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Posts posted by dude8688

  1. I absolutely refuse, why should I get tested regularly and take PrEP every day just for someone to turn down my tight, warm, smooth fuck hole? I also hate the growing stigma on hookup apps and sites that prep user= slut or disease ridden non-discerning whore. I'm on a bisexual hookup app and all the closeted married men who don't publicly advertise that they're looking for men always say they want safe, as if I'm going to give them something nasty. Truth is I know more about my sexual health than they or their partners most likely. They'd probably jump at the chance to fuck a woman from there raw, what's the difference? I note they don't expect the woman to profess that they're squeaky clean of all STIs either. I bet many of them swap chlamydia with each other at their swingers nights without even knowing. It's rank hypocrisy. I also conversely note a trend of many profiles just saying 'neg on prep' as if those three magic words mean you're definitely getting BB. 

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  2. Been taking daily PrEP now for over three months and have noticed when I knock a limb on a surface I bruise much worse than I normally would. I hit my leg into the wall the other day and it's gone so yellow and purple like a really bad bruise. Is this due to the way PrEP affects bone density etc?

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