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About Boxfresh

  • Birthday 04/19/1983

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  1. It's all in the eye contact!
  2. yumm really hot and enjoyable
  3. Hey, cheers for the message. When i got into barebacking, and was trying to decide if i wanted to take the risks.. i spent months doing the research, and weighing up the pros and cons... and decided that i was happy with the risk... i've always been a born risk taker.

    Even now, years on and literally thousands and thousands of guys later... every month or so I ask myself the question "are you still happy with the risks..." and i think long and hard about it. If i ever decided that i wasnt, then i would stop doing what I do...

    Glad you like what i get up to, i'm just a regular guy posting and writing about the sex he has... not a model, not a porn actor or journalist... and i'm honoured that my blog has become so pivitol in the gay bareback community.

    Josh x

  4. You fascinate me, to have the guts to do what u do!

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