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  1. Yeah, I've wanted to have a much smaller cock for a long long time.
  2. I would love to get some messages like that myself.
  3. Well, not being fucked, but I did once take $20 to give a friend a blowjob. It was kind of a roleplay, but at the same time he did actually pay me the money, and I did earn it. Honestly would love to do more of that sometime.
  4. I'm pretty sure I would have to get it, if it was a real thing.
  5. The older I get, the hotter I find the idea of incest role play where I get to be some young dom's submissive daddy
  6. Being in a relationship with a guy who forces me to sell everything and move across the country to be with him, but won't let me actually live in his place, instead making me live out in the alley behind it. Getting me hooked on drugs, forcing me to beg and taking every cent I get from it, whoring me out to other homeless guys and just completely ruining me. When he's finally done with me, shoving me on a bus for some distant city, not caring what happens to me when I get there.
  7. I absolutely love being on the receiving end of SPH, even though I'm actually a bit above average size wise.
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