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Posts posted by BreedingTop71

  1. I have never really cared, I always felt the pleasure of the bottom comes from making the top breed him… never had a bottom complain, always kept coming back for more. Lately, i got into a conversation with another top and he always makes sure his bottoms cum. I thought it was dumb, but now i am curious…what do you guys think?

  2. On 12/28/2021 at 1:59 AM, SCyoungboy said:

    I prefer older guys to use me. I was 10 with my first guy and he was in his high 40's. I play with guys younger than me unless I'm spun and need alot of cock, I like daddies and loke the RP as well

    I think at that age you already knew what you needed. You should be proud you started servicing men early in life. It’s easier for everyone. 

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  3. The problem is that you may be thinking of jumping in the deep end of the pool right away. Start with the shallow area of the pool. Find a top you’re comfortable with and have spoken to, instead of thinking of hooking up with strangers right away. 

    there is a path to your fantasy scenario, find it by identifying what’s a tolerable INITIAL, basic step into it and slowly progress into your ultimate dream, which is what you always think of every time you JO. Maybe even try being mentored by an older top who can be patient with you to show you the ropes. Or rope, depending on what you’re into. 

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  4. Long list, here are some:

    cock rings. For some reason they gross me out. 
    tops who do not know how to properly use a bottom and loud bottoms (who cares about their pleasure or what they have to say about anything during sex, really). Very annoying. 
    no breeding. What was the fucking for?

    Old studio porn is not interesting anymore (except TIM). Some that comes from sites that started as “amateur” like Military Classified and evolved into breeding vids are better with time. Machofucker was always spot on. 

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  5. The question really is how easy it is to find sex using an online tool and which one would that be. In reality, tools will help you locate potential sexual partners but if you’re not an interesting person (either physically or personality-wise) no app in the world would help you. 

    Exception made if you have a big dick and are a top. Then you can be ugly as sin and dumb as a doorknob and bottoms will line up. 

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  6. On 7/18/2022 at 10:01 AM, Close2MyBro said:

    It's astounding to me how many members here are unable to blame the current administration for anything going wrong in our country right now. What happened to all those promises that things could only get better??

    Because we have a president not a king. Congress has the PURSE. 


    I however do blame Biden for being chicken shit and not standing up more forceful against the loons in the right. He’s letting our voice be drowned by crazies. 

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  7. Relationships have a habit of turning into marriage. Tell her that you’re into sex with guys also, but that you’re straight or bi (for a guy to love getting pounded doesn’t mean they’re gay) and what it means for your relationship with her. 

    You would be amazed at her potential response, especially the newer generation is a little less inhibited than the previous one. But be upfront. You wouldn’t like it if it happened to you

    Also, start prep. I’m on it and I’m a top with a steady bf. Anyone taking loads should def be on it. All other STIs are more manageable or easier to get rid of than HIV 

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  8. This country continues to disappoint. I don’t care if you vote down my post, but I am getting this out of my chest. 

    the way minorities are treated by the legal system (including most of the people who post here), the election of a racist fascist in 2016 for president, the attempted coupl on January 6, the social restructuring by the SCOTUS, the recent attacks and hostility towards trans people during pride pride 2022. Etc etc etc. 

    The word “disappointment” doesn’t begging to cover it. 

    why isn’t Biden and other (old, ooooold) Democratic leaders screaming off the top of their lungs like conservatives are? Why is our voice always drowned by the hysterics  and nonsensical screams on the right? Do we not have a loud voice? Where is it?

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  9. First fag I ever used was at 15 yo while a high school student. I was always bigger and more muscular than your average and I knew a senior who would try to be discreet after PE but always wanted to look at my bulge. I knew he waited to be the last to jump in the shower so one day I went back in the locker room after everyone but him had left and talked him into letting me use his hole. I took him real hard in the last shower stall, dug my fingernails in  his hips so I could have a better grip on his hole (he moved a lot). I bred him quickly and after that I used every school day until he graduated. 

    how about you? When was the first time you bred someone? How old were you? What were the circumstances? My bigger point is since many faggots were born to serve, there are some of us who are born to be served. 

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  10. On 4/17/2021 at 5:29 PM, CumLvr80 said:

    YES! THIS!

     I HATE guys who want to stroke or suck me and/or see me cum. Most of the guys I come in contact with are preoccupied with that shit. It’s rare when I meet a total top who isn’t. That largely explains why I don’t really even play anymore. 

    As a total top I cannot imagine being interested in sucking or touching your clit. That’s wrong and it must be offensive and inconsiderate towards you. I guess there aren’t many real manly total tops. 

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  11. On 5/18/2021 at 2:30 PM, Ctgaydave said:

    I didn't choose to become a slut... I was trained at a very young age how to pleasure men, and was told that I was born for that purpose. By the time I left home after high school I was fully trained to do whatever it takes to get cum inside me and I will do anything I'm told to do anytime and anywhere... A true slut

    You have a talent and a purpose. You have a lot more going for you that many people out there. 

    You need to stay healthy so you can continue to provide pleasure to many many real men who are in need of relief. There’s also a new generation of straight young men who don’t have the opportunity to unload inside a willing hole as often as they need to. You should be able to provide them also with relief and also teach them how to properly use a hole. 

    you are lucky you were trained from early on. A family me never, I assume?

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  12. As a top I don’t particularly enjoy sloppy holes. For a number of reasons. 

    1. I don’t think they are sanitary when u breed 

    2. I’m an Alpha so I’m not comfortable where another man has deposited his sperm and I get it on my dick. If I wanted another guy’s sperm on my I would be a bottom. 

    3. Bottoms tend to losen up their holes after intense repeated continuous use. I like the hole I’m using to be tight. 

    just my two cents. 

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  13. On 5/5/2021 at 11:37 AM, YourNoLimitsBottom said:

    Very true. I have to wonder if the bottoms that say they are looking for "14 or more, nothing less" are more enamored with the fantasy of sex than actually physically doing it. In the end, have they ever had sex with a man in their life, or are they always just jacking off to a fantasy?

    As many people have said far better than I will: It's all about how you present yourself and how you use your body. This is the same for tops as well as for us bottoms. Make the experience something he (top or bottom) wants to cum back for again and again, and you will have a great sex life. Of course, living in a more populated area with a lot of the type of guys you are looking for certainly helps too!

    I had never ever bottomed but it must be fucking agony to put 14 inches in you. My hole is so tight I struggle to put a suppository up, imagine if I were able to fit a 3” cock, let alone 14”. 

    I agree, these bottoms are obsessed with what they see in porn. What they leave out of the tape are all the times these actors shoot their tools (who knows the plural for penis???) with stuff to keep it hard for the duration of the shooting. Porn is not real life. And a good top is -from what I hear- already hard to find. So why make a guy feel bad about his size ? 

  14. I think that size should not matter. Age should not matter. HIV status should not matter. Race should not matter. 

    But they do. 

    To size queens: the natural ratio top/bottom is already skewed against you by 1 to 10. If you are also looking for model material and have the expectation that this young man (young, of course) needs to be a certain number of inches then the question really is how long are you willing to wait for Massive-Dick Prince Charming?

    in the meantime as a total top with a really nice solid 8 inches I can tell all of you size queens I am not interested in you. All I want is a good bottom who can take me quick, long, rough, romantic or kinky depending on my mood and what I feel like doing and does it without complaining and happy to do it. Because in the end, my job is to get hard and use a bottom. at the same time the bottoms job is to offer his body to Me for my pleasure. As a dominant alpha, that’s what I am entitled to. 

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  15. On 11/23/2017 at 3:46 AM, FFun2BB said:

    Totally agree with “constructionguy" in regard of the size issue and the unrealistic demands, but also agree with “BottomCumWhore2Use” comment regarding this ridiculous obsession about age and BMI issues.



    Reading some of the profiles one comes across, one wonders WHO ARE THESE GUYS? 


    I love SEX  with men of all sizes and ages… I choose by the spark and fetishes of these men rather their age, BMI or cocksizes - yes, a great cock is Bliss and I am one of the first to saddle up - but have come across so many Bottom men with huge cocks, when I would be thinking WHAT A CRIME to waste such amazing cocks on a bottom… 


    The problem with most men nowadays is the multiple choices we have… all those platforms where one can meet … instead of embracing it and indulging in it, they become obsessed by unrealistic expectations and wants… 

    But I wont waste my time on/with those men, as they are usually “flops” anyway - give me any man, who loves sex, is open and uninhibited, and I will have a great time… 


    It is all about PLEASURE & SATISFACTION … so I agree with “NLbear” who is right in saying “...as long as it's in working order I am not complaining…"



    I don’t agree with the statement that one huge cock is wasted in bottoms. I have had bottoms with bigger cocks than mine (and I am not small, mind you) and their size is completely a non issue. 

  16. 12 hours ago, Phallarchist said:

    In fact, the most intense sexual pleasure I ever experienced as a receiver was from an enormous penis. If I were in the rectal-receptive habit, it would make perfect sense for me to pursue men with similarly massive genitalia and disfavor the rest.

    Concentrating on my enjoyment would be inappropriately selfish by my own standards, and I think I have too much reverence for other aspects of maleness to ever really adopt this policy, but it seems straightforwardly logical that many others would do.

    Thank you for acknowledging this. The role of a cumdump is to offer pleasure to men and receive their sperm regardless of size. We all have our role. Our size as tops is irrelevant. 

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  17. On 7/13/2010 at 8:55 AM, Deaner said:

    Even back when I was good at topping, sex was best when /somebody's/ cock got ignored. Dominant bottoms may be rare, but PUSHY bottoms are all too plentiful... and make my situation that much more uncomfortable.

    I've actively been persuing the role of oral bottom. There ain't nothin' you can put in my face that I don't love, lol. Feet, pits, ass and cock... that's been my gold mine for sex lately! But I've learned to keep myself clothed throughout, cuz once they see my dick even the 'str8 married' dudes want to try to get 'versatile' and return the favor. Can't even describe how much that ruins the mood. Once in a blue moon, I find a guy who is cool with me sucking while wearing a chastity cage... but I've learned not to advertise that because it brings out all the guys who want to 'try it on themselves'... and things generally go downhill from there. I'd never say that I get bored with sucking cock, but it always makes me wish I could end it with a good fuck. I'm just 20 years behind the curve on learning how to take cock in my ass. Really wish there was a wikipedia article on what kind of diet/training would help an adult tight-ass like myself learn the stuff that seems to come so naturally to today's young sluts. Even the best blowjob in the world sometimes feels like high school activities when you are REALLY into the guy and your hole is twitching for him.

    Glad you mentioned s/m, but that poses another layer of problems for me. Part of it is genuine shyness and fright of the scene (though a definite desire to explore!). But I live in a city where I have a moderate reputation as a top among just enough circles that it feels incredibly odd to advertise this side of me without fear of ruining everything. I've had to rely on semi-anonymous encounters and out-of-town visitors. I am absolutely mortified by the thought of trying to sub out in front of someone who I 'fucked and forgot' ten years ago...

    Wow. I fell bad for you. The way I see it, it would be for me like everyone else pushing ME to bottom. I would despise it and would be enough for me to hide and stay home without even trying. 

    Having said that, my advice to you would be go to Recon. Create a profile and list yourself as a sub in chastity who is looking to service a Dominant top orally exclusively. Agree that anal is one of your limits and explain that it won’t affect your ability to service and pleasure a Dominant Top. 

    If you were close to me, I would show you how I like my subs to submit to Me and how I like to be pleasured. 

  18. Can anyone tell me how difficult is it to find an Alpha Master? I see ads/posts for literally hundreds of sub guys looking for their Masters but also a good chunk of posts from their matches. 

    I feel bad for SubBottomKink cause I know a sub without an owner is a terrible thing, a sub needs to serve to feel whole and complete. 

    having said that, if I were in his shoes I would focus on looking for the right Owner but I also wanted to propose an alternative: two of my submissives started as regular bottoms to me. I trained them to become more than that. Take a little more pain. A little rougher. Some degrading. Each time a little more. Eventually I was able to mold them to my needs and what I want. 

    Maybe the same can be achieved with a willing top. For one, discard top/vers. That sounds like a switch and you don’t want that if you are a sub bottom. The rest is about offering the top the possibility of exploring kinks he might have or even be attentive about what his needs are and see if they can be taken to the max. 

    maybe a total top can be trained to be a Dom Master. 

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  19. I have always degraded the bottoms I use. They are not men nor women to me, just holes to receive my cock and cum. Not particularly great stuff, so...........yeah. Degradation, humiliation are all good. 

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  20. My sub has been locked for 7 months. A couple of weeks after I used him for the first time, I ordered him to get a lock he would be comfortable with for long term. 

    Very happy, he is totally devoted to his Man, as it should be. He gets released once a month to clean his pipes, I do my best to ruin his orgasms, he needs to be denied. 

    Also......Keep the keys in a combination safe lock, in case there’s an emergency I would give him the combo and he can unlock himself. 

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  21. Rape play is a pain in the ass to prep for, but once you’re ready, It’s incredibly fun for both parties. Having said that, they both need to be on the same page 

    You would be amazed at what different people consider to be called “rape”. Everyone has a different idea in their minds, so you both need to talk about it beforehand. For this reason, I only do it with my bf. 

    Once I am done using him, I pamper him. I know it is a difficult experience emotionally and physically and I let him sit on the tub with hot water and put some lotion (or ice) on the bruised areas. I also give him 24-48 hour recovering period (which is a lot for me, since I give him 2-3 loads a day) and kiss him a lot to show him that once the beast inside has been fed, I am back to being the guy they love. 

    hope this helps 

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