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Posts posted by Hairypiglet

  1. You're writing beautifully. Don't be too concerned with others desires, just let the story drive you.

    You know where to go, just trust it and whenever you think you should play it safe reject that notion and push the narrative deeper and darker.

    Go for the jugular. Kill your darlings. If it scares you to write, write it even more detailed than you want to.

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  2. It's not just about positions of authority.


    My Phys.Ed. teacher in 8th was a gorgeous bull of a man, but also he cared about me. I was large and extremely hairy, I was a violinist built like a linebacker and hairier than most adults. They called me sasquatch. He used to stand by my locker, which happened to be right in front of his office, and just chat with me during changing. I rememberone afternoon he told me the other students were jealousthey hadn'tgone through puberty yet and I could already grow a beard. It wasn't authoritative at all, he made me feel safe. He was married, just genuinely a great man a good teacher.

    In high school I had another Phys.Ed. teacher, Coach Nickerson, the football coach. He was tall, built like a freight train, no one challenged him. I'm sure he could have knocked anything out. The kind of man myths are written about. But again, he was soft with me. I was a giant too, but I've never been aggressive. He tried to get me on the team, but I'm just not wire that way. I remember when we had to do stretches over a box as part of our testing and I could not only reach my toes, but put my arms over the box and my entire hand folded down the back of it, he and the cheerleaders couldn't believe it. He wasn't as protective as my previous PE teacher, but I never felt vulnerable. A couple years later he was promoted to VP and I'm certain he had a part in helping me get through some issues where I was being threatened and harassed for being gay.

    Then in my senior year, I had the opportunity to be a Psych TA for a gorgeous man. I hadn't been in his psych class. My psych teacher the previous year was actually the baseball and softball coach, who was actually a minor league player. He was handsome, but not my type. But I took his class and we got along. In my senior year I had extra credits, he wasn't teaching psych, so I got him to push me through and another teacher accepted me as assistant. I can't even remember his name, only that he wore thick-rimmed glasses, had a POW-MIA flag over his desk, and had a smile that could open your soul. I hated my life and was on a lot of drugs that year. He knew, but he always aided me. He didn't turn me in, he just gave me assignments that allowed me to hide in the staff room for extra hours or sent me to run exams through the scanner. I was always so high from pills I could have slept standing up. I remember his name was Matt, I think. My attraction to him had nothing to do with his authority. I had desired him for years, but was never lucky enoughto have him as a teacher. He was gorgeous. Perfectly sculpted slender nerd. I remember falling asleep at the back of class one day after grading papers for him. I felt a hand through my hair and when I looked up it was him smiling down at me. He told me to go make him some copies. Fuck, what was his name?

    Laguna Creek High School '03

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  3. Oh, and another textbook used in many anthropology courses is "The Anthropology of Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft" by Stein and Stein. Can't believe I forgot about that. It was my first anthropology study at uni.

  4. You should start with "The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology" by Robbins and "The History of Hell" by Turner. Both are excellent books that will present you with an extremely broad introduction. From there you may find a more specific interest as hell and demons have numerous origins, interpretations, and practices. 

  5. I wish I had known about this site when I lived there in 2013. I went 3 weeks and only hooked up with two guys, one was from the states like me.

    If I had known about Heath I would have been there every day as it was not far from my house on Wetherill in Muswell and I passed Heath almost every day getting home from the theater.

    I had read about cottaging and cruising in the UK. I walked a couple parks, but I guess I was at the wrong ones, because I never witnessed anything.

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  6. It's called homosocialism. When a friendly connection betweem members of the same sex exhibit an affectionate relationship without intercourse. This can include hugging, cuddling, holding hands in public, and even simple kisses. This is far more prevalent in some cultures such as Japan and Europe. 

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  7. I love my FT parachute magnet weight. However my husband borrowed them one day and experienced the pop-off when getting up at work and they fell through his underwear, down his pant leg and onto the floor of the hallway outside his cubicle. I've never experienced it myself, but I have rather large and loose hangers.

  8. Can I just say that I am absolutely fucking fed up with assholes who still think they know what and how HIV is and affects people and thinks that shit is simple.

    3 people fucked by the same HVL person:

    1 is unaffected (we have a vague idea of a genetic reason why a select few are immune)

    The other two are infected. However, one is dead in 5yrs and one lives for 10.

    We still don't understand exactly why/how the virus has such vastly differing affects other than its ability to mutate quickly and adapt to its new host.

    By the fucking way, this is also why we don't understand how to cure/eradicate it.

    "Talk to your [fucking] doctor"... I see him more than most of my own damn family. I'm at a point where the decision is literally a coinflip between having a cd4 count of 50 or just letting nature take its course.

    Go fuck yourself with a chainsaw.

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  9. 11 hours ago, TotalTop said:

    Talk to your doctor.

    Who do you think is giving me these meds?

    I talk to the doc about everything all the time.

    There isn't anything to be done really.

    Meds barely work on me and when they do the side effects are so great it's hardly worth the nominal boost to my life expectancy. 

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  10. I literally can't decide what to do now. I've been poz since 2006. Meditated most of the time. Went full blown from 2019-21. Now I'm borderline on meds, but every medication they give me causes insane side effects from immense weight gain to lactic acidosis, hepatic inflammation, and diabetes.


    So basically I am dying at the age of 37 and I get to choose what from?


    I will choose to go balls to the fucking wall burn up faster than the Challenger.

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