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Status Updates posted by valleyvers

  1. Hope to see you at Club Philly tonight 😉

  2. No longer on bbrt? Did a search and nothing came up with the name you have listed

    1. versmetropig


      Yes, I have kind of fallen away from that site, my apologies, it had just gotten so quiet on there - I'm on NKP (Nasty Kink Pigs, just in case...) as "pnpversmetropig" (same name on tumblr and newtumblr) or you can email me at jpnyack@gmail.com - sorry about that! What'dja wanna' know? 😉

    2. versmetropig


      Having been a member of both for long periods (over a decade each), I have to agree on IRL meetups and NKP, over the years I actually met up with a number of guys from the site, BUT it was never an immediate "how about today" or "how about now" site - the messages do not always get delivered immediately and trying to hook up "now" on NKP is almost impossible... but it does work for me for planning ahead. I started out 20 or so ago on Manhunt, but it was always hard to be clear about enhancements on that site, and was frankly too vanilla for me... I kept an account there long after it ceased to be useful and finally let it go dormant about 5 years ago. BBRT was indeed my best platform for same day meetups, but those dropped from frequent to almost non-existent during the Pandemic and since I was a paid member most of the time, it seemed wasteful. Might need to set up again. Also, my account there was probably like 15 years old and though I still look good, I do NOT look like I did back then when I was still posing for magazines and coffee table books - I always added recent photos, but never took down my professional ones... some guys ignored the recent ones and I began having to make a point about "you've seen my recent pics, RIGHT?" 😁

  3. No longer on BarebackRT?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. valleyvers


      Oh thats lame, whats your name on there?

    3. NJVers



      To Clarify; I'd suspended a bunch of profiles and social media last year right as the school year began and we were starting remote. I knew myself. and being alone at home for a half day meant I should take away as many temptations as possible. Guess I waited too long to fix it with BBRT

    4. valleyvers


      Yeah I completely understand that. Got to keep the sex drive at bay when trying to better yourself

  4. Would love to talk to you about NYC East Side club

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