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    Not Sure, Probably Neg
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  1. I just want to experience my sexuality without limits. Maybe rede4it is right and the only options are protection, abstinence and acceptance. Taking protection out of the equation and I'm stuck deciding between abstinence and acceptance. Abstinence might be the smarter choice, but it's pretty much what I did all my life. I finally want to feel like I'm living, I want to feel other men's most intimate parts inside me. Waiting until I can afford PrEP would probably take even more years of my life until I can finally live the way I want to live. Urgh... on the one hand, risk of HIV exposure is real and high, but on the other hand I just want to let go of everything and enjoy feral, manly lust.
  2. Well ironically, yes. In Germany, health insurance covers all of the costs for HIV medication but none of the costs of prophylaxis.
  3. Thanks for the answers so far! As for Tenvir and other 'replacement products' for Truvada, they are not legally sold in Germany. Well even if they were, I'm not sure I could afford them either to be honest. Only hooking up with undetectable guys sounds like a good idea in theory, but in practice? I mean let's say I'm in a bathhouse or in the sex dungeon of a gay bar, and want to get bred. Even if I ask everyone who wants to fuck me about their status (which is something people normally don't do at those places), won't everyone just tell me they are negative or tell me what I want to hear anyway? I mean it's anonymous sex so they can easily get away with it. (To be honest, I'm not even sure I could turn everyone down who says they are negative, especially when I'm lustful and the top is really hot)
  4. Thank you for your reply. Going on PReP would be the obvious answer but as stated above, I'm just a student and the meds are not affordable here. Insurance doesn't cover it either because it's prophylaxis which they don't pay for in Germany.
  5. Hello everyone, I'm facing a problem and this site might be the best place to talk about it. I'm a 23 year old gay dude and I really love taking cocks into the ass, have been fucked by several men over the last years, most of them anonymous and bare. I'm not really sure about my status but I THINK I'm negative as I kept the amount of sexual encounters rather low (like two or three times a year). Anyway one can never know so I'm gonna get myself tested soon, but honestly I'm pretty sure I'm negative at this point in time. The thing is, I feel like I've been holding myself back all these years. Living with my family or with heterosexual friends made me suppress the urges to become a total cumslut. However, I'm about to move to a new town soon which gives me pretty much the opportunity to start from scratch and live how I want to live. This is where HIV comes in. While the thought of being bred by a hot poz top is really exciting and a major turn on, getting pozzed could be something I regret for the rest of my life. It's appealing but at the same time very frightening. But if I want to go through with the lifestyle of a cum pig it seems almost unavoidable. What can I do? Condoms are not really an option, I don't like them and almost no tops want to use them anyway. I already looked into Truvada but in Germany (where I live) it's way to expensive and definitely not affordable for a student like me. Any opinions on what to do...?
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