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Status Updates posted by rede4it

  1. Officially confirmed at 3:30 yesterday that my superinfection is not only real, it is indeed CRF19.   

  2. Poor guy, showed up feeling like shit, but wanting what I was ready to give him.   His symptoms are SOOOO much like mine, he has to be in the middle of conversation with all the joys of the fuck flu.   Damn is it hot breeding his very likely POZ ass.   

  3. Six poz loads from same dude so far the year.  Should add two more to that count tonight.  He is supposed to be bringing a POZ bud as well tonight.  This is what a chase should be like....frequent fucking, lots of POZ cum.....and serious effort at keeping my ass receptive.   While no symptoms and a late December NEG test result, I am really starting to feel "POZ" at least mentally.   FUCKING FEELS GREAT.

    1. btmcumwhore


      Damn I'm jealous. Send them over here after! 

    2. PERVDOM666


      you ought to get some pics of these guys fukkkin you -- would certainly add to your visual interest ... 

  4. Still helping my fuck bud out.  He is still "enjoying" one hell of a run of fuck flu.  Has not tested yet....but we all know what he will "learn" when he does.  Would not mind helping a few other guys convert while I am still in the acute stage.

    1. PissPigBrooklyn


      That's the kind of invitation that almost makes me wish I was still neg!

  5. Stopped in to see my FB/chaser.  He has the ff much worse than I did....and it seems to be unrelenting.   I think the reality of him being knocked up is fucking with his head a bit.  But, he seemed happy to take my two day build up of POZ cum without hesitation.

    1. PissPigBrooklyn


      Haha! Yeah. Now I wish I could get his load. Seriously though, keep in touch with him. Conversion can fuck with your head and let him know that if he needs someone to talk with, you are there. It is important for him to remember that even at this stage he has options. I found it to be like a roller coaster when I converted. There were times when I was elated that my goal had finally been achieved and other moments when I wondered what I had done and was on the brink of despair. I stuck it out fortunately and although I have opted to go this route without meds (at least for now) it was important at the time to know it was my own choice and responsibility. I was fortunate to  have some close friends and this site to help me along during this period. Keep us informed as to his progress as well as your own. We do care.

    2. bareall77


      Extremely well said @PissPigBrooklyn!

      As a neg chaser myself, when I DO convert, I hope that there is a friend or 2 that is there in case those thoughts creep in my mind. If it isn't my "gifter," then a few others---along with the great guys on this site. Although we come from different angles, locations, and backgrounds mostly we all have similar desires to poz or get pozzed. Even though we think we have it all figured out, regardless of time, the mind has a way of fucking with you by way of self-doubt. That's where this site and a voice of reason to talk with are huge. 

  6. The fuck buddy I gifted came back asking for more.   With one toxic load, he was so turned on he needed it again.  He knows I may be super infectious for a short while....and he wants all I will give him.   

    1. backpackguy


      Give the hungry chaser what he needs and wants...toxic sperm...Poz him...knock him up...impregnate him.

    2. rede4it


      In the last 24 hours, he has begged for that 4 times and each time I gave him toxic cum.  It is fucking hot to be a top gifter..I thought chasing was fun...but damn...driving home a toxic load is AMAZING.

  7. This amazing string of POZ sex just continues.   I would have never thought that chasing would be like this.  I always assumed it would be random guys over a long period of time.  I have had more sex in the last week than I have had in months...and it has all been POZ cum.  The best part is that the reality of POZ guys being better lovers seems quite true.   I know my own inhibitions during sex are long gone...and the guy who is topping me is simply wild.   Still seems a bit dreamlike.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. averageslut48


      Enjoy it! You are a lucky guy.

    3. PERVDOM666


      and THANK your TOPs after they cum in you.  I'm PERVDOM666 and it really turns me on when some guy is begging for my Demon Poz Cum WHILE I'm fukkkin him and then -- if he THANKS me for it after I've nutted in him -- WOOF -- often makes my cock get busy again.   I'm in Orlando if any of you bug chasers wanna cum visit 

  8. Three damned POZ loads last night....two different guys....wow...can hardly believe it.   Took one tonight and he is coming back after he gets off work for some more fun and a little T.   Was thinking I was gonna chase for ever and now am getting one or two POZ loads from this guy every night.   I really AM going to get knocked up.....

    1. rede4it


      still tweaking and freshly fucked.   dude came back as promised....and brought a "proven breeder" (guy said he had two recent--last fall---conversions).   got at least 3 loads...and maybe 4....was a little twisted for a while.   also first time doing blood slams....that combo of T and Toxic Blood....and sharing a rig.   Really a large amount of disbelief in this whole thing.....i have averaged one poz cock a day every day this year so far.....and now have a couple of blood slams too.   If this is not the path to getting knocked up i do not know what is.

    2. backpackguy


      Keep us posted on your chase...HOT!!!!!! Let us know when the fuck flu hits.

  9. WoW....gonna be the first day since it tested POZ (1/20) that I do not engage in giving or getting POZ cum.  Poor little fuck bud just is not up to taking his daily dose of my Special Eunuch Sauce.  But hell, he is already knocked up I think....so he can skip a night.

    1. toad2



  10. Yep-----I AM POZ!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rede4it


      i intend to .......but this is all still a bit sudden.....

    3. PissPigBrooklyn


      Sweet. take your time adjusting. It's like a roller coaster at first. Lotsa emotions, even conflicting feelings. Talk about them here or in messages or wherever you feel comfortable.

    4. spitjack
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