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Everything posted by cream-coffe

  1. I think he lives in london now, have hooked up with him once over the summer and always bump into him in the RVT
  2. Will be in boston btw
  3. Breeder Ive been a very long time reader of yours and never contacted you but that guy has to be just fucking crazy!!! ill be moving back to the states in late april early november would love to have a great session with you... only a few hours drive away... can meet where ever if you are up for it!
  4. I must start going back to those NG2BBgroup parties again, been to two and had a great time!!!
  5. I'm with you. I don't like getting blown. I actually loose interest and go soft. Dunno why but have never been into getting 'em. Love giving them though!
  6. I think you had posted that before, long time reader here.. Would gladly be your cunt!
  7. I disagree I have a nice 8.5inch cock but like you struggle to maintain an erection as soon as i know somethings going into my ass my cock goes soft and stays soft no matter how horny I am...
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