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Everything posted by Kpipe

  1. Not too much no... gotta let my hole heal.

  2. One does... actually he tears my hole up... usually I'm bleeding when he's done with me lol love it

    1. ronnie4u


      Oh Fuck Yes !  Yes !   more , more - Please !  pictures or videos !

  3. No I have roommates... boo.

  4. YEAH!! :-D When? Where man?

  5. Would you consider breeding me? ;)

  6. How about you get fucked by your son?
  7. It's cool with me, as a bottom bitch I don't have a say anyway, right?
  8. I can't message you due to your inbox being full :-[

  9. I can't message you due to your inbox being full :-[

  10. Come to KY and breed my neg ass please!
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