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Posts posted by Txyyxxxb

  1. I know this is a question that is replayed over and over again and always seems to end with somewhat of an indecisive answer but still, I ask the question to form a general consensus amongst members of the forum and hope that some of you can share your honest opinions/thoughts/experiences about penis size and whether it really matters for your top to have a larger penis during sex. Do you prefer your top being on the 'bigger' side and why? In your opinion, does a top with a bigger penis perform better? Is he able to use more positions when you have sex? Does the 'feeling', the friction and penetration of a bigger cock honestly feel better in your hole than an average sized cock? Like does it really make a significant difference? And a question for tops with large penises, what kind of impression and compliments did you receive from your bottoms after sex if any? Pain, discomfort or pleasure? Just anything you guys want to share about your thoughts and experiences on size and whether it really matters, I would really appreciate all your thoughts and oh yeah, don't forget to vote in the poll as well! :)

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