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    Cum loads in my ass, multiple loads in me, taking loads, felching cum loads, pigs
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
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  1. I am kinda wired bottom, love being loads after loads and keeping the loads insize me  as many loads as possible. Toward the end, I will let lose of all cum loads outta my hole and loaded into a cup and I will swallow it all . Yummy ! Am I insane ??? Maybe ever since being a Poz , i never regretted of doing this for couple of years.  

    1. Fistulike666


      no ... you're not insane ... you're a cum junkie who loves to behave like a true slut. Keep up the good work

    2. Guest


      Deffo not insane, keep it up

    3. Oriental


      hi guys 

      i glad that you guys really did responded to me. I always crazy of being a real cum pig. ever since for being a gay I been fucked bareback for ages, say about 20 years. i id my records in detail, since 2000. how many loads ,  where and when  till  today.  

      Only regret is for me , i didn't have much chances of doing fetching loads from cum hole , i wish I can have more on that enjoy fetching cum loads from other , is heaven. and you got to taste the warm hot sweet mulyiple juicy loads from a hole. It make horny . I will continue to take loads from my cumhole and no regret. Yummy   

  2. Some of my best collections Sexy guy masturbate and keep shooting his http://www.datehub.co/video/55588?refer=230603 Boy friend blowjob licking so yummy http://www.datehub.co/video/17058?refer=230603 Japanese couple in hot bareback action Abang Japan mesti kuat dengan best tanpa kondom http://www.datehub.co/video/56828?refer=230603
  3. Guys, recently i had completed the intramuscular 3 injections of Benzathine penicillin G. Since then been staying away from bareback or any sex for a month to prepare for my next VDRL test for the bacterium count. (it so hard live without sex for a month ). If I start bareback again ( I am bottom and loads chaser) surely will be reinfected with any STD and Syphilis again. Can I just get some more treatment in future say yearly treatment? I don't wanna anyone try condom on me and i can't live without raw , bareback cum pig load in me. Please help to suggest on this. Thanks
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