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Everything posted by pTGoneFromHere
Those of you not on meds how did your doctors react
pTGoneFromHere replied to a topic in What's It Like To Be Poz?
I'll wait for you to offer real data instead of conjecture or however method used for this false, misleading opinion. Maybe a lack of local news or National news led to this false narrative ascribed to the majority or however else..... It's not true. I speak as someone with experience from personal diagnosis in 2004, and knowing a number of other long-term survivors and newly diagnosed from around the globe! Calling bullshit is your prerogative and makes sense given the incredibly untrue opinion you attempt to elevate as scientifically accurate, which it absolutely is not accurate. If you edit your comments to clearly state these are your opinion, I'd definitely laud your honesty and find it difficult to contradict; difficult but not impossible. LOL It's fucking 2021, and your level of ignorance is astonishing, but expected when viewed in context of the nearly 50% US population who have alternate facts while craving to be in control of society's future. There's no excuse or justification for not knowing the truth and not presenting false information as truth or attempting to control manipulate people through fear and lies. Obviously you don't have personal or professional experience taking the STILL HIGHLY TOXIC PRESCRIPTIONS used to minimize the complete annihilation of the human body by the HIV fighting for dominance inside it! One can have an informed baseline related to how effective or ineffective HIV medications will be at controlling the virus and the prevalence of side effects based upon the strain of HIV acquired and other personal markersof the patient and his or her family medical history. What is truly amazing, is the vast wasteland of knowledge you have expressed in the outlandish and categorically false statements made! For example, how are you still alive since, according to your logic you shouldn't be if you ever had chicken pox or really any of the common childhood illnesses that previously had no cure or vaccine to reduce it's damage? Based upon your logic, medical professionals can't know how to treat anything that's not currently happening, especially when we don't have a huge repository of information to reference or learn from! If only there was an internet for medical knowledge and not just this one website!! There will always be someone to provide effective individualized medical care! The disesse progression with or without taking highly toxic drugs, iss uniqueto each perso with general minor overlaps. I'd like to suggest that in the future, if your goal is really just to order somebody to do something because it's what you want them to do or think they should do or you want to document a fantasy, then please just put the disclaimer on there that is your opinion it's your fantasy or you're having a period this month and you're taking it out on others around you. Whatever it is that's driving you to make completely false and intellectually deficient statements and presenting them as truth or science-based is causing more harm than somebody not seeking antiretroviral medication. The reason being, the person not taking medication is impacting themselves only with the potential of impacting a handful of other people if they're sexually active or in a relationship or whatever. You propagating inaccurate and harmful statements that are read by thousands is negatively impacting thousands and whoever else you spout off to. So you are having a more damaging impact on society than the person not taking HIV medication. In my opinion! ☣️😉 Do you see how that works because that's my opinion you are causing that damage and I can lay out the logical progression of that damage which I just did but I can still acknowledge that it's my opinion! I will conclude with this the world you described near false narrative he's a fantasy world and one that would be great to live in! -
How Old Were You When You Took Your First Load?
pTGoneFromHere replied to rawTOP's topic in General Discussion
Hey! I'll be brief or try to be anyway! I am glad to hear that you are "fine"! I also appreciate the opportunity to better understand the intense emotion of the words you chose in you initial comment. I have to admit, I made an assumption about the underlying meaning and chose to treat you with respect and dignity based on that assumption. However, my assumption was wrong and your intense words reflect a deeper& disturbing ignorance about a minority group whose behavior has long been defined as a medical condition that has a number of treatments currently available with a number of additional treatments in various stages of research and development. Unfortunately, my assumption that prompted me to genuinely express compassion, was met with a number of inappropriate & abusive false assumptions and accusations/judgements. Truthfully, being acosted by you reinforced the reason I asked if you are okay! It's not okay to try to abuse me! I will not be your human punching bag! I responded to only portions of your false statements because I'm not insane & you're clearly not in a stable place to embrace the truth of my motivation; my personal experiences as a child; my professional experiences that you believe meant I magically became a clinician because, I assume, you aren't familiar with the team of professionals who work together providing treatment with respect while compassionately confronting the thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and mistaken beliefs that contributed to their current situation. There's a number of additional corrections to make, but I've already given you more of my time, energy, and kindness that would have been appreciated by the others I haven't responded yet. Normally, I'd finish expressing words meant to encourage to learn the truth about the minority group you nearly equated to being the same as gay & bi members of society!! If they are the same, then, by extension, you believe gay & bi citizens deserve to be violently assaulted, tortured, & murdered! THIS.... All THIS is soley the result of your abusive, erroneous false assumptions you used to judge me. Imagine how vastly different and positive the conversation could have been if you accepted an expression of concern and kindness at face value and responded in kind! Best Wishes! -
How Old Were You When You Took Your First Load?
pTGoneFromHere replied to rawTOP's topic in General Discussion
Are you okay? Your reaction is dripping with rage and judgement! I'll refrain from publicly psychoanalyzing. Also,, I am responding before reading through to the end of the thread. So, I apologize if you've already shared what's driving the intensity of words chosen in response to someone's story. Side Note: My personal philosophy has no room for beating to a bloody pulp another person. Sending a person to prison usually results in making that person into a better prisoner/ future law breaker. Those were the only ootions presented by the response. Treatment, support, and various programs identified to address the underlying factors that contributed to the actions of the father could have been mentioned, too. THIS, along with my personal & professional experiences point me to ask again, are you okay? -
I'm flyyying!!! and craving some pleasurable experiences with oThers! Almost always willing to push boundaries to try new pleasures! OINK
Read This! Significant Change In Rules Effective 3/1
pTGoneFromHere replied to rawTOP's topic in General Discussion
Sorry, I'm digesting the lengthy announcement in easier to swallow bites. I'm not looking for things to nitpick, for those who may misunderstand me and my communication style. This phraseology is peculiar because of the word selection in combination and the common foundational thinking associated with the word combo. Yes, I really think, write, and speak like rhis and apologize if it's challenging at times. You should try spending over 49 years inside this human costume and see if you survive,in tsct. LOL The phraseology and underlying tone come across contrary to your real message (which I've had to infer using my skillset and personal experince being in management. This suggesrs you bare zero responsibility for contracting an STI when, I assume you chose to engage in sex with tbat person regardless their personal motivation or fetish. Since you are aware people like this exist, then you share eaual responsibility for any STI received or given if you didn't perform due diligence to determine if they met the acceptable risk level. Your statement incorrectly blames the other party solely from a judgemental tone of voice; which. Side note, is inconsistent with effective communication of your message and is often a roadblock to inspire & motivate others to follow you. It's yours to do with as you please. Plus, I'm new and don't know you or others AND vice versa. An outsider's perspective: you & others around you are experiencing growing pains and likelly pressure to make decions for the future. Fine and dandy! I encourage frequent introspection and deciding to modify things to build a future you design! However the words being chosen combined with the tone of voice and responses point me to reflect to the people who are feeling harmed, shunned, judged, punished, etc. which hystorically ends up creating schisms among an already disjointed minority group. I think your goal is still to provide a comunity safe space without choosing to hurt one group for the benfit of the other group. Hell, I could be off target on your underlying motivation and future goals. However, I'm familiar with wordsmithing and howto choose the best words to accurately communicate your messages AND I know how it feels personal as I read it as an outsider. I also think it's unintended and a natural result from your body, mind, and subconscious needing rest, which I believe I quickly read as the page refreshed and I began to eat another bite of the announcement. -
Read This! Significant Change In Rules Effective 3/1
pTGoneFromHere replied to rawTOP's topic in General Discussion
I make it a point to engage people who are ready to Early Self-terminate that they don't have to face it alone.. It's not my journey and none of us have the authority or right to expect another to experience their journey like mine. When I choose to Early Self-Terminate, it would be amazing to be surrounded by my family of choice as I safely take off this human costume be cause it's a human right given everyone, but radicalized and shamed by large parts of society making decisions to control the minority and force some outdated and dehumanizing experience during ones final srage in life. Until society matures and advances beyond this, I hope my selected family has the strength of charrand love to genuinely offer love & support to look beyond themselves and their goals for their journey to assist if I was incapacitated to truly Early Self-Terminate. That's what I've offered people: dignity and companionship...the same offered the family dog by the in home visiting veterinarian . No one should feel unloved and lonely when they Early Self Terminate.💙 -
Read This! Significant Change In Rules Effective 3/1
pTGoneFromHere replied to rawTOP's topic in General Discussion
Confused. When was this statistic changed??? I've never heard anyone in the HIV/AIDS medical profession tell us we've returned to normal life expectancy. I could spend valuable time and energy doing a Socrates Google search for the answer, but I think words are powerful and when we speak about restricting speech that harms others and then make an overarching, false generalization basically saying there's no more reason to find a vaccine or make non-toxic treafments with their own long-term destruction to various systems within our bodies... I think THAT person is responsible to provide clarification and trusted, independent sources that clarify and validate their hyperbolic statement. basic logic process it's wrong because SSDI/SSI are still being awarded on the primary medical disability associated with HIV/AIDS. The U.S.government via SSA would have already modified their qualifying criteria if there's been a return to normal life expectancy in HIV/AIDS patients. Last information I had put an average life expectancy to be 25 YEARS less than tbose without the virus. Please understand, this comment is ONLY pointing out the ironic and harmful statement about life expectancy. I'm not going to weigh in on the censorship decision because I'm a newbie without any understanding of the harm created, if any, that prompted a significantly impactful decision that seekto fibd a balance as moderators, public health -more so during a pandemic, and every citizen's first amendment right to free speech. It's a daunting task for which I'm glad I don't have to make. -
Hopefully my pix speak f0a better response than a thousand words! ☣️☣️ [Pics deleted by poster request]
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