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Everything posted by RedPhillip

  1. violentV, I agree Boy Butter is a great line. I like them a lot. The anesthetic is the same in both AnalEze and BBExtreme, i.e., benzocaine. If you experienced burning when applying AnalEze, I suspect it was due to some ingredient in it other than the benzocaine. With any product one uses on or inside oneself, there are always possible reactions to any of the ingredients, or components of the ingredients, that make up the product.
  2. When I came out as a kid I think I bottomed 70-80% of the time, gradually becoming more versatile as time went on - both flip fucking and serially, i.e., flip where it fit with the guy, or top or bottom only for the same reason. In 1994 I began what became a very long period of celibacy. Since returning to a sexual life several years ago I've ended up topping almost entirely, but that has been driven by the preferences of the men I've met. Like in many parts of the country, there are lots more bottoms than tops, and I've had no lack of fun holes to play in. Means it's harder for me to get my ass some attention - and sometimes I really just want to be fucked long and rough - but luckily that happens often enough. Ideally I like having a mix of buddies - some wanting to be fucked, some wanting to fuck, and some wanting to alternate/flip as the mood strikes.
  3. My god, Pig! I wish we lived closer to each other. I believe I have a special talent for bringing out a man's inner pig. We'd certainly have a lot of fun finding out if I'm merely boasting or can really bring it ;-)

  4. yngclassic98, I've used AnalEze in the past. It's true that the benzocaine anesthetic in it can delay orgasm in the top. i recommend using it at least 15 minutes in advance of being fucked or any more than fingered, for that matter. After 15-20 minutes, the benzocaine is almost entirely absorbed and no more rish of desensitizing your top's cock. It also sounds like you need to both train yourself and find a patient buddy (or buddies) who will enjoy helping you open your hole. It will take as long as it takes, but if you're at all into your ass being played with, the process will be incredible. Ideally your top will love to play with your hole, rimming you, fingering you, using toys -- and enjoy taking the time to explore the pleasure inside you. While you're on your own, you can use AnalEze on yourself with your fingers and any toys you have without concern about desensitization; your ass will still feel incredible having something inside it. Poppers help relax the sphincter muscles as well, so if you use poppers, get a good hit or two on board. Can't tell where you are, but I sure's hell wish you were close by me. This is the kind of project I love!
  5. Sounds hell of fun! Ever get to Western MA?

  6. Hi buddy! Seems like we're all over the place, huh? Check out http://BBBH.me -- the Bareback Brotherhood #BBBH. On Twitter I'm @Red_Phillip.

    Hope I'll see you at the March 11 party, assuming I can find a way there.

  7. #BBBH is the Twitter hashtag for the Bareback Brotherhood. See http://BBBH.me for more information.
  8. Which includes, of course, those who are bred, those who breed, and those who enjoy both. I am new to the Zone, love the site, and hope to meet (virtually and physically) many of y'all in the coming months and years. I'm around the net under the same screen name, excepting on Twitter where I am @Red_Phillip. (#BBBH rules the world!) Hope you like the photos posted in my albums, as soon as they're available to everyone. More another day, boys.
  9. I've been poz likely since before 1983, and definitely since 1985. Apart from the earliest period after finding out -- even through the worst times of friends, lovers, and a husband dieing -- I've never regretted becoming positive. If I could dial back time and be negative again, I think I'd fall into the category of doing what I want and letting the chips fall. I've often said that the best thing about being poz is not having to worry any more about catching HIV. I've seen and been through enough to not purposely seek out getting pozzed, but I think I would follow my preference for giving and taking loads bare.
  10. Too bad about that ocean making meeting up so difficult. I can think of plenty of experimentation we could get up to together.

  11. I have no problem with a bottom asking me not to seed them, though I agree that it's best to have these issues cleared up well before any fucking takes place. I usually let my buddies know early on that I'm fine with not cumming inside. It's not that much of a sacrifice for me. I take a medication that interferes with orgasm, and its not unusual for me not to cum, period. As much as I enjoy getting my nutt, I enjoy the play and the fucking at least as much. Since I can fuck for a very long time, both me and my bottom have a great time.
  12. urcocknotmine, what you do next depends on what you think and/or hope can develop with this guy. If there seems to be some real relationship potential here - even if that relationship is strictly that of a fuckbuddy or friend-with-benefits, then you have to tell him the truth. If sex with him is going to continue to be bareback, then you need to be up front on your viral load status at the same time as you educate this guy some on the real world risk entailed in topping a poz hole bare. If you are on an effective treatment regimen and have an undetectable viral load (or very low viral load), then the risk your top runs barebacking you is slight. Not zero, but very low. If he decides he's cool with that level of risk, fine. If not, fine. He may be one of those guys that can't handle even the idea of having any kind of sex with a poz guy. I can see using the tactic of telling him that you've just tested positive but here again, if you think there may be a possibility that this man might become a friend, or a regular fuck, then there's a good chance somewhere down the line that he'll learn the truth. It's always worse when a falsehood is discovered long afterward than setting the record straight as soon as possible. It's not clear where you live, but not disclosing your status may be criminalized in your state. Having the truth come out much after the fact seems to make it more likely that someone who feels deceived would want to take revenge, perhaps legally. I did see you chose the 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' option for HIV status in your profile here. Many years ago I decided the stress and strain of disclosing in person was way too much drama, and have always made my positive status prominent in any profile I've posted. I'm sure it means that some guys won't give me the time of day, and in earlier years I'm sure it meant that I didn't get laid as much as I'd have liked, but the policy has saved me oceans of grief. These days I find neg guys much more willing to play. Still I've also had to make sure that guys actually read my profile, to be sure they know what's what.
  13. Hi spunk_mutt, where are you?
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