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Everything posted by Curiosities

  1. Looks like someone is looking to start something: http://www.asianbottoms.com/
  2. ANyone know where this is from? I've been searching for it for ages. http://asianmusclemaster.tumblr.com/post/78027679783/straight-asian-muscle-hunk-learning-how-to-fuck
  3. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=AMNGT-G878- Bareback
  4. http://www.jockertube.com/asian-power-bottom-brian-peters-gets-his-ass-stretched-to-th-53254.html Double Penetration
  5. This one says bareback! https://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=6olkS-G875-
  6. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=hWO5a-G277- Didn't see a condom but wasn't especially specified as BB. Hope this fits the criteria.
  7. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=wTx3P-G672-
  8. I think limiting it to only xtube might make be what makes it harder to contribute.
  9. yessss there are more and more but definitely not enough. the ones that are good seem to pop up on sites not especially dedicated to asians.
  10. Wow I feel exactly the same!! I'm more exclusively into euro (white) men though, but yeah asians don't do it for me too.
  11. I'm going to bump this because it's awesome.
  12. At the age of 18, I was going through what seemed like an ordinary day, until my friend told me to meet him at the gym. As as Asian boy, I've always had a slender/lean build and had trouble building large muscle mass, so I've always disliked the gyms. I arrived to the gym only to realize my friend would be late. Standing there, boredom came over me and my curiosity sparked. I've always admired the bodies of all the virile studs, and I decided the venture the gym. Being a klutz at navigation, I've passed through almost every section of the gym, including the showers. As much as I try to be discreet with my peeping, it's difficult to remain so being the only clothed guy in a room full of naked men. One man, in particular caught my attention, he looked like a young white man in his 20's, stood almost 6'0 tall, with very pronounced pecks and hints of abs. His hair was bright brown, shining in its wetness along with his thin layer of chest hair. I was so in awe that I did not realize I was staring, but that soon ended when I got what I thought was an angry look from him. Nervous, I subtly started to leave the area, taking one last peek at him only to be returned by another hostile stare while he wipes his crotch with a blue towel. With my heart racing heavily, I hazily look for the exit. As I finally came across that green exit sign, the same man I admired stopped me, still wet, unclothed with drops of water still dripping down his light brown hair. I stood only 5'7" so he had to look down at me, droplets of his shower water dripped on my face, and I just stood there, nervous and without a flinch. He remained quiet, almost hostile, I was afraid he was going to punch me. Just as I was about to faint, his smiled, put his wet hands on me and said "Hey, What's wrong?" My heart raced, so fast I had to leave the place. I avoided eye contact and replied with a quick "Nothing wrong" and tried to get past his muscular body to the exit, only to be stopped by his body again. More shower water on his body smothered onto my dry clothes, with the very distinct smell of male body wash. He asked me again: "What's wrong?" With a much more demanding tone. My eyes widened, I looked at him trembling, both from my obvious attraction to him and his obvious hostility. I tried my best to reply: "N- no, I-, I'm fine, I'd like to go though, so would you ple-" The man gave a very disgusted laugh to the side and before he looked back at me a quick fist landed my face. My body went down on the floor, I could hear the jingling of keys the opening of a door. The man picked me up effortlessly, like a toy, and threw me inside the room. The room looked like some storage room for the vent system. I grunted in pain. He tossed his towel to the side, revealing his manhood. While his manhood was truly a glorious site...it was also a terrifying one. Standing at almost 8 inches erect, that protruding manhood stood twice the size of mine. I was a virgin..not even a finger have been up my Asian boypussy before. Still grunting and wincing in pain...it was obvious that I was still unable to move. The man grabbed me by my dark straight hair and forced it by his cock. He yanked my hair harder and I grunted aloud, and in that split second my mouth opened, he shoved his cock inside my mouth. "From now on, you call me Master, you got that bitch boy?" He demanded as he vigorously forced down more of his oversized penis down my throat. I was gagging, but the tightening of my throat just furthered his enjoyment. Master just moaned more in enjoyment, completely in disregard for my suffering as tears swam by my cheeks. His relentless thrusts just accelerates faster, so fast it felt like throat was vibrating. I couldn't breathe, my throat felt like it was going to rip. My cries began to become a wail as I try to plead him to stop by establishing eye contact, only to catch a glimpse of the bottom of his chin because he was facing the ceiling with his eyes closed, moaning in pleasure. As soon as his grip loosened, I lunged out of his crotch, collapsing on the ground, coughing, panting and tearing. He glanced at my pitiful state and chuckled. He slowly walked to towards my strength-less body, knelt down and ripped my clothes off. I knew it was time. To be Continued
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