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Everything posted by Mldude77

  1. You perfectly illustrate why many of the issues surrounding race will never end. I don't understand why there is a need to always attempt try to equate something to race. To use your example, bug chasing is a choice. The last time I checked race and the horrible treatment of POC in the US. To answer your question, I only read a few lines. But I was curious as to given all the other stuff on this site,why this one thead regarding Black people had a note from the moderator attached to it, and what I saw crossed a line. I know why, but don't understand why POC must continuously justify what is offensive to them. Have all the Mandingo complex, and race play you want. But when you are posting something in a public forum, and one of the first words is nigger, then there is an issue. That word is unacceptable to use anytime. Period. Full stop. Can you imagine had I written a story and talked about Hitler, and ovens all the while using derogatory terms to describe a Jewish person? It would have been removed immediately. And while you may not understand the harm in using this word, if the moderator was Black they would This isn't to say a white person couldn't be empathetic, but I certainly wouldn't be here trying to explain why something is offensive. Believe people when they say they are offended. It's not up to you or anyone else to try to say if how they feel is valid or not.
  2. So here is the thing. Is the moderater white? Because as a black person this is deeply offensive. Between the objectification, stereotyping, and the general depiction of all black men as thugs in these stories isn't that enough? As someone who much deal with this in every day life, I don't want to read or see it. Even if it is fiction.
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