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Everything posted by niko31

  1. holy fuck this is hot. grade A top tier writing, just like Rob's dope, dude.
  2. niko31

    Moving on

    thanks for leading me to this story, wondering 🙂 fuckin hot azn btm boy getting drugged like he needs is so hot
  3. bro.. i wonder just how much of this is fiction ... either way, i'm in SF, and I'd love to meet up / talk about your stories / maybe inspire some more for you...!
  4. Sweet, thanks man. you're the best. lost so many loads to this...
  5. Fucking brilliant, man. Thanks for revisiting this story. I've dropped countless loads to it, and just did another. Your writing is awesome. Thanks again.
  6. Holy fuck, dude, THANK YOU. It's only the first chapter and I can tell this story is gonna be DOPE! (dun dun, tch) hope for many parts to come then many more stories from you, everything you described is what the party is all about!
  7. I almost shot at that. You, sir, "get" this little notion wherein the partying takes equal importance with the sex, the attitudes, and the reality of learning you love to get high and fuck on this. Relatable and realistic and I'm gonna beat off to this god knows how many times..Reading this hot little story made me feel like I was reliving every situation where stopping to think about anything sane or cautious was just simply dismissed and erased with a cloud; really helps obscure those long-term concerns that've been cropping up in my head from realizing I've been in this not-neg-for-long's jock with increasing frequency since this rollercoaster started. Almost too many times to remember all the dick and what I did with it - but who cares? You perfectly summed up a very close parallel universe of experience.. let's just say everything Jason thinks and does makes sense to me. Thanks for getting me rarin' to find more dick and ass. Raw dick and ass, of course. Let us know how Jason fares, and anything else you've got buzzin around in that twisted brain.. don't hold back.
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