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Posts posted by shinelover

  1. Yeah, I definitely have both extremes living inside of me. But since I'm conscious of it, I guess that means I'm not crazy. 😜

    Seriously, though, the more romantic side of me does worry a little what guys who like that would think about my slutty-piggy side. They'd probably run screaming!

    I guess the reverse can happen, too. The piggy guys could go running when they find out I also like to kiss and cuddle sometimes. It is what it is.

  2. It's been a while since I've been able to have my hole used so often and hard to get to that gaping stage. 

    But back when I was really working my hole, I sometimes used pads to be sure to avoid messes. I do also have diapers, but those are mostly because sometimes if feels hot to just piss yourself while you're out doing the groceries.

    As for the self-lubing, I have had that, too,  though maybe not to the same extent. So not sure exactly what it is. 

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