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Everything posted by chaseyou-87

  1. So within the last week I've taken my first two known Poz loads. One at the beginning of the week and one last night, and I'm going back for more tonight. Two different guys though. First guy said he was Poz but "healthy" whatever that means and the second guy was poz-und. Absolutely CUTE AS FUCK! With a very hot biohazard tatt right above his dick! I could have kissed and worshipped just his tatt all night! I feel much more confident now that I've had "known" poz loads. Up to this point it's just been either "neg" guys or no discussion at all...
  2. I having the exact same problem. Before the banner didnt show up at all and I usually access the full version site from my phone. Now it sent me to the mobile site for the first time ever and the full version, when I switched back, doesnt autofit to the screen like it normally did. The ratios are way off. I hope that makes sense.
  3. Johnson City here...
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