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Posts posted by ChrgdPuP

  1. On 4/9/2022 at 12:45 PM, hungry_hole said:

    Yes, But most versatile-bottom profiles describe in detail how much they enjoy bottoming and rarely describe in which situation they like topping and breeding holes. I've seen some say "I rarely top but I sometimes get in the mood with a loaded hole". O some say that in a group situation.

    This makes complete sense. These guys are mostly Bttm, and looking for a tops the majority of the time, so their profiles advertise for that. On the flip side, if they’re not talking about how they like to top maybe they’re subtly discouraging unsolicited messages from other bttms looking to get plowed.

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  2. I have experience with it, having had HSV-1 since I was 19. There are two variants (1&2) that course minor pain or irritation in small number of cases that cause an outbreak. Most infections are so minor we don’t recognize it when we see it or they never manifest at all.

    The majority of adults carry one of the two versions, many of whom have no idea they have it, because they never have an outbreak. Until that happens we have no reason to be tested for the virus, and this means you likely already have herpes.

    If you get an outbreak they’re easily treatable with Acyclovir. It shortens the duration of the outbreak and if you take it daily it supposedly decreases asymptotic shedding.

    I’ve known I had this for 13 years(give or take) and have had zero outbreaks in the last decade. So if you peeps on prep want to worry about something you likely already have that you may see once, if ever, then never again that causes no permanent harm…… be free to live your truth there I guess, but I don’t get it.. 🤷🏼‍♂️

    Also, with all the HPV concern: there’s  a vaccine for the most common versions transmitted that’s given to kids in middle school. There’s a population of my generation that even got it, so if your in your mid thirties or younger, also not a concern. 😁


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  3. On 8/26/2020 at 9:43 PM, AlexBBPig said:

    Something think about if you want to be in a serious relationship at some point.  It’s impossible to get any substantial amount of life insurance if you have HIV. Every insurance company will automatically deny you when they pull your medical records and see that you have HIV. 


    So, they don’t necessarily look for an actual HIV+ Diagnosis to disallow/terminate life insurance plans. It happens If you disclose your use of Truvada for PrEP as well. I speak from personal experience.

  4. Bet you’d look amazing with both piercings man! hope we find out what you decide. 😈


    I can only speak to having my nipples pierced, and wish it had been better. First, it’s by far the worst I can recall, and I’ve broken bones, had major survived, etc. I’m glad I got them both done in the same session because I definitely would not have gone back for the second after the first. 

    Definitely agree with other posts about how often they snag on things, and just how often that happens. What I haven’t seen mentioned, and forgive me if I missed it, is how they’re an instant target  anytime you’re shirtless for any random person that wants to cop a feel. I had to get really good at deflecting on coming hands going to pull and pinch my nipples. 

    Finally, I had mine in for a little over two years and they never fully healed. I had to remove them for an MRI at one point and when it hurt too much to get them back in I took it as a sign that it wasn’t meant to be. 

    Definitely hope that your experience is infinitely better if you go for them. Really wish I still had mine. Good luck!

  5. It seems I come across more and more profiles on this app specifically stating stuff like”no men,” “ no gays/homos/queers,” “only interested in women.” This feels very out of place to me. Grindr is marketed as for “Gay social networking and chat” but here are these guys specifically stating they’re uninterested in the primary aspect of the service. Straight guys, looking for women... like they can basically ANYWHERE else in the world.  I pay for a subscription, so luckily I can block as many of these guys as i want, but don’t quite get why I should have to. The guys behind these profiles don’t generally enjoy getting grilled about it, so I don’t really get much insight on anything when I ask them about it. Maybe posting here will be a little different. 

    So for straight dudes: Why are you on grindr? If you’re a guy that says something like the above limitations, why/do you feel it’s appropriate? If you’re a guy that’s straight and there but doesn’t say that stuff what’s your reasoning?

    Gay/Bi guys: how do you all feel about having straight men in this space? What makes you feel that way? Do you feel the need to respect their desire to not be contacted?   

    P.S. I didn’t know if this was general enough for this thread or should be somewhere else, so apologies in advance  if I made a mistake.


  6. On 7/21/2020 at 9:49 AM, Robw73 said:

    Thanks. Very helpful. Do you know what/where the BDSM scene is in SD? Any saunas? Fetish places?

    hopeful of getting over later In the year, COVID-19 permitting. If I do, I want to party and get filled up. 

    San Diego has a bar called the Eagle that was the mains leather bar then another place called Pecs that was mostly a bear bar with Leather nights I think. There is a leather community there that really gets into kink and BDSM as well. I have some resources for those if interested.

    A small warning though - most members of those communities in San Diego are very anti-party. The kind of anti-party people that pretend they’re into it to get your location, then call the cops.

  7. Right now all the adult stores are open and fairly busy. The more popular venues are  on Convoy or in Point Loma.

    If you want something outdoors Morely Field is a hot spot, and Blacks Beach is always busy in the summer. This past weekend at the later the beach was packed and the guys ready to breed.

    Hope this helps and have fun!

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  8. I’ve yet to run into this with a guy saying he’s top only. It does sometimes happen with Vers/Tops, but usually only after we’ve played a few times. The worst offenders of this bait in switch that I’ve found are guys saying they’re 100% Vers and Vers/bttms.

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  9. Am uncut on this end, so may have some innate bias, but I prefer other uncut guys. The reason being, many cut guys don’t know how to play with uncut cock since it’s completely different from how they would play with their dick. Definitely had great fucks with both, love loads from both, enjoy sucking both, but if I’m wanting to get off without using my hand to do it, uncut makes that happen most often.

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