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Everything posted by Ipiephantom

  1. Just got home from the top’s hotel. He was a bit buzzed, closer to drunk, muscular and insisted on wearing a condom. He was riding my ass pretty hard with his slightly lubed raw dick though, honestly thought he was going to stealth me but I think he was genuine in wanting a condom. Fucked me for a bit with one on, then got a bit soft so he took it off to get hard again. I said he could go without if he wanted, but he said he always stays safe. He fucked me for a bit with the second one. I thought I felt it pop, he stopped for a second but started fucking me hard again, then said “I think it broke” and pulled out. He said he thinks the alcohol was making it hard to cum, so I offered to go bare again, but he said that he just wanted to jack. I laid next to him and was rubbing his body and nips while he jacked, he lube up more. I asked him to cum on my hole so when he thought he might be close he rolled me over and started jacking next to my ass. The he started riding my hole really hard again with his raw dick and pushing up against it slightly. I told him to shove it in. I couldn’t see but he was grabbing something off the night stand, thought it was another condom but didn’t hear the wrapper so honestly wasn’t sure. He lubed up with his bottle and shoved his dick back in my and fucked me even harder till he moaned from cumming. I felt a bit wet and got excited,l. Sure enough, when he pulled out and I looked at his dick, he was raw! Glad I got his load because he was damn sexy. I’m absorbing it inside me right now.
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