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Everything posted by Brizchaser

  1. Hard to find a place open in my area at the moment due to covid. Wasn't actively chasing at the time and the guy insists hes clean.
  2. Hoping for some opinions. So a few weeks ago i went for a hook up with a guy I was talking to on a dating app. He told me to wear a plug on the way over to him to get my ass open so he could get his tounge up. Once I got there he ate me for a good 20 minutes before we had protected sex, the condom was unbroken afterwards, I swallowed his load and left. When I got back I noticed some blood in my underwear but didn't think too much of it. 2 days later I was fine for most of the day but then over the space of an hour in the afternoon I started to get more and more sick, I had the worst fever of my life over the next 2 days before I started feeling better (on the first full day I went to the doctors and was given antibiotics). I know the time periods between events are very short but i cant get out of my mind that it is HIV. Thoughts on this would be helpful. Thanks
  3. I can’t believe you didn’t finish this 😭 was getting good!
  4. Race play sex is always incredible but as a white guy I would never be the one to initiate it. Being told white men are useless, little dick faggots who exist to be breeding holes for the superior black race then being made to beg for N dick and cum in my white pussy. I will never find another thing that will turn me on even half as much. Actually... maybe if someone were to add in that the N dick is gonna charge up my little white fuck hole...
  5. Guy from the south of the UK deciding to take the plunge and start seeking for gift givers with high VL to charge me. Willing to travel.
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