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Posts posted by degenerateraver

  1. 'Sure,' I said. 'You go first.'

    'How old were you when you first had sex with a girl?'

    I laughed, 'This will shock you, but I was 26'. She did look surprised, so I elaborated 'I was an extremely awkward kid, in high school I was short and fat, until grade 11 when I grew a foot. In grade 12 I was suddenly big and strong, and went from being bullied to getting left completely alone. It took a long time for me to find a social network to belong to... I've been making up for lost time ever since.'

    'How about you?' I asked. 'What about your first time?'

    'I was 13, in Greece, on holidays. She was the daughter of the people renting us a house on Naxos. We would go swimming every morning, and then make out in this little hidden cove.' She paused, 'How did you even know I had been with girls?'

    I probably looked a little sheepish when I said 'I actually meant first time with a guy'. She laughed delightfully, 'Well, I guess you wasted your question then! My turn!' She looked at me, biting her lip. 'What about you, are you bi?' 

    'Sort of? I can't get romantic about guys, but sex with them can be fun. I will walk over dozens of willing guys to just try and flirt with a girl, though. I love girls. Their bodies, the way they taste and smell, everything about them. I'm pretty much always horny. My turn.'

    I looked at her, 'Okay, first time with a guy?'

    And she told me about it. The fall after her trip to Greece, the boy who lived across the alley, who was spanish and one grade ahead of her in school. How they walked to school together, and how one day, on the way home, they slipped into a copse of brush in the neighbourhood dog park, and made out. How his pants bulged, how she undid them, and stroked it. How he pulled down her tights to return the favour. How she used her mouth on him, and how he came in her mouth just like she read about. How they started doing it almost every day, with their mouths and fingers, and how one day she lifted a condom from her older brother's room. She told me how she got down on the leafy covered ground, kneeling on her back pack, and how he slipped it inside her. That it didn't hurt at all, how she could feel a building orgasm, different from the ones she got from fingers, or the ones from his tongue. How he suddenly came, ramming into her roughly. How different she felt inside, after he pulled out. Stretched, slippery inside, how much she wanted him to just go straight back in. How they kept meeting through the winter, finding hidden places, waiting for parents to go out. How one day her parents caught them, and the talking to she got about birth control and STIs. About how terrified he was before he realized her parents were not angry, how thrilled when they received permission to meet in her home. How they began to actually date, months after they started fucking, how eventually they drifted apart as she got into raves and dancing, and he got into football and weightlifting. 

    She looked at me. 'My turn', she said, and kept looking at me. 'It's truth or dare, remember?' I nodded, 'Do you think we are going to fuck this weekend?'

    I looked at her. 'I think so, but I think I could easily screw that up, if I am not careful!'

    She bursts out laughing, presumably because my face must look frankly terrified. She undoes her seatbelt, and gets out of her chair, and kneels on the cooler I have sitting been the chairs. She kisses me on the cheek, 'You're right, so don't screw it up, because I am looking forward to it!'

    The sun is hot through the windshield, and I ask her to open the cooler she is kneeling on and get us out something to drink. It's full of frozen bottles of water, and also some bottled juice and gatorade. She picks out a big bottle of cranberry juice, and closes the cooler again. She presses the juice to my forehead, then to hers. Then she lies down, her head in my lap looking up at me, her body on the cooler, her feet sticking out the open passenger window in the wind of our passage. We pass the bottle back and forth. Sweat is beading on her belly under the crop top, I want to lick it up. I stroke her face and the side of her neck as we continue to trade questions. They become increasingly sexual, increasingly dirty. We ask about kinks and fetishes, finally I ask her to name the dirtiest thing she has ever done, and enjoyed. She looks up at me, and finally says the magic words:

    'Nuh uh. Dare.'


  2. So those of you who have read this far know that the girl I've been talking about is someone from about a decade in my past. We've reconnected, and since both of us recently had our marriages fall apart, we were in a perfect position to pursue a relationship together. It's been about a month, and we have been both inseparable, and stupidly happy. 

    So now I want to tell the story of when we first met. I mentioned it briefly at the beginning of the thread, but there is so much more to the story. Names have been changed, but it's all as true as I can make it. 

    I had been married a few years, and at first my wife had dutifully accompanied me to Raves and Music Festivals, but it was never really her thing. She loved the getting high and dancing part, but not so much the camping, disgusting porta-potties, and annoying sketchy people all over the place. Eventually she stopped going. That was fine, we had an open relationship. My weekends away were good times for her to spend with her side pieces, and I was welcome to all the slutty raver girls I could eat as well.

    I had an old custom van that I drove to the events, from the late 80s, complete with red velvet interior upholstery, and a full sized bed in the back. It was full of pillows and furry blankets, and had a huge awning that stretched out from the side doors, with mosquito net hanging down to the ground. It was super comfortable. I usually parked so that I could string hammocks from the roof rack on top to nearby trees, and we always had lanterns at night and lots of camp chairs so friends would stop by to lounge. At night, my van was a well known spot to stop and party a bit, and more than once young ladies ended up staying till morning.

    Back then money was a bit tight, so I put the word out that I was looking for riders to share gas. Sure enough, a young couple agreed to split the gas bill 50/50, so I arranged to pick them up before leaving. When I got there, though, only the girl was coming. They had gotten into a fight a few days before, and when it didn't get resolved, she told him he might be going to the event, but not with her. She assured me that she was still good to split gas, though, so she threw her tent and pack in the van, climbed up into the red velvet captains chair, and we were gone.

    So I was about 35 years old at the time, but I've always looked younger. I found out later she thought I was a 'sexy older guy, almost 30'. Which I thought was pretty funny. She was 19, although honestly I thought she was quite a bit older, probably mid 20s. Despite her wild appearance with long multicoloured dreadlocks strung with beads, four facial piercings (not including her ears), and urban faerie style clothing, she was smart, funny, sarcastic, and knew a lot about music.  She also may have looked like a dirty hippy at first glance, but she smelled fresh and clean, and those dreadlocks were very well kept. She was tallish, about 5'10", and whip slender. her crop top showed a flat belly, with just a hint of her ribcage, and those hipbones that just show through the skin when a girl is super lean. Her chest was pretty flat, her arms were long and slender, but also muscular. She wore a long flowing skirt, but I could tell her hips were narrow, but her ass nice and round. Her feet were big, with long toes painted in primary colours. Her hands were also big, with long fingers, and short trimmed nails. She had the kind of lean lithe body that you only get from hours of yoga alternated with hours of dancing while high off your face, and I found her incredibly sexy.

    She was also good company. She had an iPod loaded with music, one of the old ones with a mini hard drive, and while the stereo in my van had been upgraded to CDs, there was no way to plug it in. Smart girl had a splitter though, and an extra pair of headphones. Back then, just as today, one of her greatest pleasures was sharing music with people. So we spent the first part of the drive between Vancouver and Nelson alternating music for each other. It came time to fill the tank, and I was a bit worried. I had a feeling she might try and offer me a BJ instead of paying her share, but thankfully she jumped to the register without being asked, while I filled up and washed windows and checked the oil.

    I climbed back in, and she did likewise, wriggling out of that long skirt to reveal some skin tight lycra shorts. The sun was up, it was august, and 25 year old air conditioning is weak. The legs and ass she revealed were incredible. As was the clear camel toe and the obvious clit piercing under the thin clinging lycra. I think she caught me staring because she blushed as we drove away.

    The conversation quickly turned to relationships. Was I married? Open relationship? Really? I wasn't just making that up so I could cheat? I told her about my wife's appetite for threesomes, how she was quite happy to be at home with her side boy. How we would be telling each other about any adventures when I got home next week. Eventually, she was convinced I was telling the truth (I was, after all, and she is a sensitive girl in a lot of ways. Hard to fool.) and then the conversation turned sexy. She asked me if I thought she was pretty, which of course got a pretty fervent yes. She complimented me on my shoulders, which were big from hard labour and heavy lifting. She took one of my hands to feel their roughness, then extended one foot out towards me (Vans are big, you can barely reach your passenger from the drivers seat) and invited me to stroke her skin. I still remember how smooth she was, from doing some hippy DIY hair removal thing with sugar. Not that she was hairy. Even her arms had just the lightest reddish hairs, her eyebrows were likewise light, she told me she was ginger, though looking at the rainbow riot of her hair there was no way to be sure.

    She leaned against the arm rest and extended both feet out to me, and flipped up the arm on my chair. Her toes stroked me, as she challenged me to truth or dare.


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  3. My wife never saw the video of me being used. Silver showed it to me the next time we met at the baths, I watched it while he and some friends reamed out my holes. I came repeatedly as I watched it, and stored it away carefully on a usb stick. My new girlfriend has asked to watch it, which makes me nervous.

    The next friday, after the party, my wife and I went and got tested. Shockingly, we were clean. Tested again at 3 weeks, and still clean at three months. My wife planned another, after about 6 months, but this time she took PrEP for two weeks before and after. Mr Black and Mr Silver came, and huge dick, and the hippy girl, and a half dozen new faces. The Trans girl was invited, but didn't show up. We later learned she was killed in a car accident the day before the party. Black, who had been topping her for years, since before she was legal age, went to the funeral. When he told me about it, he cried. The only time I have ever seen him even sad.

    A little after that second one, my wife learned I was sneaking off to the bathhouse. We had an open relationship, but it depended on always getting permission. I was afraid to tell her I was fucking men, and in the end she divorced me. I get sporadic booty calls, though never to anything group or public. She misses me, but doesn't want her friends to know she calls me up sometimes. Aside from those calls, we do not talk or meet.

    Mr Black and Mr Silver still get invited to her motel parties, they offered to abstain, but I told them not to be silly. They are better men than one might expect. Mr Black is in charge of the parties now, not that he and my ex are dating or anything, she remains single, he remains mainly gay. But he's intimidating, has access to pure drugs from the hospital (he's a nurse), and keeps his shit together well even when high. She's in good hands.

    Mr Black says that, just like me, she won't touch tina other than at these parties. She remains a successful and beautiful woman, with a prestige job, whom nobody would guess capable of this kind of animalistic and destructive sex. She controls her appetites far better than I did back then, which is what got me dumped.

    Several times, Black came to me still wet from her holes, so I could clean him. Something I found deliciously degrading. He offered to bring me to one of the blindfold parties, where she would have no idea, but he doesn't understand that I enjoyed it because she was MINE. Now that she is no longer my slut, she would just be a cock socket,  and a sloppy one... There's nothing especially fun about that. Cock sockets are a dime a dozen. 

    I turned down her last booty call. I've started dating a girl I knew from a long time ago, and I think I've seen the last of my ex wife, and maybe also of anonymous sex with men.

    My new girlfriend is very bi, and knows I am bi. She's already offered to find me guys, and to help them fuck me. She is poz, undetectable. Silver and Black would love to join us, I'm sure, and for chemsex perverts both those guys are remarkably decent, and respectful men.

    I have come to realize I am actually pretty straight. Sex with men, for me is about nothing but degradation or domination. There is no romance, no attractiveness. It's only women who intrigue me, who I can fall in love with. Black and Silver are decent guys when not fucking, we can have a beer, they have helped me move, but I could never see myself loving them.

    Writing the story you have just read was strange. I am sure almost all of you will consider it fiction, and wild fiction at that, but it all happened. Some of it was surely a blur, honestly I am not certain how many men showed up, I think more than I remember. Some used condoms, we found quite a few in the trash in the morning, but dozens of loads were shot into my wife, and at least five into me, for I've seen the video. 

    The second blindfold party was just as intense, but all about her. Maybe I will write it up as well, all of the same things were done to her, but more as well. Some of the same people attended, including the hippy girl, and Black, and Silver, and the man with the unbelievable cock. I would still not believe that cock was real if I hadn't watched the video after sobering up. When she learned he was coming to the second party, was when my wife stopped wavering about having Black slam her again. I think she knew she would take him no matter what, but that only tina would let her enjoy it. She was less wasted the second time, less vulnerable, more aggressive. After that one, though, she tested positive for syphilis. Didn't stop her. We were planning a third one when our marriage fell apart. Mr Black says she went on Prep full time last year. He also says before her, he didn't find women all that interesting. Now he's identifying as bi...

    It may or may not be obvious, but I wrote the last parts of this while rolling on some very pure MDMA, and being cuddled by my new girlfriend. There were some tears, and a lot of giggles, but mostly this story closes off something. I have a new life now, informed by the experiences of the old one, but very much a new beginning. 

    I hope you enjoy it, whether you believe it or not. Names and some details have been changed to make doxxing impossible, but everything happened pretty much as described, as far as your very wasted and filthy narrator can recall.

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  4. Dread girl pulls out of my asshole, and trades places with Mr Black, slamming her feeldoe into my wife's battered anus, her perfect little tits bouncing. Black kneels behind me, and fucks my ass again, pounding for a bit, before withdrawing. To my shame, the Trans girl comes behind me, and once again I am fuckmeat for a slutty bottom whore. I'm ashamed, but I revel in how much Black and Silver must be enjoying this. Black slides his cock into my mouth and I eat my wife and myself off of him. The Trans girl grunts, cums hard in my hole, and keeps fucking. I realize Black must have shared his Caverject. I moan and begin to degrade myself as Black twists my nipples, ringing orgasm after orgasm from my shrunken balls and tina-dick. 

    The tranny cums AGAIN, filling my hole with her poz cum. The hippie comes to my face and forces me to clean my wife from the feeldoe, then turning so I can suck my own cum from her dripping asshole. All of them keep taking turns at me, and my wife, swapping messy cocks back and forth. My rush begins to slow down, they sense it, and step back. Silver, still filming, rolls me to my back. Mr Black produces a syringe, spreads me wide, and shoots me with his magic boner juice.  I stiffen quickly, it feels so strange. I become huge and swollen, veiny. Silver films the growth, then someone leads my wife's mouth to my cock. Clumsily she slurps and sucks, as Silver fits his cock to my asshole, and begins to fuck me long and slow. Everyone else is gathering up their shit and dressing. Silver groans and fills me.

    He pulls us each to our feet. As he walks us into the bathroom, Black and the hippie girl strip the rubber sheet from the bed, and remake it with the folded bedding I had set aside. They clean the table top, pick up the towels and remarkably few condoms and wrappers. Silver Bathes us, gently, tenderly, respectfully. He leads us back out. we sit on the bed. I unwrap the bandages from my wife, remove the earphones, take off the blindfold. She looks at me, smiles shakily. Each of our remaining guests kiss her, gently even lovingly. They hold her, they tell her what an amazing slut she was, how brave, how strong, how sexy. They file out the door, it is 1am.

    We drink the tall glasses they prepared for us, full of ghb, and feel our hearts slow down, we cuddle, we talk about what just happened, she is crying, asks me if we can do it again. I show her some of the video I took, which she loves. I am still rock hard from the caverject. We make love, I enter all her holes, she cums for me, we kiss. We drink more of the G, sleep comes. Four hours later we wake together, she is spooned against me. I am hard, I enter her again. I have no cum left, but my orgasms and hers are strong. Back to sleep. 

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  5. The trans girl has me hard, so I remove her from the bed and lead my drool covered slut wife to the bed. I place her on all fours, and offer her to the hippie girl. She stands behind her, pulls her hips in line, and slams the enormous black latex dildo inside my wife's sloppy asshole. My wife grunts, then quiets as one of the jocks enters her mouth. Disappointingly, he is prettier than he is useful, dumping his load in her throat only a minute or so later. The daddy guy is next, the trans girls juices still dripping from his cock as he slides in her mouth. I wonder what the chances are my wife's next test is coming back with something positive. Pretty high, I am thinking. Perils of a bareback cumslut sex addict I guess. Ironically, everyone I invited was poz on meds: Actually safer for her than these slutty randoms. She sucks him eagerly, glad for a mere 7" in her doubtless aching throat.

    The hippy girl shudders and cums from the transferred forces of her innovative dildo, and offers up my wife's hole. The next taker is the one who brought the hippy girl. He elects her cunt, and begins a slow grinding fuck with his thick, uncut 7.5", I idly note that his cock resembles an uncut version of mine. Same thickness, same length. I wonder if my wife could tell the difference? The trans girl kneels before me and begins to suck again. I look down at her, deliberately spit on her face. She looks up angry, but never stops sucking. Interesting. The guy fucking my wife groans and cums in her raw pussy. My wife joins him in a shudder. I wonder if she is even conscious enough to tell when these men cum. A regular gurking sound from her throat fucking, and the quiet slurps of the trans girl are the only sounds. My cock is fully hard. I look at the hippy girl, 'How about now?'

    She starts to remove the toy, I stop her. 'I want your ass, with that thing in'. She looks at me, raises one eyebrow. 'I don't think I've ever done that before'. I rummage in my bag, grab a lube bottle and palm two pills of MDMA. I take her to the table, lay her on her back. Silver comes over, and begins to film. I am not sure she realizes he is recording, but I am looking forward to watching this later. The trans girl joins us, as I fit my hard tip to dread girls little pink hole, and begin to press. The trans girl is jerking her dildo like a real cock with one hand, and working the clit as well. Dread girl moans as her asshole begins to open. I pause, and surreptitiously slide two pills into her, then continue the slow working of my cock. I work carefully, even gently. She is tight, but no stranger to assfucking,  but I am quite thick and especially thick at the tip. Soon enough, she is moaning and rolling her hips in time. I know the pills are being mashed and rubbed into the walls of her rectum, and beginning to seep across into her bloodstream. She looks at me suddenly. 'You booty bumped me!'. I smile, 'You seemed like that kind of girl'. She says nothing, just stares directly into my eyes, as I watch her pupils widen. Continues to roll her hips and grind back, I watch as she cums, then cums again, the trans girl busy with her fake cock and real clit. It's fucking sexy, looking down at the massive feeldoe jutting out of her. It's as thick, and almost as long as Mr Black, and I want it in me.

    Her asshole has opened fully now, and she is obviously rushing hard, as I begin to long stroke her tight hole. She's wriggly, and responsive, and she grunts like an animal when she cums. She doesn't say much, except when I briefly pause to add lube and she warns me I had better not be stopping yet. I continue to fuck her, as on the bed, guys fill my wife's holes and leave. Even dread girls guy stops by, kisses her, and says he will see her on friday. Soon it's just my wife curled up alone and maybe passed out, Mr Black, Silver, Trans girl and Dread girl. Mr black comes over, a point in his hand. He puts the belt on my arm. I look at him. 'Trust me, son, thank of it as a thank you for setting this up. I think you are going to like this.' 

    Dread girl is watching, Trans girl is watching, Silver is filming, as I roughly fuck Dread's asshole. Black swabs, makes me pause. expertly pokes me as I look into the pretty hippy girl's eyes. They're grey, I notice. Or maybe blue. They're big, too, and mostly pupil as suddenly I am coughing, the world explodes and I ram my cock so deep into this tiny girl that I feel sure I am hitting her liver. My balls explode and a load fires up and into her ass like a geyser. Dimly I hear her join me in orgasm, as Black pulls me out of her.

    I am led to the bed, my cock smeared with a little shit and lube (hippy girl had not prepped for anal) My wife's face is brought to me as my body sings from the tina rush, she suckles and cleans my cock, shit now smeared on her lips. I am forced down to kiss her, on all fours on the bed, I taste Dread girls shitty juices from my wife and relish them. I look up at at silver, filming me, and suddenly the tranny is in my face, kissing me, and someone is pushing something in my ass. In the wall mirror, I see the hippy girl behind me, then I feel the cold silicone begin to part my hole. I moan, and push back, asshole hungry like always. The tina making the filling of my hole the only thing that matters. My wife lays on the bed beside us, deaf and blind to what is happening. The realization of her right there, touching me, wrings an orgasm from me as my hole is filled with the unforgiving dildo. My hole is wet and slippery with both cum and lube, but it's also sore. The dildo hurts and I love it. Trans girl stuffs her cock in my face. I'm bottoming to a bottom slut, while having my ass pounded by a girl. I have never felt so submissive. My two daddies are watching, encouraging me with the filthiest talk imaginable. Mr black comes beside me and starts to use my wife's ass right there. I moan and assgasm, my cock now floppy from  tina, yet cum still drips from me. I choke on Trans cock and my ring clamps hard on Dread girls unyielding cock. I moan in pain and cum again.

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  6. I look through the peephole, the second wave is here. Two jock-boys, and an older daddy type. I open the door and let them in. 'As you can see the party is in full swing. Have fun, the safer word is 'firetruck', and she's high as fuck so DO NOT give her any drugs without checking with me. Otherwise, she has yet to say no to anything. Don't leave any marks.'

    The daddy is looking at the trans girl still eating my wife. 'What about the shemale?' I look down at her 'Free for use as far as I can see, consider it a buffet'. The three are already stripping, another knock at the door. I peep out, two men and a small hippy looking girl with dreadlocks. I recognize the men, not the girl. I open the door, they come in. One of the guys asks if bringing his side piece is okay, she's bi, and brought a strap on. I shrug, sure thing, and ask her 'You plan to take cock as well?' she looks at me... 'You're the husband?'


    'You can have me, that's just good manners. Nobody else. Maybe one of the guys wants to bottom for this', and she holds up a thick black feeldoe dildo. I smile... A long time fantasy of mine...

    Everyone is stripping, I check my phone, three of the remaining five left bail messages, the fucking idiots. So possibly two more.

    The daddy type grabs the trans girl by her ankles and yanks her out from under my wife. He picks her up by an arm and tosses her onto the empty bed, while the other guys circle around my freshly showered whore and start blow banging her. Daddy arranges the trans girl in doggy on the bed, so that he can watch the action, and slides his cock into her doubtless very sore ass. I can't tell if he rubbered up, but his cock must be hurting her because she buries her head in the filthy soaked sheets and moans like an animal in a trap. I watch dread-girl strip out of her hippy duds. Nice little body under there, 5'1" maybe, no more than a hundred pounds. firm and perfect b-cups with hard pink nipples. Surprisingly, she's shaved clean all over, rings in each nipple, and another peeking out from above meaty cunt lips. She's slender, a tight belly, a round little bubble butt that screams hours of yoga, and the long brown dreads brush to her nipples. She takes the feeldoe (if you don't know what it is, google it. Suffice to say it's a strap on that needs no strap, because it fits inside her cunt like a butt plug.) She slides it into her obviously tight cunt, and looks at me. 'Like it?'

    'It's fucking hot... Have a gooooood evening, and we will chat later'. I walk over and stick my cock in the trans girls mouth, and let her start bringing me back to hardness. Thank god for cialis.

    The hippy girl joins the blow bang ring. Mr Silver offers her his cock, but she turns him down. 'I'm here to top, sorry'. He smiles, Silver is a complete gentleman, and they chat amiably as my wife sucks first him, and then the dildo. She is so fucked up, I am not even certain she understands the implications.


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  7. I am bi and vers. Ive fucked hundreds of both men and women in a long and slutty life.  In terms of the physical construction of the holes, good pussy is better than good ass. Nothing beats having a sheath of rippling muscle rather than just tight ring of it. Also, if ass is what you happen to crave that day, women have one of those too.

    Good male ass is a lot easier to find though

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  8. Fuck she was wasted! Her mouth was a sloppy slobbering hole, and she was pushing back onto Will's cock hard. We spit roast her for a while, then switched, alternating in mouth and cunt for a while. Eventually I pushed her to her belly, and invited Will to watch as I took her asshole. He talked to her as first my fingers and then the tip of my cock rubbed her puckered hole. 'Can't believe how slutty you are Zoe, you seemed like such a nice girl, but really, you're a nasty little whore, aren't you?' She nodded eagerly, and he continued 'Now both of us are going to fuck your dirty ass, and then we're going to fill you with cum. Are you going to beg for a belly full of cum, Zoe? Are you going to beg for my load in your pretty cunt? Want me to put a little black baby in you, Zoe?'

    My cock could not be harder, as I slipped into her asshole, and began to pump it. she moaned as I quickly got up speed, stretching her hole for the giant cock who was next. My wife was moaning, and playing along to Will's dirty talk, calling him daddy, asking him for his sperm, begging him to save his cum for her cunt. She was also cumming hard, and repeatedly, as I pounded her asshole.

    I  pulled out, and gestured to Will, who rummaged in his jeans and produced a small case. He handed me a small rectangular tablet, 'Here, you do this one...'

    I looked at him, puzzled. 'What?'

    Little note: When we had been setting up the date, Will had said something about some bars. I had agreed, thinking he meant to meet at a bar, but later we decided to meet at the loft straight away. Turns out I had no idea that 'bar' was slang for Xanax, and will had happily stuffed a 'bar' of it up into her asshole an hour ago. Which he thought I knew. I later came to love chem sex, and be intimately familiar with booty bumping of almost every drug imaginable, but back then...

    My wife moaned, and I dropped my fingers down to her asshole, and played with it, as Will and I slowly realized that I had unwittingly agreed that he should, more-or-less, roofie my future wife. Xanax having roughly the same effect. This was funny as hell, and kind of hot. She was by no means a user of drugs, a little weed was as far as she went back then. But I found the situation hot as hell, so I shrugged, and slid the bar inside her asshole, and invited Will to push it further. Quietly, I said to him, 'She has no idea she's been drugged, lets keep it that way. We can just blame it on her drinking way too much.' I shrugged 'No big deal, it's kind of funny and certainly sexy as fuck. Plus we can do whatever we want as far as I can see!'

    He straddled her perfect ass, and slipped the tip of his big cock inside her, shifting, he thrust in, Zoe yelped, but took him easily, and I began to talk dirty to her, telling her how his huge cock was pounding into her tiny hole, and then making her suck her ass juices from my own cock.

    Will pumped for a while, as my girl raved in pleasure. Busting out orgasms every few minutes, until Will grunted, thrust deep, and obviously pumped a load into her asshole. I must have looked disappointed because he was quick to assure me that he was able to cum 3 or 4 times in a night. He pulled out, and a dribble of thick white cum followed. As promised, still hard, so we moved on to DP.

    He lay on his back, and my wife crawled on top, other hands and knees, and then lowering herself on to his cock, so fresh and slimy from her ass. She grunted as his bare cock entered her, and he pulled her down hard to him, kissed her deeply and told her she was about to get as full as a girl could get. I knelt behind her, fit my cock to her jazz smeared sphincter, and thrust in. She moaned, and started telling us what a filthy slut she was.

    I could feel Will's cock moving in her, moving against me, and it was out of this world. I had DP'd a slut before this, but the other guy had remained stationary, so it hadn't really felt much different. This though, was incredible. We both began to fuck harder, and she began to yell our names, and beg for our sperm. She begged Will to cum in her cunt, reminded him she was unprotected, told him she wanted his baby. It pushed him over the edge and I could literally feel it as gouts of sperm pulsed up his cock and into her. It pushed me over the edge as well, and I filled her asshole.

    We pulled out, and switched, this time with me on the bottom, looking into her dazed face as we stuffed her holes. Will put a third load in her ass, and I bred her cunt like that. Afterwards, we led her downstairs, sat her in the tub, and showered her with our piss, which she slurped up and swallowed, as much as she could. Will got dressed, and left. I showered the piss off her, and dragged her to bed where I fucked her twice more, once in each hole. Two guys, 9 loads of cum in one night.

    The next morning she didn't remember a thing after changing into her dress. I told her she had been super nervous and got blackout drunk, that we both fucked her, but then had to quit because she was so far out of it. She was mortified, and told me she would do anything to make it up to me, and to Will. Which is what led to my soon-to-be wife's first gangbang/orgy.

    But that's another story.


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  9. This is the story of my wife's second threesome. This happened about two months after we started dating, long before we married. Her first threesome, about two weeks before, had been a success, but the guy's cock was just average, and my wife is a complete size-queen. We decided to do another one, and put up an ad on an internet dating service. I honestly don't remember which one, but possibly adult friend finder. We got an answer from a guy named Will, a black guy, built like a running back (and he was a former CFL player), with an 8" slab of thick cut meat.

    At the time I was living alone in a loft apartment, and my future wife had a room-mate, so I arranged our date for friday night at 7. Zoe showed up around 6 with an overnight bag and a bottle of good rum, She was shaved (the girl is typical greek girl hairy, but she shaves aggressively), her ass was douched, her hair arranged in gorgeous ringlets. She slithered her 6'3" volleyball body into a skintight red lycra minidress, black fishnet pantyhose, and red hooker heels. Slut red lipstick rounded out the look, which was basically 'escort you cannot afford'.

    I mixed her a good strong rum and orange juice, to calm her nerves. She tossed it back, then nursed a second one.  A glow rising on her chest and cheeks. At 7:05 the buzzer rang, and I went down to let our guest in. He looked better than his photos, actually. About six feet tall, 260, one of those guys that is solid and muscular, but doesn't really taper at the waist. His arms were big, muscular and defined, he had obviously stayed in shape after leaving football. 

    I led him to the freight elevator that serves our lofts, cliche as fuck but still fun. It's actually been used to shoot films since I lived there. I've often regretted selling it.

    I ushered him in, to find my wife mixing herself a third drink, and one for each of us. We sat down in the living room, beneath the large shelf that held the bedroom on the second level. We chatted. His drawl was from Atlanta, it turned out, where he had played college football as first an end, and then a fullback. He'd spent a few years playing for the BC Lions, and chosen to stay in Canada. His citizenship had actually only been confirmed that year, and since football he had gone to UBC, graduated, and worked for one of the hospitals as a pharmacist. He was easy to get along with, and quickly my wife was touching him and flirting, teasing him. Eventually she came right out and asked us to take her up to bed, so we did.

    She was quite drunk, giggling when I threw her on the bed and told Will to rip the crotch of her fishnets. Of course there were no panties beneath, and Will immediately went down on her tasty cunt. He lubed his fingers and began to play with her asshole as well, quickly getting deep with two fingers, and making her grunt and cum hard within the first minutes. He kept his fingers grinding in her hole while he roughly ate her cunt, pushing deep as though smearing the walls. Years later figured out that was exactly what he was doing.

    I knelt at her face, alternating between fucking her throat, and allowing her to show off her skills. Soon he and I switched, I smiled as he forced her to clean and suckle her ass from his fingers. I had told him she was new to anal (She *hated* anal, until I spent an hour of our first date showing her how it was supposed to feel when the guy actually knows what he's doing!), but that she loved it, and was desperate to try DP.

    She was really drunk, so drunk I was wishing i'd curbed her a bit earlier, but nothing to be done now, so I lifted her long legs to my shoulders and entered her. She moaned around his thick cock, as she slurped and teased him. I made her shudder and cum. He fucked her mouth and gagged her, she clamped on my cock so hard as to pop me out. We switched, and he rolled on a rubber. She moved to all fours, a sloppy horny drunken princess, her tight dress hiked up around her hips, and pulled down from her high, firm breasts. Her mouth sought out my cock again, as Will went to enter her pussy. Problem was, with the rubber on, he wasn't staying hard. We switched again, she sucked him to rock hard and huge, rubber went on and it faded. She was so fucking desperate. Finally she looked straight at me and said, 'let him fuck me bare!'

    You need to understand that I had a vasectomy, she had no problem with me barebacking her, but she was NOT on the pill. I had not seen her so drunk before, but frankly the idea of this guy fucking her raw was hot, so I nodded. 'You heard the lady', I said, 'if you want to take her bare, it's her choice.' He grinned ear to ear, pulled off the rubber, and stroked it hard. I took Zoe's face in my hands and looked in her eyes 'He's going to take you now! Bare and fucking huge!' She moaned fuzzily, fucking wasted drunk, and my cock stirred realizing what I could do with this pliant little whore. She moaned and kissed me as he slid his slab into her, calling her a 'Good little slut for our hard cocks, aren't you Zoe? All drunk and whoring yourself out, aren't you Zoe? Showing your man what a nasty little bitch you are, so desperate for that big black cock you'll even let me breed you!'

    She moaned and came hard, mumbling to me what a slut she was, how she wanted to be our whore, that we could do what we liked...

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  10. As we return from the bathroom, I find the trans girl straddling Silver's cock, the tip is pressed against her sphincter, as yet untouched by cock tonight. Black is beside her, and as I watch, he finds a vein and slams the tranny girl. She coughs, moans, and sits down hard on Silver's meat. I shiver, remembering my time in precisely her place. I force my wife to her knees near their pounding fuck. She sits, her teeth chattering a bit with the intensity of her MDMA rush, no doubt higher than she has ever been.

    Tree trunk man is gone, but he left a business card for us. The two oddly similar arab boys are dressing and preparing to leave. It's 1030. The wave of men my wife actually approved are on their way. I wonder idly how much more she can take. My own high is pleasant, a soft warm roll of MDMA. Watching Silver, my own hole feels hollow. Leaving my wife to wait, deaf and blind, for use. I go to Mr Black. I drop to my knees and begin to suck. Looking up at him. 'Will you fuck my slutty hole, sir? Will you use me and make her clean it after?'

    He smiles, as my mouth hardens him, then lifts me and bends me over the same table my wife was used on. It's still slick with her drool and sweat. I revel in it, as he grabs a pill, places it in his pisshole, and slowly fills me. I groan. Staring at my wife on her knees. I can actually see her holes, still gaping, drip onto the floor. Black expertly uses my hole. Opening me, stroking my cock as he does so, leading me on a course of pleasure that ends with him thrusting balls deep in my shithole. Minutes pass as he uses me, wringing assgasms from my sloppy hole. The pill begins to affect me, I feel myself becoming warm, I feel my hole gape open. Silver grunts loudly, and fills the trans girl with his seed. She hops off, and silver walks to my wife and forces her to clean him. I wonder how clean the Tranny's ass was, if she even realizes what she is eagerly slurping and swallowing. The tranny comes to me, hops up on the table and pulls my  eager mouth to her fresh fucked hole. I taste Sperm, and piss. Silver must have pissfucked this tranny, and now I'm eating it, slurping and swallowing. Black is fucking hard now, and I am rushing hard. I beg for a breeding, and he thrusts in and grunts as he lets go. I almost cum as well, as he pulls out and walks to my waiting wife. I take the Trans girls cock in my mouth, sucking it, and watch as my wife cleans my ass from his cock. Half of me hopes she recognizes the taste.

    I stand up, with bottom mode over, I slap the tranny across the face, hard. She looks at me in shock as I force her on her knees and ram my half hard cock into her face. I fuck her face roughly, then drag her by the hair to my wife. I lay her down, and arrange my wife over her face. 'Eat you fucking whore. Whatever comes out of my wife you fucking swallow!' The trans girl scrambles to obey, and Mr Black begins throat fucking her. With each gag, juice flows from my wife's holes onto the tranny who frantically slurps it. Wiping stray gobbets from her face into her mouth. The volume slows, then stops. My wife has pushed out anything not so deep as to defy evacuation. The tranny continues, now tongueing her ass and suckling her clit. My wife moans in pleasure, and begins to piss herself. The tranny struggle to swallow it all, but manages. My wife is mindlessly high and still cumming. I pick her up and throw her on the bed. A knock at the door, more guys are here... 

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  11. I film from a few feet away. The process as he prepares his cock with lube, as I hand him the MDMA, as he places it. She will watch her booty bump tomorrow, and marvel at what she has taken, at the level of filth she has not just endured but revelled in and begged for. She will see how far past her old limits she can go, and I am looking forward to watching her come to terms with what she is becoming, right now. The room is silent. The only sounds are her slurping at the trans girl's asshole, and her hoarse pants. 

    This very ordinary looking middle aged black man, tubby, short, and possessed of a cock at least four inches thick and over ten inches long. It's like a log of firewood, so heavy it literally cannot stand straight, but even fully hard, it dangles down. The chocolate skin tone contrasts with the pinker head, the base with sparse wooly pubic hair. The tip with the potent MDMA pill perched in his pisshole touches her gaping asshole, and eased by slathered lube, slips within. she expands slowly around his massive head, as he eases forward. Not a thrust, but an inexorable slow forward slide. Her ring expands as the head disappears, she breathes deep in shock as she realizes which tool just entered her, 'Oh my god, can that even fit?'. Her hands are on the table, she lifts her body a bit, shifting her hole to a more open position. His entry continues, then stops. In one full minute long stroke, he has placed 10 full inches of cock balls deep in my wife's asshole. One of my wife's hands reaches down between her legs, find his balls, finds his base.

    'My god. She whispers. It didn't even hurt!'

    He begins to move. Not to thrust, really, but more to grind. she moans, and her hand leaves his balls to her clit. She rubs, and moans again. She begins to shiver, as her MDMA rush starts. She wails like an animal as she cums hard, and squirt flies out of her cunt to the floor below. He pulls slowly out of her, I closeup to the tip of his cock, the pill is gone and we all know exactly how deep it went. There is blood on his cock, he reinserts and slides in again, now there are thrusts, now she is moaning in time, now the orgasms come quick, every few seconds. The trans girl comes to him, she cuddles up and begins to suck his nipples. He groans in pleasure. His thrusts continue, my wife is a moaning rolling mess in continuous ecstasy.

    He stiffens, thrusts deep and shudders. We will never know how big that load was, buried so deep. He pulls out, the transgirl kneels and cleans his cock. Bloody cum smears her face. I film it all.

    I unshackle my wife, and lead her to the bathroom. I help her into the shower, and carefully clean her body. With a towel I clean her face around the blindfold assembly, then wash each pigtail of cum and lube. I lead her out for round two.




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    Picture it in your mind. The seedy 1980s vintage motel room, the naked men, cocks shiny with lube. The glossy table with my wife spread on it like the pretty cocksocket she has become... The very ordinary middle aged black man with the biggest cock anyone has ever seen.

    My wife is making a constant low pitched whining moan, her fingers are clenched on the edges of the table top, as this slightly tubby black man with his soup can thick ten inches is steadily thrusting into her cunt. After her first orgasm, she is rolling her hips with each of his smooth and steady strokes, trying to fit as much as she can, which is far from all of it. He simply bottoms out, no more room. Her moans deepen, and she cums. Once again, a frothy mix of sperm and lube flows from her asshole as she contracts, I catch it on video, and then Mr Black grabs the little tranny girl by the hair and puts her face down on it. She slurps and licks eagerly, eating the juices, then slipping her fingers to my wife's clit. My wife moans 'Oh god yes, oh god yes' over and over. She cums again, and as her shudders dwindle, Mr Tree trunk pulls out of her pussy, which hangs open like a wound, complete with a trickle of blood.

    The tranny drops to her knees, little breasts bobbing as she, unbelievably, actually gets the tip and first couple inches of this titanic cock in her mouth. I film as she polishes this cock, my wife panting in a puddle of her own drool on the table.

    I hand tree trunk the lube. 'Take her ass, man. If you don't, she will never forgive me.'

    I grab another MDMA tablet, and I slip it inside her asshole, which has long since begun to simply gape open. An average cock could slide in there right now and she would feel it no more than a finger. Cum and lube drips from her, with a little blood. She had asked for extreme, but I wondered at that moment how she would feel when she saw the tape, realized just how far she had gone? There was no question of consent, she had been begging for more all night, and there was much more to come. I thought about calling it off, and realized it was not my decision. She had her safe words, and I had to respect that.

    The tranny walked around to the head of the table, and I filmed as she flipped up her skirt to reveal a respectable cock. Certainly the smallest in the room, but still 6.5", with a nice cut  thickness, and an elegant curve. She guided my wife's head onto her cock, and my wife began to suck. Bobbing her head, demonstrating her skill rather than simply functioning as a convenient hole. She brought a hand to the shaft, and began to stroke, and the trans girl moaned in pleasure. The men who had arrived with her, the two arabs, joined her, one kissing her deeply, the other toying with her nipples and fingering her asshole. She began to call my wife filthy names, and then rammed her cock deep and spurted into her throat. My wife gulped loudly, and continued to suck as the cock softened. The tranny stepped away, and spat deliberately on my wife's face. 'Now you're the whore of a whore, bitch.' she laughed a cheerful laugh, 'but a very *good* whore, I must admit.' She turned then, and placed her asshole in my wife's face, who began to tongue and rim her eagerly. I filmed all of this, my wife's first experience with a trans girl. I realized she had no way to know what she had just done. I looked forward to her watching the videos with me, oh the places she will go!

    As all this happened, the pill I had slipped her had begun to work. Tree trunk had slathered his club with silicone lube, and it was time. I handed him a second pill, which he placed carefully in his urethra, with the tina fading, it was time to fuck her up some more. Mr Black offered the gentleman a line of tina, which he quickly snorted. The blunt tip of his cock went to the gaping hole which was once my wife's tightest hole. I filmed. The entire room was spellbound. The only sound the slurping as the tranny's ass was eaten, and the panting of my wife. Slowly, even gently, he pressed forward.


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  13. "Everyone, I am going to turn down her headphones because I want to talk to her. I want all of you to be completely silent until I turn the music back on and isolate her again, okay?' A chorus of agreement. I grabbed the iPhone that was sending her music to the bluetooth earbuds, and slowly dialled down the volume. Her head cocked, and she said 'honey the music went off!'

    'I know, there is just the one guy here right now, and he brought something special.' I pause. 'Honey, I am not going to tell you what it is, but you get to tell me 'no' if you want to. Otherwise, I'm going to do it to you. I have made sure it's safe, but you will have to trust me.'

    All this time her hands haven't stopped rubbing lube into the tree trunk sized cock she is kneeling beside, and they still don't slow down as she says 'I want you to do whatever you want tonight. I told you that when we planned it.'

    'Good girl!' I turned the music back up. 'You can talk again boys!, Mr Black? Kindly slam my wife with Tina!' A cheer went up.

    I got my phone ready and began recording. Mr Black is a nurse, so I record him as he takes her hand, and leads her to a chair. He puts the belt around her arm, and she cocks her head, not understanding. One of the men kisses her deep from the other side as Black quickly swabs her arm. 'I know you have no idea whats happening sweetie, but this man is about to give you the most intense party experience in existence'. The man drops to his knees and begins to lick her wet dripping cunt, and Black deftly pops the fine gauge point into her swollen vein. I record the flash, then pull back to get her face and arm as Black empties the barrel into her and releases the belt.

    She gives a short gasp, as Black lifts her arm up and presses on the puncture with cotton. She coughs, twice, and exclaims 'Oh my god!!!' Her free hand comes down to the back of her licker's head as she rips the biggest orgasm of her life and stands up in the middle of the room, spinning in a circle. 'Someone fuck my holes right now!'  I Tackle her to the mattress, spread her legs and ram into her sloppy cunt, then roll over with her cowgirl. Mr silver kneels behind her and enters her cunt along with me and she begins to ram herself back onto us furiously. 'Fuck me Fuck me Fuck me' she chants in a set of guttural grunting moans. She slams back hard and holds us deep, I can feel my tip pressed against her cervix as silver continues to thrust, then groans 'Fucking filthy whore!' as he empties a huge load into her cunt and all over my cock. He pulls away, and Black comes up, placing the tip of his 9 thick inches at her asshole, and laughing 'Tweaker bitch, you like that?!' as she presses her holes back on both of us. I pull her face down to me roughly, using her curly pigtails as handles, and kiss her hard and deep, she screams into my mouth, 'Huuuuuurrtttt meeeeeee!' as my large cock and his huge one fill her to over flowing. The feeling of Blacks cock rubbing mine through the thin flesh of my wife is incredible, and just a few strokes later black shudders and fills her asshole with sperm.

    Black pulls away, and the two brothers join, one taking her mouth above me, the other her asshole. The three of us work together, keeping all her holes full, and she gags from the vicious throat thrusts making her other holes clench. The two brothers cum together, my wife taking her 8th and 9th loads of the evening.

    The tree trunk comes over. I look at him. 'All three holes, friend, she's all yours!' He pulls her to standing, and bends her over the small table in the corner of the room. He shackles one ankle to each table leg, and pushes her down, belly to the wood. Her rush is slowing, and she is panting. 'Fuck, don't stop, fucking kill me with cock!'. 

    He steps to her face, and tries to force his cock in, it's too big to fit in her mouth. She tries, then pleads 'Put it in my cunt, wreck me with it!' I am getting the whole thing on video, as he stands behind her and sllllloooooowwwwwwllllllllyyyyyy slides into her battered and swollen pussy. She makes a shuddering moaning sound, as he hits bottom with only half his shaft inside, and cums again, her contractions causing cum and lube to dribble out her asshole. All on video.


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  14. I slurped my asshole off of Silver's fingers, and he went to the door. Looked through the peephole, and then opened it. In came three guys and a cute little trans girl dressed like a japanese schoolgirl. Silver shook hands with the tallest guy, then gave the other two the once over. I leaned down to Mr Black, 'I should pull out now,' I said, 'And let these guys get a chance at her before we totally wear her out.' Black looked up at me and grinned, 'You ain't my boy today dude, you're a fellow top. You even supplied a set of holes for us. You don't need to ask permission for shit.' I smiled back, 'Thank's man, wasn't sure how to handle that part. And believe me, next time I bottom for you, I won't get above my station!'

    I pulled out of my wife's cummy hole, and moved to her face. guiding her mouth onto it, I waited while she blindly cleaned my head, then shaft, and finally balls of her slippery mix of cum, lube, and ass. What a good girl! I leaned down and gave Mr Black a quick kiss. It was weird to be his equal.

    I walked over and shook hands with the new arrivals. Two well built middle eastern guys, an older black man, and the subby little trans schoolgirl. The girl shyly asked 'May I go and rim your wife, sir?' 'Certainly, there's some cum you can suck out of her ass, as well.' I grabbed her by the hair (real hair, not a wig, this one was committed to her transition) and she moaned as I marched her over and stuffed her face into the big round dripping ass of my wife. Mr Black was still grinding that cock into her as well. It had been nearly a straight 30 minutes of pounding, and his meat was showing strings of cum. He must have filled her again during the DP. 'Jesus, Black,' I exclaim, 'How much cum you GOT in those balls?!' He grunted, 'shot some caverject for the occasion, dude...I can go for 4 hours straight. And I plan to.'

    The two Arabic guys walked over to the bed, and started talking dirty to her, testing to see if she was truly deaf and blind. Satisfied, they stripped down, and began stroking their oddly identical cocks. Both uncut, and the exact size and shape of red bull tallboy cans. Both shaved smooth, with black silicone cockrings... I idly wondered if they were brothers.

    I went over the safe words, reminded them not to drug her with anything, as we already had plans for that. No marks, no blood, no choking, she loves anal, loves gagging, drinks piss. I told them things we want to see: Piss in her asshole, anal and vaginal cream pies, piss drinking... Their eyes grew a little wild. The older black guy joined us, and unlimbered a cock even larger than Mr Blacks. I goggled at it. 'I know,' he said shyly, 'I'm here because girls that can actually  see it run the fuck away!'. The thing didn't even look real. I shook my head, 'We need to video you using her, man, she won't believe it when even when she see's it'.

    My wife groaned, we looked over to see Mr Black rolling her off him. He dangled his cock in her face for cleaning, and she obediently devoted her mouth to it until he pulled away. She sprawled back on the bed, panting. Her cunt is red and swollen and gaping, she lies in a puddle of lube and cunt squirt and cum. I'm so glad I thought to bring the rubber sheet. The trans girl began to kiss her, and stroke her. She shrugged off her shirt and revealed real hormone enhanced breasts. My wife cupped them 'Tit's? I didn't know there were girls coming.' The trans girl laughed and kissed her hard, pushing her back on the bed. Silver came over with his video camera, and the older Black guy joined them on the bed. The trans girl grabbed my wife's hands and put them on that huge cock. My wife literally froze for a moment and then 'Holy fucking shit! What the fuck! How fucking big is this guy??' She wrapped both hands around it, 'Honey, you have to video this, please? Fuck I don't even know if I can take it'. She got up on her knees. She began to fellate him, and all of us fell silent, watching her.


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  15. I will tell more stories about her, both from our shared past, and as she and I move forward. I am changing dates and some other extraneous details to keep any readers from doxxing us, but the meat of the stories will be 100% truth.

    if you have any particular kinks feel free to share them. After decades of kinky swinging I have tried a lot of things.Or maybe I will try them with her and report back...

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  16. 12 hours ago, degenerateraver said:

    My two daddies were at the door. I posed my wife on all fours quickly, and opened the door. They strode in like the huge cocked alpha tops they are, each grabbing me around my waist and pulling me in for a deep kiss and an ass grab.


    In case its not clear, my wife had no idea I was a closeted bi man, being topped 2 or three times a month, and topping sometimes as well in wild encounters at Steamworks baths. The moment quoted above was the first time i had a man's tongue in my mouth with her 'present' in the room...

    Silver's tongue was working my slutty asshole as I licked up Black's blood droplets, and then pulled my wife's head to me to kiss her. I kissed her hard and rapey, hoping she could taste the tang of my daddy's blood, while Black drove his huge cock into her battered cunt in the full fury of his tina slam rush. She was yelping in pain, but not running away, so next I began to lick and suckle Black's nipples. 'Couple of good whores, husband and wife!' Black growled, and pulled my wife down to taste her lips, his other hand holding me at those hard nipples. From behind me, Silver stopped licking and said 'I can see his rush cum dripping down his shaft... Your wife is already bred.' I felt his fingers at my hole and realized he was stuffing some MDMA in there and I moaned with pleasure both at the way he hadn't even asked permission, and his skilled fingers. 'Daddies, may I lick the cum from mr Blacks shaft while he fucks my wife?' I asked them, knowing they would love to see me degrade myself thusly.

    Black shoved me away from his nipple contemptuously, and devoted his attention to my wife's tits with his own mouth and teeth. She bucked with an orgasm as the added sensation pushed her over the edge. Arriving at the intersection of daddy cock and wife's cunt, I began meticulously licking the dribbles of cum from his balls, and then his shaft. having fully cleaned him, i began to tongue her sphincter, moaning as Silver continued to prepare my asshole for what was to come. He pulled me away. 'Fuck her ass now, boy, and don't hold back. I'm going to milk your prostate and I want her asshole full of your cum as soon as you can manage it.'

    Black paused, while I fit my own thick white cock beside his black one. I slid into my wife and she moaned with pleasure. DP and airtight were my wife's greatest talents, ever since her first mfm threesome with me, a couple months after we met. His front rush having given way to the clean sex driving high of a tina slam (a feeling I knew well from the bottoms perspective, only because of this man's patient teaching), we began to bring my wife to the edge of orgasm with long strokes in her two hungry holes. She came again, then again, slamming her ass and cunt against us in a futile effort to take all of our cocks inside. There simply wasn't room enough in my wife for this much meat. Yet. 

    With one of Silvers hands feeding fingers to my man cunt, and the other tweaking my nipples, it wasn't long before I shuddered, 'I'm filling her, fuuuuucccckkkk!' as I shot what felt like a pint of sperm balls deep into her asshole. 'Good boy!,' grunted black. 'Keep going, because your pretty little dick feels good rubbing mine through her asshole'. I gritted my teeth and concentrated on staying hard. With the help of the Cialis I popped earlier, I returned to full erection and began stirring my cum in her guts. Silver pulled his fingers from me, popped a glass plug in me, and stuffed his fingers into my mouth for cleaning.

    There was a knock at the door.


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  17. My two daddies were at the door. I posed my wife on all fours quickly, and opened the door. They strode in like the huge cocked alpha tops they are, each grabbing me around my waist and pulling me in for a deep kiss and an ass grab.

    Mr Black, as I will call him, is about 5'9 and built like a wrestler. Muscular legs and a barrel chest, and a huge 9" slab of uncut meat. It's as thick as my wrist, as well, and it curves upward elegantly. He's in his 30s, and that rarity of rarities, a slam daddy top. Mr Black was the first man ever to stealth my ass with tina, first man to feed me a pipe, and first man to slam me. More importantly, he respects absolutely my rule that I will only touch tina once a month. It had been 5 weeks since we last met up.  

    Mr Silver is 6'3", 68 years old, and has the trim athletic body of a squash playing executive. Which is what he is. When he parties, his choice is GHB and MDMA, and his cock is almost as long and almost as thick as MR Black's. Mr Silver is also adept at fisting, but my hole has never yielded to him. I wanted to watch my wife take it tonight. Mr Silver is bi, and his wife is quite beautiful and thirty years his junior. She is not as beautiful as my wife, though.

    Both my daddies have seen many videos of my wife and I slutting it up with various men and women, both of them have commented at how fortunate I was to have a woman to top and daddies to top me. 

    'So she can't hear or see a thing?' asked Mr Black. 'Not a thing, nor hear anything. You can speak freely, until you touch her in fact, she has no way to know if anyone is even here!' 'She high?' Silver asked, with a smile, as he began to strip. 'Not yet, I'm going to booty bump her with some MDMA now your'e here, and the party can start'. Silver looked at me, 'I'll do it, give it here.'

    I began filming with my iPhone, and I handed him two orange pressed pills from the baggie, and watched as he laid a hand on her ass casually. She yelped in surprise, and then presented herself proudly. Head up, ass out, for inspection. My wife is tall, over six feet, and quite slim with a round milf ass and high firm tits. Her belly is flat, her legs muscular and long. Her long curly black hair and dark brown nipples, cunt lips, and asshole contrast against her creamy pale skin. She's naturally werewolf level hairy,, but I had shaved her thoroughly. 'Is she expecting the drugs?' 'Yeah, we talked about it, she trusts me to look after her, and keep her properly partied up'. He laughed 'Well, you certainly are doing that. She's in for a wild ride.' Silver began playing with my wife's cunt, and she moaned as his tongue entered her asshole. 'She know we're poz?' 'Nope' I said, 'But you're still on meds right?' He looked at me 'Of course. But I'd fuck her if I wasn't, and you'd let me wouldn't you?' I stopped the recording. That one was going in my secret file. Then restarted a new file. My cock hardened as i watched. Silver laughed at me, and I watched as he fed the pills into my wife's puckered asshole. Some lube, and he pushed them deep, some more lube on his cock, and the games began. kneeling behind her, he grasped her slim hips and slowly began to tease her asshole with his cock. My wife murmered, then said, 'oh god, ass first?' as he slowly began to spread open her hole. Silver is a patient man, but also a demanding one. he slowly but surely stretched her around his thick raw cock until the tip was rushing those dissolving pills well up into her colon. She was shivering as the onset of the drugs began, and silver began to long stroke her asshole. She grunted in time to his thrusts. 'Fuck, this guy is big!,'  she said suddenly, and pressed her asshole back against him for a second. he responded with, 'and you're an overly tight disgusting whore, but we're going to fix the tight part, anyway!' He winked at me, 'We'll be able to park a truck in your holes in about an hour', he snarled as he ground deep in her guts. She gave a low growl and came hard, clamping her ring oh his cock and squirting.

    In the meantime, Mr Black was preparing a couple of points. While Silver pulled out of wife's ass and moved around to her mouth, where she eagerly began to clean her ass off of him, Black beckoned me over. 'This one here is for your bitch, for later, this one here is mine. I want you to do something for me'. The one for my wife was a couple points. If we shot her during the MDMA rush and didn't use a tourniquet, she likely wouldn't realize what had happened, until she was too high to think about it. 'I want you to slam me while I'm in your wife's pussy.' I loved the idea. Black always made me hold his cock in my mouth when he slammed, because he always came about thirty seconds after the belt came off. This time that black seed would breed my wife. I could hear my wife gagging on Silvers cock, and joined Black at the bed as he laid down. I dragged my whore wife to straddle him, unhooking her wrists, and then took his thick black meat in my hand. I bent down and gave it a slurp, then started filming as I guided her down on his rock hard log. She took him in, whimpering a little. Head tossing in a bit of panic. I let him poke his vein, get the flash, then filming with one hand, I pressed the slam into him, and pulled the belt. I yanked the point out, heard him cough, and caught the clenching of his balls as he fired his rush cum into my wife's unprotected cunt. I moaned and licked the blood from my daddy's arm as he began to pound my wife with his first sperm as lube. I felt Silvers tongue at my own hole...

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  18. This is the story of the last filthy fetish my wife and I got into before our separation. These events all happened in sleazy motel near the Vancouver International Airport, and we did this scenario twice. After our separation, she continued to scratch this itch, and I still see her post up craigslist ads every few months, so she's still doing this. One of the ads showed up last weekend, which is what made me decide to post this story. While this is posted in fiction, it all happened just like this, nothing made up, nothing needed to be. These events remain the single filthiest thing I have ever done or seen done by a man or woman. When I see these events pop up, I amuse myself by sending friends to join in. Several have made the cut and brought back pics, and also her juices for me to slurp off their cocks.

    It all started when my wife found amateur porn of a woman, in bondage, blindfolded and with loud music playing over earbuds taped into her ears. The woman was obviously thus blind and deaf, and restrained, and a series of men entered the hotel room to use her while a man narrated to the camera stories of all her filthy former exploits. At one point two black men use her, and the narrator tells them she's a racist who despises blacks. The men respond by both removing their condoms and filling her cunt with sperm.

    My wife was in heaven. We watched it together, and she was eager to try it out. We blindfolded her, stuffed earbuds into her ears, wrapped her head in tensor bandages and fucked. She loved it, but it was really just a dry run. We fine tuned the details, and we booked a motel room.

    I placed a craigslist ad, and let her vet the respondents. She chose 10 guys, and left the invitations to me. Before I did so, unbeknownst to her, I contacted the two party tops who had been owning my ass once a month at the bath house, and found them eager to sample my wife, and they assured me they could bring more. I arranged for my tops to come to the motel room for 8pm, and invited the ones from the ad to come at 10. They could have what was left after my 9" BBC slam daddy and my 8.5" 68 year old silver fox daddy finished shredding her holes, along with their friends. 

    I picked her up from work (she's an accountant with one of the major banks) at 3pm on friday, the trunk full of bondage and sex supplies, video gear, and party favours. We hopped on the quickest route to Richmond, and arrived at the hotel by 4pm. Good time in the usually awful Metro Van traffic. We stopped for a light meal at a place nearby after checking in. Richmond BC has the best Chinese food in the entire world, including china. If you're ever in town do two things: contact me here to see if there is a party, and make sure you eat at least one meal at one of our best restaurants.

    Returning to the motel, I prepared my wife. I washed her thoroughly, and cleaned out her asshole completely. I shaved her cunt and asshole and legs, and had her put her hair in very secure pigtails. I carefully inserted a pair of earbuds, then strapped on her blindfold. I carefully wrapped her head with a sticky reusable tensor bandage called 'vet wrap', binding the blindfold and earbuds in place while leaving her pigtails, mouth, and nose free. Vet wrap is incredible stuff, it sticks to itself but not to skin or hair, holds in place, and if kept clean can be used over an over. It's good for all kinds of animals, including slutty two legged ones like my whore of a wife.

    With her head secure, I collared her, and hooked her leash down the head of the bed and onto the bed frame. I shackled her wrists together, and placed shackles on her ankles, a leather corset with sturdy rings around her waist, and places some spreader bars and snap hooks where they would be handy if we chose to restrain her further. It was 7:45, my first guests, who she thought were the guests she had chosen, would be arriving slightly early. I connected her iPod to the earbuds. I reminded her that her safe word was 'Firetruck' to stop whatever was happening that moment, and Frankenstein to stop the scene. I switched on the 90 minute looping mix of porno soundtracks, sex noises, and EDM we had selected to drown her hearing. She was now isolated from the world of sound and light, and about to be thrust roughly into the world of touch to an extent she had never dreamed. There was a knock on the door.

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  19. Been a bit of delay simply because I've been spending quite a lot of time with her, and have not had time to sit down and write about any of it. I've been writing about some older events with my ex wife instead. It's been fantastic with her, and could turn into something permanent.

    We both laid there, panting and hearts racing. I was concentrating hard to keep from just spraying my cum into the air like a fountain after the things her throat did to me. 'You didn't used to deep throat so far down,' I finally said. 'I was motivated,' she giggled, and stretched again, always like a cat this one, and rolled to face me. 'This molly is really smooth, I can't remember the last time I had anything so totally pure. No speed at all. And I'm starting to really rush!' 'Yeah, I know the girl who makes it... Friends in low places.'

    I rolled to face her, and pulled her to me, and began kissing her, my hands travelled her body, stroking her. In general, I had always found that, when in doubt, treat her like a hundred pound house cat and you couldn't go far wrong. My hands came up to the nape of her neck, and I scratched her there, working my nails into the roots of her hair, making her moan and flex her belly against me. I grasped her hair and pulled it, kissing her deeply, and pulled back to look in her eyes. Her pupils were enormous, tiny brown halos around deep black were the only remnant of her greenish brown cat-eyes. I could imagine what she was feeling, the rush of warmth, of love, of need to touch and kiss and breed and cum. I moved on top of her, and her legs wrapped up and around me. Her hands went down, found my cock, and slipped it inside.

    Her cunt was furnace hot, and incredibly tight. It had been the tightest thing I ever fucked all those years ago, and that hadn't changed. Her hips rolled to meet me, and I began to thrust in a rolling grind. I felt her mouth open and her teeth sink gently into my shoulder as she moaned, and I could already feel the shivering of her first orgasm, not even ten strokes in. For myself, I was already worried about busting a load into this incredible cunt, so different from any of the slags and fags I'd been fucking lately. She mumbled my name, and 'please' and I fucked harder, she began to grunt at the bottom of each stroke. I fucked harder, making sure I hit bottom, and was rewarded by a long shuddering moan and a clamp on my cock like nothing you can imagine.

    Her hands were cupping my asscheeks as I kept fucking through her orgasm, loving the rippling muscles of her vaginal walls. Say what you like about assfucking, asses simply don't have that long sheath of muscles that can milk a cock along it's entire length. I could never give up cunt. She moans and cums again, and again, and again, harder each time. I grab her hair and pull her mouth off my shoulder, so she won't draw blood, and look into her eyes as I pound her. She looks up at me, jaw set in the classic MDMA teeth grinding, dribble trickling from her mouth as she cums again, yelling and getting flecks of spit in my face involuntarily as she does. The yell pushes me over the edge, and I unload my cock into her vise-tight cunt. 'Take that fucking cum!'

    She kisses me deep as I blow inside her, tongues fighting for control, hands pulling each other in with lip bruising force. my thrusts don't even slow down in her now cum-sloppy cunt as I keep pounding. Her face is startled as she realizes I'm  not going soft, not stopping. I can feel my own rush beginning, and I smile down at her 'They hadn't invented Cialis the last time we fucked.' She moaned, 'Oh god you're going to kill me!', and clutched at me as she came again and then again. I kept pounding, then 'Wrap around me tight, I want to roll you over.'

    We roll, and she's on top now. She sits up straight and bounces, a froth of cum and lube and squirt where our bodies meet. I look up at her 'Ride me with your asshole, princess!' She moans and comes off, fumbling for the lube. I find the poppers, uncap them. She slathers my cock with gun oil, and pops the plug out. I hold the poppers to a nostril, block off the other one, and she inhales deep and long, twice. Her eyes roll, and she sits down hard on my cock with a yelp. I had forgotten this, how she never took it slow at the beginning, never needed to... Her ass is loose from the plug, but quickly clamps down on my cock. I revel in the difference between ass and cunt, so completely different in feel, yet both so hungry for my meat. She yelps like a kicked dog as she bottoms out on my shaft. 7.5 thick cut inches in one single stroke. I wonder what it feels like to take it that way...I've always needed warmup for even fingers, and while I can eventually take the biggest cocks, this girl can do it from the very first instant. She is grinding on me, loving the sensation of my cock stirring her guts. I can feel her cum, distant through my MDMA rush, and then again. She begins to bounce her ass, 'Oh god you never fucked my ass like this before!' She grunts like an animal 'Oh god I love it!!' She cums again, ring clamping on me like fingers squeezing.

    I moan as her hands rest on my chest and her fingers roll my nipples. My rush is coming strong now, and I worry if maybe she judged wrong and my cock is softening, but no, I can feel my asshole tightening as my first 'dry' orgasm of the night boils up. I yell her name, and cum hard without a drop of sperm. Through the haze of my rush I see her smiling. she keeps fucking, I keep spasming in her tight asshole. Another orgasm, this one with the familiar rush of sperm fills her asshole and now I finally begin  soften. She cums, and it pushes out my now semi hard shaft. Without hesitation she drops down and begins to clean me, licking, then sucking my cock. Rolling it in her mouth, suckling like a baby. A little spurt of cream rewards her, and she flips round, throwing her leg over my face and lowering the sloppy mess of her cunt to my face. I eat her lips ravenously, sucking out my cum, loving her taste, slowly calming down as my rush subsides and we each calm down. I raise my head a little to lick the dribbling cum and lube from her asshole, appreciating the faint unmistakeable tang of the MDMA adding to the delicious mix of cum and ass juice. She moans and slides a finger onto her clit as I rim her, cumming hard and squirting some more ass into my mouth. She starts playing with the plug in my asshole, and I begin to stiffen up again. Soon she's fucking the plug in and out, and I groan and spray what's left of my sperm resevoir into her enthusiastic mouth. I hear her gulping it down. I collapse, as does she.




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