A few years ago I tried using poppers in a gay sauna. In fact, I tried them a few times and they didn't ever seem to have the slightest effect on me at all.
Firstly, Are they really as useful as people make out? Are there techniques as to how to use them in a more efficacious manner? Do you, for example, have to use them regularly for there effect to be more noticeable?
Are there some brands that are better than others? Are there fake ones? (there are fake products everywhere, so I expect there are)
Secondly, where can I get some in the UK? There are plenty of places that advertise them but are they trustworthy? I'm not even sure if it's legal to send chemicals through the post without stating exactly what's in the package.
I'm guessing that they are available in Sex shops?
Where do you guys get yours (UK still, of course)