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Posts posted by Pig4Fucking

  1. 22 hours ago, taye said:

    Im actually Black unlike most other responders.  It is racist and offensive. A big turn off from strangers.  For me, its fake respect and fake admiration. There's race play but that's consensual.  There is nothing sexy about being reminded by strangers that you are discriminated against where it jeopardizes your life and quality of life. And then have someone who has no idea what's like to reduce you to a body part to be used while dismissing your struggle, that it's rooted in white supremacy or the fight for your very humanity.. Its not worship, it's a dismissive fantasy and discrimination.   No one calls latinos "brown dick" or asians "yellow dick" or indigenous people "red dick".  But its okay in porn or sexual fantasy to do it to Black men??  Check out Race Cooper, sex worker and now activist, he has a whole podcast about it.

    Most people reading here wont respect or dismiss this insight provided but then its not for you.  Its for the people who genuinely care, are curious and respect their fellow human...even when fantasizing. Consent is sexy. Even consenting to be used.



    I imagine many women of Asian derivation have similar feelings about men of all races who reduce them to little sex minxes whose key  purpose in life is to be subservient and sexually pleasing to males.


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  2. What I found was that if CumUnion is being held on a Wednesday or any weekday night, it’ll never achieve a high number of men nor the same vibe. Additionally I’ll add that if it’s held during week you can count on it being an early night since a large number will be working the following day.


    I’ll be in Ft. Lauderdale on June 3-6 so I’m going to hit SLAMMERS that Saturday night, June 3 and see how it goes. Thought I’d have something good to drink right before I get there and climb into a sling. Woof !




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  3. Ever notice in many of the medical office scenario pornos that while the patient is usually attractive 

    that the doctor or P.A. is a fat little fuddy duddy ?  Totally sobering. Makes me laugh when you watch 

    the ‘doc’ running his pudgy little stub fingers over the strapping young patient. 

    Where does it hurt young man ?,” asks Dr. Peter Pudgy. (You realize in a phone book that he is listed as Pudgy, Peter.)

    Makes me think that the guy portraying the doctor must have a financial take in it. Like those films with ‘Bobby’ who turns his baseball cap backwards before he proceeds to go down on a ‘straight’ man.


    “ Paging Dr. Pudgy. Dr. Pudgy you are needed in the Straight Hunk Examination Center. Paging Dr. Pudgy ……. “

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  4. 1 hour ago, ellentonboy said:

    Control others?  If there were no moderators this place would be a nightmare.  There has to be someone to go to in certains scenarios.


    Oh, I didn’t mean on here of course. I have noticed some moderators




    Again, I didn’t mean the moderators here. I was talking about moderators that I have noticed on other sites and yes, some just love to control people.

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  5. 6 minutes ago, ErosWired said:

    I’m not a mod here, but I have been elsewhere, and I can tell you that the hassle and headache associated with moderating leaves very little margin for reward of any kind. I can’t imagine anyone finding it “tremendously fulfilling”. It’s a pain in the ass, and the people who need moderating in the first place just make it more so. The internet has become so uncivil that moderation is a practical necessity now that people have forgotten how to behave toward one another. Where you don’t have it, you get dumpster fires and cesspits. Without moderation, a place like this would go rancid in a hurry.

    Oh, I didn’t mean on here of course. I have noticed some moderators on sites who most apparently have control issues and become petty, going after certain posters with frequency. It’s sort of like the media, if they like you they tend to give leeway, ignore your infraction & if they don’t care for you they tend to pick on anything that they can make an issue (out) of.

  6. 39 minutes ago, ellentonboy said:

    Wow, I  Ike it when Mr. Viking 8 X 6, doesn't find me inches  across from his  verbal corrections.  I  have been here for  a year now and made some major, if bot embarrassing mistakes. Though I may not be his favorite poster Mr. Viking 8X6 has showed me the errors of my ways without making me feel  like a dumb ass.  Have I been stupid,  Sure!!

    Let's allow the mods  to do their jobs because frankly, it is tough for them and they get little compensation (none) for having  to keep all of us in line!

    Though I doubt that there are financial compensations to being a moderator some really so enjoy being able to control others which for such a person is tremendously fulfilling.

  7. On 3/29/2023 at 1:37 PM, brnbk said:

    Racist Grindr - privilidge or prference


    Grindr announced last week that citizens inhabitants of the United States would get free HIV kits but no such program has been announced for Canada or Mexico. Does Grindr not think that people in other parts of America, let alone the world and ones which have similar infection rates as the US deserve HIV kits as well or is this privilege only for the US.


    The above post is an excellent example of misuse of the word Racist
    GRINDR nor the company they’ve partnered with to distribute the hiv kits have given no indication that the kits are being offered exclusively to any one race nor that any race of people is being excluded.

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  8. On 4/27/2022 at 8:35 AM, rawTOP said:

    Not only that, our current Vice-President co-sponsored FOSTA/SESTA. So the situation is unlikely to change any time soon.

    [think before following links] https://filtermag.org/presidential-hopeful-kamala-harris-made-sex-workers-lives-more-dangerous/ 

    The woman is borderline retarded so one cannot in all fairness have any expectations. She finds herself charming and tries to giggle her way out of having to answer difficult questions by using coy behavior.

  9. You’ll have fun. I’ve stayed there a half dozen times in the past X years and always have fun. I will say you are more likely to have a hot time if there’s an event going on like CumUnion.

    Also, call ahead and find out if they have 1) any construction going on ? & 2) is everything inside currently open and working ?  Last time I was there which was this past October CCBC had their slings down and some play areas cordoned off. I asked about it at the office and was told that was because of the  Monkey Pox virus was at its height.

    (And) when I was there last May I was advised when checking in that they had several female guests and to act accordingly, i.e. ‘No fucking out in the open !’ I asked why the fuck they had some women staying there period. I mean, WTF ? CCBC is suppose to a gay men’s 3 acre playground. The guy behind the counter told me that they could be sued if they refused to allow women to stay there. I don’t know about the legal aspects but I did see the one woman as she was in a room 2 doors from mine. She checked out the following day. If you’re laying out $ 250. a night for a room, you might well want to verify the potential activities I mention above because if there’s construction going on, play areas closed, women guests then you might as well stay somewhere else for a lot less $$$. The rooms at CCBC are alright but pretty utilitarian made of cinderblock construction. We want to stay there to let loose, be men: naked, on the prowl and looking to conquer or be be conquered. Anything hindering those basics neutralizes the reasons to stay there and there’s plenty of other places to stay.

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  10. On 4/12/2022 at 1:59 PM, ellentonboy said:

    I had a membership a number of years ago and went during a Sunday afternoon. I know the Sawmill is open to all but I was surprised about the number of nude women who were there, I just did not think it was a place that attracted a strong lesbian crowd.  Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against gay women, but I am curious what the ratio is now?  

    I do. Just as lesbians do not want men in lesbian bars regardless of venue. Now if this place is open to everyone than there isn’t anything to be done.  I don’t care if women, any women want to go into a gay men’ bar that’s a dance bar, neighborhood bar unless it’s a leather bar with play areas etc. I’ve been in a few over the years when there’s some action going on and some cupcake  thinks he’s cute by bringing in a couple of female friends who like to look over at the guys screwing around while sipping on their drinks and make faces like they’re aghast. Piss off. I went over to one guy who’d pulled this stunt one time and pointedly asked, “what the hell is wrong with you ?” 

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  11. On 10/13/2018 at 12:37 PM, Japbtm said:

    I had two famous porn stars. One BBC for TIM who everyone must know and believe it or not a cumdump bottom who rose from amateur video to making famous cumdump videoes. 

    Met a famous cumdump at the Folsom Gulch as true to his title of Cummings, he took any cock he could get, including mine. He must have been horny and into me because he turned around and bred me! That was my most memorable fuck, like getting an autograph of cum in my guts. 

    SF was great, took some great cock. How about you guys? Any famous and memorable cocks? 

    I fucked him at M.A.L. about 5 years ago. Sweet guy and a nice piece of ass.  Have also been with 2 guys who’ve worked with TREASURE ISLAND. Both were excellent fucks.

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  12. The pig bottom in this video is either exTremely relaxed or a terrific actor. I think it’s both but with an emphasis on the former. Watching how much black dildo he took down his pig gullet while the top was shoving more and more of it into his pussy mouth made my cock hard. Would love to fuck the pig like he takes it here; yank up on his collar denying him oxygen and giving him some erotic asphyxia as he comes all over himself. FUCK !

    [think before following links] https://xhamster.com/videos/fistinginferno-hunk-officer-turns-into-body-builders-bitch-xhdQ2o5


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