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Chapter 13 hope you all enjoy don't worry we will get back to the main gang and there hunt for Gray soon and i have plans for poor Conner who may get his dream of being a sex zombie soon enough 😈 13 - no good deed goes unpunished Karl and Shiro walked around the perimeter of the darkened Gentech building, flashlights scanning the grass and pathway for any signs of Andy. They had both heard the strange howls even mid fuck Karl had brushed them off but his favorite Twinkie Cock sleeve had been spooked, so when Andy did not answer the radio or his phone Shiro had been too worried about Andy to finish the fun they had started. So now Karl was pissed off with Andy and frustrated his semi hard cock still leaking precum forming a noticeable damp patch on his combats. “yu know this is just a waste o’ Feckin time right, he’s just fucking around causing a ruckus so we come a runnin” the rough voice Harsh in the silence as Karl stopped and lit his cigar puffing smoke into the night air. Shiro turned and shook his head “no something's up Andy may throw his tantrums now and then but this doesn't feel right” he paused the smell of the cigar smoke hitting him and making shudder as his cock sutured again, Karl knew the effect it had on him and the old bastard was grinning at his shudder, he was enjoying this. “Anyway, how did he make those noises huh?” Karl shrugged and grinned taking a moment to blow more pungent smoke into the air around Shiro, watching the twink squirm and his pants grow tighter in the torch light. The thought drifted into his mind that he knew the little man's buttons so well he could probably make him cream right now with just with a few words in the right tone but the fun would have to wait much to his annoyance. He shrugged again and sighed “kay you got a point but I still think the lazy fuck is back here jackin it or someat not like he’s getting any from home poor fuck” Its was around 20 mins later they found the piss-stained wall, the blatant signs of a struggle, Andys cloths and kit looking like it had been ripped off and scattered haphazardly in the long grass. Karl found stamped down the area dripping in a black oily substance, found the pool of the ooze streaked with what could only be blood at the ass end of a human imprint still clearly viable, and the radio only a few feet away would have been just out of reach. Shiro's was the first to speak his voice barley a whisper “what the fuck happened here … where's Andy?” Karl shook his head his torch beam lighting up the grassland in front of them. His mind raced seeing two trails leading into the near perfect darkness of the field. one was larger probably the people that had done this the other was likely only one person could be Andy looking for help. “Not a fuckin clue kid but whatever it was is long gone … but I think Andy stumbled off lookin for help” Shiro nodded his eyes wide “should we call it in?” his hands already reaching for the radio at collar but was stopped by Karl’s hand on his pushing it back down. “nah boy would be stuck ‘ere answering dumb questions first we find the fuck up and then we tell the high ups” As he spoke, he was already striding with confidence he did not feel into the Darkness followed by his young companion, not knowing what he would find and unaware that this small choice may have doomed the world as he knew it. …....................................................... Rashid and Rick were 10 minuets out when they got the call for from dispatch about a collapsed male convulsing and turning gray likely overdose, dispatch was unclear on the full details as the person calling was distraught and hard to understand, possibly also drunk given the area the call had come from. Rick looked over and shrugged as he flicked on the sirens and headed for the location “I'm guessing hoax or another dog” the elder man muttered as the lights of the city flew past his reflection in the window screen, a grizzled man in his late fifties that had seen too much. When they arrived and Rashid jumped out of the ambulance first it was a hot night and he was down to a tight T-shirt which showed off his muscular arms and chest his EMT jacket left discarded on the seat, medical backpack in one hand leaving Rick to speak with dispatch. The young man did not expect to see the strange scene In front of him. The blue strobing lights of the ambulance illuminated three women around an almost naked man his shirt open and his pants and underwear around his ankles exposing a penis so large Rashid had to do a double take his skin from his ankles to the base of his neck was an almost solid grey with black veins clearly visible like an ink spiderweb and he was cut muscles clearly visible under the toned strange coloured skin and he was laying in a pool of what looked like oil seeming to be smeared with the same substance. The man a guy Rashid would put not far his own age was unmoving with a blond woman hitting his chest and shouting Jamie which must be his name. The ambulance tech knelt next to Jamie trying to avoid the oily substance and asked for Laura to move away while he worked. Partially to get some space partially to get her out of that pool. He unzipped the bag and began to work checking the man's pulse and breathing, as he did, he fired a barrage of questions to the woman “when had they found him?”, “Was he responsive?”, “Had he been drinking tonight?” and “did he take anything other than alcohol?” The woman answered as best as they could and Rashid got the full story of the night up to Laura leaving. Rick jumped out of the ambulance still on with dispatch when he saw Jamie and his eyes widened in shock a few rushed words later and the radio went silent, Jake rushed to the back of the ambulance and pulled out the gurney rolling up the pair on the ground rick whispered “how's he doing?” as he knelt down next to his college Rashid shook his head looking directly into Ricks eye’s. the young man's pulse and breathing were too fast and too weak he doubted he would even make it to the hospital given his condition “look ladies I'm going to need to get him to the hospital right now” as he was speaking, He helped Rick get the young man on the gurney trying to avoid spreading the oily substance quickly giving up as it coated everything in a film of filth, they moved quickly to the ambulance explaining to the women as they went where they needed to go and the two that had been stood back holding the sobbing blond women all of them in shock. Rashid jumped in the back and sealed the doors locking himself in with Jamie as Rick climbed back into the front and began to drive away, As the ambulance began to move Jamie began to convulse again and Rashid noticed the discoloration had spread across the man's head and feet and under the sounds of Jamie's abrupt movements and the sounds of the speeding ambulance a strange cracking and popping noise, he failed to notice Jamie's limbs and elongating or the last of his fat stores being converted to muscle as he turned to an overhead locker. Rashid had his back turned when Jamie opened his eyes for the first time the black orbs focusing on the Rashids movements as he reached into an overhead locker pulling out a bag of clear fluid and an IV kit the new creature sniffed the air treated to a heady mix of his masters cum, his piss and the male’s sweat it let out a groan of need and Rashid spun around at the noise from his patient. “Jamie … Jamie can you hear me my name is Rashid I'm an EMT you were found unconscious in an alleyway” As he spoke, he had pulled a pen light and leaned down to check Jamie's eyes pulling back slightly at the sight of the pure black orbs looking back at him. The moment of confusion is when the creature struck. Before Rashid could react, Jamie's mouth was pressed against his and he felt the man's long tongue invade his mouth and throat, he gaged Pushed Jamie off and stumbled away coughing his eyes shot to the emergency intercom but his thoughts felt sluggish and he found it hard to think. Jamie sat up on the gurney as he watched Rashid try to form a plan to get help. He could tell the moment the man’s mind stopped fighting; it was when his eyes were moving across Jamie's body instead of the wall behind him. He could see the look of revulsion turn to a look of desire as Rashid's eyes fixed on his dick which had begun to grow hard. Jamie pulled the remainder of his shirt off and let the jeans caked in his makers cum fall to the ground before he stood his veins had begun to pulse with an eerie green light Rashid could not understand why he was not feeling fear or disgust at the man In front of him he knew should be feeing both but instead he felt a heat in his chest and it spread across his body washing away his anxiety replacing it with a need for the Adonis before him, He broke out in a sweat and didn’t even question himself as his hands moved to his T-shirt and pulled off the sweat-soaked fabric letting it drop to the floor revealing his glistening body with its pelt of dark hair. Jamie moved forward like a predator his eyes not leaving his shirtless pray his grey arm reached out long fingers hooking the man by the belt pulling him slowly closer when he was close enough it let go of the belt and warped the arm around Rashid's waist, its other hand delicately lifted the man's head by the chin Jamie looked down into large confused brown eyes and soft lips trying to say something but before words could be formed Jamie kissed him deeply the tongue exploring the helpless mouth to a moan of pleasure. Jamie tongue withdrew and he began to lick and sniff down Rashid's neck and shoulder lifting his muscled arm to gain access to the armpit moist with sweat the creature let out a growl before burying its face as far as it could go its tongue lapping up the salty sweat savouring the taste and sent of the cavernous pit before moving to the next. Rashid shook with pleasure in the creature's grip unable to do anything but breathlessly whimper at the building pleasure. Next it moved down to the nipples nipping and teasing the sensitive areas it could see it was having the desired effect as Rashid’s cock strained against the fabric of his trousers as he groaned and shuddered his submission to the creature. Jamie's hands made quick work of the belt, as his mouth continue to work the stiff sensitive nipples of its pray, pulling the leather free and letting it fall to the metal floor. Next the sweat drenched trousers were ripped from the man's body their torn remains being discarded revealing his hairy muscled legs and tented white briefs. Jamie’s gray fingers moved over the fabric of the underwear that barley contained the straining cock a thick patch of precum already forming, as the fingers brushed the sensitive flesh beneath the cotton Rashid let out a low chocked gasp the creature spent a moment rubbing the bulge, this pulled more moans and gasps from his pray and the creature felt itself growing harder at the sounds. Before he lifted Rashid like he weighed nothing and placed on the gurney still covered in the black cum of Jamie's maker the potent foul liquid seeping into Rashid's pores as its pheromones overwhelmed his brain. Jamie stepped between the hairy muscular legs of his pray and looked down in the man's dazed eyes his mouth trying to form words as he spasmed from the pleasure of the creature's hand caressing his confined cock. the creature ran its fingers though a pool of the black corruption on the gurney and as he opened his mouth to moan again pushed them inside, he squatted down and began to kiss and lick his way down the prone body of his pray. tongue moving down the moaning shuddering body licking up the sweat from his chest to his abdomen it continued to form and glisten on the hairy pelt a musk irresistible to the creature. The helpless EMT whimpered and squirmed at the slow and carful exploration of the corrupted tongue moving ever lower until it hit the thin sweat-soaked cotton of his underwear. a guttural purr of satisfaction erupted from the creature. Jamie’s dick was hard as steel and leaking the black virus laden fluid that would change Rashid forever. Rashid was in what felt like a dream he could barely think as he sucked on the fingers in his mouth, Jamie's fingers he remembered he tried to fight against the fog in his mind tried to reach for the intercom to alert Rick he reached for the button… but as every part of him was sniffed and licked and the taste of whatever was coating those fingers, he relaxed again his mind slipping back to blissful pleasure the hand dropping back to the gurney only inches from his salvation. Rashid’s legs hung from the edge of the gurney and he could feel Jamie's erection pressing against his thigh leaving a trail of sticky fluid where it touched. Then there was the glorious sensation of Jamie snuffling at his crotch, sucking and licking him though the underwear causing him to choke out another moan. A growl ripped from the creature's chest and the fingers disappeared from his mouth, the thin fabric holding his dick back was torn away allowing Jamie access to the six inches of hard tanned meat that throbbed Intime with his prays heartbeat, Rashid’s eyes rolled back as the creature’s hot wet mouth engulfed his rock-hard dick expertly sucking him, his hands were now on the creature’s head and his legs over its shoulders pulling himself deeper into the corrupted maw as he whimpered out half sobs at the sensation knowing he never wanted it to stop. Jamie’s hands moved to his own throbbing member to scoop up the dripping toxic precum the oily substance coating his fingers the hand quickly moved back to the helpless prays rear as he sucked on its beautiful cock his fingers tested and tested the man's tight ring the black oily cum lubricating it just enough for a long gray finger to slip inside allowing the malignant toxin into the moist cavern of Rashid's anus. he let out another surprised gasp as the finger hit his prostate only to be joined by a second the fingers danced inside him only slipping out to scoop up more venomous black cum then back into his hole spreading the virus laden precum to Rashid’s cries of ecstasy. The nails scratching his delicate innards with each entry making more channels for the virus enter its new host. Jamie stopped sucking and stood letting the man's cock slap onto his hairy stomach he pulled his fingers from the prepped opening which gaped and winked as a trickle of black cum slid out, Rashid groaned at the emptiness he felt, with his legs already on Jami’s shoulders it was easy for the creature to slide its massive toxic weapon up his cheeks and rest the leaking head against his hole. With a growl Jamie started to push in, the hole though opened was not ready for such a massive intruder and Rashid's eyes flew open the seductive fog of pleasure gone as the pain tore through him, he thrashed and smacked his hand into the intercom as he screamed. Jamie's dick slammed into Rashid like a poisoned tipped spear as his hole gave way followed quickly by his inner ring black cum leaking deep inside him sealing his fate. the pain unbearable as Jamie pulled fully out and slammed in again Rashid thought he felt the ambulance stop as he sobbed in agony begging Jamie to stop, the creature instead began to pick up pace it was only 40 seconds later when the ambulance doors flew open and the night air swept in, the pain had already faded for Rashid his screams morphed to moans of pleasure as the world around him faded the virus burning his humanity away. Jake had slammed on the breaks at the sounds coming from the intercom it took precious seconds to be able to get out of the cab as cars sped past but when he got to the doors and threw them open he could not believe what he was seeing, The Kid they had picked up had Rashid stripped naked and pinned its impossibly massive cock slamming into the Asian man who seemed to now be moaning in pleasure his legs wrapped around the thing's waist. Jake stood stunned unable to move for almost 30 seconds before he jumped into the ambulance and grabbed the distracted creature by the waist and pulled it backwards towards the doors. Off balance Jamie lost his footing causing he and Jake tumble out of the ambulance onto the hard road. Jamie was first to his feet and screamed with rage at the elder man before diving onto on him and trying to force his tongue into the prone man's mouth. Jake struggled under the creature's weight and strength its hard cock leaking its black venom onto his shirt. He managing to get his hand free patting his belt for anything that could help him as his other arm covered his face against the asult. Shouts of alarm and honking came from nearby cars as passing drivers watched the scene unfold, the noise and lights distracted Jamie for long enough for Jake to find the small aerosol canister he was looking for unable to point it at the creatures face he aimed it at his chest and fired. The stream of Pepper spay struck the creature directly in the head of its penis it let out a bellow of pure agony and pushed away sprinting off into the darkness of the suburb its cries of pain being herd long after it was no longer viable. Jake stood and ran back to the ambulance seeing Rashid on the floor, he seemed to be unconscious sprawled in a pool of black cum and blood as Jake picked him up and took him to the front seat and strapped him in. He noticed his friend was burning up and was breathing to fast he could also see the his friends skin turning grey and black veins begin to spread forgetting Jamie now lost to the night, Jake Put his foot down and sped to the local hospital.
May do a prequel on how Gentech came to create the virus and the downfall of the lab,I better finish the main story first though.
Hey Horny people sorry I have been gone a while between, life stuff, being ill and writers block couldn't really get inspired to write. That being said I have a new chapter and already working on the next one so I hope you all enjoy. I will try keep releasing at least monthly but no promises. As always sorry about spelling and punctuation trying to improve and writing this seems to be helping, also I love reading your comments your all amazing and thank you for all the love ❤️ 12 - The beginning of the end The creature that had once been Andy opened its jet back eyes the change had been brutally fast, so much potent toxic cum had made sure of that. Its body was no longer that of a broken spirited husband, it was toned and sleek all fat burned away in the change just like his mind burned clean of responsibility, shame and doubt now filled just with a need to fuck, breed and spread his new gift to free others as he had been freed. It rose from the ground and flexed its new muscles watching them and how they moved under the tight grey skin how the black veins danced and moved, pulsing slowly with their otherworldly toxic glow. It stopped and sniffed the air picking up the pheromones of the creator faint now. It felt its cock twitch at the smell and it let out a low guttural moan it needed to breed and feed, it stalked though the tall grass heading for distant lights. ….......................................................................... Jamie stumbled out of the club his girlfriend having to hold him up. Her face a mask of anger, she had never been so embarrassed in her life, not that Jamie noticed he just drunkenly waved the bottle of vodka he has stolen from behind the bar. one of the many incidents that had got them kicked out of the club at only 11pm so now with no car and no signal wondering blindly in the middle of a warehouse district. Laura stumbled down the road with him periodically looking at her phone hoping she could get some signal and cursing whoever thought it was a good idea to put clubs out here. during another brief pause to check her cell service was when Jamie moved in for must have been the 12 attempt to give her a drunken kiss with the words “im sho sowwey babe I love you shhhow much ya know” this was the final straw she pushed him back against the wall of the warehouse, where he slid slowly to the ground giggling as he did, which pissed her off even more. She looked down at the 23-year ex frat boy soon to be lawyer they had gone out to celebrate him getting a job at a good law firm but after only 2 hours he was a mess. She suspected he had taken something or possibly slipped something. her eyes took in his chestnut brown hair that had broken free of its wax and hung over his eyes; his shirt was undone showing off his toned chest and abs dusted with hair and a dark trail leading from his belly button down under his pants which were tight enough to show the outline of his member even in this light she bit her lip lost in erotic thoughts. He caught her looking and blew an exaggerated kiss and rubbed his budge, Laura remembered why she was so angry and shook her head letting out a growl of frustration. Any sexy thought she had been having was destroyed by the rising tide anger and embarrassment of being asked to leave In front of their friends, who she fucking knew would be tweeting pictures of what just happened gods she hoped they didn’t have video. “Just stay the fuck there for fuck's sake I'm going to try get signal and hopefully get uber to come to this shithole pick me up and take me home! …. if you're lucky I may even tell him to pick you up too!” the words leaving her lips in a snarl as she turned and stormed off leaving Jamie sat on the floor not even looking back. Jamie watched bemused as Laura stormed off, he was unsure why she was so upset he was having a great time. A dark alleyway across the street garbed his attention as the thought slowly entered his alcohol addled brain that he needed a piss. Jamie blinked then clumsily stood using the wall to steady himself, he stumbled and weaved his way across the street and into the alleyway Half way across he started get Lucky, loudly out of tune and only really knowing one line. He entered the ally and eyed up the wall before awkwardly undoing his belt and jeans one handed as the other hand was still griping his looted bottle of vodka. This took all his concentration the last get lucky died on his lips as he struggled with the buttons. After a more than brief struggle the jeans surrendered and fell in a heap around his ankles soon followed by his boxer shorts, exposing his ample cut cock and gym sculpted ass to the open air. He rested his head on the brickwork and looked down at his semi hard cock with a dopy drunken grin “hey buddy can see your awake” he shook it a few times and shuddered as it spat a stream of gold at the wall, he watched the waterfall of piss dribble down the brickwork and pool on the concrete by his boots. Muttering to himself Jamie shook the last drops of piss from his junk and tried to bend down and pull up his boxers from around his ankles. a task made more difficult being one handed, off-balance and drunk. while he was bent down feebly pawing at the garments which got stuck on his calf causing him to stumble, he started noticing the pretty green light pulsing like a heartbeat and making his shadow dance, he gave up on the cloths when he felt someone close behind him “I knew you would be bak … car get enough of the … python” he slurred Shaking his stiffening cock. a new musky smell in the air making him incredibly horny. Jamie started to shuffle around his eyes had not even left the brick wall when a slate grey hand clamed across his mouth, his drunken mind struggled to react as second arm wrapped him around the waist pinning his arms in what felt like a band of iron. the bottle of vodka slipped from his grasp as he tried to feebly struggle against the immense strength, shattering on the concrete floor the expensive vodka pooling with the puddle of piss around at his feet. He was pulled back slamming into a body that felt like it was carved from rock the hard impact causing him to breath in sharply his lungs again filling with the intoxicating musk, against his will his cock rose full mast the 8 inches bouncing in the cool night air. He noticed the strange green light was pulsing faster now, he also felt his ass pressed against something that was growing hard pushing between his legs. Jamie tried to scream but the hand muffled the sound. He felt the face of the thing behind him rub against his cheek and he continue to try and struggle and scream. It sniffed him letting out a strange purring growl as it licked from his cheek up his neck leaving a cool trail that felt strangely numb if he wasn’t so panicked, he would have said felt nice … great even. The wet tongue was now at his ear, first licking around it the hot breath of the creature making him shudder slightly then probing in and pushing the intoxicating saliva further inside the ear canal. This causing the young man to shudder more and buck, the screaming faltered for a moment at the almost orgasmic sensation he was feeling, his hand reaching for his painfully hard cock and began to rub the straining meat with a gasp and moan lost in the pleasure. The creature that had once been Andy took this moment of weakness to let go of Jamie's waist and grab its own toxic leaking tool now swollen to its full thirteen inches. Its hand still over the man's mouth it stepped back and rubbed the venomous dripping cock up the young man's vulnerable exposed crack stopping just as it was touching the twitching hole seeming to massage the tip, the creature moaned the potent juices already pooling and seeping inside it’s prays hole. Jamie snapped out of the euphoria at the slimy now burning sensation of something massive pushing up against his entrance, even in his drunken state he knew what it was adrenaline and panic flooded though him he tried to struggle but it was already too late. The creature pushed in hard and without mercy, the tight ass put up a fight for a few seconds before it gave out with an audible pop, allowing the hazarders meat slid inside stretching and tearing its way through his delicate insides. The virus finding so many pathways to convert the screaming man. Jamie's world was white hot pain and he was entered and that agony only intensified with each inch pushed forcefully inside him he continued to scream into his maker's hand. After what to him seemed an eternity, he felt himself pulled tight against the creature solid chest again the scratching of pubes against his torn-up hole signalling it was now fully inside him. Andy stopped for a moment its throbbing cock fully inside it’s pray giving the virus time to start the changes that would soon rip though this host. the boy's velvety wet insides were squeezing and milking him as he struggled, wiggling and bucking to unimpale himself from Andy's virus ridden member so very deep inside him. only causing the deadly precum to flow faster speeding up the transformation and increasing the creature's pleasure. Andy nuzzled the young man's face making soothing sounds as the young man now sobbed and whimpered in agony. Its hand wrapped around Jamie's waist again as it started to move its hips slow at first eliciting a gasp from the young man possibly pleasure possibly pain at this point Andy did not care, the need had set in again the need to feed to breed to pass on its genes to this fertile man. At first it was unbearable like being fucked by a white-hot poker, tearing his insides apart he wanted to black out to stop the pain but that faded quicker than Jamie would have thought possible the thirty seconds of agony being replaced with a strange pleasure, As something inside him was touched and rubbed the pleasure only increased as the thing behind him fucked him faster and rougher the large balls of the creature slapping against his taint sending more waves of pleasure though that spot inside, he flailed like a rag doll his hands griping the arm that has moved from his mouth to around his neck pulling him close and slightly choking him allowing only whimpers and gasps of pleasure. The pleasure was building as a pleasant burning heat entered his veins and spread across his body from his now destroyed hole, he barely noticed being pushed up against the wall as Andy tried to get more leverage the giant cock now sending waves of euphoria though him each time it slammed into him followed by the loud slap of its balls. Jamie has started pushing his body back to meet each bone shaking impact to get more pleasure deeper inside him. One hand was wrapped around his cock again moving Intime with Andy's thrusts the green light flashing faster and faster as the pressure and pleasure built, he knew neither would last much longer as he whimpered out his approaching orgasm. Jamie's mind still under the effects of the alcohol did not put up much of a fight against the change burning though it within seconds the man known as Jamie was fading away the law degree, memories of his life, will power, fear, anxiety, stress all started to faded away under the heat of the change now engulfing his body. Jamie could feel a change in the creature behind him it was hard to think through the alcohol, fog seeping into his mind and the almost unbearable pleasures being inflicted on him, but he knew what that breathing meant and he could feel the giant cock inside him get harder and larger filling him up totally … was this how it had felt for the women he had fucked them? the thought barely registered in Jamie’s mind when Andy grunted came his rhythm faulting as he pulled the boy down as far as he would go on his cock, it was like a geyser blasting the boys insides the thick black cum pumped out of His Toxic weapon in waves not spurts each as powerful as the last Andy let out a scream of victory. Jamie felt the cum fill him as the heat increased from pleasure to agony as the virus claimed him as its own burning away any human weakness wherever it touched, continuing its dark purpose of moulding this man into a perfect being. He started convulsing as he came spurting the last of his pure pearlescent cum across a filthy ally wall the young would be lawyer was aware of the creature still holding him as there both shook from orgasm. it felt almost loving and comforting in those corded strong arms as he felt himself fade away, little but little, bit by bit he was disappearing into the darkness as it moved in to burn away the last of his mind and reshape him into his new form body, mind and soul his final though as Jamie before he signed and let himself go forever was, I hoped Laura got that Uber. Andy held the convulsing man until his toxic cock went soft slipping from the now gaping hole its job done its venomous payload delivered, as it flopped out a wave of oil black cum and blood soon followed spilling down his creations legs and feet flowing across the concrete and mixing with the piss and vodka forming a black shimmering cocktail. He lay the young man down in the pool with all the reverence of a priest baptizing a child, noticing the grey creep slowly across the boy's skin, the transformation should be fast thanks to his gift from the progenitor. With a satisfied smile it moved to the wall sniffing it and letting out the growling purr as it licked the pure seamen from the brickwork if anyone had been watching they would have seen it grow in muscle mass and size as it feed the light pulsing brighter for a moment. It moved from its meal still licking the cream from its lips as it looked down at its creation again as the young creature that had been Jamie convulsed and moaned at the changes being inflicted on his body that it was not designed to handle but was now destined to undergo. Andy went to lay with its new creation but it sniffed the air standing quickly at the smell of male pheromones. There were more men near, the need was returning fast at the thought he licked his lips as his deadly tool began to grow hard again and off into the darkness he prowled for fresh cum and fresh pray, leaving Jamie convulsing in the shimmering pool of filth. ….................................................................................... It was only 3 minutes later when Laura walked back with her friends Gale, Kara who had both left the club to find the pair worried about them in this area at night with no ride home. When they had bumped into Laura distraught crying on a step near the club staring at a dead phone, they knew they had been right to worry. Gale had signal and agreed to call an Uber for them all after they had calmed Laura down hearing the whole story about Jamie and when they got back to fine him to make sure he was okay out here at night. Kara was worried he could have been mugged or worse in his drunken state. Laura reached the spot where Jamie had sat, it was quite with no sign of her drunken boyfriend or his bottle of stolen liquor she let out a sighed “oh for fuck's sake I left him right here!” Gale and Kara walked up looking concerned “he probably gone off with another dru..” the words died on Lauras lips as she looked into the alleyway and screamed.
sorry its been a while work + personal stuff has been kicking my ass lately so not been writing but here is part 11 i hope you enjoy, once again i apologise for grammar and spelling i blame the dyslexia Part 11 Its was starting to get light when Gray stumbled on to the porch. the Uber ride had been hell, Gray spending nearly the whole journey starring at the driver's crotch, he hoped the guy had not noticed but the cheeky wink from the guy as he adjusted himself told him otherwise. Gary had had to force himself with a herculean effort to leave the car before he cheated on his husband with another guy tonight but the drivers parting words “I'm in the area all day and night if you need another ride” stuck with him sending a wave of heat and lust though his body and his mind racing. The house was quite as he slipped inside fumbling with the keys and slamming the bolt home putting a solid barrier between him and the uber driver. Gray called out but still no sound but he could tell the house was devoid of life, Jason must have left for work early not uncommon for his husband the schedule of an emergency surgeon was hectic and he would likely be home late if at all tonight. Gray moved up the stairs to his room, he felt sick and sweat was beading up on his skin as a fever built inside of him. he pushed though it and set up the computer making quick work of the security and altering his records... As far as S.R.A.R.G knew he had never been to Gentech he was on sick leave with a virus and was not due in for a week. He closed the computer and moved to the bed collapsing on the covers as his body spasmed with pain he let out a feeble cry as he slipped into unconsciousness. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14 hours later Night had again fallen over the Gentech building as three men in black tactical gear watched a cleanup crew finish welding the elevator door shut before chaining the main doors closed. The building was to be abandoned after the incident as it was deemed too dangerous to go down into the labs at that time. The company could wait for now and retrieve their prize when it was safe, it wasn’t like anything could get out of the locked down labs. And there talented spin team would make up a convincing story of why Gentech had closed its doors. The three men watched as the clean-up crew drove off, leaving them to guard an abandoned building in the middle of nowhere. Andy was the first to speak. pulling the bulky helmet free, the early summer heat lingering from the day causing him to sweat his short dark hair plastered to his head “this is bull shit!” One of the others looked over at the dark-haired man’s outburst and raised an eyebrow with a faint smirk “problem Andy?” “Don’t give me that smirk Shiro, I had plans tonight, instead I'm called in to guard a building no one cares about just in case!” Andy shot back at the Japanese man leaning against the door, who just shrugged he looked like he was about to say something back when the third man cut in. His voice was deep and gravely thanks to a 30-year cigar habit, but when he spoke people listened “Boy shut it I don’t want to hear about court side seats an Shiro don’t wind the boy up or he will be whining all night like his old lady” Andy scowled up at Karl, the man lit one of his large cigars and stared back his eyes cold. Karl was massive at least 6;3 and built like a brick shit house. Andy remembered Gray calling him the ultimate Daddy when the teams were on a night out together and Karl had turned up in jeans, boots, white t-shirt and a leather waistcoat. Andy though he looked more like a biker with the tats, piercings and the full beard all of which were against regulations but Karl got away with it. Andy shook his head his face red like a child that had just been told off, and threw the helmet at Karl’s feet “fuck you Karl I'm gona go patrol” The large man just let out a little chuckle and watched Andy storm off, Shiro looked a little uncomfortable his lithe form pushing from the plate glass window to follow the disgruntled man “he looked upset Karl maybe we should....” The massive man cut him off with a large plume of smoke and a waved hand “boy needs to cool off let him be ….. nuffin but glow bugs out here, an it aint like the glow bugs are gona hurt him” Andy walked into the darkness cursing under his breath “fucking Karl fucking Shrio this is bull shit” he was supposed to be court side right now watching a game on a weekend away from the wife and kids. Now he was stuck here for the night and in the morning, back to the home that felt more like a prison, a wife that seemed to take perverse glee in making him feel like shit and the screaming children who never gave him a moments piece. Andy sighed how he wished he could escape his life of mediocrity. but he was trapped, had been since he was eighteen and too scared to do anything about it. Too scared to see or venture into the world past his picket fence prison, bar those few glorious weekends away that kept him sane. He was at the back of the building before he broke from his thoughts he must have been walking for a while because the building was massive and he could barely see anything in the darkness but the small concrete walkway leading around the building and the concrete wall to his right towering above him. To his left a sea of tall grass, evidently landscaping only happened to areas the public could seeand no fucking lights just his luck. Oh, and firefly's the bugs were everywhere some large clumps of them seemed to be massed in the grass ahead pulsing with that toxic green light. Andy shrugged and turned on a shoulder light before moving further but it did little just casting deeper darker shadows around him and robbing him of his night vision. He got to a large concrete pillar and looked around no one was back here who would be. Even if he shouted, he doubted Karl and Shiro would hear him, he pulled his radio out and thumped the receiver “I'm at the back of the building all quite” Shiro's voice came back sounding almost out of breath “yeah ….cool nothing .. here either” there was a pause and what sounded like a slapping noise and a sharp intake of breath “you.... coming ... back round?” Andy was confused about the strange cadence of Shiro’s voice but just shook his head not knowing or really caring what the guy was up to. Probably push-ups or jogging to stay awake of something like that "in a bit it's going to take me some time to get back anyways” “kay.. Take.. Your time” another quite gasp and what sounded like a grunt from Karl before the radio fell silent. Andy clipped it back to his belt and turned to the wall pulling down his fly and exposing his cock to the hot humid night air and aimed it towards the post his back to the grass. He let out a soft sigh as he felt the pressure release. Golden liquid splashed onto the wall, that’s when the Makers Large slate grey hand covered his mouth and an arm wrapped around his waist pinning his arms, pulling him backwards and up. Andy tried to scream but only a muffled noise got past the hand, he kicked out at the creature who had once been Alverez as it moved Infront of him. the piss still fountaining from his dick in chaotic arcs as he kicked and struggled covering both him and now Alverez, the warm golden droplets glinting like diamonds in the toxic green pulsing light of the creatures' veins as It dripped down the muscular slate grey form. Alverez let out a soft keening purr as his newly transformed dick rose in pleasure at the sensation and began to rip apart the struggling man's piss-soaked combats. Andy screamed louder into the hand, fighting more against the steel grip of the maker who was pulling his head back further he could feel this creature's dick pushing into his back the sheer size of it near comprehendible. Its long tongue licking his cheeks and ears as its hot breath washed over his face. The fabric fell away with the belt and radio into the tall grass, Alveraz moved in licking Andy's exposed neck his long fingers started to work on the reinforced vest his steel hard dick rubbing Andy's taint and nudging up against his ass as the man struggled leaving a trail of tar like precum in its wake. The vest came free causing the masters grip slip sending Andy to the ground hard winding him. the terrified man tried to shout out but only wheezed. In panic he lunged for the radio his fingers scant millimetres away when a hand closed over his ankle like a vice and pulled him back. Andy spun and kicked out at the hand of thing grabbing him. He looked up intent of sending a kick to the creatures' face but his eyes locked with the Alverez and stopped. his became face a mask of horror and he froze mid kick. He recognized Alverez and the sight of what was once college a friend had become, his mind not able to process it he just stopped stunned like a deer in oncoming headlights. Alverez took that moment to move forward as fast as a striking snake and locked lips with the human. Andy tried to struggle screaming as he tried to push the creature off as its tongue invaded pushing past his lips into his mouth, its saliva working its way into him its effects coming on fast. Andy gaged as the creatures' tongue and spit hit the back of his throat, the screaming and thrashing subsided replaced with a soft moan of pleasure his hands moving over the creature's muscles like corded steel. Alverez pulled back to a kneeling position and looked into the Humans now glazed eyes staring back at him. Andy was confused unable to recall why he was so scared he knew he should be scared to be repulsed but it was hard to think his mind felt foggy. instead, he just lay on the grass staring at the slate grey Adonis kneeling by his feet not even able to put his thoughts into words. The creature that was once Alverez had changed so much from his bulky Mexican he had known. Now his slate skin was pulled tight on overly defined steel hard muscles as if all his fat had wasted away, making him look gaunt. his body covered in a spiderweb of black blood vessels pulsing in that toxic light, the thick hair of his chest, legs and arms still there but now jet back just like his eye's which were pools of obsidian darkness Andy took it all in with a strange fear and hunger. He bit his lip as he felt a heat a lust building in him it was like he was 18 again driven only by hormones and need. He knew he needed this creature this god in ways he did not understand ways that made him ache inside. His hands moved to his t-shirt and he pulled it off the sweat soaked fabric. Exposing a stocky hairy body with a definite paunch caused by lack gym of too many late-night beers, stress and lack of real sleep. His once sculpted body had been taken from him by life and responsibilities. Shame seemed to cut though fog in his mind, Andy had hated his body for years and now seeing this creatures sculpted perfection and the second looming behind it. he tried to cover himself to hide the body he was ashamed of. Seeing this Alverez let out another soft growl and moved forwards his hands pulling Andy's above the man's head and pinning them in the grass with one hand as the second stroked the human's hairy chest and now rock-hard cock. The creature looked deep into his eyes before moving into another kiss. Andy did not resist and simply moaned giving himself to the creature fully. The others circled in the grass watching and longing for the human but knowing this was Alverez first and not to interfere of the maker would punish them so they move to each the three stroking, kissing, sucking and fucking as Alverez brought another into the fold with the help of the maker. Alverez’s lips moved from Andy's and down his tongue licking every inch it could reach of the writhing humans' body. Detouring to lick and snuffle the humans intoxicating moist pits before moving on to the sensitive pink nipples causing the human to shudder, buck and moan at the sensations. soon its mouth enveloped the moaning man's member, he began to suck and lick keening with pleasure at the taste of the pure precum leaking into its mouth, Andy's eyes flew open for a moment as Alverez's tongue began to explore and probe first his taint then ass and he let out a small almost sob of pleasure as the tongue circled then darted inside, before closing his eyes and whimpering, now unaware of the world outside of the new pleasures being inflicted on him. The maker knelt next to Andy and moved the man's head to the side so he could to lick and suckle on the end of its toxic dick. The maker moaned at the sensation and it began to push the infected meat further down the human throat. Andy choked and gaged at the size his mouth stretched and his jaw ached at the effort distracting from the fact the sensation had stopped around his ass. Alverez had now pulled back and had placed the head of his massive tainted member against Andy's hole, it looked giant in comparison to the small opening and the toxic head was already leaking its vile fluids with just the thought of taking this man's virginity and transforming him, Alverez pushed forwards feeling the opening futile resistance. Andy’s eyes went wide and he tried to scream around the huge cock in his mouth, at the pressure of something the size of a mans fist trying to force its way inside His virgin hole. This was beyond any pain he had ever experienced. He tried to struggle and escape as his mind cleared by the pain of what was happening to him. But Alverez’s hands were on his hips now and the creature pulled back with one swift motion hammering his deadly tool home. Andy felt the moment his ass give way to what felt like a molten fist of steel tearing him apart. The white-hot pain making him thrash and spasm unable to scream around the makers tool still pumping in and out of his throat. After only a few seconds the pain seemed to morph the initial wave of white-hot Agony replaced with strange burning pleasure radiating from where Alverez cock now nestled leaking its toxin inside him the virus spreading into the blood and tissues of the man changing him with even this small amount of exposer, As the toxic member pumped back and forth rubbing its poisoned load him Andy began to moan again as the maker pulled its cock from his lips. Alverez put his arms under the humans and pulled him back, on to his lap fulling impaling him as he thrust up relentlessly. Andy cried out at the sensation and wrapped around the creature's neck as he rode and ground ageist the massive dick pummelling and tearing up his insides as more and more of Alverez's venom filled and changed him. He was finding it hard to think past the haze of pleasure, to even understand what was happening as pieces of him slipped away into the fog worries, stresses and memories that he had once thought important that had held him back for years washed away by the tide of change. After what could have been minuets, hours, years …. There was a moment of stillness as he looked into Alverez eyes, the creature on the edge of Agony and pleasure as Andy felt the toxic member inside him swell full of cum and change. He knew what that meant what was about to happen to him and he somehow was at peace with it he knew he had wanted to escape his life and this was an … his escape. With his last remnants of his human mind and his last true thoughts as this Andy, he slammed his hips down with a shout of defiance forcing the Toxic member deeper inside himself and sending his grey god over the edge. There was a brief moment where his mind understood the consequences of the decision he had made in heat of passion. As he felt the pulsing of the toxic cock spraying his ravaged insides with rope after rope of what felt like gallons of contaminated cum that part of him was consumed and changed, as the virus burned away what he was in the wake of the transformation it was wreaking on his body. Andy came at that moment the sensations too much for him his dick exploded ropes of the last pure cum, he would ever release in this world covering his and Alverez chest as he slumped forward whimpering and twitching as the true transformation began. he was pulled from the creatures softening dick, black corruption and blood spilling form his destroyed hole and laid in the grass once more, black veins racing from the point of infection his skin behind them taking on the slate gray tone. Alverez scooped and licked the fresh cum form his and Andy's writhing body, glowing brighter as he swallowed the creamy pure substance down letting out a moan of bestial pleasure and growing hard again. The Maker moved fast and took position between Andy's legs, ramming his dick home into the man's warm wet hole. the Maker knew they had little time and that this creation would be a failsafe if they were caught by the men who had confined and created him. He needed to ensure his DNA would spread and multiply. Andy hardly flinched at the invasion, the Maker worked swiftly there was no gentleness to this he was simply and brutally fucking and pounding using the transforming man's ass. He could feel black cum churning inside the man as more came frothing and leaking around his member the sensations pushing him over the edge, slamming its cock as far into the human as it would go, It came with a roar spraying the mans destroyed innards with more of the tainted black cum. Andys eyes flew open as he screamed again. His human eyes turning to pure black spheres. As the maker watched Andys fat reserves were drained away to fuel the rapid changes ripping though him, his skin was growing tort over defining muscles with the pop and crack of elongating limbs. the transformation was moving fast so much faster with the Maters superior potence driving it forward. The maker pulled out and stood looking down at the thrashing Man on the floor one last time. knowing with speed the transformation was happening he would be reborn into his new form soon. He would hunt and spread the infection ensuring their DNA would live on. The maker let out another shrike of triumph causing the others to move to him the excitement spreading amongst them Alverez looked down at his creation not wanting to leave him but knowing his place, he too joined the maker as they moved away from the place of their creation. Like a pack of wolves, they disappeared into the night on the pheromone trail of the brother who had escaped them. But not for long …..
- 143 replies
- 18
Thanks for the awesome feed back guy its means a lot, I'm glad your all enjoying the story so here is part 11 its a long one 11 Gray felt all of Alverez weight slam into him as he shouted for him to go, the force enough to send him falling though the small gap in the grate with a ripping noise. The jagged metal had torn off his bandage and ripped through his fatigues and causing a flash of pain as it bit into his skin in several places. Only his vest protecting his torso from being shredded. Gray knew Alverez had been right, there was no way the large man would have been able to squeeze though that gap. That thought flashed though his mind as he landed on his hands and knees in the foul river of filth pouring from the pipes with a splash the thick substance clinging to his skin like oil, he coughed and spluttered stood and wiped off what he could quickly and pulled a pen light from his vest shouting back to Alverez “I'll be back with help just hang on!” he clicked on the light and began to run though the foul liquid slipping and falling several times in his haste. It was not long before he reached a large open room with a narrow walkway around the edge, the floor a large hole where the river of waste flowed presumably into a sewer or water treatment system. Gray's mind working to keep him from panicking telling him that this would have been where the old air conditioner units would have been housed as he spotted a ladder bolted to the wall. Carefully moving to it, the grating of the platform and his boots slick with the oily substance of the tunnel forcing him to go slowly. He reached the ladder his second problem announced itself painfully as he reached up to grab a wrung. His arm flared with pain and he screamed though his clenched teeth the burning pain throbbing though his arm as he tried to catch his breath his head spinning. Gray has forgotten about his wounded arm mostly thanks to the adrenaline that had flooded him at the sounds of the screams. Once his vision settled, he looked up he could see the hatch in the gloom above not forty feet up but in his condition getting to it would seem like climbing Everest. Not that he had much choice at this point he tucked the torch into a loop on his vest and began to climb. The process was painful but simple he would use his good arm and legs to move up a wrung then slip his injured arm though to brace himself and then repeat. Even with this method he was in constant agony and almost fell more than once over the course of the climb the searing pain becoming almost too much, but after a while he reached the top his good arm reaching up and feeling for the release handle and freedom. The scream of agony that echoed down the tunnel and around the room made Gray wince as he pushed the hatch up his friends screams continued and made his blood run cold, he had to get help but he knew it was already too late for them as he pulled himself up and out of the darkness of the pit into the night air, The thing had them now. he wiggled free and lay on his back taking a moment to breath in the cool air and let his now burning arm stop throbbing. The pain seeming to travel though his whole arm now in waves of heat. He rose Shakely from the ground and made his way around the building intent on getting to the van and calling for help. only to stop and press himself against the concrete and steel of the building, bright light cutting into the night from the front of the building. Be he knew they were supposed to be alone the mission quite to prevent the media getting wind of the labs true purpose. he kept to the shadows and moved up his training taking over to see a number of men in black uniforms cordoning the place off. As he watched bewildered at the scene, a man in a black suite stepped into view talking on his phone gray pulled back further in to the shadows as the man stopped by the concrete and steel pillar, he was using to hide behind oblivious of the blond techie. The voice was southern, the drawl and twang reminding him of his husband Jason when he got drunk and his accent would bleed though “we’ve sealed off the building” a brief pause and the sound of a cigarette being lit “yeah their in there alright just as planed ain’t no way out once lockdown sets in” the man took a few puffs of the cigarette and continued “I hope this test was worth it them were some good men” the sound of the cigarette hitting the floor and a shoe scuffing it out and the sound of the man in the suite walking away his voice being drowned out “i know I know …....” Gray was shocked had they been set up, been a test run for that thing to what … see if it could take out military trained personnel. His stomach sank as it all made sense a creature who could be dropped behind enemy lines and disable … no not just disable but turn enemy combatants into more of it. Gray swallowed and realized he had to get out of there if they found him, they would likely kill him for knowing too much. Unless he changed the personal files for the mission to say he was absent for some reason then work to expose this ... this horror show. He stood and still in shadows waited until he had a clear run to the van all its doors open presumably searched to ensure no information had been taken out of the building. Gray slipped past the guards, they were facing the elevators to the labs not outwards and also on low alert. After all he and his team were trapped down there with no way out so why patrol the area again if no one could escape. Gray stayed low and spotted what he was looking for his messenger bag under the passenger seat he was glad there such had been sloppy enough to leave it, again they had no reason to believe they would be back, his civilian cloths and spare tablet were nestled inside safe and sound. He winced as he moved away from the Gentech building and its sculped landscape using the shadows as cover. His whole arm still burning and the scratches on his legs now hurting too but he had a plan. It was about an hour of walking the streets of the nearby town, getting close to early morning before Gray found what he was looking for the generic twenty-four-hour franchise gym coming into view. He sighed with relief as he moved up the sliding doors allowing him access to the bight and clean anti chamber. He pretended to rummage in his bag looking for his access card as a young man in his late twenties walked in looking the deshelled, beaten and filthy Gray up and down with a raised an eyebrow “you okay Dude?” his voice carrying obvious concern Gray looked up and smiled taking in the young man properly, close cropped ginger hair with a spray of freckles across his handsome pale face framing his sparkling almost golden eyes. he was only a little taller than Gray at 5;10 his cloths hiding what Gray knew would be a gym sculpted master piece. “yeah man sorry lost my card in my bag” Gray nodded to the card reader and tried to look awkward and apologetic. The young man chuckled and nodded at Gray “what's up with your get up dude you look like you like you have been wrestling gatters or something” Gray inwardly smiled he had been ready for this “yeah just got off set of a zombie movie there shooting in some disused factories not far from here and the portable showers had a que thought I would just head here instead” The man's eyes lit up and he almost bounced with excitement “no way dude … I freaking love zombie movies” he swiped his card and ushered Gray into the Gym “I've seen them all dude, kind of always route for the zombies you know" he flashed a dazzling smile “Your gonna have to tell me about it if you have the time” Gray nodded and thanked him as they walked into the deserted gym only the two of them being in the place at this ungodly hour. they split the ginger man heading to the weights and Gray heading for the Locker room with the aim of trying and look more human and less zombie so he could get home and think of a plan. Gray couldn't help but notice the man's eyes linger on him as he walked away, he inwardly shrugged the guy was a zombie nerd and would want to know about this fake film. Gray stripped and stood naked In front of the mirror seeing how bad he looked for the first time. Black oily filth covered him looking almost like he had swam though oil and tried to wipe it off, with streaks where his sweat had run down in rivulets. it did however cause his muscles to look more defined he thought absently. His hair matted and limp more black than blond was plastered to his head, still damp with sweat. His eyes looked to the small hole in his arm no longer seeping blood but the area looked red, sore and inflamed the blood dried there darker than Gray would have expected. The tiny cuts on his legs from the grate were the same he sighed no only had the wounds gotten infected but it looked like he was very dehydrated he could fix that downing a gator aid from his bag and noticing it tasted terrible. He limped slowly under a shower head and turned on the water hot enough to feel it stung as it hit him but he sighed as the shower slowly unknotted his muscles washed away the filth of the last few hours of hell, if only it could wash away the memories, he saw Alverez face flash in his mind for a moment and felt the guilt of leaving him to face the monsters alone but not knowing how to help him then or now. he was only a few minutes into his shower when her heard the Locker room door open and soon after feet rounding the corner the ginger man now naked and taking a shower head close to Gray despite the large shower room being empty. The man taking in Grays body and giving him nervous glances like Gray might bite him, or Gray inwardly sighed beat him up being gay. Gray’s eyes wondered over the Adonis next to him too, his creamy white skin dusted in freckles and golden ginger hairs in all the right places on his sculpted chest and abs forming a treasure trail down to a cock no bigger than five inches nestled in a small patch of pubic hair with a pair of nice large balls, then a perfect ass and sculpted legs with golden hair thick across them both. The man smiled and Gray gulped his body feeling to warm his heart racing at the sight of this man’s body, his mind screaming at him to take him right there in the shower to fuck him mercilessly until you erupted in that perfect ass. Gray fought back against the urge not knowing where it was coming from but it was hard almost like he was fighting and instinct. The man spoke this time seeming quite shy seeing Grays eyes take him in “I'm Conner” he chuckled “you know it’s a stupid thing but I've always found zombies to be super sexy” and “um you in that get up kind of ummm well” Gray almost chocked as Conner’s shaking fingers reached out to brush his "I..I'm Gray ...I...” he tried to say I'm sorry I'm married to the man who was obviously new to cruising. but something inside made his fingers intertwin with Conner's and the pale man's breath seemed to catch and he stepped forward awkwardly. Grays hand went up to his neck and pulled conner into a kiss something else taking control now something dominant. their lips met under the water spray delicate at first then more forceful more needing. as Gray twisted and pushed Conner against the tiled wall suddenly taken by the forceful need to fuck this man. Conner grunted as his back hit the tiled surface but he looked into Grays eyes as the man moved into to kiss him again. They were so dark almost black Conner thought as Grays lips touched his and the man's tongue invaded his mouth taking away all thought for a moment as both their tongues war for dominance. Gray pulled back first and slowly moved down Conner's chest and abs kissing all the way down water cascading off their bodies. Gray found the man's cock rock hard and twitching as his mouth wrapped the head as his tongue swirling around the swollen gland and it tasting better than anything he had ever tasted before. Conner moaned as his cock slid down Grays throat his hands entwined in the blond hair down to the pitch-black roots using it to force his cock further down the man throat as he let whimpered and cries or pleasure. Grays throat and tongue massaged and flicked the member getting the ginger Adonis moaning louder, bucking and writhing taking him to the brink. pre cum flowing into Grays mouth and onto his tongue like divine nectar, Conner eyes closed muttering and moaning his enjoyment hands roaming over Gray’s body caught the hole in his arm, Gray shot back the still twitching dick forgotten, he let out a hiss of pain as he stood turning off the shower. The ginger man looking horrified “I'm so sorry dude I didn’t mean to hurt you are you okay I'm …" Gray put a finger to the Conner’s lips cutting off the man's apologies and taking the young man's arm led him to the benches in the main locker room “it's fine just got hurt on set today” the lie falling from his lips quickly the need to continue and to fuck this virile young man all-consuming all thoughts of his husband gone of anything but sex gone. “now where were me” gray said as he lay the ginger man down on a bench as he knelt on the floor sliding between Conner’s creamy muscular thighs Conner gulped and looked into Gray's dark eyes “oh yeah ummmm I know it sounds strange …. but can you pretend you're still a zombie it's like a fantasy of mine ...like I know its freaky but ….” the words spilling from his lips in a rush and he winced expecting Gray to have pulled away in disgust. Gray on the floor pushing Conner's legs onto his shoulders and nodded cutting the man's frantic talking off again as he started to lick and nip on man's inner thighs, Conner closed his eyes and let out a small whimper as greys tongue began to explore his ass. Needing to fuck this man, he would do anything so Gray let out the best rasping moan be could as his tongue flicked the tight hole and slowly worked its way inside before pulling out and pushing a finger in ever so slightly, he them went back in with his whole mouth taking a moment to moan again and let his teeth graze the sensitive skin near Conner's quivering hole in a delicate bite, Conner moaned “oh no please don’t .. how could I let this happen … no don’t bite me” Grey lapped at and probed the shaking man's tight hole a little more before he bit him again, this time on the meat of his left cheek hard enough to leave a mark and caused the man thighs to close tight on his head from the spasm of pleasure “oh god what are you doing get off me … no your monster … you can't” his voice moaned out in pleasure Gray started moving up the man's body now kissing and biting as he went each time conner would whimper in pleasure his eyes still closed imagining Gray as a zombie about to devour and turn him. his breath caught coming out in small gasps of pleasure as grey stopped to play with his delicate nipples his tongue dancing over then as he nipped them and teased them with his teeth. then there were the ginger caverns of his armpit's musky from the work out the smell making Gray’s cock twitch and leak as he buried his face into each snuffling and try to lick every drop of sweat, this new sensation caused Conner's voice catch mid moan the man now bent almost in two and pushed backwards on the bench “what are you …oh fuck that feels amazing .. Oh, fuck you're eating my pits fuck!” Grays cock now hard as iron and leaking was on target for the man's perfect hole still slick with saliva as Grey got to Conner’s neck he licked it and Conner Moaned in pleasure “no please don’t I don’t want to die” Gray simply let out another raspy moan and bit down hard enough to make Conner gasp and his legs to spasm off Grays shoulders. Conner's hips slammed down causing him to impaled himself on Grays cock he let out a shout of pain at the speed and force of entry, Gray felt his head and most of his cock slide into Conner's velvety tube as it spasmed gripping and squeezing the invading shaft. He knew an experienced bottom himself that the man's ass would be torn at least from that possibly worse. Gray let out his own moan of pleasure and leaned down to hold the man not moving in any further letting him adjust to the invader. He just licked and nipped on Conner's ear letting out his best zombie moan. This seemed to settle Conner who wrapped his legs around Gray’s waist rocking slowly Gray took the message and started to fuck the ginger man who was muttering “oh god don’t cum in me … oh god I will be infected oh fuck” his arms around Grays neck his eyes still closed. Gray pulled the man back onto his lap now still impaled on his steel hard dick his thrusts hitting deeper into Conner who was now just moaning unable form thought or speech as he used his legs to help Gray thrust deeper as Gray continued to kiss and bite his neck. Gray’s speed increased he and conner moaning in joint pleasure not long before he felt his cock begin to swell “I'm gone cum in you human I'm going to turn you” he moaned still trying to stay in character for the ginger man. “oh fuck man... do it, curse me …. make me like you I need it … oh fuck you feel so good no dude has ever felt like this before” Conner managed to moan out as he felt Gray pulled him right down to his cock’s root pushing past Conner's second ring. Gray screamed in pleasure as his cock started to pulse over and over rope after rope of cum filling the ginger Adonis up. Conner could feel the pulsing deep inside himself men had cum in him before but this felt strange its like he was tingling all over but it also felt amazing, Conner moaned out in ecstasy his hand dropped to his own forgotten steel hard cock Grays cum somehow making him hornyer than he had ever been before. Conner let go of Gray and lay down on the bench his hand waking his cock with furious speed as he wiggled that muscular ass up and down on Grays hard dick still deep inside him “keep fucking me … please keep ...oh fuck I'm close … I'm so close” Gray started to fuck the Conner again as he fucked himself on Grays dick. He wanked faster biting his lip eyes still closed, until he slammed his ass down on Grays cock again pushing the man's dick past his second ring and let out his own orgasm scream “OH FUCK IM CUMMING!!!!!!” and his cock exploded over his chest and face, Gray moved fast to get his mouth around spitting organ sucking greedily Conner whimpering as his sensitive member was milked for every last drop. Gray realized the burning feeling in his body was returning as he continued to suck the man's dick dry before licking up the rest of the pure cum from the man's chest and face they kissed then long and passionately both trying to catch their breath, Grays cock still in Conner’s ass as they held each other for a time Conner was the first to speak “fuck man that was amazing your just … fuck I don’t even know” as Gray began to pull out of him and stand. Gray just chuckled going a little red and pulled on a long-sleeved shirt and joggers “Yeah that was definitely something else” then he remembered he was married and the guilt started to set in unsure of why he just cheated on Jason he looked away from the naked Adonis laying on the bench with shame on his face. Conner seemed to pick up on the emotion as he started to speak quickly "hay I hope the zombie thing didn’t freak you out or something … it's just you get weird fantasies watching movies you know?” Conner said as he sat up looking shy and everywhere but at Gray “and don’t worry you came in me I'm on prep you know … just in case something like this happened …. not that it happens a lot” the words spilling from his lips in a torrent the ginger man quickly pulled on his cloths. Gray pulled on his sneakers and turned to tell the man there was nothing to be embarrassed about but Conner had raced from the room leaving only his contact info on a slip of paper Gray picked it up with a pang of guilt and slipped it into his pocket before heading out to find a ride home.
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so i got inspired and stayed up till like 3 am writing here is part 10 hope you all enjoy Part 10 The second set of screams caused Alverez to look up at the balcony where shadows were moving, he took a deep breath he knew his fate had arrived, that his poison had arrived. he looked back at Gray the techie was panicked and struggling to pull the grate back enough for them both to squeeze though. Even if Alverez had wanted to get away he would not have been able to get though the small gap the cutting torch and bending had made but Gray might fit. He rushed to the small man's side, glad of Gray’s slim suffers body that he and Jackson had mocked for so many times at the gym, as he helped pull the metal back a little further, as he pushed Gray towards the gap “you have to go Gray.....but I'm not going to fit” Gray looked back at him as he started to squeeze though eyes wide wish shock and realization “I can push form back here I can make the hole wider for you” his voice weak knowing that was not true, that it was a painfully tight squeeze even for him and Alverez was a big man. Seeing the pain in Gray's eyes Alverez smiled as he heard loud thumps land in the lab behind him and the screams of the creatures in the Cube fall silent “you know that’s not goner work mate, anyway times up now ...Go!” with that he pushed hard on the slim man watching him slide into the dark with a ripping noise, followed by splashing the bloody pressure bandage and part of Grays fatigues caught on the jagged metal. He heard gray shout “I'll be back with help just hang on” followed by frantic splashing He looked at the grate for a moment, wondering if Gray would be okay seeing only a small light moving away though the hole, he shrugged he had done what he could for the man it was up to him now. Alverez turned slowly coming face to face with the monster and his former team members all only ten feet away. He almost gasped as he looked at their perfect bodies that seemed sculpted from slate gray marble, skin stretched over well-defined muscles all of their hair jet black like their eyes with a spiderweb of black vanes running over their almost divine forms like delicate filigree which pulsed with a toxic green light. He noticed again how over each of their hearts the vanes and capillaries twisted into a bio hazard symbol declaring proudly to the world what waited for their pray. He also noticed other changes more subtle in some cases their fingers and limbs were longer they seemed taller and their feet were larger … and so were there dicks not one was under thirteen inches and thick, they hung down obscenely and even now were starting to grow erect at the sight of their new pray. Alverez had seen the whole team naked in the gym showers at one point or another and even Jackson the biggest and no slouch had only been nine inches at most. But his mind was made up and there was no escape now anyway, he had no doubt they would catch him in a second if he tried to run, so he took another deep breath accepting his fate. He looked the alpha beast in the eye and the creature tilting its head, nick went to move but the Alpha held up its hand with a strange almost calming cry and Nick stopped dead looking back and making a similarly strange mewling sound. Alverez moved his gaze to meet Jackson’s The Alpha tilted its head again before its hand slid down Jacksons back and pushed making a chuffing sound. Jackson taking the command moved forward to stand Infront of Alverez the muscular Latin man seeing himself reflected in the black mirrors of Jacksons eyes he gulped, the others moving behind Jackson the Alpha seeing a connection between the pray and his prized creation. After a moment Jackson reached out and caressed Alverez cheek his fingers, who whimpered softly at the touch, the fingers moving to the back of the man's head and went to pull him in for the intoxicating kiss that would leave him weak, insatiably horny and disorientated, only to have the alphas hand stop him before his togue could delve into his friend's throat. the alpha could see the gleam on lust and need in Alverez eyes and wanted the man to feel everything to accept the gift fully. Jackson moved behind Alverez exposing him to the other three creatures who moved in they quickly. Jackson held the shaking man in his arms as the other three removed his clothing ripping it from his muscular hairy body, already wet with a sheen of sweat. His cum wet fatigues were ripped off and sucked on by Nate for a causing him to shudder and his vanes flash a brighter green before also being discarded. Alverez shuddered with fear and sexual excitement now naked, Jackson had one arm around his waist and one hand around his throat he was making soft soothing almost sexual noises as he licked Alverez’s ear and neck Alverez was still whimpering unable to stop himself. He could feel his friends venomous rock-hard dick splitting his ass cheeks and pushed up against his back now wet with his toxic precum. He moaned louder as Nate and Nick moved in on his exposed nipples nipping and sucking them expertly, his nipples had always been sensitive but never like this, he writhed but was unable to move far in Jacksons vice like grip as the two creatures continued their ministrations before both burying their faces to his arm pits licking and sniffing the hairy caverns greedily. Alverez’s dick was now harder than it had ever been, almost painful pulsing with his quickening heart beat the Alpha knelt before him and its tongue moved over the engorged head licking up a drop of pre cum that had formed, sending another shudder of pleasure though the restrained man. The Alpha seemed to savor the taste of the fluid for a few seconds before its whole mouth engulphed the cock to its root and sucking causing Alverez to buck and shout in surprise and pleasure. The next few minutes were a blur for man as the creatures forced him to experienced pleasure he had never even dreamed of, the four each licked and sniffed what seemed like every inch, while Jackson held him tight in his embrace. His pits and feet seemed to be their favorite places to explore, sniff and lick and each time they did the pleasure threatened to send Alverez over the edge. only his ass had been left alone but was now sticky with the corrupted fluid dripping down his back from Jacksons throbbing dick, Alverez could even now feel pulsing with his friends' heartbeat. the Creature had also brought him close to Cumming several times only to stop sucking him on the brink and pull away leaving him begging for release his balls feeling tight and full to busting with pure untainted cum. the Alpha had moved behind him to where Jackson stood and they switched the creature's arms moved under his armpits and fastened around his chest while Nate and Nick picked him their hands on his ass cheeks and lower back holding him and his legs up like he was in a sling all three of the creature's dicks hard as steel and leaking poisons trails of precum on his back none of them seemed to even flinch at his weight. All this happened in almost silence as Jackson moved between his thighs and rested his legs on the slate grey shoulders fingers tracing their way down his legs to his taint briefly brushing past his dick and swollen balls causing Alverez to cry out before Jackson knelt down. Alverez had a moment of shock as he felt the tongue move across his hole leaving a trail of saliva, he had never felt anything like this before as it happened again and again then slipped inside him. He writhed and moaned as the tongue slipped in and out and was then joined by a finger then a second. He felt the finger hit something inside him, His eyes closed in a pleasured moan shoot open and he bucked his dick spurting a small amount of cum as his prostate sparked a primal need he fought back a scream of pleasure. The alpha whose head was on his shoulder chuckled at the reaction and from the words spilling form Alverez mouth “More please more don’t stop, oh god what are you doing to me oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck” from what was soon to be its new child. After only a few minutes Jackson stood and leaned down to look into Alverez eyes the time had come for Alverez to be reborn into his perfect new body. The Latin man looked up at the monster who had once been his friend his face a mask of fear and in a small voice “is this going to hurt Jackson?” Jackson nodded sombrely his eyes not leaving his friends as he moved back to line up his massive toxic cock with the scared man's ass a large drop of black cum glistening on the tip for Alverez to see, his eyes wide he writhed to pull away, he was no ready for this he started to think he had made a grave mistake. Alverez managed to get out “is it too late to ...ARRRRRRRGGGGG” before Jackson began to push in a scream ripping from his throat as he thrashed and tried to pull back but unable to break the creatures grasp it only pushed him further back into the Alphas embrace, Alverez could feel his ass try to stretch around massive steel hard pole being pushing into him, the burning pain feeling like Jacksons cock was made of molten metal it held out for what seemed like an eternity and then there was a sickening pop as he felt the muscle rip to let the massive toxic member in, he screamed again the agony white-hot, he was begging for Jackson to stop now but the pain only grew as more and more as Jackson thrust deeper into his pray the primal instinct to corrupt to change the man In front of him taking over. Alverez thought he must have passed as when he opened his eyes next Jackson was now fucking him slowly almost sensually. Poison filled balls clapping against his torn and bleeding ass, he was still begging his friend to stop his voice weak with horse sobs of pain falling from his lips as each thrust tore him up more, he was sure he was dying no one could survive this. The pain slowly faded bringing with it a new unsettling and strange feeling like he was slipping away into fog. pleasure and need wared with his mind as his vanes felt like they were on fire he was scared and part of him was screaming for him to stop but that part seemed to be fading, faster and faster now. Instead He began to scream and begged for more as the toxic pre cum leaking from the monster's cock seeped into his ravaged innards and took away the pain. Jackson picked up his pace cock pounding its poison gift into him ever faster, the burning sensation spreading though him even now reshaping him and molding him ready for the true dose that was being held in Jacksons balls like an oil well waiting to be tapped his vanes flashing their toxic light faster and faster as his orgasm built. it was not long before the new pleasures were too much for Alverez’s human mind and his cock exploded with a jet after jet of cum splatting his chest and face the Alpha, Nick and Nate licking the pure fluid up eagerly almost frenziedly. As he came Alverez's ass contracted on Jacksons dick that and the smell of the negative cum sending the creature over the edge he screamed in triumph as his dick flooded Alverez with its black corruption the toxic load burning into man's body. Alverez’s eyes widened as he felt Jacksons cock swell growing harder if that were possible, he knew it was time to accept his poison for playing with the snake. A tear rolled down his cheek as he looked into Jacksons eyes for the last time as this Alverez me mouthed “thank you” and Jackson erupted in him, He bucked and seized in the creature's arms as the toxic gift took hold and truly started the transform the man who was screaming and writhing his skin starting turn grey the fat seeming to be pulled into his body to fuel the change. Jackson pulled out and a wave of oily black cum and blood spilled from Alverez’s ruined ass. Alverez even in the throes of the transformation felt empty as the cum and blood flowed out of him like a river. the creatures placed him on the floor and switched places Nate was over him now and pushed into his newly corrupted hole. Alverez let out a moan of pleasure feeling full again as his once commanding officer began to pound the toxic cum into him once more but before Nate could cum his mind gave out and he let the corruption take him. They continued to fuck their poison seed into the young creature until each has deposited at least two loads each screaming their orgasm into the flickering gloom, its ass destroyed but would be healed as its body reformed. the cube bound creatures had once again started their orgy after watching Alverez the birth of their new brother. Jackson curled around his friend holding him tight as his new perfect body was formed Alverez spasming and twitching as his humanity was burned away to leave the perfection of the change in its wake. As the process took hold the Alpha, Nick and Nate got to work on the weakened grate and their possible path to freedom from this prison.
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sorry its taken a little while guys life has been hectic of late but yeah here is part 9 hope you all enjoy Part 9 Alverez was the first to slip through the doors trying to avoid the inky black corruption glistening on the metal, his nose was hit by the heady pheromones of sweat and cum. And He almost slipped on a patch of the black fluid causing him to brace his hand on the wall only for it to land in more of the substance he pulled his hand back and the viscous black ooze dripped down his glove. He would deny it but a small part of his brain urged him to taste it, he shook the thought away as Gray moved into the large room behind him. Gray winced at the smell muttering under his breath about it smelling like a bathhouse and looked around the shadowy room the only light coming from, flickering monitors and from a hole in the middle of the floor where red and toxic green pulsing light spilled out, he realized they were on an upper floor the middle of the room hollowed out to allow for the people working up here to be able to see down into the main lab area. Gray moved over to look down in the pit and gasped a large containment lab had been set up the cube of glass taking up a lot of the ground floor. Inside creatures were writhing and pushing up against the glass the black corruption and the flashes of green light making it hard to see clearly. So it took him a moment to realize what they were doing and he stepped back shocked at the carnal scene playing out below him. Alverez was poking at the monitors when he heard Gray’s gasp, he turned quickly to see the techie paler than he had been a second ago his face a mask of horror “Gray what’s up man speak to me” Gray pointed at the end of the baloney shaking and almost a whimpered “I think I found the other scientists … there all those things you described” Alverez blinked but nodded “makes sense … if that thing got Jackson it will have gotten the scientists too …...Gray we have to get out of here man where is the way out” Gray looked over the balcony again and saw a number of pipes from the containment cube leading to a metal hatch on the floor and nodded down. Alverez moved up beside him and nodded seeing it “alright let's move, we don’t know how long before that thing gets back” he looked at the cube again his eyes lingering “I hope Jackson is not in there” They moved across the lab eyes scanning the darkness and flickering shadows for threats or Jackson neither were found as they moved down the stairs, the lower floor was bigger than they had both thought the lab looking much more sinister in the red emergency lights and the strange green glow of the creature's veins, the black corruption almost everywhere seeming to drip from every surface. autopsy tables and medical apparatus only added to the horror movie vibes. The pair moved behind some of the autopsy tables trying to keep out of sight of the orgy of monsters for as long as possible their moans, screams and wet slapping noises load enough to echo off the walls. Alverez kept looking at the cube as they moved. His eyes taking in the carnal acts, he gulped as he could feel his iron hard dick strain against his trousers. When Gray asked what he was doing he said he was looking for Jackson, Gray had nodded and moved on ahead a little way poking though some piles of cloths on the floor. Alverez watched as one creature pinned down by a group of four others, they descended on it wrestled with it. In a moment it was pinned, the creature was now on top on one of the others its back to the others chest its arms held back another moved to lay on top making creature sandwich and both top and bottom forced their massive dicks together into the middle creature with squealed as its hole stretched past what Alverez could believe with what sounded like pleasure, before an enormous dick was forced down its throat by a third monster, the last creature got behind the one skull fucking the pray and pushed its dick massive cock inside its ass resulting in another cry of pleasure all five creatures writhed and moved in sensual bliss. Alverez's hand was rubbing the fabric over his engorged head knowing that he had to stop or he would blow a load right here knowing it went against everything he had been taught it was against his god, but his mind went back to that memory of Gray and Jason fucking in their hotel room, except now in his mind there were like the creatures he bit his lip feeling the flow of pre cum from his dick he was so close. almost in unison the creatures let out grunts and screams of exultation, only for them to separate and the scene to play out again a few moment later like a sexual ballet, Alverez licked his lips as he watched the pray creature stand and black fluid pour from its ass dripping down its leg almost at the point of climax himself from just watching, his fatigues damp with precum. He knew he would not leave this place unchanged he needed what he had just seen or it would haunt his dreams and nightmares for the rest of his life .... fuck his religion this was his religion now. Gray called him over a few moment later pointing at a pair of boots and socks discarded in the pile of cloths … “Jackson was here but I don’t think he is going to be Jackson anymore” he looked at Alverez “are you okay dude you look flushed” Alverez nodded and quickly lied “yeah man just the heat in here let's find and open that exit so we can get the hell out of this place, once were out we can call for backup” Gray raised an eyebrow but they moved on they got to the steel hatch a few moments later it was solid and bolted to the wall. Both men looked at each other and winced Gray was the first to speak “were going to have to cut though it” Alverez groaned “that's going to take a while even with the cutting torch man” he pulled it from his backpack and gave it to Gray “you start I'm going to keep an eye out for the alpha” Gray nodded his assent saying something about it being a good plan but Alverez was already watching the cube again barely aware of his surroundings his eyes transfixed his cock growing hard it was like watching a snake beautiful but deadly and knowing that playing the snakes game the venom would soon be in his veins changing him forever. It was some time before the smell of fresh untainted precum wafted to the creatures in the cube who let out hunting screams and started to throw themselves ageist the hardened glass. But not long enough as Gray had barely cut a gap big enough to maybe squeeze causing him to panic. Though it was substantially less time before the creatures constant screams were answered by hunting screams from the upper level.
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Okay i think i know where the sorry is going from here so enjoy this next chapter Part 8 It had taken Gray and Alverez the better part on an hour to get to the lower labs and had involved a lot of trial and error what with doors sealed with electromagnetic locks that required access cards they didn’t have and Gray’s computer not being able to bypass them. So, after some back tracking and looking for alternate routes though the lab. they had resorted to using the vents twice but after Gray’s arm started to bleed again and the blond techie had nearly passed out Alverez had called a stop to that approach they would take it slow and use option two. Option two had turned out to be an acetylene torch procured from one of the abandoned labs possibly left over from construction it had taken more time but they were making progress. Gray pointed at a pair of double doors at the end of a corridor imposing in size and seemed to have a number of bio locks keeping them closed Alverez sighed “let me guess we need to break into these to get where we need to go” his eyes flicked to Gray who had slid down the wall and was now sitting on the floor . “yeah and from the schematics that place is the main lab for military projects so its going to be fun getting in dude” Gray winced as he pulled his vest and coat off showing the ruined T-shirt and blood-soaked bandage on his arm. Concern flashed across Alvarez's face but he held his tongue watching gray work, Gray pulled his own med kit from his belt and putting a new pressure bandage in place with a small gasp of pain. “we need to get in there Alverez, the way out should be at the far end of the room if they did what I think they should have to save money they will be using the cooling run off pipe as a way to dump any liquids from the labs and that run off pipe should lead to the way out of this place” Alverez raised an eyebrow “that sentence had a lot of should or what ifs but I will take your word for it because I don’t think we have another option at this point” he helped Gray put on his vest leaving the jacket on the floor the heat in the complex growing oppressive now. They moved down the corridor carefully the glass walls of the lab's ether side acting like giant black mirrors showing them distorted fragments in the dull red light of the lock-down, they reached the doors expecting a true challenge to get in only to find them ajar large black hand prints in the oily substance where someone or something had opened and closed the door a number of times. Both men looked at each other and slipped inside to what they both now suspected was the beasts lair. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nick awoke head feeling foggy to grunts of pain he looked over to where Nate was laying on his back writhing in what seemed pain. His skin was splotched grey the color creeping further up his body the pulsing vanes had moved most of the way towards his heart and head. The man's body was transforming Nick could see his member engorging and lengthening as the little fat on him slowly drained away leaving the skin tight across muscles now obscenely defined his hair was turning a coal black but his eyes were still human and he seemed to be fighting the change. Jackson was making a keening noise and stroking Nate’s hair as Nicks maker rose from behind him and stalked over. Jackson’s pitch-black eyes looking up at the maker pleading for its help the Maker nodded stroking Jackson's hair sending a visible shiver of pleasure though him Jackson stepped back and watched his maker work. The creature knelt between Nate’s legs its hands slipping under the man's muscular thighs and lifting his ass up Nate began to struggle and whimper his voice slurred as the virus burned though him “no please … no ….. just let me go.. Plee” his protests were cut short into moans as the makers long tongue slipped into his destroyed hole lapping up the oily Toxic cum still oozing out, its cock growing harder as Nate's struggles and protests died replaced with an animal moans and need, nick crawled over to his once friend and mentor kissing his head tongue slipping between the moaning man's lips Nate kissed back getting lost in the pleasure and pheromones. Jackson slipped behind Nick his cock already as hard as iron from watching his creator it brushed the man's wet dripping hole as soft as a kiss and then pushed into the young creature nicks eyes went wide at the pleasure and pushed back against the intruding cock. Jackson could feel the makers toxic cum envelop his cock he growled as Nick raised up pressing his back to Jackson's chest and leaning his head back to rest on Jackson's shoulder as the man began to pummel Nicks insides both could feel the cum slashing inside Nick’s dick was now as hard as Jackson's and had fallen across Nate's chest the creator smiled seeing his new creations enjoying each other in the most natural way possible. The creator looked down at Nate knowing Jackson's gift was not strong enough yet to give a swift transition to perfection but knew he could help Nate become who he was meant to be to join with his brothers forever he lowered the man down and positioned himself. As he pushed into the transforming man slowly, lovingly knowing his gift would end this creature suffering, he never broke eye contact, the creator leaned forward when he was all the way in and Nate's face was a mask of pleasure and fear, a tear trickled down Nate's face and he mouthed the word no trembling as he weakly tried to raise his arms toward the creator, the creator just smiled sadly and nodded yes and stroked his hair as he pulled out and slammed back in Nate let out a scream arms falling as the creator did another slow pull out and slammed back in again its vanes pulsing light speeding up now with the need to breed this man. He and Jackson continued their rhythm the slap slap of balls full of toxic seed echoed though the tunnels as well as the grunts and moans of pure animal sex, the creator reached out and grabbed Nate and Nicks cocks and began to wank them in time with their own rhythm both men shuddering under the powerful touch of the creator. Jackson and nick both let out there screams of orgasm first, as Jackson slammed into the younger man with a roar of primal fury releasing a flood of toxic cum into Nick’s guts he could feel the pulse after pulse of corruption entering him Nick came a few seconds later by the creators hand sending a torrent of toxic cum into the air and down onto Nate who was still writhing in pure ecstasy the creators toxic rod filling him totally. Jackson pulled out of Nick and let the younger man drop to the floor the fresh infusion of virus speeding on his change past the point of no return Nick writhed in a spreading pool of cum moaning and rubbing at his skin the pulsing vanes beginning to form the bio-hazard symbol over his heart sealing his new existence he watched on as Nate's initiation continued. Jackson crawled onto his former commander and lined the man's still growing cock up with his hole. he looked in Nate's eyes still human still a vivid green but unfocused and pushed back, Nate breached Jackson's hole into his velvet shoot that seemed to try and pull his dick further and reflexively he pushed into the man Jackson let out a howl of pleasure and Nate's eyes focused on the pulsing symbol on Jackson's chest he licked his lips and began to fuck Jackson and himself on the creators invading tool. the creator leaned forwards his tongue licking Nate's cock and Jackson's hole tasting the two men and it driving them all on. The makers speed began to grow unsteady and Nate felt the things cock grow harder inside him he tried to force his mind to push back to stop what was happening to him but it was too late he felt the final push the pulsing of the burning ropes of toxic black cum flooding him inside the immense wave of pure pleasure that followed was too much he came inside Jackson the orgasm the most powerful he had ever had in his life. Jackson seemed to glow brighter as Nate filled him up and then he came a fountain of corruption into Nate's face and mouth Nate was forced to swallow and wipe his face then he spasmed as the creator's toxic load burned though him, his transformation now in overdrive Nate screamed as the last of his humanity burned away leaving on perfection it its wake.
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- 19
I was 25 and deeply in the closet never done anything gay always trying to hide it but one day ended up at a place called heros in Stourbridge uk. Not going to lie I was terrified and looked like a rabbit in the headlights. I was watching all the stuff I had dreamed of but denied my self happening all around me but had no confidence to join in. After an hour I was going to leave and was in the showers when a muscle daddy in his early 40’s tats everywhere pierced and hairy. came up behind me and whispered in my ear that he had been watching me and could tell I was a virgin in needed of a daddy like him. I was so shocked at his boldness I just nodded and followed as he led me to a one of the upstairs rooms and proceeded to show me everything I had been missing and I loved every moment of it. i never saw that daddy again but I always hope I will run into him when I go to heros and thank him for turning me out
Who are you? Bareback picture game
PupLucky replied to fuckholedc's topic in Bareback Porn Discussion
A mash up of 1, 6, 5 and 14 -
Just before lockdown was chatting to a guy on grinder amazing body and nice cock asked if I wanted to go around his so he could fuck me I agreed. I get there he lets me In we have a hot little make out session as the cloths come off, my lips Literally just touch his cock and he shoots his load over my face. He apologised said that had not happened before but seems he was a one a done kind of guy. Pity because I would have loved to feel his dick in my ass and he was a total top so no switching up the situation. all this took around 3 mins from me walking in the door very disappointed
as promised part 7 hope you like been working on it a while ....... part 8 may be a little while enjoy Part 7 Nate and Nick watched the others leave before grabbing their gear Nick spoke first “I didn’t tell him what Alverez said that thing did to Jackson … I'm kind of hoping that was his imagination” he looked up at Nate the muscular man shaking his head as he pulled the straps on his vest tight securing it over his jacket despite the heat. “Nick, I think Alverez was telling the truth and that means when we find Jackson, he will likely need medical attention and a quick evac if we can subdue or kill the think that got him we avenge our brother for what was done to him …... but Jackson comes first at this point the rest of the mission is scrubbed” Nate's eyes were cold as ice “and when I get out of this hell hole, I'm going to find out why we were really sent down here” Nick picked up his weapons and checked his gear before nodding “yes sir” they moved out of the lab that had served as temporary base camp and jogged down the corridors not looking back. they followed the directions Alverez had given using the lead virologists card key it only took them 15 mins to get to where Jackson had disappeared. His cloths scattered in the same pattern and a thick pool of the black oily substance staining the carpet Nate scowled “Jackson I'm going to find you buddy”. Nick pointed at a droplet trail leading from the room and Nate nodded and they followed the trail the beams from there barrel mounted touches lighting up the gloom cast by the emergency lights they carried on like this for a while before the trail slowed then stopped altogether Nate cursed “well I knew that was too easy so now we do an old fashioned search” Nicks flashlight lit up the door of what looked like a sub-basement “if this was a horror movie sir it would be down there” Nate chuckled the sound deep in his chest “if this was a horror movie, I would say your right so let's indulge our horror stereotypes and go into the monsters lair” they opened the door and found a ladder leading down they climbed down an access ladder the metallic ringing of the rungs echoing though the darkness of the underground tunnels sounding like a lunch bell Nick thought. the corridor down here was wide but with the walls and ceiling covered with pipes it felt cramped, the humidity spiked and both men began to visibly sweat down here red lights and green lights pulsed on panels all of which meant nothing to the two men but cast a strange dance of shadows into the gloom. Only 30 meters into the tunnel they came upon a cross section and realised the tunnels down here were likely more of a maze than upstairs Nate heard something hit the floor in an adjoining tunnel and gestured for Nick to follow him, they crept up silent backs against the wall Nate peered around the corner and something grabbed him throwing him across the tunnel he only made out a flash of grey skin and green light before he slammed into the opposite wall his head hit a steam pipe hard and he slumped to the ground dazed. He heard Nick shout “get the fuck off me” before the deafening reports of a gun stole his hearing. Nate lay there his vision swimming his hearing coming back slowly, he pushed himself up and squinted at the scene playing out In front of him as his vision focused, he could see Nick naked now his cloths torn away and strewn around the tunnel and two muscular tall gray creatures' black veins pulsing with a toxic green light. the teller of the two stood behind Nick its arm raised high long-fingered hand holding both nicks hands above his head his feet barley able to touch the floor. the creatures other hand caressing the young black man's stomach while it licked his face, ear and neck in slow sinuous motions. The other creature was on its knees greedily sucking on Nicks rock hard member taking the 8 inches downs its throat with little effort, its hands playing with the boy's stiff nipples causing Nick to buck and jerk. Nate looked at Nick himself, his Nick the boy he had known since they were a child and promised to protect now a grown man naked at the hands of these monsters his eyes rolled back in his head moaning like a bitch in heat sweat dripping from him. Nate lifted his weight and tried to get to the gun that had swung around to his back but his movement alerted the two creatures, the larger nodded at the prone man and the smaller let out a keening moan before letting Nicks throbbing cock fall from its hungry maw, the cock twitched in the air causing Nick to let out a whimper of his own. the smaller creature turned quickly and advanced on Nate who stared frozen in shock at Jackson's new perfect form the slate gray skin, coal black hair and eyes his new larger muscular physic, the spiderweb of toxic looking veins and the massive throbbing member that stood to attention obscenely big against the man's form. It was only a moment of shock but it was enough for Jackson to dive on him they wrestled on the floor Jackson's lithe musky form all over him and he was too strong Nate couldn't hold him off, Jackson slipped behind him his arms locking across Nate's chest and throat his legs warped around Nate's waist heels pushing into his calves “Jackson don’t do this.... is me Nate ahhhh” Nate screamed as Jackson's grip increased for a moment letting the once bigger man know he was beaten. Nate could feel Jackson's steel hard cock pushed against his back the man's hot breath on his neck, one of Jackson's arms across his chest locked him in place it was like being wrapped by an iron bar the other hand under his chin forcing him to watch Nick being toyed with. Nick had fallen back into the larger creature's arms like a puppet with its strings cut he only whimpered and moaned as the creature's ministrations, one of nicks arms was behind the things neck the creatures face was buried in the man's arm pit licking and sniffing up the pure scent of him, its meant its hands were free to wonder over his fit young body the left hand stopped to play with Nicks nipples tugging and teasing them expertly causing the man to buck and thrust forward. while the fingers of its right hand slid down his tight abs brushing past his dick to explored his muscular ass, its slick finger slipping into the Nicks quivering hole causing him to let out a low guttural moan of pleasure the creature let out a dark chuckle one finger became two then three milking the man's prostate Nick bucked and howled with pleasure, Nate was forced to watch on in horror. As the slow destruction of Nick continued In front of him Nate felt the pressure on his chest disappear as Jackson's arm pulled away, his nimble fingers now pulling at the straps holding Nate's vest in place. Nate bucked trying to dislodge his once friend, but the hand on his chin slipped down to his throat and tightened the muscular man stopped struggling as his air was cut off and let his vest be pulled away still squeezing Jackson stood pulling his toy with him Nate hands moving to the man's tight fingers trying to pull them away from his throat but only scrabbling uselessly against the grip. While he was distracted Jackson unzipped the jacket and pulled Nate's hands were briefly pulled away from there desperate mission to remove the fingers and get air. The T-shirt was next shredded as Jackson pulled the tight material away exposing Nate's gym honed muscles, his huge arms and pecs now covered in a shine of sweat drops of it running down his abs Jackson smiled wiping a finger from his free hand along his friends' body and tasting him as if he was a fine wine he shuddered with pleasure. his hand whipped to the to the fatigues tearing them away in almost a frenzy his fingers stopped over the briefs for a second caressing the prize they hid straining beneath there fabric gently before they too were torn away. Nate stood gasping for air as Jackson admired what would be his first creation, he liked what he saw and knew his toxic gift would find a good host in Nate. Jackson let go of his soon to be victims throat and Nate dropped to the floor at Jackson's feet coughing and gasping for breath. Jackson his grey fingers caressing nates muscular flesh from his shoulder blades to his rock-solid ass Jackson's finger found his tight pucker he used the sweat as lube to push a finger inside Nate whimpered and tried to crawl away Jackson just smiled. he looked over at his creator who was still playing with Nick but could tell the creature was getting impatient it wanted to breed the young man to pass on its toxic gift its veins were pulsing faster. Jackson bent down and picked up Nate under the arms the man's struggles were weak and futile now he was accepting his fate. He made Nate watch as his creator slowly raised Nick up and positioned him over its steel hard massive cock the tip aimed directly for the man's now puffy raw hole as it lowered Nick down towards his salvation Jackson could hear Nate almost crying, “no please not him … please no … please.” As the tip started to penetrate Nicks eyes cleared, he began to struggle with the pain of something that big pushing into him he reached out to Nate desperately his arms flailing and mouthed the words “help me” there was almost an audible pop as the head slipped inside Nick jerked and screamed but the creature did not stop it continued to slide him down Nicks screams became a moan first of pain then pleasure as the toxic pre cum started to seep into his wounds easing the transition. Jackson pushed Nate towards what he knew was practically the man's son, his hand on the back of the muscular man's neck but Nate just stumbled forward in a daze all fight gone as he watched Nick get brutality fucked by this creature the veins seemed to pulse toxic light in time with his own racing heartbeat. Jackson picked the man up under his arms and pushed him ageist Nick’s writhing form looking into his ward's eyes. Nate knew what would happen next, he felt Jackson's massive cock probing his hole as his feet dangled above the floor he didn’t even try to struggle and then the pressure as he began to force it in, it was far too big for Nate's Virgin hole but Jackson did not care he was caught in a breeding frenzy and pushed in hard, Nate felt something tear and a white hot pain as he Jackson slipped a good 5 inched into him but he held back the scream he would not give the creature the pleasure of his pain he simply sobbed resting his head on Nicks shoulder and he felt Jackson slip into him inch by inch the pain subsiding as he knew the poison was entering his blood stream Then he felt Jackson begin to fuck him in earnest the pain was blinding at first as he tried to hold on to Nick, but it subsided and became pleasure. He tried to stop himself but he began to moan then the words just slipped out like a torrent. “Oh fuck Jackson breed me please … oh fuck it's too much … oh fuck OH FUCK make me like you!!” Jackson just chucked darkly and fucked him deeper knowing the venom was brewing in his balls and Nate would soon get his wish. The two creatures pushed closer together fucking their victims at the same pace but that pace was building, Nick and Nate were forced to embrace for stability their bodies pushed together they kissed moaning into each other's mouths, both men could feel themselves slipping away losing themselves in the pleasure, both men's dicks now solid trapped between the two men's writhing stomachs the friction from the Abs and pleasure was too much for Nate who screamed as his orgasm ripped through him causing him to shake and twitch as he spraying his last negative load over his and Nicks chest. Nick followed suite shortly after the feel of cum on his cock too much for his mind to take and he to erupted between them rope after rope of negative cum sprayed their bodies painting them in white. The smell of the pure cum sent the creatures into a new frenzy as they picked up speed both Nate and Nick felt the cocks in them get harder as the pounding increased and then both creatures let out a howl of pure pleasure both men were pulled down balls deep in the rods impaling them firmly in place as felt the creatures flood them with their corrupted toxic cum it burned though them like a forest fire Nate simply falling limp him mind unable to take the bombardment of stimuli. Nicks eyes went wide as he felt rope after rope of toxic cum pulsing and burning deep inside himself Changing him …. then everything was still and quiet. the creator pulled him slowly off its shrinking cock and Nick let out a whimper feeling so empty. he watched as Jackson do the same with Nate he watched as the oily black toxic cum he could feel leaking from his own destroyed ass slid from Nate's ass too it was streaked with crimson, somewhere in his mind he knew that should worry him .. he watched Jackson lick the negative pure cum from off Nate's chest and stomach before cleaning the unconscious man's dick Jackson seemed to glow brighter as he did seem to get bigger. Nick watched his creator do the same to him, he moaning at its sensual touch all force now gone and it too glowed and seemed to become more. Nick looked back at Nate his skin starting to go slate grey and the veins moving across his body Jackson was curled around him stroking the muscular man's hair making a soft keening noise. Nick could feel things fading from his mind complex cares and thoughts slipping away as `he felt his creator curl around him its arms holding him tight safe and secure so Nick gave into the corruption and let the darkness take him.
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- 25
Hey guys sorry its been over a week super busy here but here is part 6, this part has no sex but is setting up for 7 which i'm hoping to have up later today for you all, anyways hope you all enjoy 🙂 Part 6 Gray woke slowly the room swimming into vision his head felt like it was being squeezed in a vise, nausea griped him and his lungs burned like he had en-hailed liquid fire, the light from the overhead lamp seemed to cut into his eyes like he was staring into the midday sun, he lay there looking at the tiled ceiling trying to figure out what had happened. Nicks handsome but concerned face with its deep brown eyes looked down at him “fuck man you had us all worried Nate thought you were dead dude” Gray blinked and refocused on his friend “wh..what happened? Why am I” Gray went to raise his right arm and hissed in pain he looked down to see his arm outside his jacket, a gauze and tape covering his bicep and a spreading blossom of blood on the otherwise snow-white materiel made him worry. Nick shook his head “Gray you were in the server room when that alarm sounded the door started to close and Nate went mad trying to get you out he literally dragged your unconscious ass though the door as it closed” he looked at his friends arm and winced “yeah that bar Nate put in the door to keep it open it brought you time but it gave out and a piece got you like a bullet … Nate dragged you in this Lab gave you CPR and stitched you up” Gray nodded trying to take in what felt like a flood of information even though his head was fuzzy from oxygen deprivation and sat up the room spun for a moment but settled “you said an alarm which one?” Nick hoped up and sat next to the blond tech guy on the metal examination bench, he looked over at him and shrugged “umm same one that was going off when we came in … containment breech full lock-down protocols are now in effe...” He was cut off by Gray shout “SHIT!” Nick jumped but gray continued in a rush “sorry I was hoping I tripped something when I was in the server room but if it’s a full lock down were screwed man; I can't get us out of here you can't override that kind of lock down inside … unless” Gray fell silent as if lost in thought. Nick remained quiet he felt for Grey but the world had changed in the last hour and not for the better his eyes fell on the frosted glass window he could see two figures one seemed to be sitting the other pacing like a trapped tiger “Gray something got Jackson dude … you were out almost an hour and Alverez said that something got Jackson and dragged him off” he carefully omitted what Alverez said the thing had done to Jackson “he said it was a creature but that he thinks it set off the containment alarm” Gray’s already pale face seemed to lose the rest of its colour as he stared in shock at Nick “your joking right … there is nothing down here but people they don’t do animal testing on this site” he felt his voice raise an octave as panic took over “Nick Alverez must be mistaken …..or he breathed in some contaminated air and…" Nick cut him off and put a hand on his shoulder he shook his head “ Gray you said the area was clear of any toxic gasses and we have not seen any signs of that right” gray just nodded panic still visible on his face, Nick continued “and you didn’t see Alverez when he got back he looked like he had seen hell …. and this would explain the cloths we found in the hall Alverez said he found five other sets like that on his route back” Nick patted the techie's shoulder and nodded to the door “we should go figure out what we are going to do with the others” Gray just followed as if in a fugue state unable to process that one of his best friends could be gone … this was supposed to be a simple mission and it had turned into a horror show and none of it made any sense. Gray and Nick walked into the room to find Nate pacing back and forth his eyes fixed on Alverez “you are in no fit state to mount a rescue mission Alverez nether is Gray the guy almost died I'm fucking amazed he even got out of that room” Nate looked over at the Nick and Gray both standing awkwardly in the doorway and sighed “Gray you okay” Gray just nodded Nate grimaced “I'm Glad you're alive you had me worried back there” he paused for a moment the silence thick as tar with unspoken emotions “Grey I hate to ask but how do we get the hell out of this place Alverez says its locked down tight” Grey nodded again but wished he hadn't it sent a spike of pain though his head “short answer we don’t get out of here ...containment lock-down is just that it’s a full internal lockdown of everything nothing can get out till a team get here to clear the area and confirm anyone leaving is not taking a possibly deadly pathogen from the building” Nate narrowed his eyes “you said short answer so there is a way out of this place” He folded his massive arms across his chest a flicker of hope in his eyes. Grey pulled out his tablet from the front of the vest and passed it to nick to hold the younger man nodded and held the pad up to Gray who squinted at the bright screen his fingers pulling up a map of the building he took a few moments to find what he was looking for a smiled he circled it and passed the pad to Nate “ there is an old ventilation system that they built down here, but a better option was created that did the job for less money and more effectively. rather than pay to have the old system and its access tunnel removed and filled in …. that would have been expensive, they just blocked it off and its behind the main research lab” Nate nodded and smiled “this could work so we have a way out we just need to find Jackson I'm not leaving him here alone” Alverez went to speak but Nate raised his hand “Alverez you have been through enough and Gray can barely walk, I want you and grey to find a way to the exit, me and Nick will find Jackson then head to the extraction point” Gray and nick agreed Alverez scowled but nodded “yes sir” the group split into their two teams, with Gray and Alverez heading out first, Grey taking a last look at his two friends and trying to dismiss the cold feeling in the pit of his stomach that he would not see them again.
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- 18
Part 5 Jackson awoke his body awash with sensation a burning pleasure like nothing his brain had felt before like every nerve in his body had been rewired for his gratification, he let out a low guttural moan that. his new eyes took in the glory of his new form his skin was now a slate gray taught over rippling muscle as if all his body fat had been drained away in the transformation. the black veins spider-webbing across his body throbbing with a toxic green light carrying his makers gift of corruption though him to where the change was not yet total. The once blond hair on his chest was now coal black his eyes wondered downwards. the carefully cultivated treasure trail down his abs that had been many a womans downfall led his eyes to the improved weapon that too was beginning to rise from its slumber. his cock once a respectable 8 inch of thick meat had doubled in size and seemed to be showing no signs of stopping as it swelled with his new toxic blood. Movement in the darkness caught his eye and he turned his head; he was on an examination table in what looked like a laboratory across from him in what once had been a containment room he could see shapes writhing in the dim light he could see body's inter-tangled some pushed up against the glass illuminated in all their glory by brief flashes of red light he saw his new toxic brothers enjoying each other in every way possible and could just make out the cacophony of grunts and moans. their own perfect forms practically swimming in the oily corrupted cum they must have slipped into each other Jackson licked his lips and went to rise to join them in their orgy of debaucherus' pleasure. when a hand rested on his chest, he looked up into the eyes of his maker Jackson let out a mewl of need as that touch sent waves of pleasure running though him the creature nodded once. Jackson lay back down his eyes no leaving his maker the thing moved between his feet hanging over the edge of the slab its hands reached up and gripped his ankles it pulled, Jackson's form slid down the slab his ass now hanging over the edge exposed and vulnerable. Jackson let out a whimper as the thing lowered its head and slowly licked its way up his body its massive toxic cock carefully positioned to nudge at his hole to tease its new convert with more of his maker's gift. It licked its way up his engorged throbbing cock causing a moan to escape the younger creature's mouth the maker smiled and moved up his new creations tight abs and chest taking a moment to tease the nipples Jackson bucked and squealed from the sensation impaling itself of the makers iron hard rod just a little enough for the head to slip into his velvety shoot. Both creatures went still for a moment at the sensation they locked eyes Jackson noticed the feral glee sparkling in the thing's obsidian gaze seeing his new self-reflected there a helpless sacrifice to his and his makers perverted lusts Jackson nodded giving himself now and forever over fully to his new creator. the maker let out a growl of dominance and drove into Jackson in one fluid motion its balls slapping against his ass, Jackson's black eyes bulged with the sensation expecting pain but feeling none, the pleasure was almost too much for his new brain and nerves to process, then the maker drew back and did it again and again speeding up Jackson's form bucked like a rag-doll under the assault his head snaping back and forth caught in a perpetual scream of ecstasy his legs wrapped around his maker trying to force the creature deeper their mouths met and Jackson screamed his elation into his maker their tongues entwined. They rolled and fell to the hard tile flood and for a moment they separated laying on their back's eyes looking at the ceiling before his maker pounced again flipping him over on to his stomach he felt the weight come down on him then the slick sensation of his maker invading his insides once more Jackson howled with pleasure pushing back onto the invading dick milking as best as he could, wanting no needing more of the pure toxic strain to make him stronger faster better than others, he felt the steel rod in him swell again and knew he was about to get his desire. His maker let out that keening scream he remembered from his first time and the searing heat burned though him again pulse after pulse of it his brain somehow knew this time would seal his transformation would lock him into this new perfect form and he whimpered under his maker no going back this was his life now and he had no regrets. The creature pulled out of him leaving him feeling empty and turned him over looking down into its creations eyes it leaned down and griped either side of his face its hands gentle thumbs creasing his temples it leaned down further and kissed Jackson almost tenderly, without breaking the kiss it crawled up his form and settled on Jackson's tight muscled chest it leaned back exposing its ass . the creatures hand moved down to Jackson's hole now leaking its toxic continence onto the cold floor it scooped it up and rubbed it around its twitching hole fingers easily slipping inside causing it to moan into Jackson's mouth, it scooped up more toxic cum from the pool and dripped it down Jackson's rock hard cock satisfied it manoeuvred the young creatures newly changed and charged cock to its own hole pushed back it slid down the length one agonisingly slow inch at a time. Jackson let out a moan his eyes rolling back in his head he lay twitching with pleasure his brain overloaded by the sensation and the pleasure of the change only a few seconds later Jackson's cock exploded rope after rope of black oily cum deep into his makers bowls, the creature chuckled darkly and patted the bio-hazard sign forming from the black veins on Jackson's chest knowing it had created a work of art in this one. The creature waited for its new creation to be able to move again and helped him rise the maker gestured to an open-door way Jackson knew in his being it was time to hunt time to get him his first meal of pure untainted cum an image of his team mates appeared in his mind and he licked his lips his veins pulsing toxic green light faster in anticipation.
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Hey guys thanks for all the support did not think so many people would like my silly story so much, sorry for the delay work was a nightmare this week anyways here is part 4 hope you all enjoy working on part 5 now 🙂 Part 4 Nate led the way down the corridors of the lab complex the emergency lights doing little but make the place look more alien, strange shadows crept over the walls and odd reflections dancing over the windows of empty laboratories. his, Nick and Gray’s footsteps echoing off the tiled floor was the only sound they made for over 10 minuets. It was Nick who broke the silence, the young man's deep voice sounding so loud despite him speaking quietly, “yo Gray how much further man this place is fucking creepy and seems to go on forever” Gray looked at his tablet and nodded up the corridor “plans the boss gave us before we left say the main sever room is just up ahead and to the left” he looked at Nate who had stopped ahead of them his muscular silhouette blocking the way “problem sir?” Nate voice pensive came back “not sure” was looking down at a pile of ripped and discarded clothing, a lab coat security badge still attached seems to have just been taken off and dropped to the floor, an expensive looking tablet ley next to it the screen broken in a spiderweb of cracks. A man's Sweater and button-down shirt ley tangled in a rumpled pile together as if pulled off at the same time and just left where they fell. Then he spotted the shredded trousers and underwear further down the corridor as if ripped off the wearer. He also noticed the strange oily substance that covered some of the floor in a thick pool but some had been smeared over the glossy tile, he thought he could see finger marks and impressions of a body in the black stain almost like a macabre snow angel. He took a step forward and reached down for the lab coat to take the security badge as he lifted it from the ground a smell hit him like the musky male sweat of a gym weights room and locker room combined with the smell of cum, the smell of sneakers after a hot summer run it was like the smell of pure male he took a step back dropping the lab coat his head spun for a moment. Nate felt a supporting hand on his shoulder “are you okay sir?” Nate looked back into Nicks face his eyes focused on Nicks beautiful full lips and then deep brown eyes and for a moment wanted to lean forward and kiss the young black man, before he blinked and shook his head, Nick raised an eyebrow “Sir … Nate you looked spaced out there for a second” Nate looked at them both rubbing his temples “I'm fine but that black stuff smells chemical Gray scan if and log it not sure what the hells happened here but I'm not happy with the possibility's”. Gray and Nick moved forwards attention griped by the strange scene, both missing Nate Bulging Combat fatigues. Nate re-positioned the 9 inches of his steel hard erection his eyes wondering to Nicks Ass in the gloom hugged tight by the fatigues and he shuddered with a wave of pleasure. He shook his head trying push the unbidden thoughts of bending Nick over and pounding his firm young black ass while having him Gag on Gray's dick he knew the suffer boy had a good body and had seen his nice thick dick in the showers after they had all worked out together. Nate broke into a sweat the hot and humid air of the Lab complex not helping as he bit his lip at the thoughts racing around his head with an amazing effort, he silenced the fantasy's whispering in his ear but knew he could not stay in this corridor as if this happened again, he was not sure what would do. Gray moved up to the oily black substance the blond man taking out the metal wand again and waving it over the oily black residue the screen flashed green, hmm “it's not reading as an air born pathogen or toxin but I will take a sample for the file ...never know may be useful” scraped the almost dried liquid into a glass tube he stopped it and put in in one of the multitude of pouches on his vest. Nick picked up the badge and looked it over “DR Alexander Kimolova, virological research” Gary nodded to him “yeah that’s one of the head sciences on the list he can't have gotten far without his security pass” Nate walked past them and motioned for them to follow “whatever happened the good DR is not here so this can wait, we get the data from the servers first and then if Jackson and Alverez have not found the eggheads we join the search” Gray and Nick both gave each other a confused look both knowing the scientists were the main mission but stood and did as ordered Nick wanted to ask Nate if he was sure he was okay but having known the man since he was a kid he knew that was a bad idea so he stayed silent. The server room was as Gray has previously said less that 50 feet from their previous location the glass doors leading to a white tiled room empty bar a large metal door on the opposite wall and 4 cameras covering every inch of the room. Gray moved up to the door and plugged his tablet into a port He looked back at Nate for conformation and once the muscular man gave the nod his finger danced across the glass there was a green light and a cheerful ping, the door rumbled to the left and he sighed with relief “were in but we need to wedge the door this place has a built in fire suppression and cooling system and I don’t want to be in there without a way out if it goes off” Nick looked at the large room and the rows of servers “what happens if it goes off?” Gray looked into the room and ran a hand though his blond hair slicking it back with sweat “well the air is forced from the room by a cooling gas normally a halon stopping any fire or contagion and anyone unlucky enough to be in there without an oxygen supply” he stopped talking and Nick nodded his eyes sending the message I'm glad it's you and not me going in there. Nate nodded at grey and took a heavy-duty rod from his pack and wedged it into the gap “not sure how well that will hold Gray but it should buy you some time” the smaller man nodded and slipped inside the room he walked Into the gloom and set up his equipment on the main terminal and got to work while Nate and Nick waited outside. It was less than 15 mins before the biological containment alarm went off Nate and Nick looked up the lights once again going red and the voice echoing in all the corridors “containment breech full lockdown protocols are now in effect” Gray looked up from his work and swore his eyes darting to the door to the server room as it began to slowly close, a billowing white fog already being pumped into the room from the vents above him. he knew if he was caught in this room when that door closed, he would be dead, the fire suppression system also doubling as a sure-fire way to stop a hacker from stealing your company secrets. he looked at the download bar 83% “COME ON COME ON!” he frantically looked at the door now half closed the download bar inched up 89% there was no time, he grabbed the glowing tablet stowing it in the front of his vest he looked at the door again it was now straining against the bar and Nate was screaming at him to get out of there he desperately pulled the laptop free from the cables holding in place abandoning the other equipment, he was finding it hard to breath as he moved towards the door the bar squealing against the pressure. He stumbled his head spinning sending him slamming into a server stack he tried to grab it with his free hand to stabilise himself but it was no good he hit the floor hard the laptop sent skidding across the polished floor into the gloom of the server towers and the last of his breath was pushed from his lungs. He pushed himself up feeling dizzy desperately trying to breath seeing the laptop which may as well have been on the moon now there was no way he could get to it and get out, Nates screams sounded like they were coming from under water he stumbled towards the light and the flailing arm darkness creeping into corners of his vision and telescoping downwards. He felt something grab him and being squeezed through an ever-shrinking gap as the door continued to close the metal bar inevitably losing the fight against the sheer forces at play. the last thing Gray heard and felt before the darkness over took him was a high-pitched ting and buzz like a mosquito and a burning sensation in his right bicep.
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- 24
Hey guys thanks for the awesome responses to the story you all got me off my ass and encouraged me to write part 3 tried to build in a little more back story and flesh out the characters a little more for the part 4 and beyond. again i apologise for any incorrect spelling and grammar 🙂 but on with the story: Part 3 Alverez moved though the dark lab. The light from emergency lights casting strange shadows on the walls equations and diagrams looks almost like hieroglyphs in a forgotten tomb. Now dark plasma screens fought for space between whiteboards, cabinets and shelves. The young man's eyes scanned over the strange equipment that seemed to be making a quest appearance from a sci-fi film, and all of it alien technology to him. He muttered under his breath “stupid egg heads getting locked in their own god damn lab." He sighed and though about how he should be in Atlantic city right now with Jackson, Gray and Grey’s husband Jason blowing their last paychecks on booze and gambling not stuck in this Lab looking for clumsy scientists that should have known better than to play god. His mind wondered to a memory of Jason and Grey. He had walked in on them last time they were all away together, Jason had been fucking Grey hard his hips slamming into the blond man who was on his hands and knees ass in the air moaning like a bitch. Both men were sweating despite the AC in the room, and Gray cried out for the 6;04 Ginger Adonis to plow him harder. Jason had renewed his thrusts slamming into Gray like a jackhammer before lifting the smaller man up. He was squeezing Gray’s throat and kissing him passionately. After a few moments more Jason let the smaller man fall back to the mattress his hand whipped down to slap the blond otter on each ass cheek receiving a moan of pleasure in response. Jason began to pant his skin glistening with a fresh sheen of sweat. He almost shouted, “You want it baby you want daddy’s load!?” Gray’s hands were balled pulling at the sheets he nearly squealed the words, “please give me that load in my ass!” Jason slammed his hips into Gray as deep as he could with a feral growl “here you go!” He spasmed and pumped a few more times before falling like a tree onto of his husband, Alverez had backed out of the room before they had seen him far too busy in their own activities. He had always been taught such acts were a sin but he had never been so turned on he had masturbated to that memory so many times since then, his fingers would wonder down to his tight hole and.... The memories were interrupted by Jacksons voice over the mic “Jackson to Alverez I think I've seen someone I'm moving into the office south of the lab you're in now” Alverez whispered a brief thank you to the ceiling while making the sign of the cross. He toggled the ear piece “heading to you now” only a moment later Jacksons voice filled his ear again “the damn door closed on me I will check on this contact then move back and try open it” Alverez sighed again and hissed between his teeth “are you fucking kidding me man” but took a breath and toggled the ear piece again “Rodger.” He took his time finishing the search of the lab. He found nothing he didn’t expect to but imagining Jacksons annoyed expression at being kept waiting by a simple locked door and was unable to keep the grin from his face. The team had been together for two years it used to be him, Jackson, Gray and Nate, but Nate had recruited Nick last month. The new guy was fitting in well, but he was not quite one of the boys just yet. He and Jackson were planning Nick's initiation. He knew Nate had a vested interest in the kid, what with his father being his first CO. They had served together for 5 years before the older man had been killed in action, and Nate head-hunted to run delta team; he was helping Nick by getting him into the team and securing him a good career so they would go easy on him. In the Two years Jackson and Alverez had become close friends almost inseparable because they were both alpha jocks. It had also led to them butting heads because they would take any opportunity to gain one-up over the other trying to prove their dominion and solidify their alpha status in the team via pranks, contests and roughhousing. Not that the others payed much attention. Gray had said they were just hiding their insecurities behind bravado, and Nate called showboating. Both were probably right, but it was going to feel-good one-upping Jackson this time. He walked into the corridor his gun over his shoulder and a smug look plastered on his face expecting to see his Jackson giving him the finger or tapping his watch. He looked to the glass wall and door blocking the corridor. No Jackson, he raised an eyebrow perhaps the frat boy was playing with him hiding around the corner? Alverez peered into the gloom and saw something holding a pale figure in the air it took him a moment to realise the figure was Jackson naked apart from his boots. The gun fell from his hand in shock; the sling catching it and letting it hang useless by his side. Jackson was writhing in the thing's arms. His hands moving over his own skin as if every touch was pure pleasure, and the thing looked like it was sucking him off. The creature holding him aloft must have been over 6;3. It was hard to make out in the gloom. It’s slate gray skin and black body hair hiding it well, but the strange pulsing toxic green light from what looked like veins lit it up and cast hypnotic shadows over the scene In-front of him. Alverez’s eyes focused on the bio-hazard symbol on its chest and then drifted to the huge cock rubbing against Jackson's back. The thing looked massive like a baseball bat between its legs the tip of which glistened with a tar like black ooze trails of it already marking Jackson’s skin. He started to bang on the glass, to scream Jackson’s name. The thing let Jackson's steel hard member leave its maw, and the man’s ass was raised to creature's month and tongue. Alverez looked to the lock and tried the code he saw Gray use to get them in here frantically mashing the pad while he screamed into the com mic. He was greeted with static and the access denied screen over and over. He pulled a knife from his thigh and tried to smash the access panel. and though it broke with a crunch and a spider webbing of cracks the door stayed closed the magnet unmovable. He looked up and saw Jackson being raised and positioned over the creature's massive member. It start to push down; Jackson squirmed and writhed like he was trying to fight to push himself off the massive oily tool. Alverez saw the jerk as it tore its way into his friends defenses and into his tender hole watched as the creature began to move him up and down he saw Jackson lean forward and kiss the creature. He could barely tear his eyes away from the scene in front of him his mind flashing to memory of Jason and Gary on the hotel bed. He remembered the gun on a sling he had dropped out of shock when he first looked into the room. He grabbed it, took a shooting stance, and took aim at the glass. He fired a quick burst, but the glass held barely scratched. The bullets ricocheted off to the side; the low calibre bullets were more of a danger to Alverez than to the glass. He went back to banging on the door knowing it was useless. Almost sobbing feeling powerless as the thing grasped Jackson's shoulders and pushed him all the way down onto its toxic cock, he knew what was about to happen he had seen it with Gray and Jason. He heard the creature's scream of triumph and could see the massive gray balls contract again and again. He knew it was pumping his friend full of its cum. When the creature was done filling his friend, he saw Jackson's limp form pulled from the huge dripping cock. His suspicions were confirmed when the black ooze and crimson blood poured down the his friend’s leg from his destroyed hole. Jackson was twitching held in the things arms he could see the man's skin changing to a slate gray colour as the black veins began to spread across the man's body. The thing was making him like it, and Jackson seemed to be enjoying it. Alverez licked his dry lips as the thing carried Jackson from sight. He could feel his own cock straining at his fatigues and the damp spread of precum leeching into the fabric. He was sweating heavily and felt sick at being so turned on by what he had just witnessed happen to his best friend. He blamed the shock; his mind not letting him know the truth. But even as he turned to head back to tell the others what had happened to stage a rescue. He could not get the image of Jackson leaking the black ooze and the look of pleasure on the mans face as he became a monster. Red lights began to flash though the halls and rooms of the Gentech Labs once more and a calming voice repeated the phrase “Containment breech - full lock-down protocols are now in effect” There was a loud and final sounding boom the sound of what could only be a large steel blast door sealing the facility again and perhaps dooming them all to Jacksons fate.
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Part 2 Jackson and Alverez were carefully checking each room, it was like a maze down here they had been in three Labs and 2 offices, and so far, they had found nothing except one dishevelled office papers scattered and chair over turned with what looked like black ink up one wall but that could have been caused by panic when the alarm sounded. Jackson moved up to an open glass door way to what looked like an office area small cubicles filled the space like any office in America where the windows would have been seemed to be computer screens showing the containment breach information and advising all to get to the shelter for decontamination. The screens provided no real light only casting more shadows but he though he saw a movement towards the back of the room. He muttered into his mic “Jackson to Alverez I think I've seen someone I'm moving into the office south of the lab you're in now” he moved into the room and heard a click behind him Jackson looked back to see the door had closed and a red light flashed over a slot for a key card Alverez’s voice came back over the com link “heading to you now” Jackson muttered again. “The damn door closed on me I will check on this contact then move back and try open it” a brief “Rodger “ came back over the mic and Jackson sighed and lifted the gun beginning to move. He moved down the aisle of cubicles with careful trained motions scanning for anyone who could be hiding, but the flickering computer screens and the emergency lights caused dancing shadows that made this almost impossible. He was halfway through the room about to give up when a soft thud behind him made him spin around. Something grabbed his head. There was a blur of colour in front of his face. He went to let out a shout of alarm, but it was muffled by something being forced into his mouth then down his throat. It was slimy and dripping something; he gagged at the sensation and pushed back, stumbling backwards. He landed hard on his ass looking up at what had just attacked him with his hand trying to wipe the fluid from his mouth and his eyes wide. The creature has once been a man but now … It was naked and tall maybe 6:02. Its skin was grey and pulled taught over bone and over defined muscle. Its body hair and eyes were jet black. Spider webbing across its body were black veins that pulsed with a strange toxic green light converging over the thing's heart forming an eerie replica of the bio hazard symbol. Jackson felt his eyes pulled down to the creature's crotch. A massive member hung between its legs. It was still swinging from when the thing grabbed him, and it was getting hard. Jackson was finding it hard to think, hard to breathe. His mind was fuzzy. He was too hot; he could feel his body break out into a sweat and needed to get out of his cloths. He needed to be near the creature. Its black eyes not leaving his, Jackson's hands moved clumsily to the clasps on his vest and pulled the release buckles. It clattered to the floor forgotten as he pulled off the jacket and t-shirt tossing them to the side exposing his body to the humid air, Sweat was trickling down his chest and abs both dusted with light bond hair. He realised he had never been so horny. Every nerve was on fire. He fumbled with his trousers his eyes never leaving the glorious creature In front of him. The creature seemed to sense its prey was ready and moved up to the young man caressing his body with its fingers and tongue. Jackson shivered as it seemed to spend time licking and smelling every inch it could reach abs, biceps armpits. Then when the thing's tongue and mouth pressed over his left nipple, he let out a moan of pleasure. Hard as iron and leaking precum, his cock strained against his trousers. The thing could sense the pure fluid leaking from its prey. Its hands moved to his fatigues; they were ripped off of him and flung into the darkness. The same fate befell the boxers - one swift movement and Jackson was naked only his socks and boots left, His six inch shaft hard as a rock pointing at the creature almost offering the large droplet forming on the tip. Jackson moaned. Desperate for it to touch him, his mind screamed for him to stop. "What are you doing you're not even gay and this thing is a monster!" Even that went silent when the thing sat down in front of him its head moving forward its tongue delicately licking up the droplet of precum before its mouth engulfed his whole member with one swallow. Its throat massaged him as if trying to pull the cum out of him. Waves of pleasure crashed through him; his mind almost lost to the pleasure and fog of the thing's saliva. After a short time, it pulled back and Jackson let out a whimper of loss. Collapsing unable to stand, his legs were weak after the onslaught. The thing caught him and lifted him to its face that long tongue moved down his taint. Jackson's whimper became another moan of pure pleasure as the hot breath of the creature and its long tongue met and invaded his hole. It would circle and then press in deeperf each time the ooze doing its job and opening Jackson up and getting him ready for the Gift his maker was about to give him. The creature and Jackson could hear something banging, screaming and shouting, but they were both too consumed with the hunger to pay it any real attention. The headset down by the vest on the floor was buzzing with sound, but it, too, was forgotten now. All that mattered was the thing and the pleasure it was giving him. Jackson felt himself get lowered by the things strong arms, and he felt a pressure on his hole. His mind tried to fight back. He tried to struggle, but the things grip was like steel; tears welled and fell down his face as the thing forced him down onto the huge toxic cock. He cried out as he felt like he was being impaled by molten iron his hole trying to stretch impossibly wide. His last true thought was, "This can't be happening." Then the head broke through. A flash of white-hot agony took him, but mercifully his thoughts faded and with them the pain. It was still there and spreading though him like a wild fire from where that toxic member had entered him, but the pleasure beat it out. The creatures precum already starting the corruption that would take him soon enough. He was face to face with the creature now half impaled on its cock. Full of lust wanting more, needing more. he kissed it deep. The tongue again went down his throat. There was no gagging now, no revulsion. The toxic thing moved him up and down slowly at first then faster more urgent. He broke the kiss, and Jackson's head was thrown back screaming with the pleasure as each move brought him higher and higher. Each pump of its toxic cock brought him closer. Without warning, the creature grabbed him by the shoulders and forced him balls deep ripping him open inside fully planted, fully claiming its prey. It looked him in the eyes as it screamed out its triumph, pulsing rope after rope of thick black corruption into its new creation flooding it so there was no turning back. Jackson let out one final moan of pure ecstasy as he was forced to take the whole massive toxic length. He did not notice the tearing or the pain only the pleasure as the Toxic Thing's pulsing cock had sent him over the edge, and his own cum erupted from him. The mouth of the thing he was riding swiftly engulfing his steel-hard cock not missing a drop and sucking the last of his pure fluids from him. Everything went still except for Jackson panting. The thing pulled him off of its softening cock and held him in its arms black toxic cum and blood spilling from Jackson's ruined hole and dripped down his leg pooling on the cheap office carpet like spilled ink. He whined and twitched, and the change started in earnest. His skin was already going gray, and veins were spider webbing across is body inch by inch. His dick was growing as the body fat seemed to be draining away from him. As Jackson was being reborn, the thing carried him from the room almost tenderly. Alverez looking on in horror from behind the bullet proof glass unable to help his friend.
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Hi guys quick note before i start i'm new at writing fiction (first story >.< ) but thought since i have enjoyed so many of your amazing orgasm inducing tales i should try contribute to the community, so any feed back is more than welcome as its the only way we get better. a quick sorry in advance for the punctuation i have dyslexia and its a bitch. this story is based on all those films where the monster is loose and hunts its pray transforming them into creatures like itself, which always really turned me on ... and seems a natural fit for a genetically modified poz monster who wants to convert as many as possible with its toxic dick. nobody dies in this story they just become infected with super HIV developed by a shady pharma corp and transform still living into there new form. i hope you all enjoy and on with the story...... The group walked up to the glass and steel building of Gentech, its massive sign still lit proclaiming “Gentech a better world for all”. But with the lights in the building out and all personnel gone it looked eerie and dead they knew the building was fully evacuated except for basement levels where the labs are and from reports those lab floors were like a small labyrinth. The basement levels had been sealed due to a biological containment alarm with the twelve scientists who working at the time were still down there needing extraction. That was the job of S.R.A.R.G, a search and rescue group used by government to get assets out of compromising situations, the group sent was delta squad a five-man strong retrieval team each hand picked for their skills. The Figures moved up to the doors and slipped inside with military precision, five figures in all wearing black bio-containment suits the front figure held a tablet with a metal wand hooked up to it they waved it though the air of the large glass atrium the tablet lit up green, the figure nodded and they moved quickly across the marble floor their footsteps and rustling suites echoing off the glass and steel in the still darkness they reached an elevator and the front figure typed a code the beeping seeming too loud by far, the metal doors slid open with a shush of air and the group stepped inside without a word, the elevator descended. The figures remained silent the elevators doors opened again and they stepped into a small concrete room only just big enough to hold them all, a red light pulsed on the wall a message flashing on a small black screen underneath “containment breach full lock-down in effect” the figure with the tablet moved up to the large blast door that took up one wall like the entrance to a tomb. he plugged the tablet into it with a small cable, swiftly moved his hands across the glass pad within a few seconds the red flashing light stopped and the large metal door rumbled up. the figures braced themselves but they were only met with a set of glass doors leading to a long corridor lit with dull yellow emergency lights no panicked scientists. The lead figure pushed the glass door open carefully and waved the metal rod it took a few seconds but the tablet once again showed a green icon on the screen, the figure pulled the mask free from his face with a sigh of relief “all clear guys” he was greeted with a rush of hot moist air that smelled like a locker room, “Air isn't too fresh though makes sense with the air con off down here, but the system says there are dangerous no toxins or gasses ” He quickly striped off the rest of the bio hazard suite showing the black military boots, fatigues, jacket a bullet proof vest over the top seemed filled with tech gear, the man was in his twenties 5 foot 9 with sparkling green eyes his blond hair shaved up the sides and back and let to grow long on the top it made him look like a surfer dude who had dressed like a swat officer for Halloween. The other four followed his lead pulling off the black suits to show similar cloths, “if nothing is showing up why the lock down Gray?” Nate was a large man and team leader he looked in his early 30’s with a body that had been carefully sculpted at the gym, his chestnut hair and beard were both buzzed close to the skin Grey looked back up from the tablet and shrugged “no idea, I would need to get into their computer systems to have a look at what they were working on, mission brief just has they were outsourced by the military intelligence on a number of sensitive projects” Nate nodded and looked over the group “right where are going to split up and find the people trapped down here while Gray pulls the files from the main computers … mission control want to know what the hell they were playing with down here” he pointed at two men one could have been a blond frat boy not over 25 and the other with olive skin black hair “Jackson and Alverez you two search the labs and office area me and cooper will escort Graves to the main server room and then join you, be careful we still don’t know what triggered the biohazard alert ” Both men saluted and Jackson and Alverez moved into the Lab complex guns drawn Nate watched them disappear around the corner and had a bad feeling but looked as Gray and Nick cooper a 5;12 Black man with a swimmer's body and Scowled “let's get this done fast”.
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