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Posts posted by Pozme1981

  1. 3 hours ago, Pozlover1 said:

    I never criticize people for wanting HIV or other STD’s.  If that’s what you want I support your quest. 

    I never criticize anyone for taking multiple anon loads if that’s what you want to do. 

    I do try to discourage stealthing and taking loads just to feel worthless. 

    What has worked for me is to have sex with interesting guys, even anon, without even  considering HIV or any other  STD’s they might have. 

    As said before you you are a good help as well 

  2. 1 hour ago, BBBoyfromTN said:

    . You may get guys saying they want to get pozzed and then coming after the guy who did it after it happens as they have "buyers remorse". Well, then what? Do you have to videotape guys saying they want it? Having them sign an affidavit and getting it notarized? This is why it's just so much easier to do anon sex in bathrooms, sex clubs, bathouses, parks and such. You'll never see the guy again.

    That’s why I would keep all texts pm email so on so you can prove they wanted it so on 


    I for one know the risks and want to take that risk if I get it I will be happy but I will not go to the person that gave it me and try to take them to court that’s why now asking on line on here other gay sites and go to bath houses and ask for it bb I don’t ask there name so on 


    if you are scared about a chaser keep all  chat so on 

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  3. 17 hours ago, bbtwink95 said:

    So I was talking to this guy on Grindr and the subject of me being undetectable or using condoms came up. We make plans and he shows up, breeds me and leaves. He then asks me a few days later if I’m clean. I tell him I’m undetectable and he freaks out and blocks me. 


    So then I decide to put undetectable on the status section of Grindr. Guy hits me up. Again condoms or me being poz doesn’t come up. He shows up, breeds me and leaves. A few days later we’re talking in grindr and tells me that he just saw that i have undetectable in grindr and gets pissed off. 


    What do you guys do in these scenarios?  Just tell them right away that your undetectable? 

    Should I of told them before meeting up? 

    If they pick to do bb with you it’s there risk as some people don’t know if there have any stds 

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