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Everything posted by TheRaunchiestPup

  1. an "ex" hahaha
  2. You'd think that the sheer volume and warmth of so much fluid would feel obvious, but it's not. I've heard younger stories from some of my top daddies about their first time taking piss in the ass unknowingly they get up and not realizing what just happened.. splash, like.. sprint to the toilet his hole's too loose! (in my head a voice..) Yes... Pissing in an ass is a thing, welcome to your new perverted life, you have successfully deepened your limits. We laugh about it all the time.
  3. Screw pissing in somebody else's ass. When i'm high and spun at home, I put my cock up my own ass and start pissing in it. I piss a little in the toilet to test that it's chem piss and I always take it slow and careful to never spill a drop, plugging up my hole right away, or laying upside down in the tub to fuck myself with some anal beads. Hearing that swishing, splashing sound like water in a deep well is reallllllllllly pervy.
  4. I have a Daddy who I sometimes parties with. He'd only be into piss when he's high which is perfect because you're guaranteed chem piss with him every time. He'd blow a big cloud into my ass and fuck me for hours, dumping loads after load and churning up his cum like butter. Finally he'd finish by pissing in me to flush it all down deep into my gut, I'd go plug myself with my discreet vibrating plug and relax upside down against the bed to make sure it all gushes as deep into my gut as possible. While i'm busy getting high (again) from his chem piss, he grabs my bottle and pisses inside, finishing up the last of it. (what a sweetheart). he knows that afterwards when I leave for the bath houses, I like to dip all my toys in his chem piss and fuck myself with it, one dip one fuck, one dip one fuck. People I've told this story to always tells me, "isn't that really ineffective lube?" and I reply "of course it is! that's the point! I'm raw dogging with my meth daddy's piss. My hole gets torn and tendered up so I can absorb his juicy love even quicker into my bloodstream." of course you get dehydrated very quickly this way, so you always want to be chugging gatorade or have abundance supplies of water. p.s. when the bottle gets half empty, I add my own piss in for the last leg. Dad and son's chem piss, mixed together inside my hole. p.p.s. because of the expectations to be The RaunchiestPup, some things I might beg him to do differently are.... top off the bottle with his drool and spit when he's filling it up. blow a big cloud into my ass before he fills it up with piss, I love the idea of the clouds mixing together with his piss like a human water bong. don't piss first then blow clouds though, we've tried that and it turns you into a messy geyser... wasteful.
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