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Everything posted by aznbussy

  1. I do! he was a much older asian daddy type and i was a total late bloomer. my first time was around when I was 23. It took a long time for me to pick who I wanted to be my first but after weeks of talking to this one particular asian daddy he seemed really gentle and kind and most importantly patient lol. So when we finally decided to meet we found a night where he would be house sitting for a friend. I drove over to the house and we talked a bit on the couch and slowly tried kissing (first time kissing a guy as well. i was really bad, had this habit of sucking too hard on the lips but im much better now 😏) he started touching my body and then we moved things to the bedroom. it was awkward cause there were a lot of random family pictures placed around the room but also sort of a turn on? being deflowered in someone else's home/bed. but anyways he was super patient in opening me up. and i think i have to owe it to him for me having such a positive outlook and view on sex / sexual exploration. i think a lot of people can get traumatized or turned off by the idea of sex altogether if they have a terrible first experience.
  2. yeah i like to make it clear that im into bareback only and if they get upset I just tell them that it's ok and that we all have our own/different comfort zones and that i also don't want them to do anything theyre not comfortable with. they usually don't know what to say after that and say their goodbyes.
  3. This one time during the middle of sex this latino top pulled out his cock and starting eating my ass which was normal and great but then he started to blow air into my hole. at first i moved away cause i wasn't sure if he meant to do that but he said he wanted to try something. So i was like sure and arched my ass for him and he continued to blow air into me. it was a pretty weird sensation cause I felt parts of my inflating around my belly and felt so full and bloated. then he started to fuck away and he kept telling me to push out and when I did the air being pushed out of my hole against his cock fucking it made lots of farting noises and vibrations. it was really hot hearing him moaning in pleasure and being turned on by the whole situation. he did that like 3 more times and then he grabbed a water bottle and then tried the same thing but with water and lets just say my bed was soaked by the end of our session 😅 . totally thought it was weird at first but i really enjoyed the experience and probably won't be able to replicate the same experience with someone else without them being weirded out if i suggested trying it lol
  4. hotel/mall/airport bathroom stalls. love getting bred at the airport, you never know what kind of guy will breed you. I've also dont gym shower stall, between parked cars near a park at night, a beach in hawaii, hiking trail, rooftop, stairwell... i want to try more public cruising anon stuff. any other public locations you guys recommend trying? (edit) oh yeah also: the parking structure and the lobby bathroom at my previous workplace, some guys office in munich during work hours while my friends were off doing touristy things
  5. I like to absorb and let it turn into that nice clear jelly and play with it. I only push out when I don't have a top lined up for the day and push it out into a container and keep those loads in the freezer for when a kinky top wants to melt it and use it as lube.
  6. probably 3 days but i would leave during the day to go run errands and do work and then come back to resume getting fucked and bred. not sure if it counts if i leave the room lol
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