tattoo is at its darkest. For now, it was fairly faded, proving my dick had been doing its job well. One more fuck and it would be absent for nearly a year, their time now mine. These “innocent” lives used to give me more time, my tattoo fading for years at a time, their expected years left lasting only a fraction of what they used to now. Times had changed. My days were lessening, even when I passed them off to someone else momentarily. I never got the same amount of time for each guy. Every fuck was a gamble. Good thing I'm addicted to both fucking and gambling. 

    Sound fucked up? It is, but that’s the kind of man I am. All I had to do now was find the guy. Whose time would be running out, becoming my own?

    I scanned the room, watching the dancing students, and immediately spotted a young man who was standing at the outer edge of the dancefloor, his eyes focused on the movement at the center of the club. The lights gleamed in his eyes, the neon strobes revealing a bright smile. There was stubble across his face, just enough to allude to the fact that he could grow a full beard if he wanted. His black hair was cut short on the sides and styled on top. My mind instantly imagined what it would be like to have my hands running through his hair, grabbing tight, and forcing my dick down his throat.

    He wore a button-down shirt with the top three buttons undone, revealing what looked to be a defined chest covered in hair. I had nothing against men who shaved, but I preferred men to look natural, rugged. These college students were at their prime, their bodies proving them to be adults while their minds were still wired to act on impulses. They were the perfect choice for me, and this young man was my selection.

    I made my way through the crowd, my eyes focused on him. I caught the eyes of several lusting individuals. Standing at six foot four, I’m usually the tallest in the room. My wide, strong shoulders and muscular arms take up space and attract attention. I know my greatest asset is my body, so I keep myself in shape. Having once been in the military, I found I looked good with shorter hair, and it gave me a look of dominance. I was the picture of the perfect alpha, even turning other alphas around and fucking the dominance out of them. To put it plainly, I was the definition of sexy. I was the definition of a predator.

    I moved myself until I was standing next to the young man, my presence unnoticed by him so far. He was distracted by those dancing, his foot tapping along with the music.

    “Don’t you like to dance?” I asked, making sure my voice could be heard without having to yell.

    He turned to me, curious to why a stranger was making conversation with him, and then smiled once he saw who was trying to gain his attention.

    “Not really,” he said, his voice cracking for a moment. He looked embarrassed, something which I found adorable. I also knew he would be easy to convince.

    “I’m surprised your girlfriend isn’t dragging you out there against your will,” I said.

    “I don’t have a girlfriend,” he said.

    “Oh, sorry.”

    “Actually,” he said, looking me over, as if noticing me for the first time. “I’m gay.”

    “I see,” I said, having already known this. It was easy to tell, at least for me. I could always tell if a man was straight, gay, bi, or whatever. Even if he were straight, it would only add a few extra minutes of convincing to get him on his back, legs up, hole open, his dick ignored. Him being gay and seeing how he kept glancing up at me, his six foot frame the perfect height to admire my chiseled features, I knew it would take little convincing to get him where I wanted him.

    It was where he wanted to be too, he just didn’t know it yet.

    “I’m amazed none of the drunk twinks have thrown themselves at your feet just to suck your dick.”

    His eyes grew wide at the thought, a slight smile turning his mouth. “I’m not… uhm… I’m not very good with… all that.”

    “All what?” I asked. I knew how I looked to this young man. I looked concerned, caring, genuinely interested in what he was saying and why. Practice makes perfect.

    He opened his mouth to answer, but I could tell his shyness was getting the best of him. Even though he oozed sex appeal, clearly his confidence was lacking. This was perfect for me.

    “What?” I asked. “Sex?”

    A wide grin filled his face as his cheeks grew red. “Uh, yeah. Basically.”

    I scoffed. “Yeah right,” I told him. “I’m sure men are throwing themselves at you all the time.”

    “Not really,” he said.

    “Well, that can’t be true,” I said. “I mean, look at you.”

    With my words, he started to look himself over, as if my recognition of him was presenting himself to him for the first time.

    “I’d take my chance asking you out if I was younger,” I said. “You know, more your type.”

    His smile faded a bit. “What’s my type?”

    “Like I said, twinks. Those thin men, youthful, hairless. The type who look as if they haven’t hit puberty yet, but are actually legal.”

    As I painted him a picture, I saw his face turn in disgust. It was almost too easy.

    “I don’t like those type of guys,” he said, making sure he made his point.

    “Oh really? And what kind of men do you like?”

    “I like,” he said, looking me over, eyes taking in every inch of my body, “you.”

    “Really?” I said, grinning.

    “Like you,” he quickly corrected, embarrassed again. “Men like you. That’s what I meant. I like men like you.”

    “What? Old?”

    “No,” he said, a bit of his confidence returning. “Older. Older than me. Thirties. Forties. How old are you?”

    “Older than you,” I said, winking.

    Though I doubt he noticed, I watched as his tongue stuck out for a brief moment, wetting his lips. “I don’t like hairless guys or scrawny guys.”

    “So, someone with your body type?” I asked, reaching out a hand and opening the top of his shirt a bit, looking at his strong, hairy chest.

    “Yeah,” he said, eyes looking down at my hand, nearly touching him but painfully apart. “But stronger. Bigger. You know, like I said. Someone like you.”

    I moved my hand back to my side, noticing how his body leaned toward me, trying to get closer to reclaim the space I’d taken away. “Well, I don’t know if you’ll find many men like that here,” I said, looking through the club.

    “But, you’re here,” he said.

    I looked down at him, watching as the lights gleamed in his lusting eyes. I smiled. “I am,” I said. I had him.


    My apartment wasn’t far, and the walk there was quick as I felt the anticipation of the young man growing, his pace moving us along.

    “What’s your name?” he asked me as we climbed the stairs to my apartment.

    “Hunter,” I said, smiling. If he only knew, he’d understand the irony in my name. “What’s yours?”

    “Austin,” he said.

    “Sexy name,” I told him, leading him down the hall.

    I opened the door and motioned him inside, watching as he crossed the point of no return. I had a nice apartment. It wasn’t too flashy, but it wasn’t a mess. I routinely had men over, so I had to make sure everything looked nice. He looked around, taking everything in.

    “Do you want a drink?” I asked him.

    “Whiskey,” he said, the word sounding almost foreign coming out of his mouth. I would have guessed that he’d only been twenty-one for a short period, and I had the feeling that he hadn’t been one to drink anything harder than beer while in high school. The excitement of being here along with the drink would send him into overdrive, delivering him into my hands easily.

    I made him his drink, making sure there was a considerable amount of whiskey, my own drink having less. I wanted a clear head.

    He drank his drink quickly, whatever nerves he was feeling quickly silenced.

    “Another?” I asked, sipping mine.

    “I’m fine,” he said, handing me the glass, eyes wide as the alcohol still burned through his system.

    I put our glasses down and reached out to him, grabbing his sides, pulling him closer to me. “You are fucking gorgeous,” I told him, looking down into his face, my eyes moving down to his chest. “I’m glad I got to you first before anyone else did. I probably wouldn’t have stood a chance otherwise.”

    His hands moved up along my chest, feeling my heartbeat beneath. He looked in my eyes and leaned forward, pushing his lips against mine. His mouth opened up for me without protest, his need for me to accept him breaking down whatever barriers he’d normally have in place. He desperately needed me to want him, unable to recognize that I had wanted him even before he’d seen me.

    I wrapped my arms around his body, pulling him against me, our chests pressed together, strained gasps for air adding extra force. His crotch pressed against mine, and I could feel his dick already fully hard and rubbing against my own erection. Our need to explore each other grew in intensity, his hands moving down my body and grabbing at my shirt.

    “Wait,” I said, breaking our kiss. I took his hand and led him down the hallway to my bedroom where I turned on the dim lights I knew would be able to hide the faded remnants of my tattoo. “That’s better.”

    He tried kissing me again, but I lifted a hand and rested a finger against his lips, giving him a wink. I unbuttoned my shirt, revealing my strong, muscled, hairy chest beneath, but I kept it on, my tattoo still a secret. His eyes drifted down my chest, following the thick trail of hair which continued down below my jeans. Once again, his tongue darted out, licking his lips.

    “Disappointed?” I asked.

    He looked into my eyes and shook his head. “No,” he said. “Actually, I’m worried you’ll be disappointed in me.”

    “That can’t be farther from the truth,” I said, stepping toward him and taking his shirt in hand, my fingers unbuttoning until his chest and abs were revealed. He too sported a trail of hair down to his pants, and I was sure with age it would thicken (would have thickened), rivaling even mine. I moved my hands beneath the shirt and over his shoulders, causing the shirt to slip off. His body was even hotter than I imagined. He clearly went to the gym, but he wasn’t overly muscular. I imagined in his future, once college was done, he’d probably add on a few pounds around his gut and become a bear-to-be. Again, this would not happen now, not once I was done with him.

    Instead, he was a cub, and I was ready for more.

    This is actually very close to a story Idea I came up with ages ago, of a person "cursed" with the need to fuck others to stay alive, each person they infect, they basically leach away their life force, Their victim going from healthy, to AIDS wasted in a matter of moments, and then left to passion the seed to others.


    I LOVE how you have brought this to life and only wish I had the time to have wrote my own

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  12. On 3/28/2023 at 6:41 AM, austin_submale said:

    It would be hot if you gave it a shot and see what you come up with for another chapter!


    I guess it depends on what direction to take. The original story has the kid “just visiting” So he’s probably go home before he got sick. 
    if I did a next chapter I could just write him staying a few more days and giving n to taking more poz loads 

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  13. Oh fuck!!! I remember this story from MANY years ago! I never knew it had a second chapter!

    it almost feels like there is a missing chapter between this one. As it goes from him disclosing he’s poz to his wife, to living with Hank . 

    still fuckkng hot. Stories of Dads pozzing sons are probably in the top 3 of my favorite poz stories 

  14. Just another old story I found, not sure who wrote, but wish there was more.



    Keith stopped dead in his tracks. Two of the beefiest, sexiest bears were ambling down the street and they were causing his lust glands to go into overdrive. Big balls rolled lazily around in their crotches as they strolled along, their jeans snug enough to outline fat sausages, both pointing left.


    It was the summer of 2005 and a young and innocent Keith was visiting Palm Springs for the first time during Pride. Needless to say, the place was awash in Horny men of all types and ages. And of corse most of them had HIV.


    Kieth tried not to be so obvious but he was totally overcome with lust and desire, and he just had to see their butts. He was not disappointed. Both were full and firm and plump, like rock hard half moons covered in a layer of butter fat. He watched the up and down jiggle and daydreamed about man muff diving. Would they be hairy or smooth, pale or tanned? He was so lost in his day dream he hardly noticed the bears turn back.


    Keith snapped out of his daydream when one of the big bears wrapped a meaty paw around the hard on that was stretching Keith's trousers and gave it a squeeze.


    'What have we here?' the big bear asked.


    'S--So--Sorry.'  Keith stammered. He looked around nervously to see if anyone could see what was happening, but the street was empty.


    'You've got nothing to be sorry for.' the other bear said. 'That's one mighty fine piece of meat you got there.'


    Keith smiled and relaxed.


    'You think so?' he asked.


    'Absolutely.' the guy who had squeezed his cock replied. 'Want to come back to our place and fuck?'


    The bluntness of the Question floored the teenaged Keith as his cock throbed and leaked some precum. All too soon, Keith skipped along after the two hot studs. The one with the blue eyes was named Max, while the one with the sexy brown eyes went by the name of Cameron.  He was now free to drink in the delicious sight of their big, beefy asses bouncing along as they walked in front of him, happy in the knowledge that soon he would be exploring those hot cracks.


    But Keith got a bit of a shock. As soon as they arrived home the bears led Keith into the garden and gave him a beer. He was sitting there, enjoying his beer, when suddenly they both whipped out their fat cocks and started hosing him down with their steaming piss.


    His clothes were soaked and he was about to protest when the feelings this new sensations caused started to get to him. The musk of the piss and the heat invaded his mind as he relaxed. He dimly heard Max grunt. “Fuck that’s a lot of hot POZ Piss on him, it looks good. Keith’s cock grew instantly hard when he heard that. He was about to ask if he had heard correctly when another stream of Piss started from the two bears. Like a stag in the rutting season, he lost himself in it and soon He whipped out his own cock and let their warm piss rain down on it as he pulled the heavy foreskin covered hood back. The warmth trickled over his sensitive cock and

    balls, driving him absolutely wild.


    Cameron finished first. His fat cock was still hanging out as he started to remove Keith's shoes and socks. Keith helped him get rid of his jeans and sat back down to catch the last of Max's flow. Both the men started to get hard now and Max pulled Keith to his feet and devoured his cock. In one swift movement it was buried to the root. Once more unable to say anything, Keith heard Max grunt.


    “Theres a good boy, feed your negative boy cock to my husband and your going to make him very happy.” He said as Cameron's fingers now probed Keith's crack, working some lube into his asshole. It was all happening too fast, and yet Keith felt powerless to stop it. He knew that both of them must be POZ now, he had read stories online and had jacked off thinking about it, but it was always just a fantasy. Now with two hot beefy bears next to him, he faced the reality of hot hot a cock infected with HIV was. Part of him wanted to explore they’re big, beautiful, hairy bodies. To sensually and slowly pleasure and be pleasured by them. But another part just wanted to be used by the big guys, wanted to give his body to their Infected dicks and become their toy.


    Cameron's flared mushroom cap of a cock rubbed against Keith's lubed up pucker and sent a shiver down the horny twink's spine. This was what it was all about, that first feel of an HIV infected cock on his assring. No matter how good dildos and vibrators were, nothing could beat a real live twitching, precum spitting bulging cock. Cameron took his time, rubbing his poison cock against Keith's pulsing asshole, slowly leaking slimy TOXIC discharge for a good five minutes before he began to slide in. Keith cried out in delight and lost his first load down Max's throat.


    “Theres a good boy, pump out your negative load and get read to take Daddies Pozitive Dick.”


    Max came off him with a smile. “Mmm yeah, negative cum always tastes so sweet and pure!” He said and licked his lips and watched his lover plow into Keith's sexy bubble butt. Cameron bent the younger man over one of the garden chairs and began to plow the boy much harder.


    “It is sweet, but he’s not going to be negative too much longer.” He grunted as his hand reached down to Keith's cock and found it was soon hard again so he started to stroke it. “Looks like our boy here is ok with that seeing how hard he is. That making your dick hard? Having an infected dick up your ass?” He said as Keith looked around for Max, hoping for another blow. Instead he saw the other bronze muscle bear lubing his ass. Max then spread a blanket on the picnic table and came and whispered in Cameron's ear.


    “How about we milk out his last negative load together, lets milk him together, my TOXIC ass and your TOXIC dick.” Max said with an evil grunt. Cameron licked his lips.

    “Fuck yeah, lets POZ him up together.” Cameron pulled out of Keith's ass and lay down on the table. Keith was at first disappointed to see Max go sit on Cameron's cock. But then Max lay down with his back to Cameron's stomach.


    'Come over here neg boy stick your cock in my hole.’ Max told the boy. Keith, able to talk for the first time, was trying to wrap his head around everything that had happened.


    ‘You guys are both really Positive aren’t you? You both have HIV?’ He said, staring at the hole of Max as if hypnotized.


    ‘Fuck yeah we are.’ Cameron said slowly sliding in and out of his partner in crime. ‘I got infected ten years ago, and then made sure Max joined me. We both been sharing our strain ever since then.’ He said as he grunted. Max, his ass up and enjoying the fuck gave a moan and spoke up as well.


    ‘Best thing that ever happen to us boy, no more fear or doubt or worries. So come over here and stick your dick in my POZ ass next to his POZ Dick, and lets see if you can join us as a POZ son!” He said as Keith watched, stroking his dick, a tiny voice told him this was a bad idea, that doing something os risky and dangerous was wrong, but before he could stop himself, his cock made the choice for him.


    Keith approached and gingerly started to slide his cock in alongside Cameron's fat sausage. How the hell could one asshole handle two cocks,

    Keith wondered. But then the blissful sensation of rubbing up along the length of Cameron's cock while enveloped by Max's hot ass overwhelmed him. His brain shut down. There was no time for idle thoughts now; all he wanted to do was fuck.


    It was like having a mutual jerk off, blowjob and fuck all at the same time. Keith closed his eyes, gritted his teeth and stroked. Each stroke took him closer and closer to the edge.  He tried to focus on his strokes, counting them in a desperate attempt not to shoot. The two bears could see him fighting back the well of cum and orgasm building in his balls and in his brains. Suddenly Keith let out a moan and started shivering and he knew it was all over.

    He bit his lip and emptied his balls while his whole body seemed to convulse in orgasmic ecstasy as Max squeezed his ass.


    ‘Yeah boy! Empty your load into Daddy Max! Give me all that sweet untainted negative seed and let me milk you of every drop!” The bear grunted and squeezed more.


    Keith’s cock went limp but it was wedged in place by Cameron's cock. He tried to pull out, but Cameron wrapped an arm around him.

    ‘Oh no you don’t boy, time for this Daddy Bear to bath your dick in his infected juices!” He said and lunged forward. Keith’s whimpered and squirmed as his tender dick was now squeezed both by the axe and the throbbing cock mashed tightly against his own. Cameron grunted and snorted like a pig in heat as he pumped out surge after surge of his tainted DNA. Keith felt the seed squirting and mixing with his own, feeling as if he would pass out from the sensation.


    Eventually Camerons orgasm faded as he slowly churned his load up against Keiths.

    ‘WOO YAH! Nice big load of my INFECTED seed in your guts Max, nice tainted cum to baptist our new boys dick in some fresh POZ Spooge!’ He said as max kept his hole tight, not letting a drop leak out.


    ‘Fuck yeah, but you both shot your loads, it’s time for me to blast my INFECTED seed, and there’s only one place I wanna feel it go.” He said as he slowly began to get up. As he did, Cameron knowing what his partner had in mind, gently pulled Keith down on the towel, sliding his dripping dick out, but trying to make sure Keith still kept his in side. Soon Max was onto of Keith and looked down at the boy like a Predator ready to devour its Prey.


    ‘How do you feel boy? Your dick is in a POZ hole, marinating in POZ seed, most guys would be scared and running away, but your dick is already starting to get hard again” Max said, squeezing his ass around the cock still inside him. Keith whimpered and looked up at the bear dominating over him, smelling his stink of sweat and loving it.


    ‘I, I feel good, I should be scared, but, oh fuck, I want more.’ He said as he laid back on the towel, feeling the grass under it and the warm Pal Spring sun.


    ‘Thats what I want to hear boy’ Max said as he finally got up, letting the kids dick slid out. As he did, he pushed out a hefty load of the cum inside, letting it cover Keiths cock. Before Keith could think about it, Cameron came up and started stroking it, rubbing all the mixed seed around his cock and balls. Keith knew that half of the seed would be POZ and infected, but he was feeling too good to stop it and Cameron continued to stroke him rubbing the cum around, sliding his finger around Keiths mushroom head to make sure some got inside. As he did so, Max hefted the kids Legs up.


    ‘Here we go, POZ seed on you dick, and soon POZ seed up your guts boy. This is what you need now and we are going to give it to you!” He said as Max’s fat plump vein covered bear dick began to slowly slide over Keiths ass hole. Max moaned trying to resist the urge to slam in all at once. But he wanted Keith to enjoy and to make sure he felt pleasure from getting POZ dick and POZ cum. Cameron began to help by moving his hands to Keiths nipples and begin to slowly stroke and pull them. A moan quickly followed as the two Muscle bears grinned.


    ‘Looks like our new boy has his tits wired right to his dick. Going to be fun making him twitch as he takes his new Daddies cock.’ Cameron said, still cum on his hands that he used it on Keith nipples, swirling his fingers around the boys tits.


    ‘Fuck yeah, work those tits and I’ll work this ass’ Max said as he started to push in. He had spent close to five minutes gently anointing Keiths hole with his TOXIC discharge and had relaxed enough to finally gain entry. The fat tip of his cock pushed in first, Keith whimpered and tried to pull back for an instant as Cameron held him down. The pain passed quickly and soon Keith was moaning as the fat infected cock of the Muscle Bear Max was pushing deeper into his guts.


    ‘Feeling good boy?’ Said Max as he fucked slowly.

    ‘Oh fuck yes, ugh, yes Sir.’

    ‘Call me Daddy Max’

    ‘Yes Daddy Max, it feels so good inside me.’

    ‘Yeah boy? You like having infected POZ dick up your boy hole?’ Max said, flexing his dick to make it throb, knowing it was nestled up against the boys prostate. Keith moaned instantly.

    ‘OH! Yes Daddy Max, I love it! Please fuck me!’


    With the words said, Max pushed forward and soon punched his infected bear dick deep into the hunger hole of the now moaning Twink. The hole blossomed open, ready to accept it’s new role as a taker of infected seed. As Max worked his HIV Positive dick into the boys hole. Cameron had moved around and was stroking his own POZ cock back to hardness, slowly pushing it into Keiths face. The boy instinctively began trying to lick and suck on the tip as Cameron continued to pull on Keiths nipples, making him buck and moan. Soon Max was pushing harder inside and with a sudden shiver and gone all the way.


    ‘There we are, Balls deep, I can’t wait to fill his hole up. I think he has the makings of a beautiful new POZ Son for us. What do you Say Cameron?’

    ‘I say I agree, He already has my INFECTED seed swimming down into his dick. Before the day is done I think we really will be making him pregnant. I have wanted a new POZ Son, make a family all joined by my Strain.” Cameron said as Keith let out a huge grunting moan.

    ‘What do you say boy? Ready to become our new POZ Son?’ Max said, his big hands caressing the trembling teenager.

    ‘Fuck I Feel so good, I want this, I want to get pozzed!’ Keith shouted as pushed back as far as he could on Max’s big positive cock. The two bears looked at each other and knew the time was right. Max started to fuck faster and wrapped his beefy arms around the boy in a massive tight hug.


    ‘Thats it boy, relax and let your new Daddies POZ you up, Welcome to the Family.’

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