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About geardog

  • Birthday 06/13/1971

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  1. TIM used to be so creative in their decadence and really committed to pushing things over the edge. There was a sense of play--"how many loads can you take" taken to the ultimate extreme: they had frozen "devil dicks" made out of lots of guy's cum; men opening multiple used condoms and drinking the contents; films with guys going to gloryholes sucking all these different cocks, spitting into a container, then using the cum later as lube. You had Dawson going for what felt like world records of loads; Christian doing things like 24 cocks in 24 hours (and getting fucked with a dildo shaped like a cross); it felt like this world where everybody was trying to be the piggiest people on earth, not giving a shit about the risks, and, you know, having fun with it. Sure Prep lowered the feeling of risk, but I don't think that's TIM's main problem these days, at least it's not for me. I'd still really want to see their films if they felt even half as creative in cock and cum play as they once were, or flirted again with that edge of going too far. But whereas TIM used to have crazy things like what I mentioned above, now most of their films are like: here's a duo, now here's a threeway, here's another duo, here's a small gangbang with the same people you've seen in many of our other films. It's not any different than what everybody else is offering. TIM used to have a real identity, but I don't see much difference anymore between them and, say, Dark Alley Media, in that, yeah, they have the occasional good scene, but more often it feels cookie cutter, distanced from feeling all that real, and keeps starring either the same bunch of people all the time or people who look a lot like those people. C'mon, TIM, shock us again. Get some of your edge back.
  2. Interesting messages, guys. I thought at first it was TIM's usual "create controversy" marketing (I mean, the name WE'RE COMING FOR YOU is a pun and Paul Morris does love the idea of manifestos, even calling one of his movies Manfuck Manifesto), but like you I'm starting to wonder if something else is up there. TIM has had that particular screed up with a pre-release scene for a month and a half, which for them is a really long delay between the pre-release scene and the actual DVD. The cover they show looks more like one of Paul Morris' "naked man posing" art photos slapped up there than it does one of their DVD's usual covers. Meanwhile, Liam Cole is making rather cryptic statements on his Twitter account that he's not making porn these days (it's unclear if he means something like "not for a few months" or "never again"), and doesn't quite ever really address whether he's left or leaving TIM or not (just saying that the last film he made-- "London Cum Junkies"-- is not being released by TIM but apparently they're cobbling together something else?). Does anyone know if there's some other problem going on at TIM right now? Max Sohl has a post up on TIM's forums that says TIM has several films coming up (including one by Liam Cole, presumably the one that's taking the place of "London Cum Junkies"), but even that message has been up now for a little awhile. Part of this could merely be that TIM got into a pattern of releasing DVDs on a pretty regular schedule and now they're victims of what inevitably happens when you want or need to slow down. Again, Morris's latest manifesto would just seem like their usual deliberately controversial marketing to me if TIM had quickly followed it up in a week or two with the actual DVD, but making such a bombastic statement and then majorly delaying the actual DVD its supposed to accompany seems weird, like somebody standing up on a table and yelling "to arms, everyone!" when there's no one else around.
  3. I think you're going to have to admit to yourself that you've already made up your mind. The fact that you're asking these questions on a blog devoted to hot, raw, uninhibited and non-monogamous bareback sex (rather than going to a more mainstream gay blog or writing somebody like Dan Savage) suggests very strongly that you really, really, really want to be given permission to have lots of hot, raw, uninhibited and non-monogamous bareback sex. In your first post, your questions # 3 and # 4 area already asking where you can meet or PM other guys. Your screename is "secretslut." And the posts where you're clicking "like" are pretty much exactly all the ones that are telling you to ditch the boyfriend and plunge into a wild quest for cum. If your love for this guy was really stronger than your lusts, you probably wouldn't have come here at all, or, at least, these wouldn't be the kinds of questions you'd be asking. As others have pointed out, there are a lot of warning signs in your current relationship: you say he can be "mean," he won't apparently consider your sexual needs even enough to simply try something other than missionary (which is both controlling and not even trying to address any of your needs), he's still insisting on condoms even when you've both been monogamous which could suggest that he already doesn't trust you, etc. You're young and, as other have said, at 18 it's awfully early to be fully settled down. Ask yourself: do you really strongly love the current BF or is it that you're more afraid of hurting him? Because, again, from the questions you're asking here, it doesn't sound like too far in the future where you're going to end up meeting someone hot (or a group of hot someones), the clothes are going to come off and no condoms are going to go on, and rather than be able to fully enjoy your newfound freedom you're going to have to go back and have an even harder and more hurtful discussion with the current BF. I'd recommend dealing with it as soon as you can (best to first try and find other living arrangements if at all possible; this will immediately give you a bit more control no matter how things go). If you go ahead and deal with it soon, then when things get messier it'll be because you're happily covered in cum from all the hot guys you're fucking, and not messier because things have gotten even more complicated with the BF.
  4. The Director's Cut of "Freaks 5" by Wurstfilm has a scene where a black big-dicked top in a business suit snorts some coke or meth (we see him lay it out and snort it), then a white bottom enters the room, snorts some himself, the black top fucks him up the ass bareback and then cums in a glass, which the bottom then drinks (and licks the glass clean). The scene is as hot as hell. I don't know if the drugs are faked, but the two participants sure don't act like its fake. The sex is primal. "Freaks 5" is a great little film, even beyond having the drug scene. The setting is a club where a gay hip hop band is playing throughout; people fuck raw in the bathrooms, in the lounge, and in the backrooms throughout and finally on the stage while the band is playing. No condoms. At one point, two guys take turns fucking another guy in the mouth and ass, then both come all over a glass table top, which he licks up til there's nothing left, then they piss all over his face. I wish there were more bareback films like this, where there's a real energy and sense of the club setting, not just rote scene after scene like in many bareback films these days. If you've not seen it, check it out.
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