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Everything posted by Vicarious

  1. Buffalo here (Cheektowaga actually). bb btm looking for loads
  2. I also love sleeping with one in. Recently I took several loads from a guy and wore the plug from after he stopped fucking me until the next morning. It was so incredibly hot sleeping with his loads inside me and the butt plug.
  3. Had the pleasure of having RyanWolff drop a several loads in me at the party. Nothing better then a top that can pump multiple loads in you over a very short amount of time. Can't wait to get together with him soon so he can use my ass again as his cum dump.
  4. Holy fuck I had an amazing time. We ended up with 8 guys total and there was a nice mix of tops and bottoms. It was held at a guys house and he had a really nice long and wide couch as well as a swing. I had the mind set going there that I was just going to go and have a good time and not really have any expectations. One of the guys there was someone that I've been talking to on A4A but never had a chance to meet up. He came over to me as everyone started and made me feel much more comfortable. After a little while I jumped up on the swing but didn't really stay on it long since the guy who was fucking me had a condom on and that was irritating my hole (Some condoms will irritate my hole pretty bad). After 2 hours or so four of the guys left and the rest of us kept going for another couple of hours. I did end up with 3 very large loads in me so I was very happy about that. Overall this far exceeded my expectations, the whole thing was very laid back and had a really good vibe to it. I can't wait to get together again with them, I got home a little while ago and I'm already itching to do it again lol. Thanks to everyone for their advice, it really made the experience much more enjoyable.
  5. Well taking a little break after 1.5 hours. A total of 8 guys are here and it's awesome. Will post more when I get home
  6. Thanks for the advice everyone, it's all been very helpful. Will post how it went later when I get back.
  7. From what I was told 6 of the guys know each other and do this on a somewhat regular basis. They invited a few other people (like me) but he said you can't count on them to show. I'm hoping everything go good and thanks for telling me when you take the imodium, wasn't really sure.
  8. Just going to be taking cock, haven't ventured into fisting yet. I'm pretty excited about tomorrow but also kind of nervous. I've always wanted to do a group sex party but I normally get pretty paranoid about getting ready, I have to know 100% that my ass is good to go so I can just let go and enjoy myself. The people going seemed really cool so that makes me feel a lot more relaxed already. The only thing that has been mentioned about condoms was when I asked if I should bring anything and they told me not to worry about it, said lube and condoms are provided but he didn't know that I bareback when he typed it. Either way I'm just going to go have fun and fuck away a cold afternoon.
  9. Hey guys I know that this was probably covered before but I can't really find anything right now on my phone. On Saturday I'm getting together with 6 or more for a group session. I've never done anything with more then 1 guy so I'm really excited but kind of nervous. I'm not going to eat anything tomorrow and plan on cleaning out before bed tomorrow and then taking imodiam. Hopefully this makes for a easy cleaning on Saturday morning before everyone gets together at noon. I'm also going to bring a bulb with me just incase I need to rinse out real fast. Any tips/advice is much appreciated.
  10. Kind of funny that I find most tops are the ones that call asses "pussies and cunts"
  11. well since it's still out there then I would like to see it as well.
  12. I've been thinking about getting the World's most comfortable butt plug but the price is keeping me from getting it.
  13. I've had one issue in the past and 7 years later I'm still embarrassed about it. I won't hook up now unless I am 1000% certain everything is good to go. Unfortunately with my work schedule this makes it very hard and one of the reasons I will maybe have sex 5-10 times a year.
  14. I have a huge admiration for vets and thank you for your service. I also think it would be really hot to fuck you.
  15. I would love to know where you find gay guys like that. I've really struggled to find gay people I can relate to and hang out with since I'm very much like you described. I don't have anything against gay guys who are more effeminate and like the stereotypical gay things it's just that I never have anything in common with them and don't take any please in those activities.
  16. I personally find this terrible and hearing stuff like this is one of the reasons why I'm always hesitant with hooking up with people. I personally have no problem with hooking up with poz guys willing to wear a condom (I'm not at a point in my life that I feel comfortable about opening myself to becoming HIV+). It's fucking awful that gay guys have to worry about this kind of shit. I had this happen to me before and it really has made me very nervous about hooking up with guys. I've had a guy take off the rubber during sex before when I was 18 and was one of the first people I ever hooked up with. I'm not sure if he was HIV+ or not but thankfully I didn't catch anything.
  17. 0 so far this year
  18. As others have already pointed out the "community pillars" of the gay community have their own agendas and ideas about how gay people should be acting. They want everyone to think that gay men are all responsible people who want to be married with 2.5 kids and live in the house with a white picket fence. The last thing they want is a bunch of guys going around loading each others ass with cum in sex clubs. When news stories come about increased HIV infection rates it reflects poorly on them.
  19. Thanks for the reply. Back in middle/High school I did get bullied a lot. I was never physically assaulted but I did get picked on a lot. Even though most of the time the people doing it made homosexual remakes to a lot of people it always really got to me since I knew that I was gay and it wasn't as easy for me to simply shrug it off as the straight people could. People would always told me to ignore them or shrug them off since they thought it wasn't true. It eventually got better though in my senior year. I think part of the reason was a bunch of people found out since I had written a paper for English class about my personal struggles being gay and how much it affected me and caused me being depressed. One day when the teacher was out and we had a sub someone stole the papers from the teachers test and read mine. I'm not sure if people felt bad for me and stopped or maybe they just matured a little bit. Whatever the reason was it sure made my life a lot better the last year of school. It also didn't help going to a Catholic middle school/ coming from a pretty conservative family. My interest in biking is probably my biggest interest in my life besides auto racing (another interest that has about 0 gay interest). I've looked on google but couldn't find any groups in my area. I live in a part of the states that really sucks for anything to do with gay activities unfortunately. I realize that I don't need to find guys who share a common interest for sex but I feel part of my problem is that I don't have any connection to any gay people. I've had one gay friend my entire life and he moved away 5 years ago. I think maybe if I could meet some gay guys I would feel more relaxed when going to hook-up with someone. I guess I could start and force myself to go out and start sleeping around. I really just need to learn how to relax and enjoy myself. If I stopped looking at porn and jerking off a couple times a day it would probably force me to go get laid since I would be so horny. I'm going to try and get laid sometime this weekend to start the ball rolling. It's been almost a year since the last time I had sex so I think I'm a little over due.
  20. Thanks for the advice river. I just recently started getting back into gay online sites. When I was younger I used to be on gay.com a lot but kind of got away from that and just recently started going on adam4adam but I haven't had a lot of luck yet. I think finding some people that I can do things with would be a great way to start. I don't have any gay friends or know any gay guys which I'm sure is why I'm probably not very comfortable. When I was younger I meet this guy who was amazing and we hit it off. I'm very oblivious when it comes to knowing when someone is interested in me and I only found out that he really liked me until he had moved away. I just remember how awesome it was to have someone to hang out with and do shit with and I wouldn't of been nervous at all sleeping with him. The only problem I'm coming across is I can't find anyone that shares any of my interests. I would love to find someone else who is into riding motorcycles since it's my favorite hobby and pretty much every nice day I try and go out but it so far I haven't found anyone (I honestly would of thought more gay guys would be into riding). I do talk to one guy online pretty often but he lives about 8 hours from me. I started talking to him since both of us are pretty big into poker. He does have a boyfriend but it's still nice to have someone to talk to.
  21. Hello everyone. I've been a lurker for a little while now and thought I would make this thread to get some advise from you guys. I'm not sure if anyone else has suffered from this but I tend to get a lot of anxiety before sex. To give you some background information I'm in my mid 20's and haven't been very sexually active. I had sex for the first time when I was 19 and had sex with less then 10 people since then. Other then a few exceptions I normally don't have sex with the same person more then one time. I'm not a very good looking guy and not in the best shape (5 10, 185, 34w) and pretty self conscious about myself. I normally don't sleep with the same person more then one time is because I'm normally worried that I wasn't good enough in bed or that they didn't have fun. I normally won't hook up and when I do it seems like it takes a act of God for me to do it. It's not that I'm not horny but just that I'm normally so nervous about doing it that I won't go threw with it and would just sit home and jerk off. I know that you guys are probably thinking I'm some introverted-geek-weirdo but I'm really not, in fact I'm pretty much the opposite of that (play sports, ride motorcycles, big into the outdoors, etc..) It always just seems that I focus so much on what could go wrong that I can't really enjoy myself. I could spend 3 hours cleaning myself before sex and all I'm worried about when I'm getting fucked is how I hope I'm clean and nothing comes out. I also love having sex bareback (obviously since I'm on here). I always talked myself out of liking it before and even told myself it was gross but one time I was hooking up a guy in his 40's. He had the biggest cock I had ever seen to this day and when he was about to start fucking me I saw him wanting to not use a condom. I asked him to put one on and he reluctantly put one on. When he was fucking me doggy style he slipped the condom off and started fucking me bareback and breed me (he said the condom broke and he didn't notice lol). I remember freaking out and not having sex for over a year after that happened but looking back it was the hottest thing that has happened to me. Also that was the one and only load I have ever taken. I have gone bareback a few other times but they never came inside me. I just needed to vent since lately I've been getting pretty down on myself. It's just really frustrating that for some reason I can't allow myself to enjoy sex. Also it doesn't help that I have no one to talk too. I have all straight friends and most of them know that I am gay I don't feel comfortable enough to share how I want loads in my ass but have to much anxiety to feel good enough to do it.
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