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Posts posted by yngguy712

  1. On 1/1/2015 at 12:26 PM, BuckTorro said:

    My final lodacount for 2014: 535!


    Was an awesome year, full of lots of sperm. All 535 of those loads went in my ass. As far as I'm concerned, if it's not in my butt it doesn't count.


    Looking forward to an even cummier 2015. My pimp daddy has set my load goal for 600 this year, which is about 2 loads a day, oir 14 a week, which is totally doable for me. Time to bend over and start taking!

    I need a pimp daddy. Where in LA can I get one?

  2. On 3/11/2019 at 5:20 PM, BBBoyfromTN said:

    For me I get worried about the "clingy" factor. That once you've fucked a guy x number of times they start thinking you both have something more than a fuck bud thing going. I have some guys I have sex with regularly who make it clear that its just sexual...they have a GF/BF and it's just about release and never going to be anything more. I'm cool with that and glad they're upfront. There's other guys where literally I have no idea anything about them and that's cool too. Then there's others where they want to know more about me, or start sharing things about themselves and then get mad when I won't share details about myself or can't remember things about them. That's when I drop them like it's hot. I'm sorry I can't remember your cat is named Sam or your grandma just died...we're fuck buddies not boyfriends. No I'm not gonna share intimate details of my life...that's not part of the deal.

    Do I get bored with hooking up with the same guy again and again. Sometimes. Especially if they're really vanilla or boring. Bottoms that just lay there bore me and I move on. Same thing with tops if I'm doing all the work. It depends on the guy really. If they're hot and into it I will have sex with them anytime, anywhere. I've been doing it with a couple guys regularly for the 2+ years I've been in Dallas and I'm not bored with them because they keep it fresh. There's other guys where after a couple times I wish they'd lose my number because they're dull as fuck in bed.

    But I think you can run the well dry too. Back in ATL I was fucking around like crazy from when I moved there at 16 until I left about two years ago. There's only so many guys on CL, Grindr, and in the parks that you can hook up with before you start nodding at each other in acknowledgment that you know each other. I had guys I'd hook up with often enough that we'd finally introduce ourselves and swap digits. There were others that you'd ignore or pass by. You'd be on CL and see the same ads again and again. The same was true on Grindr too. In that sense I was glad to move to Dallas and start with a new set of guys. It helps having a university nearby as each fall you get a new crop of freshmen in to pick from. That's why I go to spring break still...get to pick from the boys on break there from throughout Texas and elsewhere.

    I wanna go on spring break. 

  3. On 12/22/2018 at 5:35 AM, BBBoyfromTN said:

    My mom works as a nurse with a varied schedule, but it was usually late afternoons/evenings. She'd leave us dinner ready to heat in the oven but it was just me and my younger brother at home when I was younger. We made an agreement that we would bring over whoever we wanted and we wouldn't say anything to mom. The deal was just don't let it get out of hand. He soon realized I was bringing home both guys and girls and soon he was doing the same. It didn't really cramp our sex lives as we knew mom's schedule and all we had to do was hope she didn't come home unannounced. Even being able to bring guys home I'd still only do that with buds, preferring to hook up with random dudes elsewhere, usually in the nearby park, their car, my car, the gym, bathrooms, or wherever. At one point my mom figured it out and laid out the ground rules we'd pretty much come up with. I don't think she knew or realized how many guys either of us were hooking up with but as she said, "I'd rather you did it at home where you're safe, than somewhere where you aren't."

    Having moved out from home to Dallas I did have a roommate initially and then he moved out. I'd let this cute homeless gay teen couple move in with me some months back while they could get on their feet. Neither the roommate nor the couple have cramped my style any. My roommate was cool with me bringing guys back so long as we took it to the bedroom for making out and sex. I do have sex with the couple living with me now, both separately and together and they're pretty chill. They'll bring guys home two for three ways and group play and I don't care. They help out with the cleaning and cooking and it's nice to have someone around as I don't really like living alone. 

    So your bro is gay too? Ever mess around?

  4. 30yo versbttm in the LA area. Kinky but need some training to be a cumdump.  Need a guy (top or even another versbttm) to break me in, whore me out, go with to clubs or spas.  

    Party is cool.  Very sub in bed.  Available Oct 15-21.  Seriously seeking some kinky twisted FWBs.   

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  5. I stopped by the first time a few weeks ago around sunset.  The park is super fucking cruisey. Felt like a bathhouse.  Griffith park you find guys here and there.  This park i want to take a friend as it feels like I’m going to be raped. 

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  6. Newish to LA - looking for a serious guy that wants to break me in and then whore me out - turn me into a cumdump.


    sub in bed.  looking for a FWB type of thing.  wild to mild.  


    ideally blindfolded/hooded tied in a sling being whored out to all your friends.  or a long weekend in Palm Springs.


    28, 5'10, 165, 6.5c, vers,bttm  smooth       kinky.   into latex, leather, lycra guys in tights.   open minded.post-8747-0-84622600-1429352082_thumb.jpg

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