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Posts posted by Hairypiglet

  1. This thread is a perfect example of why I'm  not the slut I used to be. I remember twenty years ago using A4A, Craigslist, and Adultfriendfrinder, etc... I was a fucking prostitute most days, but some days I was looking for actual connections. Not once in two years did I experience any flaking. There is an overabundance of apps and a sexual awakening in many that has led to a flooding of markets.

    I think that if a man flakes on you it just means that he has thrown a wide net and either someone else got to him first or someone "better" took the bait.

    "Better" to mean anyone who suits the persons preferences more than you.

  2. On 9/25/2021 at 3:17 PM, NYCboycumhole said:

    Equally frustrating, I had a top that was chatting with me on Twitter dm saying he wanted to breed me. Traveled 20 min to the hotel he was staying at, while staying in constant contact with him over DM, he gives me the room number and when I get there an older Asian woman opens the door. And when I message the guy on DM he’s ghosted me. I had cleaned out for a promised deep breeding and traveled 20 min all for nothing. 

    That was probably some asshole kid staying in an adjacent room lining men up to knock on that old ladies door just so he could laugh from behind his curtain every time he heard the knocks and door opening.

    "You know, I really hate children."

  3. It's correlation. People with autism are less likely to stand their ground in regards to practicing safe sexas well as having tactile aversions and skin/touch sensitivities that might inhibit their use if certain items for safe sex. I don't use social media anymore, so I can't find the links, but there was an autistic guy with HIV in Toronto putting out all kinds of survey studies that showed correlation between autism and HIV risk.

  4. 8 hours ago, Sfmike64 said:

    The problem with any oil based lube is that it will stain absolutely everything. Sheets, clothes, mattresses…..doesn’t matter it will stain them and it’s impossible to get those stains out. And when that oil gets rancid, the item in question will have a stain and smell bad. Oil based lubes will also destroy any latex fetish wear you have.

    Coconut oil doesn't stain like that. It washes right out every time. I am allergic to everything and have been using coconut oil as a lotion, a lube, in baths, as mouthwash, as a face scrub regimen with baking soda... it doesn't stain at all. I 100% have never had anything stained by coconut oil.

  5. 15 hours ago, Trash said:

    Just straight up coconut oil or some sort of coconut oil lube?

    I buy organic coconut oil by the gallon from Costco. It's the same price as the exact same brand in a quart size from the grocery store. It's slick like silicone and while it does absorb into the skin like lotion it does so very slowly, so it remains slick like lube. Because it is an oil it doesn't take a lot. As for the frozen suppositories, if you put one in before driving to a hookup it will be nice and warm and oily by the time you arrive. He will be able to spit and shove and think you have loads of cum already in you. 

  6. A number of studies link autism and HIV risk. I am one of those statistics. I have not seen any discussions of this correlation on BZ. I'm going to use this thread to forward information on the correlation of ASD and HIV because it is a very real thing that statistics are proving despite not being widely discussed in academic circles.

  7. Carlos and his husband went on to be healthy parents. They adopted a couple kids and moved to Oregon, where Carlos is actually a member of church leadership. But that isn't  the where this story is going. 

    This story now focuses on the drop-dead gorgeous otter Eric that I met at the Eagle that night. Whom I didn't  actually hook up with until a year later.

    When we initially met we were both single, but were at a sex festival with other people. I had tried to connect with him, but he was dating someone, so nothing ever came of it.

    A year later when we ran into one another in a Sacramento bar, The Depot, we reconnected in a cliché love at first sight manner. I was poz, not on meds, he was neg. We used condoms, but uncomfortably as I'm very skin-sensitive to everything.

    I thought he was the one. We were perfect together. Our older brothers were on the same soccer team at the same high school where he and I would have probably been together if my parents hadn't dragged me to a different  district. Eric and I loved whole-heartedly. We were devoted to one another, but also still young and learning. 

    But when we finally connected romantically I was poz and he was just gutting out of a relationship with a man whom he thought had accidentally stealthed him. What resulted was an awkward relationship that devolved through mutual coke use and his admitted fears of even going to get tested. He assumed he was poz, but was afraid of it, so he refused to get tested and refused to play bare.

    Our relationship imploded. I thought it was because I wanted coke all the time, but he later admitted it was because he was insecure and unsure of his status.

    We grew up together. His parents loved me.

    We stood on the sidelines cheering our brothers on.

    We diverged.

    We did drugs together and loved each other like so few experience.

    And then it was just over. It ended as a result of two perspectives: I thought he felt I was too connected to drugs. He feared he was poz and somehow, despite my already being poz, it was an obstacle our relationship couldn't overcome.

    After we separated his parents still wondered why. No one understood what happened. Not even us. The final night was a terrible mash. He truly thought he was poz by his previous boyfriend and retreated and I thought he was just rejecting me. In some ways I suppose it's both. He rejected me because I am poz and he was afraid to be.

    We've cleared it up. I still love him. I love completely. I never stop loving those I've loved before.

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  8. 11 minutes ago, ErosWired said:

    So Palmolive works well? That’s good to know - I’ve spent ages trying to clean up after J-Lube. Not that the person using it was being particularly tidy...

    That's why I like a pump bottle and a towel down. It's a lot easier to control the pump and the towel goes right in the wash on a warm setting. Dish soap is great for most toys and bodies, but remember to care for you precious silicone toys and sensitive skin men. I have sensitive skin so I only use free and clear detergents and Odoban disinfectant in laundry rinse cycles. If you're doing really heavy play a wide bowl on the towel can collect J-lube that leaks out so it can be reapplied, in the same session only, which reduces what collects on the towel. Call me Samantha Stevens because I make those messes disappear.

  9. Just a nice little allegory on the topic of fucking the politically inept...

    When I lived in Colorado there was this extremely hot Latinx Army vet with a huge dick and a cushy Wal-Mart IT job. Proverbial perfect catch that mom and dad would love. He wanted to go slow. Kinda made me swoon. Anyways, we're laying in bed watching a movie, clothes on, only made out a bit... conversation shifts to politics somehow and his family being immigrants, probably a tangent from my history as a born and bred Cali boy growing up in So.Cal. Brown communities. 

    Finally he unapologetically says that he voted for Trump and firmly believes it was the right choice.

    I told that mind-blowingly perfectly amazing piece of prime wagyu beef with an uncut PBR tall boy between his thighs to get out of my house because I don't care how fucking perfect you seem if you align politically in that way you can fuck right off away from me. I don't even want to give you time tied up victim to my paddles and fists.

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  10. 4 hours ago, ErosWired said:

    Actually, coconut oil, for all its charms, is not ideal for fisting. Fisting calks for lubrication with an absolutely tenacious slickness that doesn’t wipe away and doesn’t suddenly absorb away at the worst possible moment. I find that the warmer coconut oil gets, the thinner and more waterlike it becomes. For fisting, you need stable consistency and slickness that stays where you need it. Crisco seems to be the Everyman’s alternative, but as @WelshBBCigarFuck notes above, the gold standard for fisting is J-Lube. J-Lube, however, in my experience takes “messy” to a whole new  level - like a you-really-ought-to-lay-down-tarps level. But absolutely gets a fist where a fist has no real business going.

    J-lube cleans up as easy as Crisco, palmolive dish soap bitches. For extreme ass play it's helpful to actually utilize a combination of lubes. I coat my hole and toy with Crisco and then I use a mix of coconut oil, water, and J-lube powder that I keep in a pump bottle in my fridge that I can microwave when needed. It doesn't keep for long, but if you mix a pump bottle it lasts a few sessions and can safely be kept in the fridge for a couple weeks. I've been doing this since experimenting with it earlier this year. I've never been able to take a fist, but I'm now capable of sliding right down on some serious toys.

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  11. 7 hours ago, TwinkFoot said:

    After I hooked up with that guy I bought myself some, and it arrived yesterday. It is a massive gallon of coconut oil. I didnt think I had ordered that much but I clearly have enough now to fist the whole city lol. Ill start putting it to use.

    Heh... I'm in DFW if you want some extra tips. I've developed a great coconut oil, water, and J-lube ratio that feels amazing. 

  12. 3 hours ago, TwinkFoot said:

    Im pretty new to using coconut oil as a lubricant and figured I would give it a try since I met this guy in Prague that gave me a coconut oil massage head to toe and then he fucked me with the oil. When the coconut oil is inside your ass does it eventually solidify and is difficult to remove or uncomfortable unlike lube such as gun oil or platinum?

    Coconut oil is great! It has a really low melting point, so it turns liquid slightly above room temp. Inside you it will remain liquid and you'll learn quickly that just about as soon as it touches you it melts. Freeze it in an ice cube tray to make great lube suppositories. Guys love the feel because it feels a lot like a cum-filled ass once it warms up. Plus it's perfectly healthy. 

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  13. I contracted HIV on purpose because 15yrs ago my options were to use condoms or accept the risk. I grabbed the bull by the horns and put myself in a position to become poz so I was no longer fearful.

    You don't live in the same world that I did. Figure your shit out and take care of yourself.

    If you're afraid of STIs use condoms.

    If you're afraid of HIV take PrEP.

    This conversation keeps coming up yet these options have existed for ten years or more. Yes, PrEP was actually administered that long ago. Educate yourself. If you're still scared use condoms.

    I've honestly grown impatient with this discussion.

    It's absolutely simple. If you want to bareback take PrEP or accept the risk.


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  14. Not as much molested, but manipulated and used. My first sexual encounter was with my best friend. I had finally realized I was gay and came out to him. 8mo later I stayed a weekend with him after vacationing with my mother through summer. He told me how handsome I was, how much he wanted me. Got me to suck him off. He ghosted me after that. So I called all our friends and told everyone he was a closet homosexual who used me. I heard je got kicked out of high school for drug use, but we went to different high schools. Looked him up a few years ago, he joined the navy, married a woman, and had a daughter. I've been in love with him since the moment I first saw him, but I also think he is the most heinous person in my life. Still, of he showed up at my doorstep I will always accommodate his needs and I have never stopped wishing and wondering how things could have been different if my folks hadn't moved to the nearby town, separating us before high school.

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  15. Being a cumdump does not mean being a bugchaser. When I was 20 we didn't have PrEP so as a cumdump I turned to chasing so I could control the when/how/who of being pozzed.

    A cumdump is a bottom who gets pleasure from being a submissive receptacle of and outlet for tops in need of the pleasures of release. Thanks to PrEP there are a lot more cumdumps who can fulfill their fantasies without the risks of seroconversion.

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  16. 6 hours ago, leatherpunk16 said:

    This is actually what the Prep was designed for. So if one finds themselves in such a situation, they can still be a ho and do so with no headaches about it. 

    If you're doing Prep and taking it correctly, your chances of exposure are almost zero.

    Undetectable is untransmittable.

    On PrEP is unreceptive.

    The statistics are down to the billionth.

    If you take your meds regularly or if he takes his regularly you can fuck with near reckless abandon. If both of you are on meds (even if he is mildly detectable) then it's actually safer than fucking someone with a condom who is not on meds.

    There is a lot of confusion and fear in the growing acceptance of what modern science and medication have come to understand about HIV. It is actually becoming more and more difficult to transmit, even when we want it to.

    Some men actively chase toxic loads for years. Both of my boys did. And they both remained neg until I came along. One took repeated regular fucking without lube for months. The other took a month of extreme fucking and blood-swapping.

    You've been following the site a long time so you've seen how many of the chasers are constantly at it trying to get pozzed for months or years before their chase is over.

    One toxic load is not going to convert you.

    Get him to fuck you repeatedly and keep your lose and worn out hole filled with cum all weekend and you might. But a once and done most likely won't do it.

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