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  1. It’s so true what is said, once you take a load there is no going back. That feeling as a man shoots his cum inside your hole Is like no other and I couldn’t go back to using condoms now. We all have our role and place in life. I’ve learnt recently that those of us who are destined to be cumholes for men who need release should embrace and accept that position. I’m a dirty Fag whore and I’m only good for being used and dumped in. And I’m finally starting to be ok with that.
  2. Thank you guys for your advice so far, it’s really appreciated. I went on holiday to a well know gay resort for these past few days. It’s a place with lots of gay cruise bars in a small area and I think I took 36 loads in three days in a combination of sex clubs, darkrooms and Grindr meets. I couldn’t stop, I just bent over for anyone. My boyfriend knew I was in these places because he was in them too (although we separated for a bit each night to do our own thing) but he doesn’t know I was taking loads. It felt so good to have random men cum in me and walk away right after. I don’t think I can stop.
  3. So I’d really appreciate your insight and ideas with something I’m struggling with right now. I’m a regular guy, good job, house, partner of 15 years. Loads going for me you might say. My partner and I have been open for a few years and I was cheating way before that. I was always safe, obsessively so. If I ever had a broken condom or something I’d get pep and take it a month etc. I was paranoid about getting HIV. Over the last year or so I’ve completely turned the other way and have started being a no loads refused cumdump. This year alone in 2020 so far I’ve been with 85 men and been bred off anyone who has offered. I don’t know what’s changed or why I’m putting myself in this position. All I know is that I can’t bring myself to have safe sex anymore even when I tell myself I must. some of the guys who have bred me have been ugly, abusive, violent etc but I still take their load. I only feel useful when a man is seeding me. Of course they all quickly pull up their trousers and leave me alone when they’re done so I go hunting for the next man to show me interest. why is this? Any ideas guys? Should I carry on or get help? thanks
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