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Posts posted by TNVersGuy

  1. It absolutely baffles me that I can tell a guy that I’m neg and they’ll bend right over and take my load raw. But, when I tell them I’m undetectable, they panic and run. The science says that undetectable is untransmittable. The science also says negative only at the time the blood was drawn. Why aren’t guys equally scared about getting hiv from a “neg” guy that hasn’t been tested for a year versus an undetectable guy? I also hear the argument that an undetectable guy might be lying….do “neg” guys not lie or are undetectable guys the only ones that are dishonest? These type of arguments are a slap in the face to us undetectable guys. 

    if you’re gonna take loads and not take prep, you’re safer rolling the dice with the undetectable guys than with the “neg” guys that rarely get tested. 

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  2. 12 hours ago, Philip said:

    Hey @TwinkSlut24, I’ve been there and done that hehe. 

    In relation to your question, when I tell my gay friends that I have taken a dozen cocks (anonymously and bareback) the previous night, I can’t help but shake the feeling that they are shocked. I wouldn’t say that they are disgusted by my behaviour, but more along the line of being worried for me, because of catching STDs (which always happen anyway) or my getting hurt in some way. I definitely wouldn’t tell any of my straight friends about my slutiness, as they will be disgusted for sure. Oh well. 

    In my personal view, after being in the shoes of a slut, I have come to the conclusion that we go and have sex for fun, but we are still people at the end of the day. We have our lives, ambitions, hobbies, families to return to. Perhaps the top might see as a piece of meat who purpose is for his enjoyment, and us bottom might see ourselves as a hole to be used, and for a brief amount of time, the world exist in that space only. But after everyone cums, the curtain is drawn, and we return to our lives again. So I wouldn’t worry about what people might think about your behaviour. They might call you this or that, but you are much more than just this one thing (being a slut) that you do in your life. It doesn’t define who you are. 

    I think in terms of being addicted to being a whore, it depends on your personality. I’m a risk taker so I am drawn to activities like these, but I know a lot of other bottoms who are more risk-adverse, so they would probably think about doing this in their fantasy, but not in real life. 

    Very well put. I agree totally. 

  3. Started prep in 2014 and averaged 800 loads a year. I was a frequent traveler for work and went ass up in hotels around the country. Then my traveling stopped in 2020 and I wasn’t taking as many loads. Was mostly hooking up with regulars so I stopped prep to give my body a break from the meds. 2 months later…I’m poz. 
    Everything is fine now. No more worries either. Poz and proud. 

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  4. I do ask a few questions of the top to get a feel of who he is. Problems I’ve ran into....old guys that are truly looking to get in your room and just watch or just eat ass and can’t get hard, guys that are tricked out on something and can’t get hard, or guys that claim they’re 8” but are 4” and can’t even get close to cumming. 
    I love taking all loads but a few questions can many times head off some hookups that simply aren’t going to work. 

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