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Posts posted by TightBott7

  1. I think all dedicated bottoms should strive to expand their menu of tops to include a lot of diversity. If I were 20 again I would definitely have a buck list to get fucked by tops as of many different races/cultures, it’s a short life. I love the take charge attitude and intensity of Black tops, they just ooze masculinity. But, one downside is that I cannot handle over average size dicks because of my tightness. It’s frustrating 

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  2. On 9/27/2020 at 10:26 AM, find91 said:

    During the fuck yes, I dislike cumdumps that try to rush you because its just a numbers game to them. I like fucking and breeding and I ain't done until I get my fill of both.

    I agree.  A good bottom should always be clean and to get fucked on call otherwise it's disrespect for the top.

  3. On 7/4/2011 at 7:39 PM, fuckyouraw777 said:

    We know everyone has an 8" or larger dick. Yeah, right.

    I've found having a smaller dick has helped me convince more guys to let me fuck them...

    What's your experience?

    While there may be many factors I would consider before letting a top fuck me raw, a small to average size dick is definitely a plus as I’m really on the tight side. I have also found that tops with smaller dicks compensate by fucking really rough which is what I like

  4. On 1/19/2014 at 8:22 AM, alphatop7 said:

    My bottoms say nothing...not one fkn word...remaining absolutely present to the ecstasy of engulfing my cum drained cock, dicking his asshole DEEPER, and progressively even deeper throughout my seemingly endless orgasm, pinned under my sweaty, heaving body...awaiting any signal, maintaining total submission and reverence, indifferent to any and all other cock...unyielding in his fixation and purpose to fuel my ego, persistently reinforcing its size, power and respect...

    Since I gravitate to alpha tops, I've been taught to behave exactly in that submissive manner.  Other than performing a delicate ATM, I let the top rule and decide how he ends our encounter and whether he wants to fuck me again.

  5. On 11/19/2018 at 10:59 AM, BreedingTop71 said:

    I am struggling to understand your point. If a bottom wants to cum alone, who is anyone to say he is greedy? Why should he be compelled to share anything related to his body?? It’s his load, his pussy. Most subs know they exist only to please us Alphas. As a total top it would be extremely annoying to me if the bottom I am using starts to please himself before after or while I am using him. So from my perspective, to each his own, and passing judgement on someone else’s practices is not only improper, it’s reprehensible.  

    I agree, a good bottom is totally committed to pleasing the top, the good bottom does not dare to play with his own cock or even dream about cumin while pleasing his top, there will be plenty of time for the bottom later at home to cum thinking about how well he pleased the top.

  6. Asking the top to pull out before shooting his load strongly suggests of a conflicted bottom.  First, a bottom making that request is wrong because he stopping from the bottom.  Second, there's no logic to that request as just getting the top's precum during an aggressive fuck is probably sufficient to infect him if that's the bottom's concern.  Last, a good bottom always appreciates a deep and abundant load as it is evidence of having pleased the top well.

  7. On 6/12/2020 at 10:10 PM, ErosWired said:

    I'm not sure I understand the question. Much of the confusion and angst that many go through when faced with uncertainty about their sexual orientation comes about because we aren't given a choice about same-sex desire - we don't choose to be homosexual or bisexual, we're born that way. So I suppose what you're actually asking is, why do some of us choose to accept a role that has some level of demerit attached to it - that of the submissive/receptive male to other men.

    I've actually thought a lot about this lately, trying to characterize who and what I am in relation to other men. I start with the lowest common denominator by looking at models from the animal kingdom. In animal behaviors, males generally either compete equally for mating privilege with individual females, or in cases where a group of individuals is gathered for mutual benefit, a single males usually compete for the top position, with the victor exercising all reproductive privilege; the vanquished either sneak a fuck where they can get it (at their peril) or do without. In either case, the natural imperative - the definition of male success and desirability - is to be the one who inseminates. Males who do not inseminate do not because their traits have proven inferior to the one who does.

    Humans have come a long way from our animal beginnings, but we're still animals deep down inside, especially at the fucking level. There's still something about our bodies and our genes that remembers the Old Rules, that males who don't inseminate must be weak, must be un-masculine, must lack good genes for breeding. And if they're not male, then what are they? Female? That can't be - they have penises and testicles, and they belch, and are stupid and throw sticks at tigers.

    But you know, there are a few of them who not only don't inseminate - they actually let themselves be inseminated. They let the One Who Inseminates wipe out the last hint of their manhood by fucking them like females and putting his better seed inside their bodies. It's almost as if they're evolving backward - devolving into something lower than either man or woman, something that has no role except to satisfy the lusts of inseminators. And they are found by all the ones who could have been on Top, and are used for their new purpose, and everyone now knows what they are and what they're for, because everyone has to have a place and a function in the order of the world. Theirs is the lowest place.


    Thus, by stream-of-thought we arrive at why any of us might look up one day and realize that others around him see him in as a member of the lowest sexual circle of humanity, dignity lost, and possibly regret that status. But regret that he chose it? I doubt that any of us have chosen this. I know that when a more dominant male penetrates my body with his cock and begins his motions, it feels like 50,000 years of evolution was designed to lead up to that exact moment. If in his sexual fervor he mounts me just so from behind and bunches up his haunches for true reproductive fucking, and then pumps his semen into my male pussy, an ancient truth has been told again, and I have played my true part in that true story. How could I ever regret that? How could I ever get enough of that? How else could I ever be so complete as I am as a piece of warm flesh that satisfies the Males? I didn't select this, but I rejoice in it. If I am a fag, then I will be the best fag that I can be for as many Men as I can serve, and give thanks for every moment.

    The only regret I have is that there is no way that Men can tell, just by looking at me, what I am and how readily they have me at their service. I regret that they will always assume that I am selfishly consumed with my own hungers and not genuinely motivated by fulfilling their needs. But there's no help for that - fags are individuals, and each has his own reasons for what he does. My reply here applies only to me; I speak for no one else, but for me, this is how I am.

    I absolutely agree.  If mother nature would err by making every male an alpha top, there would be a lot of violent conflicts in this world, which also explains why there are more bottoms than tops...:)

  8. Uncut dicks have some advantages when getting fucked. They are mostly self lubricating as they produce more precum so they are always ready to pound ass with just some spit, making it more palatable for the bottom later to lick it clean. Uncut tops tend to fuck on the fast and furious side. While cut dicks require more lube preparation, these tops tend to fuck longer and harder before shooting, the bottom appreciate the extra pounding.

    When sucking, being uncut myself, it’s easier for me to hit the most sensitive points on an uncut dick.

    But, I will not top from the bottom and will gratefully take either dick.

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  9. On 12/16/2020 at 11:38 AM, watchme7440 said:

    If I have romantic feelings for the bottom, I'm enjoying his company, and the sex is very satisfying, then I don't care if his ass is as furry as a bear skin rug or as smooth as a plucked chicken. As long as that ass is in its natural state, it looks and feels great to me. I can't stand furry bottoms shaving their asses and having razor bumps. NOT attractive. I don't feel that any top who fusses over a bottom's body hair situation is worthy of that bottom's attention. On the same note, bottoms who are fussy about cock size are not worth a top's attention. 

    I agree. Since my hole is tight, an average size dick can make me see stars, and since I like tops on the dominant/aggressive side, it’s their top attitude and their dick size that really triggers my submissive, desire to please side.

  10. On 12/8/2020 at 12:13 PM, Bokkierob said:

    I must swallow. I would never insult my Alpha by spitting out his sperm. The most beautiful connection between me and my alpha  is when he buries his cock in my mouth up to his balls and makes eye contact while pumping his sperm down my  throat. I gratefully swallow his load, every drop and thank him for it.

    You could not have said it better, it's not just cum, it's the top's cum, the top you want to please and be grateful to.

  11. On 12/20/2020 at 3:55 PM, hexfet said:

    As a smaller framed top fella myself(5’7 135#), definitely notice that I have way better luck landing a smaller guy than a taller one.  That said, the taller ones tend to be repeats once I get their tail 😉, it’s just getting them the first time.

    I generally like the taller boys since they tend to have more room inside for me, allowing me not to have to hold back since I OMG love to fuck deep and I’m pretty wickedly hard.

    That said, occasionally those really small boys are amazing bottoms once they stretch out(or just are willing to take what’s given despite the struggle) - and it IS fun to be able to toss them around a bit ;)).  The power dynamic of size is a thing after all.  Just limits the selection pool alas!

    For me it's definitely not about the size of the top but rather his attitude, a dominant top is preferred always, a top that knows how to bend me to his will, that's what gets me off.

  12. On 1/18/2021 at 4:22 AM, WelshBBCigarFuck said:

    As a top I love doing A2M with a bottom, having him suck his juices and cum residue off my cock, I’ll keep dipping my cock back into his arse to give him more to slurp off me.

    Also love doing F2M with fist bottoms, having them suck their juices off my fingers after I have been deep inside them.

    A good bottom should not refuse doing ATM to the top, in fact, a good bottom does it without being asked.  After all, the bottom is just going to get the top's cum and his own ass juices.  To me, it's a gesture by the bottom to the top of ultimate submission.  And, if you do a good job licking the dick clean, the top may just get aroused to fuck you again.

  13. Ass-to-mouth is a show of a good bottom's total commitment to please the top and enhances the bottom's submissive status.  It also is a good incentive for the bottom to keep his hole clean.  Two tips to keep in mind:  be easy licking his dick just after he came, uncut dicks could real sensitive and to make it more enjoyable taste wise, be more willing to take a dick in your ass with just spit and precum.


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