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Everything posted by daddybear54

  1. Part 6: Crisis On the Monday morning after his visit with his mother, Jake turned up bright and early at the police station and explained to the reception officer who he was and why he was there. He’d expected to go alone, but Sean had also booked off work and came with him. He also explained his experience, and why the matter concerned him. In short order, they were passed along to one of the detectives investigating the rape/murder, and Jake was surprised when it turned out to be Brian, a young, studly officer who’d had a thing with him for a few months, some years earlier. Nor did Sean have any objections, since he found Brian, impressive even in a business suit, to be well worth a second look in any company. However, when Brian spoke, it was another matter. “Well, look who we have here. How’ve you been, Daddy?” Jake just about choked on a greeting, and Sean laughed outright. A little wearily, Jake answered him, “Just fine, thanks, Brian, but I’m here with my friend, Sean, on a business matter.” “So I understood. Sean, right? Nice catch, Daddy!” Jake was about to file a vocal protest, but Brian went right on with the work at hand. “Best way to do this is to start from the beginning.” Speaking succinctly, Jake explained about his visit to the Suds’n’Studs, and how he’d been thrown out by Bill. He then handed the figurative speaking stick to Sean, who told about his brutal experience with Jim in Greenwoods Park, and his later misidentification of Jake as the man responsible. At this point, Brian’s eyebrows went up and he began scribbling notes much faster, muttering under his breath. He asked for details, and Sean explained more precisely where it happened. “Ah, the infamous rock. You said his name is Jim? He’s far from being the only guy who likes to head there, and you’re sure not the only bottom who’s ever been bent over that boulder.” “Including you, I assume?” Jake’s voice had taken on a dangerous tone of sweetness. Brian said nothing, but the grin on his face spoke volumes. “I thought so,” Jake added triumphantly. But Brian was back to focusing on the matter at hand. “Did he injure you at all?” Sean stopped laughing and picked up the thread of his tale. “A couple of minor bruises from slapping, but he really wrecked my hole – ripped me pretty badly. I had to go to emergency the next day, and even with meds it took a couple of weeks to heal.” Brian was scribbling more notes. “I’ll talk to the prosecutor to see if we can add another charge on. There may be some charges coming over the guy who had to be hospitalized, too. Okay, so next?” Sean briefly covered how he had suggested to Jake that he move in and act as a kind of permanent witness. Brian laughed outright at this point. “I don’t know which of you was smarter, Jake for realizing that you were right and he did need to cover his ass, or you for taking advantage of it to land him. Pretty smooth work, Sean!” Sean at least had the grace to blush at that, but it didn’t matter since he’d already admitted as much to Jake on that memorable first night. He then went on and described how he had spotted Jim at The Corner, and he and Jake together told Brian about that first unpleasant encounter, and about the veiled threats Jim had made. “That’s good stuff to have. Shows that he was malicious and acting with intent, not just on impulse, when he invaded your home.” Jake then took up the story with his visit to his mother, and everything he learned from her. Brian whistled at the revelation that Jake actually had a twin brother. “Wow! And there’s no doubt that he’s your brother, is there?” “Well, short of a DNA test, I’m pretty certain. You’d have to see him to realize just how alike we are. The only difference is that he’s bigger through the midsection – not a lot, but enough to look different. I’d say that he’s got longshoreman or construction worker muscles, and I have gym muscles.” “Oh, yeah, have you ever got gym muscles! Not a bad image, that. Plus, there’s the way he fooled Sean. Okay, I guess we can regard that as pretty much of a certainty, although we might need to do DNA testing if it turns into an issue later on.” Jake then wrapped up, by describing their hiking trip to Riverbend and how they found out about the dead victim just as they returned to their car in the parking lot there. Brian said, “Also good to know. If we can get some other people who were there as witnesses, that will place you miles away from the spot. The defence will almost certainly try on the mistaken-identity thing to pin the blame for that one on you, so we’ll cover those angles all we can.” “Thanks. That’s good to know.” “By the way, none of what I’m saying here is official. Strictly speaking off the record. That’s up to the prosecution to decide. But if you really think he’s going to try to get at you, I have an idea how we could use that to grab him. Especially because it seems that he always comes out of the woodwork on a weekend. It’s just a thought, but here’s my idea.” When he outlined his plan, Jake and Sean both agreed that it sounded like a good idea. “Okay, then,” Brian said, “leave it with me and I’ll work out the logistics. And thanks, both of you, for coming in. We’ve had absolutely no leads at all to go on with this case, and what you’ve just handed me isn’t only a solid lead – it’s gold. Nice to meet you, Sean. Great to see you again, Daddy.” They said goodbye and walked sedately out of the police station and down the street. But as soon as they turned the corner, Sean crumpled right up in an uncontrollable fit of laughter. “Oh, my God, that was hilarious! Easy to see you two know each other already, ‘Daddy’!” “Sean, don’t call me that unless you want to sleep in the bathtub with no covers tonight.” “Fuck, that was sooo funny! When did you two…?” “I can’t remember exactly, call it four or five years. It didn’t last too long. Sure, he’s hot, but that whole ‘Daddy’ thing is not one of my favourite roles to play. And Brian wanted to play it 24/7 – not just in bed. Talk about way too much of a good thing.” Sean laughed again. “I agree about the good thing. He’s a real hottie.” Now it was Jake’s turn to laugh. “Maybe so, but you’re far, and I mean faaar too young for him. He only hooked up with me because I had a beard at the time, and it made me look older than I really was.” Now laughing together, they got into the car and headed off to a belated start of the workday. But they were both thinking the same thing, that they were really lucky to have gotten Brian as the officer who interviewed them. Telling the whole story to a straight police officer would have been twice as hard, taken five times as long, and been ten times as awkward. Walking into the office together at 11:00 in the morning is not exactly a recommended way to make a quiet sneak entrance. Doing it hand in hand is almost the equivalent of blowing a trumpet to announce the Grand Arrival – and the rest of the staff piled on quickly, with all kinds of ribald comments about being unable to get out of bed or wondering who took too long to reach the finish line this time. Jake and Sean did their best to smile through it all, but underneath they were too nervous to relax into the horseplay. And sure enough, when they got to Jake’s office, there was the director of HR waiting for them. She favoured them with a lecture loaded with choice comments about punctuality, dedication to work, out-of-control social life, office favouritism, undue influence, and other such topics, and left them to chew on it at length. Which they promptly forgot about. After all, as Jake said later, he had no trouble at all with carrying the household bills for a few months, if need be, if either (or both) of them had to look for another position. In any case, they had far bigger problems on their minds. The rest of the week passed off without anything noteworthy happening, but Friday was another matter. On their regular visit to The Corner, trouble reared its head in the form of a handsome young blond twink who took a real shine to Sean and started flirting with him. Sean was open to the idea of a little flirtation, maybe more, but he didn’t know how Jake would feel about that. So when the kid, whose name was Luke, went off to the bathroom for a minute, Sean sounded Jake out. Jake’s response was, “If you want to go have some fun with him, feel free.” But Sean could tell from the tone of his voice that he wasn’t too happy with the idea. So when Luke came back, Sean turned off the charm, and finally said bluntly, “Sorry, Luke, not tonight.” After Luke left, Jake asked, “What just happened? I thought you were interested in him?” Sean answered honestly, “I was – a little. But I didn’t know how you’d feel about that, so that’s why I asked you. I want us to be always open and above-board about these things with each other. And you sounded not-too-happy, so I just switched it off.” “I’m sorry, Sean. The last thing I want to do is curb your fun if you want to go out on your own – really.” Sean thought for a moment, and then said, “Maybe I want to be pulled back. To you.” “Do you feel you’re moving away from me?” “It’s the stress from worrying about Jim. It’s getting to me, so I know it must be getting to you even more.” “It’s getting to me too. Look, I understand that you still want to be able to play around, and I feel that way at times too. But I just think that right now is not the time, not with Jim on the loose – and it being the weekend, just as we discussed with Brian.” Sean had the grace to look a bit shame-faced. “Sorry, Jake, I’d forgotten all about the weekend thing. But you’re right, it’s not a good time.” Jake wanted to smooth the waters over, so he said, “Hey, that Luke kid is definitely cute. Once we get through this mess and we’re in the clear from it, let’s come back, find him, and do a three-way with him.” Sean smiled and said, “Thanks for keeping me on an even keel, and for keeping things real between us.” Jake tossed back the end of his drink. “Want to go home and get more real?” Sean grinned. “You have to ask?” Twenty minutes later, they were undressed and in bed, with Jake busily eating away at Sean’s ass while Sean sucked his dick in a hot 69. Sean’s moans as Jake’s tongue probed his hole created a great vibration on the head of Jake’s cock and gave him the shivers every time he pushed deep into Sean’s throat. “Fuck, I want that cock in me now,” Sean said as he pulled off Jake’s cock. He immediately spun around, planted the cockhead at his hole, and started to sit down on it. “Fuck, yeah, sit on me,” Jake moaned as Sean pushed down onto his shaft, stretching his hole open and taking Jake’s big boner all the way into his body in one quick slide down the length. Almost at once he began moving, riding on that cock, bouncing up and down with the length penetrating all the way inside him each time he came down. He loved fucking himself like this on Jake’s cock. He loved the feel of control as the shaft slid in and out of his hole, while he used his ass muscles to stroke it. But it never lasted very long. The angle was too perfect – Jake’s cockhead was bumping against his prostate on every stroke, and Sean’s cock was bouncing and drooling like crazy as he fucked himself. Jake could see for himself that Sean was getting close to exploding from riding him bareback, and he still wanted Sean to be able to go crazy inside his ass, so he gasped, “Don’t shoot. I want you to fuck me next!” But Sean was beyond stopping. He was so turned on, and Jake’s dick was doing such a thorough number on him, that there was no chance of delaying the inevitable. As he speeded up his riding motions even more, his dick suddenly jolted upright and shot off a huge squirt of cum into the air. It landed with a splat right across Jake’s face. Six more shots followed in rapid succession, coming down all over Jake’s pecs, abs, and finally down to his navel as the last and smallest pulse dribbled out. By that time, the repeated pressure on Jake’s cock from Sean’s ass muscles clamping down in his wild orgasm had done its dirty work, and Jake groaned aloud as his load sprayed up into Sean’s hole, his sperm pumping deep into that hot young ass. Sean slowly ground to a halt, as both of them gasped for breath. At last, Jake got enough control to say, laughing, “Dammit, I told you not to shoot. I wanted you to fuck me and breed me next.” Sean chuckled, and replied, “Sorry, but I couldn’t help it. You know how that big cock of yours turns me on. But I’m sure I’ve got another load in me, I just need a few minutes to recover.” Then he leaned down to lick his cum off of Jake’s face and abs, sharing it with him in a sloppy, wet, snowball kiss. Jake laughed again. “Yeah, I need a bit of time too – not as young as I used to be. I always love cumming while you’re pounding me, and then feeling you loading me up.” Sean’s face turned serious. “It’s odd.” “What is?” “I never used to enjoy bottoming that much before I met you. And I never, ever let anyone cum in me. Now, I’ll do it with you every chance I get – and when I do, inside me is the only place I want your cum to end up.” “Sean, I’m just the same. For years before you came into my life, I was total-top-only with every guy I met. But having you fuck me and shoot inside me is such an enormous thrill, I can’t imagine why I never liked it before.” By now, Sean had pulled off Jake’s cock, and they were lying down together, cuddling, and kissing, and resting, since they knew a second round was on the program. And after about 20 minutes, the intermission ended. Sean’s cock began to refill and Jake’s wasn’t far behind it. This time, Sean took charge because he knew how Jake liked that. “Okay, roll over, flat on your face and spread your legs.” Jake did as instructed, and Sean dived right into his ass crack. Pulling Jake’s muscle mounds apart with both hands, he pushed his way in and began lapping at Jake’s hole, sucking on it, pushing his tongue right inside and stabbing inwards with little thrusts. He loved the way Jake’s lightly furred ass rubbed his face. Actually, Sean loved all of Jake’s body hair – the dusting of fur on his pecs, the treasure trail down over his abs, the scruffy hair on his arms and legs. Jake was all man, and with the hair – just enough, not a full fur coat -- he seemed all natural. Sean thought that Jake was the sexiest man he’d ever seen. His friends could keep their gym bunnies who spent a small fortune in time and money trying to get and hold onto the smooth look. While Sean was thinking these thoughts and working away at Jake’s hole, Jake was getting louder and more vocal by the minute, twisting and writhing on the bed, and muttering, “Fuck… fuck…fuck….” The exquisite tongue torture didn’t let up for a second. But finally Jake lost patience. “Damn it, Sean, I need your cock in me now before I go crazy.” As soon as Sean heard that, he lifted off and slid forward, moving his cockhead right into Jake’s crack and placing his torso directly above Jake’s beautifully shaped back. He reached down with one hand to place the tip directly on the target, and then leaned down, wiggling a bit until the head slipped in. Then, after another minute’s time spent waiting, he slowly added more pressure and sank right down into Jake’s ass, all the way into the fuck tunnel until he was lying right on his partner’s back, with full body contact. Both of them loved this position. The closeness of their muscular bodies, being practically glued to each other, was a huge turn-on. Once Sean felt Jake’s ass relax a bit more, he began slowly humping, with only the slightest of rising and falling motions at the hips. That slow speed didn’t last. Sean was gearing up quickly, going from first gear to second to third, getting faster and faster as he reached max speed and shifted into overdrive. His hips were a blur, the smacks as they slammed against Jake’s ass cheeks rattling out a rapid tattoo of fuck sounds. Jake was groaning almost nonstop from the speed and power of Sean’s fucking. By this time, Sean was doing full push-ups on Jake’s ass. He knew that he couldn’t hold off much longer at this speed, and was thinking of slowing down, but Jake moaned, “Don’t stop, fuck me harder!” He did his best to oblige, and that was a challenge, but he rose to it magnificently. Both of them were so intensely turned on that even this second round was going to end quickly. He could feel his cum mounting up his shaft and getting ready to spray into Jake. “Fuck. Fuck. I’m gonna cum in you!” “Yeah, that’s it, use my hole, dump your cum in my ass. Cum inside me!” Sean grunted a few times as his entire body tensed up, then with a yell he let it fly. His second load, even bigger than the first, jetted into Jake’s body in a series of intense spurts, his cock flexing like a mad thing, stretching Jake’s tight anus as he spewed his seed. Then he collapsed on top of Jake again, with his cock still buried all the way inside Jake as the final dribbles of cum oozed out. But Jake hadn’t cum yet. He planted his right foot on the bed and shoved hard, forcing both of them to roll onto their left sides. Then he got his hand on his cock and began jerking it. The precum was oozing out of the head in large amounts and they both knew that he was going to reach his peak soon. Sean pulled out of his ass, flopped onto his back, and called, “Over here! Cum on my face!” Jake scrambled up, turned around, and aimed his dick squarely at Sean’s face as Sean lay there, panting. That sight of his partner’s sweat-coated body did it for Jake, as usual, and his load quickly moved into firing position. He moved closer, jerking like a madman, Sean stuck his tongue out, and when the first spurt came it landed squarely in Sean’s mouth. Other shots followed, hitting him in various places around his face. At last, Jake finished shooting and flopped down alongside Sean. Then he roused himself, cleaned up Sean’s face and fed him the cum in another snowball. After a long breathless pause, Sean spoke. “We should probably get up and shower – both our asses are leaking.” Jake replied, “Oh, fuck it. I’ll change and wash the sheets in the morning.” And they fell asleep just like that, Sean lying spread-eagled on his back, and Jake on his face, with his arm flung out across Sean’s chest. On Saturday morning, Sean awoke very early, just at sunrise. Slipping out of bed without waking Jake, he went into the bathroom for a quick cleanup from the night before, and then pulled on his shirt, running shorts, socks, and shoes. Rather than look for Jake’s keys, he just grabbed the spares from the hook and went quietly out, pulling the door carefully shut. Then he rode the elevator to the lobby, and headed out for his run, throwing a brief glance at the new doorman who looked, he thought, vaguely familiar. Half an hour or so later, Jake awoke, thinking it was still too dark. He went to roll over and found that his arms had been pulled out to full length and attached to the bedposts – it felt like it was done with zip ties. Then he found that his legs were equally stretched and tied down. He opened his mouth to shout and realized that there was a gag stuffed in his mouth. And that was when he figured out that the unseasonal darkness was a black hood pulled down low over his head. He squirmed and twisted on the bed, and found it was useless – he couldn’t move at all. A familiar voice came to him, laced with equal parts sarcasm and rage. Jim. “Well, well, look at this beautiful turkey bird, all trussed and ready for the roasting pan.” Jake emitted a grunt of rage. It was all he could do. “Oh, you might as well save your breath and save your strength. I’ve taken very good care that you aren’t going to get loose.” Jake squirmed again. “I watched your pretty little boyfriend heading out for his run before I jumped the lock. Really, those door locks are a joke. They teach you how to get past that kind in the first week of Year One Criminal U at the slammer. I tell you, though, he was looking mighty good. Same outfit he had on the first time I fucked him. It really shows off his ass well.” Jake grunted. “I’ll bet you wanted to know why I’m doing this. I’ll be glad to tell you in detail. After all, you won’t be around to tell any tales once I’ve finished with you. And neither will your cute boytoy. So, here’s the story.” The story, Jake thought, was just what you’d expect – a guy who’d been dealt a bad hand to start, and then blamed everyone but himself for the way life kept walking all over him. A history of rotten adoptive family, violent crime, prison time, and violent sex – it was all just what you’d expect. But then he came to arriving in Devonston. “So I came here, and tracked down mom – and then you, and Catherine. I’d been surprised to find out I was one of a pair of twins. They’re never supposed to be separated, but we were. I started checking you out, and soon found out all about you. Swanning around town in a hot Porsche, flashing the designer duds, living in this palatial condo that came from your stepdaddy, and laying every hot dude that took your eye. “Jealous? You bet I was. But the last straw, that was when you took on that young cutie, Sean. He’s the one guy I did since I came here who actually enjoyed it. Oh, yeah, he did – he wouldn’t tell you that, but that little fucker was moaning all over the place and actually came hands free while I was fucking him. But he went for you. “That’s when I realized that I could get rid of you, both of you, easy as pie, and live the life of Reilly here in your palace. We’re identical twins. Who’d ever know the difference? So that’s the story, and here I am.” At that moment, there came the sound of the front door clicking shut. Jake wished he could yell a warning, but of course he was gagged. Jim whispered, “Back in a minute.” Jake could only guess. He heard a gasp of surprise. Then there came a couple of beeps, and a couple of small bumps and bangs which he couldn’t interpret. Then he heard Sean’s voice, “What the…. Jake, are you okay?” He nodded violently, hoping Sean could see his head move. “Let me get you untied.” Jake shook his head violently. All he wanted was for Sean to clear out, get away, go call the police, do something. He jerked his head to the left over his shoulder several times, trying to signify to Sean to get the hell out of the room and go for help. But it was too late. He heard a quiet thump, then a louder series of thumps. And then came Jim’s voice again. “There! Now I’ve got both of you right where I want you.” There followed some more indeterminate sounds, rustling and scraping, and then the bed suddenly jerked and swayed as a weight was dropped next to him. He knew what that was. Jim spoke again, still in that same mixture of glee and rage. “Just so you know what’s going on here, I’ve gotten your boyfriend undressed so he’ll be just as naked as you are. And I’m going to tie him down, right beside you, face down, same as you. It’ll make things easier if I want to fuck you both before I start carving you up.” His footsteps receded down the hall – no need for him to be quiet now. There came an assortment of bangs and bumps, some louder, some softer. In about five minutes he came back, making a sound which Jake could tell was the sound of a kitchen knife being sharpened on a whetstone. He knew that sound very well from listening to Sean at work on one of his amazing dinners. Then Jim came back into the room, another nasty sneer in his mouth. “At least you’ve got a good top-quality knife and sharpening stone. But after that -- what a fucking useless pair of pussy faggots. Not a single fucking beer in the entire place. No hard stuff either, just wine, champagne, even fucking rosé wine – just the thing for you pansies, it’s your colour. I’m going to the store down by the street entrance to get me some beers and snacks`. Not much use struggling, you’ll just wear yourselves out but you won’t get free. I’ll be back in a while. Enjoy your rest, girls.” There was the sound of footsteps, then a click of the front door latch and all was silent again. Jake wasn’t sure how much time had passed. Lying there, tied down, unable to move, blinded by the hood over his head, silenced by the gag in his mouth, he felt disconnected from time. What he wasn’t disconnected from was his fear. Jake began doing something he hadn’t done since he was a child. He began to pray. He’d lost any belief in the Christian God at age 11, as soon as he realized that he was gay and would become a target of scorn and disgust in his Christian mother’s eyes and in the eyes of her church associates. Jake couldn’t have said to whom or what he was praying, but that’s what he was doing. One might expect him to be praying for himself, but he wasn’t. His thought, his prayer, was all for Sean. I just want Sean to be all right. Please, please, don’t let him die. If Jim is going to get his way and kill us, I want us to go together. But please, let Sean be all right. He’s got so much life to live, so much to look forward to. Please don’t let him die. And on and on his tortuous inner monologue went. At last, Jake got an answer of a sort. He heard a painful groan and felt movement stirring next to him. The mattress heaved and sagged a bit as Sean struggled to free himself. And Jake knew that in this, at least, he had his answer. Sean was all right. For how much longer, though, who could say? He wished with all his heart that he could wrap his arms around Sean, comfort him, let him know that they were together. But no. He could do nothing. He couldn’t even speak. But Sean had to know that he was there, had to have heard his breathing and felt his movements, had to know that they were in this together, just as he’d said they had to be. It was only a slight comfort. By this time, they’d both stopped struggling. As Jim had so rightly said, it was useless to try – he had them completely at his mercy. As they lay there, stripped naked, strapped down, gagged, and hooded, their thoughts were running along oddly parallel paths. Jake was thinking: Let him slice me up, just so long as Sean’s all right – he’s suffered enough from life and from this psycho already. And through Sean’s mind ran these words: Come on, you maniac, you can kill me first. Jake deserves a better life than this and a far better brother than you. They heard the door click shut, the footsteps, the sound of a beer can popping open, the sound of someone gulping beer down, the clang as the can was flung aside. And then, Jim’s gleeful, hateful voice came to them again, “All right, it’s just about lunch time here. Which of you two cute birds wants to get carved first – the chicken or the turkey?” There was the sound of the knife running over the whetstone repeatedly. Then, suddenly, a completely different sound – a deep, harsh male voice, shouting, “Police! Drop the knife!” There was a momentary scuffle. A single gunshot rang out. Then a voice could be heard from below the level of the bed, moaning in pain. The officer’s voice came again: “Nice shot. You got him in the leg, and he’s still alive. Better call for the ambulance.” The single beep of a cellphone followed. Then again, a completely different voice, with a lighter, mocking tone. “Well, well, what have we got here? A little bondage play to get the weekend off to a roaring start?” A hand slapped Jake’s ass lightly, giving it a little squeeze, and the mocking voice said, “Still looking in great shape, there, Daddy.” The gag was pulled out of Jake’s mouth, and Jake, plainly not amused, growled, “Well, you sure took your fucking time getting here, Brian!”
  2. Part 5: The Menace For a moment, Jake was shocked into silence by the all-but-identical appearance of the Mystery Man. The shock wore off in a hurry, though, when Sean muttered, “Oh, crap, he’s spotted me and he’s coming over.” The stranger arrived, grinning at Sean, and said, “Hey, there, sexy. Back for more?” Sean decided not to piss him off right away. “Least you could do is tell me your name, if you’re going to act like an old friend.” “Jim.” “And I’m Sean.” “I know.” That rattled both Sean and Jake. The man grinned at Sean’s discomfort, and then turned to Jake. “Well, if it isn’t my long-lost brother!” Sean’s jaw dropped. Jake held his face immobile as he replied, “What makes you think I’m your brother?” “Uh-uh. I don’t think you’re my brother – I know you are.” “I don’t have a brother – just a sister, much younger.” Jim kept grinning. Jake realized that there was a definite element of malicious mischief in that grin, a sense that the cat was playing the mice before killing them. “Oh, yes, I know. I’ve met her. I’ve met our mother too. I see that there are some important things she’s never told you. You know, Jake, you really should be a little more careful about being too damn sure of yourself. There are probably a lot more things in the world that you don’t know.” Jake’s nerves were winding him up. “So, what do you want?” Jim replied, “Oh, I don’t want anything from you – yet. I just wanted to let my friend here, Sean, my little fuck buddy – you knew all about that, too, I bet – I just wanted to warn him that hanging around with you is maybe not the best thing for his health. You know that old expression, ‘playing with fire,’ don’t you, Sean? Getting too close to Jake might be very bad for you. Just thought I’d give you a friendly tip. And let me know if you want to hook up with me again. You enjoyed it the last time, as I recall.” Sean blushed. But then he decided enough was enough. “No, I don’t want to. And no, I didn’t enjoy it. And just for the record, Jake might not be as violent as you but he’s easily ten times the man you are, in bed and out.” A momentary look of savage anger flashed across Jim’s face, just for a split second, and then that smooth, sardonic grin was back, like a mask that had temporarily slipped. “We’ll see. When the time comes, I think you’ll change your mind – and once Jake is out of the picture, you will enjoy it.” With that, he turned away and sauntered over to the bar to get a drink. Jake and Sean stared at each other. Neither of them had missed the menace, the threat behind Jim’s words. But neither of them wanted to let him think he’d gotten to them. So Sean signalled the waiter, and they ordered another round. Then they talked about indifferent matters, while Sean kept half an eye on Jim’s movements. At last, Jim upended his bottle and then sauntered out the exit, throwing another clearly lustful grin at Sean as he went. Sean heaved a huge sigh of relief. “Okay, he’s gone.” “It’s too bad you lost it and took a dig at him. I saw the look he gave you when you did that.” “So did I. But, Jake, let’s face it, whatever’s eating him, he’s already plenty mad at you anyway.” “I have no idea why. I was telling the truth, you know. If he is my brother, and not just playing on a freaky chance resemblance, I never knew he existed. When we get home, I’m going to call my mother.” An hour or so later, Jake put down his phone and turned to Sean, who was sitting beside him on the living room couch. “Well?” “All she would say was that she had a lot to tell me, and it would be better to tell me in person. I’ll have to go see her tomorrow. Sorry, I know we were planning on going hiking, but I think this takes precedence.” “Long trip?” “She’s in Garrisville. About 90 minutes each way.” Sean got up and shifted to sit beside Jake, putting an arm around his shoulders. “Of course you have to go. It’s obvious now that she knows something at least, and that suggests Jim was telling the truth. The hike will still be there another time.” “I feel bad, letting you down like that. This is getting decidedly scary.” “I know – and for me, too. Look, Jake, no matter what happens with Jim, we’re in this together and we face it together. Okay? We’ve got to have each other’s backs all the way.” Jake turned and hugged Sean fiercely. “You’re right, Sean. No question there – I need you. I need you.” “And I need you, Jake. That’s why we do this as a team.” The next morning, as Jim was getting ready to leave, he kissed Sean and gave him another clinging hug. “Listen, Sean, when you go out for your run, please stick to the main streets. No parks, no trails. Who knows where that psycho might be lurking?” Sean was inclined to demur, insisting that he would be all right, but he saw the look in Jake’s eyes. Jake was genuinely fearful for him, for his safety, even before worrying about his own. As soon as he realized that fear, Sean forgot about arguing. “All right, I will. And you drive carefully. I’ll see you later.” Jake was on edge for the whole of the 90-minute drive to Garrisville, not knowing what awaited him. When he reached his mother’s apartment building, he buzzed her, waited until she called down, then said, “It’s Jake,” and she buzzed him in. Once he had greeted her and kissed her, she sat down in the living room behind a tray with coffee and cookies, and Jake sat down opposite her. She poured coffee, offered him the plate of cookies, and then silence fell. He looked at his mother expectantly. “It’s so hard to know where to begin.” “Let’s start with this Jim guy, then.” She heaved a sigh. “All right. Yes, dear, Jim McManus really is your brother – your twin brother.” “You’ve never told me this.” “There didn’t seem much point. It all happened at a time when adoption records where I lived were sealed and then destroyed after 10 years. I honestly never expected to see him again.” “Go on, mom.” Jake listened intently as the story emerged in stages. He could picture it all: the strait-laced small town, the strict religious parents, the life shorn of any joy or excitement or colour or – or even any fun. Then, the handsome, unsuitable stranger. Italian, Catholic, fun-loving, amusing – oh, yes, he’d had an easy time sweeping her off her feet. Eloping at 19, then pregnant at 20, and then the discovery that the pregnancy was twins – and the fears because they were living on a shoestring. “I confided my fears in Tony,” she went on. “When I got home from my cashier’s job the next day, he was gone. He’d cleaned out our bank account, sold the car, and just vanished. And I never saw him again.” Then her parents stepped in to handle the mess, taking her back home, but keeping her on a shorter string than ever. The birth of the identical twin boys, the one put up for adoption, the other one going with her when they married her off to a worthy, upright member of the church. “So your father didn’t actually die – as far as I know. By now, he could have. You were baptized Jacob Featherston, and that’s something else I never told you. Your stepfather, Jonah -- he was the one who died, when you were three years old. I was out on my own again, but at least, this time, with a decent estate to keep me afloat. I got out of that hateful town, and came north to Devonston to live, bringing you with me. There, I fell in love again. It was Enrico Bianchi – another Italian Catholic, looking very like Tony. We married, and I gave you his surname. Rico was really the only one of your three fathers that you ever knew.” Jake felt like he wanted to get up, walk around the table, and give his mother a huge hug, pat her on the back, assure her that it didn’t matter to him and he wasn’t angry at her for holding back. But she was still going on. “How Jim ever found me, after all that, I have no idea. He contacted me a few months back, told me who he was, and asked to see me. I took Catherine with me, and by now you’ll have realized that she is only your step-sister. We met for coffee, and he spoke very kindly and civilly to me – but I smelled a rat. I think it was the experience with Tony that left me with a sixth sense for trouble. And I sensed right away that Jim was a bad ‘un. I’d decided that I wasn’t going to tell him about you. It was Catherine who told him that he had a twin brother, that you were living in Devonston, and that you were a pervert.” “You know how much I dislike that term, mother.” “It’s just my upbringing coming out in me. Why you couldn’t have chosen to be a respectable married man with a wife and children….” “Like my birth father?” “That’s hardly fair.” “The term, mother, is ‘gay’. Just please remember that -- and use it. And remember that it’s not a choice!” An awkward silence ensued. Finally, his mother spoke again. “I take it that you have some reason for coming to see me and asking about your brother.” “Yes. He ran me down in Devonston, yesterday, when I was having a couple of drinks after work with my… with a friend. Speaking of it being not a choice to be gay, Jim is gay too. How do I know? Because my friend had already had an encounter with him – a rather violent one. There have been other incidents too, I won’t go into the details. The point is that I think you were right in tagging him as a “bad ‘un” – I’d go further and say “violent, possibly psychotic” – and I am afraid that he is targeting me, and my friend.” “From the way you keep calling him your friend, I assume you mean your sex partner.” “Among other things, yes. That’s not the point. The point is that I think my brother is violent, possibly dangerous, and certainly he’s dangerous to me if he keeps doing things – because we look almost alike. I know now that we share common DNA, and I could easily end up getting blamed and maybe with a conviction, jail time, and a record for anything bad that he chooses to do. I’m going to the police on Monday morning, because his language yesterday was threatening, in an insinuating kind of way, and I need to draw him to their attention. And if he contacts you again, I want you to make sure you contact the police here and get them to pass the word on to the police in Devonston.” And with that, Jake got up to take his leave. The drive home was both tedious and unnerving. He was now more sure than ever that Jim’s intentions were both malicious and violent. He was also worried, both about whether he could trust his mother if Jim should contact her, and even more about whether Sean would be all right when he got home. It was becoming increasingly clear to him that he couldn’t bear the thought of anything happening to Sean, and that he also couldn’t contemplate the possibility of life without Sean. Jake knew perfectly well what that meant, but it was a surprising and not altogether pleasant discovery. He’d managed to live his life so far, having a grand old time, enjoying the gorgeous penthouse he’d inherited from his well-to-do stepfather, Rico (it had been an investment, not a family home), and hooking up with a whole string of hot, sexy, horny men in a series of one night stands, brief flings, and serially monogamous (or otherwise) relationships that lasted anywhere from a few months to a year or so. In all that time, he’d never looked much further ahead than the next hot guy. He’d never, but never, let himself get trapped and taken off the market. Now, all of a sudden, he found himself thinking in more permanent terms (or at least long-range terms) and it disconcerted him mightily. It was almost frightening to realize that he not only was imagining being tied down to one man, but that he actually wanted to be. He had no idea why it should have been Sean in particular who affected him in this way, and he couldn’t imagine any possible reason that wouldn’t apply to any of his previous stands, flings, or relationships. Well, other than the fact that Sean was a killer chef, but that couldn’t be the whole story. Could it? Nobody had ever acquainted Jake with the old saying that the heart has its reasons, which reason cannot comprehend. He got home at three o’clock and was hugely relieved to find everything okay at the penthouse. Sean issued him strict marching orders to stay out of the kitchen after 5:30, and not to make any loud noises or do anything in the way of physical exertion which might create bumps or bangs. The reason became clear when he sat down to dinner and Sean presented a magnificently tall and fluffy cheese souffle, paired with ratatouille and a salad. After the meal was finished, Jake went down on one knee with a sweeping, dramatic gesture, seized Sean’s hand, kissed it, and said, “My compliments to the chef!” After they both had a good laugh over Jake’s theatrics, and after the dishes were cleaned and put away, they sat down together and Jake recalled his lengthy talk with his mother. Sean nodded as the points were covered, one by one, and then said, “Well, that certainly explains why I thought you were the man who ripped my hole open in Greenwoods Park that day.” “Sure does. I hope I’ve convinced you now that it wasn’t me.” “You have, some time ago. He didn’t even try to kiss me. Whereas you….” Sean’s words trailed off as Jake chose that exact moment to start kissing him. Since the weather forecast was good for the next day, a Sunday, they decided to reschedule their hike for the morning. They drove out from town to Riverbend County Park, about half an hour south, and took a steep trail that climbed to the bluffs above the river for a panoramic view of the valley. It was a good, brisk walk up the side of the gorge, and the sun, fresh air, and exercise gave them an enormous appetite. Sean pulled some tubs of veggie sticks, hummus, sliced cheese, and kielbasa out of his backpack, and Jake produced a couple of bottles of a good craft brew from the cold pocket of his pack. After lunch, they laid back on a rock for perhaps half an hour, with their shirts off to enjoy the warm sun. As they were lying there, their hands met and clasped. “This is so perfect and peaceful,” Sean said. “Perfect day is right. I was just imagining us doing naughty things to each other here.” “Oh, really? And what kind of naughty things did you have in mind, Mr. Bianchi?” “Nothing kinky. Just picturing you on your back, with your legs up over my shoulders, and me thrusting my hard cock into your tight ass – then lying down right on top of you and kissing you, sliding my tongue in your mouth while I slide my cock inside your beautiful body and then pump your sweet ass full of my hot cum.” Sean rolled on his side and gave Jake a wicked grin. “Well, why don’t we? Sounds like fun. I always enjoy fooling around outdoors.” “Because there are too many hikers coming and going. I like doing it outdoors too, but not as a public show. You may or may not believe this, but I do have some limits.” They both laughed at that. After lying there a while longer, they got up, gathered their things, and they hiked back down to the car. As they got there, Jake pulled up his phone, scanned his notifications, and then gave a low whistle of surprise as a news alert popped up. Short and to the point, it said that another young man had been found an hour earlier in Greenwoods Park in Devonston, sexually assaulted, brutally beaten, and seriously injured. This time, the news had a bad ending; he had been pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital. Jake and Sean stared at each other, wide-eyed. For a couple of beautiful hours, they’d managed to just enjoy the perfect weather and each other’s company, and they had forgotten all about Jake’s brother. The news brought them back down to earth with a bump. There was no question now that Jim was totally out of control.
  3. Just remember that Sean gives as good as he gets. Two hot holes waiting to be fucked and filled every day would make it even better!
  4. Part 4: The Mystery Man Reappears Over the next week or two, Jake and Sean became practically inseparable. Both in public and in private. They came and went from work in Jake’s sleek sportscar, and inevitably ate lunch together in Jake’s office, giving rise to a great deal of comment (some of it jealous) among other members of the staff. The post-work visits to The Corner continued, twice a week at least, and caused even more jealousy. Numerous patrons who’d had their eye on Jake for a while were dismayed to find that they’d suddenly been cut out of the chase by the hot young stud with the killer Asiatic face and lean, muscular runner’s body. Back in Jake’s apartment, a whole array of 24/7 cameras could scarcely have captured a moment when they weren’t attached to each other -- in some way or other. Sean continued creating incredible meals for dinner each night, but the rule about the kitchen not being big enough for two men seemed to have gone by the wayside. It wasn’t at all unusual now to find Jake helping out by washing the veggies while rubbing elbows with Sean at the chopping board. Or perhaps he’d be stirring a pan full of savoury sauce with Sean draped over his shoulder, “just to make sure that you’re doing it right.” After dinner, they would cuddle up to watch a game or movie, or just sit and talk for hours. Or start the evening with an early shower. The guest bathroom and bedroom had been tidied up and put back in order for the next guest. Now, they showered together in the master suite, taking turns soaping and rinsing each other, or splashing each other in the face, or kissing. Or groping cock and grabbing ass. Or sucking and fucking. Then, after they’d towelled off, they’d retire to bed for more kissing, sucking, fucking, and breeding. Jake had always had a high level of sexual endurance, but Sean was really testing him to his limits. The younger guy was a damn satyr -- always horny, always hard, and always eager for another round. One night, after he’d worn out Jake’s hole for three loads, Jake asked, “How the hell did you ever get such great grades in college if you were always busy fucking up a storm every night?” Sean looked at him, quite seriously for once, and said, “It never got this crazy in college. I guess I was just never this turned on before.” The guys found that they were falling easily into a routine in other areas of their life as well, from trips to their respective gyms to shopping. All this time, no further news reports had surfaced of young men being abused, assaulted, or injured. The guy who’d had to be taken to the hospital was released and recovering at home, as the news reported. Jake had begun wondering if the assailant had left town or had been picked up by the police on another and unrelated charge. It didn’t seem unlikely, somehow. All the same, he kept his guard up in public, and did his best to remain publicly visible in company at all times. Of course, having Sean in the role of “company” wasn’t hard to take at all. The younger man was still an awe-inspiring piece of eye candy, and it was kind of fun to walk along the street and watch all the other gay men’s heads swivelling at the sight of such a hot-looking couple. Daddy and his Boy they most certainly were not, although some of the more sarcastic onlookers no doubt made snide comments to that effect. Jake couldn’t help wondering, though, what would happen is Sean decided that it was time to move back to his own apartment. The very next night after Jake first had that thought, as it happened, Sean said to Jake (during another extended shower), “My ass feels back to normal now. Do you think you’re ready to wreck it for me?” “I don’t want to ruin your hole again, but I’ve been ready for your ass ever since the day you were hired. Turn around.” Obediently, Sean spun around and planted his hands against the wall. Jake slid right up against him, wrapping his arms tightly around that lean, hard body and sliding his dick into the crack between those firm, round ass cheeks. Sean moaned. “Yeah, that’s it. Fuck, that cock feels good in my crack.” He humped outwards with his hips as Jake began sliding up and down, rubbing his hard tool against Sean’s muscle butt. Then, he let go, slid all the way down onto his knees, and finally got to taste the hot young guy’s ass for the first time. Damn, I’ve died and gone to heaven – that was the thought that ran through Jake’s mind as he slid his face deep into the furry crack, teasing the hole with his tongue. Kissing, licking, and sucking, Jake worked from side to side and up and down, going all around the tight hole and then digging right into it. It was over two weeks since the Mystery Man, as they now called him, had shredded Sean’s ass with his brutal assault, but Jake was hearing nothing but pleasure from his young friend and that convinced him, more than any words, that Sean was ready to take what he was dying to give. He redoubled his pressure on the hole, and slid his tongue inside, stabbing inwards with it like a miniature sneak preview of the main event to follow. Sean moaned aloud, “Fuck, yeah,” and pushed his ass back even harder against Jake’s tongue. Jake kept working that tongue in and out of the hole until it began to loosen and open, then stood up and reached over Sean’s shoulder to the toiletry rack – and the small tube of lube waiting there alongside the shampoos and lotions. First, he applied some to his fingers and slid them in, one at a time, pushing, twisting, and sliding. Sean was rising up on his toes, arching his back, doing everything he could to get something more, something bigger, inside his hole. Jake then drizzled some lube on his rock-hard dick and pressed it against the tight little hole. To his surprise, it opened readily and let his head in – then clamped down hard as soon as he got part of the shaft inside. Undaunted, he started rotating his hips to work his cock into that tight hole like a corkscrew – and it worked. The eight-inch shaft slowly vanished inside Sean’s super-tight butt, bit by bit, until the whole thing was buried inside him. Jake wrapped his arms around Sean again and began teasing his nipples as he slowly drew his cock back out, then sank it all in again. Sean moaned aloud as Jake worked his cock in and out. Jake muttered, “Damn, can’t remember when I’ve had to work so hard to screw a tight ass.” Sean came back quietly with, “I just figured I should make you work for it.” With that, Jake suddenly and forcefully slammed his tool all the way in, making Sean cry out. “That game works both ways,” he whispered wickedly in Sean’s ear. Sean was now panting audibly as Jake began pumping harder and faster. His fingers were clawing at the wall as if he was afraid of losing his grip and falling down. The water continued pouring over them, and Jake’s hips made a wet smacking sound every time they hit Sean’s cheeks. Jake could tell this was going to be a quick first round for the evening. His breath was coming in shorter gasps too, as he drove harder and harder, whipping in and out of Sean’s hole and building up towards an epic breeding. Sean could tell too. “Fuck, Jake, that’s terrific – don’t stop, you’re gonna make me cum.” “I’m going to be right there with you. You better be ready for the old man to breed your hot young hole.” “Yeah, fuck, yeah, give it to me! Give it….” Sean’s words trailed off into a wordless guttural cry as his cock leaped up and shot cum right up the shower wall above his head. It kept pulsing and pumping out his seed as Jake drove in the last few high-speed strokes, his hips a flying blur as he slammed in and out and then gave a loud yell himself, thrusting as far in as he could go, forcing his cock deep inside and firing blasts of seed right up into Sean’s tight young guts. It took a few minutes for their breathing to return to normal. At last, Jake turned off the shower, and then slowly extracted his still-hard cock from Sean’s ass. A stream of cum poured out after it as the well-fucked hole took its time to close. Sean slowly turned around and leaned back against the wall, a dazed, all-gone look on his face. “You okay, Sean?” Slowly, the younger guy answered. “My hole’s fine. And me, I’m a lot more than okay. I’ve never had a sensational fuck like that before and I’ve never cum hands-free when I’ve been bottoming. If I’d known it could be this amazing, I’d have been doing it a lot more often.” “That’s just the way I felt, the first night you sneaked into my room and fucked me.” They both chuckled. Jake picked up the towel, but instead of dropping it into Sean’s outstretched hand, he began drying that athletic body himself. It seemed only fair, then, for Sean to grab the other towel and return the favour once Jake was finished. There was also a lot of kissing going on while they dried each other off. They went to bed, then, and passed some more prolonged time kissing and stroking each other until both of their cocks began to refill for a second round. This time, Sean felt like mounting on top of Jake and riding his cock, facing his partner while Jake lay back and enjoyed the view. The view was pretty awesome, and that was no lie. Sean had an amazing way of curling his abs each time he pulled up, so his shoulders remained still but his hips still rose and fell on Jake’s tool. Watching those abs flex each time Sean rose up was a real sight for sore eyes. Watching Sean’s impressive cock bouncing in front of him, rock-hard and dripping pre-cum, made just as fine a spectacle. Jake let him have his way for a while, but then he began to concentrate on the sensation of that tight hole stroking his dick, and decided it was time to take charge again. He grasped Sean’s hips and held them still while he began driving his cock straight up into the younger guy’s ass, pounding his hole vertically while Sean grabbed his own tool and began jerking it like a madman. Once again, they came right together, Jake’s load pumping up into Sean’s colon while Sean fired his cum all over Jake’s face, pecs, and abs. After he’d exhausted his supply of cum, Sean collapsed across Jake’s chest, while Jake’s cock slowly softened and then slipped out of his overworked ass. Jake wrapped his arms around Sean’s chest while they kissed some more, and then slowly rolled onto his side until they were lying side by side again, still kissing and stroking each other’s sweat-sheened bodies. After a time, Sean finally got sleepy. Jake lay awake a little while after Sean fell asleep, thinking. He was no fool. He realized that the younger guy was falling for him – and he was enough of a realist to admit that he was falling in love too. What he couldn’t decide was if he was an old fool for falling for a younger man, or if this really was meant to happen. On Friday of that week, they were sitting at their usual booth seats in the corner of The Corner, working through their drinks and not talking about anything major -- when Sean suddenly tensed and grabbed Jake’s hand across the table. He leaned closer, and said quietly, “Don’t make a noise, but just turn slowly around and look who walked in the door.” Jake turned and looked. The first thing he noticed was what was recognizably his own face, looking around the bar. He quickly scanned down and recognized that the stranger was the same height as him, but heavier through the waist and hips – not with overweight, but with the sort of strength that comes from doing hard manual labour for years. As the man’s eyes swept towards him, Jake turned back to Sean, who was shrinking into the corner, trying to stop the man from seeing him. He didn’t need to say a word for Jake to know at once that this was the Mystery Man who had all but raped Sean in the woods, an event which had led Sean and him to become a couple. And – impossible as it seemed – the Mystery Man looked just like he could be Jake’s twin brother.
  5. As always, I'm chuckling a mile a minute at the dialogues involving Liam, Artem, and now Josh, Alden and Francis too. Alden has really loosened up, and it suits him. On the opposite pole, I caught my breath and froze right along with Stephanie and could totally picture the expression on her face when Max showed her the two pictures. This novel continues to amaze and grip me.
  6. Part 3: Surprising Discoveries Jake had a very full weekend. He’d left the office early on Friday for the 6-hour drive to Springwells, arriving in time for dinner with several friends. They’d come together for the wedding of one of their group to a wealthy young guy who was heir to the owner of the largest spa in that well-known mountain resort town. Everyone was in a party mood from the moment they landed at the resort, although Jake had to behave himself a bit since he was standing up for one of the grooms at the wedding ceremony on Saturday afternoon and had to make a speech at the banquet afterwards – a speech which called for the impossible mixture of restraint and raunchiness that you’d expect of a gathering split 50/50 between horny gay men and respectable white-collar multi-millionaires. He’d been sweating over preparing the text of his remarks for a week, trying to get the tone right. None of this had stopped Jake from hooking up on Friday night with a younger guy who’d been left at a loose end when his older lover hit the single malts with a bit too much energy and had to be put to bed to sleep it off before ten o’clock. This young guy, a sexy, blond, Dane by the name of Lars, had no trouble responding positively to a not-too-discreet overture from Jake, since he felt certain that cheating on a drunk and incapable partner wasn’t cheating at all. Between 11pm and 2am, Jake not only got the hot young Dane into bed but succeeded in breeding him three times. His first load actually pumped up into that tight Scandinavian ass even before they made it to Jake’s bed, with Lars bent over the arm of the sofa in Jake’s suite, his feet still tangled up in his pants and briefs. After they disentangled from each other, and got Lars disentangled from his clothes, they fell into bed for a prolonged and sizzling-hot session of making out, sixty-nine (with both sucking and ass-eating) and sliding against each other’s muscular abs and chests. When Lars began panting a bit, Jake decided it was high time to get inside that sweet ass again. This time, he pushed Lars onto his back, lifted his legs, and slid his dick deep inside that tight, Nordic channel. Before long, he was lying right on top of Lars, pumping his hard cock in and out of the Danish boy’s butt, and wrenching assorted sighs, moans, cries, and “fucks” out of the kid, who had his arms and legs wrapped right around Jake, pulling him in as deep inside as possible. This whole treatment, combined with a constant stream of tongue kisses, soon brought Jake to another climax, and sent another barrage of sperm jetting into the tight ass of Lars. After that, a bit of a rest was in order, and the two drifted off to sleep, after rearranging themselves spoon-fashion, with Jake’s semi-hard cock still securely lodged inside Lars. Jake woke up about an hour later, found that he was still firmly planted inside Lars and still semi-hard, and instinctively started pumping again. This renewed cock action soon woke Lars up too, and his moans and “fucks” quickly resumed as he realized that he was getting plowed for a third round. This third session took a bit longer, but neither the stalwart top nor the bright-eyed, eager bottom seemed to mind that a bit. Actually, Jake particularly enjoyed fucking from the big spoon position, and Lars definitely seemed to enjoy being pounded that way. However, all good things come to an end. Jake eventually realized that his third load was on the delivery line, and he considerately held back until Lars, with his busy hand, was able to successfully wrench an orgasm out of his cock – at the same time that Jake let fly with a third load inside the young Dane’s well-filled ass. Jake would have been perfectly happy to spend the rest of the night curled up in bed with Lars and loading him up a fourth time when they woke up again in the morning, but Lars decided belatedly that he had better go and check on his drunken lover. He got up and dressed, and they parted at 2am, not without a lengthy, tempting goodbye kiss. History does not record what reaction, if any, Lars received on staggering back to his partner’s room with his hole and his legs all out of whack, and with his ass fuller of liquid than his bladder. It was just as well that Jake did get a few hours of good, solid sleep, because he had to be on hand at 11am for the wedding rehearsal – and not just on hand, but sober, coherent, and (toughest of all) wide awake. With the help of a sizable dose of premium coffee from room service, he managed it. The room service waiter, another cute, hot young guy, couldn’t refrain from smirking a bit at the rumpled bed covers and the unmistakable aroma of hot gay sex in Jake’s room, but Jake perforce had to ignore him due to pressure of time. At another time, he’d have been happy to wipe that sassy smirk off the young waiter’s face by yanking his tight black trousers down off his muscular ass and breeding his sweet ass. The rehearsal and wedding went off without mishap, and Jake’s speech was well-received. The dinner, beginning with fresh crab cakes, proceeding to filet mignon, and ending with hand-made petits fours, was excellent, and Jake commended his friend’s choice in marrying into a family which knew how to hire truly fine chefs. Needless to say, the wedding celebrations went on, in the banquet room, and in numerous other rooms of the resort, for most of the night. The front desk did an excellent job of fielding noise complaints during the wee hours from guests who weren’t part of the main event of the weekend and didn’t appreciate the animalistic medley of moans, grunts, cries, “fucks,” and more that disrupted their slumbers. Nor did it end there, because the opening of the gifts (delayed until 5pm on Sunday for excellent practical reasons) devolved into another drunken-binge-slash-multi-room-orgy. Most of those involved (including Jake, who even got a chance to breed Eric, the top half of the Eric-Lars relationship), slept very late Monday morning. As a result, Jake didn’t make it back into work until Tuesday. He was sitting morosely at his desk, nursing a slight but insistent headache, and not responding to anything except the most essential communications. Then Sean came in to talk to him. Sean had not enjoyed much of his weekend and wasn’t feeling a whole lot better when Monday morning rolled around. It didn’t take the brain of a genius to figure out that his ass had been ripped by that rough fucker in the woods, and by Sunday afternoon the pain was bad enough that he took a trip to the emergency room to get it checked out. Sure enough, he’d been torn. He was given a couple of prescriptions and told sternly to take it easy and avoid interference with his anus as much as possible for the next week and a half to give it a chance to heal. He was still sure that he had met that vicious bastard somewhere or other before, but for the life of him he couldn’t think where he would have seen the guy. Anyway, he made it through Monday somehow, headed home to rest, and turned down an alluring invitation for Friday night from a semi-regular daddy fuck buddy. Tuesday was much the same. The pain was less, but he was still finding walking and sitting equally uncomfortable, and he was still preoccupied with the question of the top fucker’s identity. In fact, he was musing about that very thing when he went down to the break room for a coffee. And on the way back to his cubicle, he saw that violent top guy, in the flesh, walking along the hall ahead of him. He shook his head in disbelief, and then looked again. No, sure enough, it was him – the walk and the set of the shoulders were unmistakable. Then the man turned into the private office, and he realized that he was following his boss. That really gave Sean something to think about. And after thinking about it for ten minutes or so, he headed into Jake’s office to have a little talk with his boss. Jake looked up, and then struggled for a moment to recall the hot, young new staffer’s name. “Good morning, uhh… Shane? No, Sean.” “Good morning.” “What can I do for you?” Sean closed the door. “Just wanted to know if you enjoyed yourself on Saturday morning.” Jake looked his puzzlement. “Well, not that it’s any of your damn business, but no, I was suffering from a combination of too much drink and too much – call it ‘fun’ – the night before.” “You seemed to be having enough fun in the morning.” Sean’s elliptical conversation was irritating Jake and he was on the verge of becoming angry. “I’m not sure what you’re getting at, but I think you’re barking up the wrong tree. It’s not as if you were at that wedding.” “I’m not talking about a wedding. I’m talking Saturday morning in Greenwoods Park. You don’t remember?” Now Jake was getting seriously annoyed. “Whatever you’re hinting at, it has nothing to do with me, since I was six hours’ drive away in Springwells all weekend, from Friday night until Monday afternoon. Whoever you are talking about in Greenwoods Park, it definitely wasn’t me.” Sean’s cocky manner was evaporating. “You were out of town?” “Yes. And like I said before, it’s none of your damn business.” Now Sean was truly bewildered. “Okay, this is getting too weird. If it wasn’t you, how the hell was there a guy who was the same height, same build across the shoulders, and with the same voice, working me over in the park on Saturday?” Jake picked up on that right away. It certainly answered one of his questions. “Working you over, huh?” Sean couldn’t stop the red mounting to his face. “Yeah, I ran into this guy when I was out for a run and he took me into the trees and…” Jake cut him off. “Okay, I get the picture.” He sat and thought for a moment, drumming his fingers on the desk. Then he went on, choosing his words very carefully. “It’s definitely getting weird, more than you know. Look, this isn’t a workplace issue and we shouldn’t be talking about it on office time. And anything you or I say about it has nothing to do with your job status, evaluation, salary, or anything related to that. But I definitely want to hear more about this guy you met. Can we meet after work for a drink at the Corner Bar?” Sean thought for a moment in turn, and then said. “Sure. But remember, I’m new in town. Where is it?” “Just turn right out the front door of the building, take the first street on the right, and go halfway down the block, right-hand side. At, say, 5:00?” A few minutes after 5, Jake and Sean were seated with drinks in front of them at one of the quieter booth seats in the Corner Bar. The name was a lame joke since the bar was in the middle of the block and so not on any street corner. The Corner Bar was a rip-roaring gay party spot on evenings and weekends, but quieter in the afternoon. After the waiter dropped the drinks and left (with a sly wink and thumbs up at Jake), Jake prodded Sean into talking about his experience. Sean left out most of the really salacious details, but he told Jake the story. Jake asked a few questions, probing for more details. In time, a picture emerged: a man the same height, with similar high, square shoulders, but heavier built through the waist and hips, a similar walk, and a similar voice -- but more gravelly, as if the speaker had done a lot of yelling in his time or had suffered from a never-ending smokers’ cough. Sean also made sure to throw in the details about the medical fallout from the whole experience, although he left out the feelings of enjoyment he’d had as the stranger was ripping him open and breeding him. Then, it was Jake’s turn to speak. “I said this was weirder than you know. Here’s what happened to me.” He then proceeded to tell Sean all about how he’d been thrown out of the bathhouse by the bouncer – another weird incident involving a mysterious and violent stranger who apparently looked very much like Jake. Sean immediately jumped to the most irrelevant detail. “A bathhouse with a bouncer?” Jake laughed. “Part time, and I don’t know if they pay him or just let him in free so he can control the horny young college guys on half-price Tuesdays. He’s actually the regular bouncer here at the Corner.” “So it comes down to this, there’s this guy who looks like you, hanging around the area, and getting way out of control every time he fucks a young dude.” “Something like that. Kind of scares me. I’m starting to wonder if I’m going to find the cops on my doorstep with a warrant when he does something really bad.” “You’re not the only one scared. I’d just as soon not run into him again. Getting my hole ripped that badly isn’t exactly a picnic.” Sean thought a bit more. “You’ll need to have eyewitnesses everywhere you go, just in case.” “Not exactly practical, I live alone – and I don’t want someone looking over my shoulder if I’m fucking a hot pickup from the apps.” Sean nodded. “Living alone, that makes it difficult.” Another moment of thought, and then: “What if I move in with you?” Jake must have looked utterly astounded because Sean quickly went on. “Hey, calm down, I don’t mean it that way! Just so there’s always someone around who can say where you were and what you were doing during your downtime at home. I can sleep on the sofa.” “No way, Sean. I like my privacy!” “In that case, better get a good security cam for your entrance that can record you coming and going. But I was serious – and the offer stands if you change your mind.” Jake thanked him, but again demurred. He was just tossing back the last of his drink when the door opened and Bill-the-bouncer walked in. Jake saw his face darken when he spotted them in the booth. He grinned at Bill, and then said to Sean, “Another round?” Sean nodded, and Jake waved the waiter over. After the drinks landed, the conversation moved on to more general topics. Jake was interested to hear how Sean was adjusting to life in a new city after moving on from college. He dropped a couple of pointers on good places to find guys, and Sean thanked him. While they were talking along those lines, Bill came over. “Hey, Bill. Meet my friend, Sean.” Bill’s face darkened again. “Sean – watch out, kid, this guy’s dangerous. He’s a fucking maniac.” Jake retorted, “Bill, cool it. I haven’t done anything here. Go bother someone else.” Bill wasn’t deterred. “Kid, take my advice and get as far away from him as you can. He’s trouble.” Jake again spoke up. “Bill, it’s one thing to interfere in my fun at the baths because of a misunderstanding. But if you keep harassing us here, when I have done absolutely nothing in the Corner that is any business of yours at all, I will speak to the manager about it and tell him that you’re out of order and out of hand. Now, clear the fuck off unless you want to get your ass fired, and don’t come back until one of us does something bad enough to get us thrown out.” Bill gave one more fierce glare at them, but then walked away. “So that’s the guy who threw you out of the baths. He’s a tough one, all right.” Jake laughed. “Yeah – perfect for a bouncer’s job, but I wouldn’t hire him for work that needs any tact.” They finished up their drinks and left, with Sean reminding Jake of his offer as they parted company. Friday, though, saw them back at the Corner again. Jake found that he was enjoying the company of his new, young associate. Sean had a good sense of humour and a good fund of stories and experiences. He was pleasant company in a social way. Jake still had his eyes on the Sean that remained hidden under the clothes, but he wanted to wait before making a move, partly because he knew that the younger man was still healing after his rough experience the last weekend. For his part, Sean found his boss enjoyable to hang out with and he was happy to have made a friend in this city where he still knew very few people. Sean was also conscious of Jake’s appearance, his tailored suits that fitted him so perfectly, and that tempting trail of dark hair vanishing down inside the open V of his white shirt. Since it was Friday, the Corner had started filling up by the time they ordered their second round. While they were waiting for the drinks to come, one of Jake’s friends stopped by the table to say hello. Plainly, he had some big news on his mind, and knew how much Mike loved to be the first one to know all the hot gossip. “Okay, Mike, I can see you’ve got a big story all ready to pop out for us, so spill.” “Jake, it’s not a fun story this time. Just found this clip on the local news app.” Mike handed his phone to Jake, and Jake cranked up the volume on the video clip in time to hear an announcer’s voice: “…taken to the Memorial Hospital at 4:00 pm, where he’s listed as in serious but stable condition. Police report that the young man was sexually assaulted as well as being beaten and suffered two fractures as well as soft-tissue injuries. His name is being withheld until family have been notified.” The effect of this announcement on both Jake and Sean was not what Mike expected. The two looked at each other, wide-eyed, but said nothing. Jake handed the phone back with a laconic, dismissive, “Thanks, Mike. See you later.” After a dissatisfied second or three, Mike wandered off. Sean was the first to break the silence. “I wonder if the mystery man has just struck again?” Jake replied, “I think we both had the same thought. I wonder what sort of description that poor guy in the hospital is giving to the cops?” “Jake, we’re both picturing the same description, except that I’m picturing the face that goes with it.” They fell silent, then, working their way through their drinks. Sean downed the last mouthful, then said, “You’re sure you don’t want to take me up on my offer?” Jake replied slowly, “It might be a good idea. I haven’t had time to get a camera installed yet.” “Okay, Jake, let’s just swing by my place so I can pick up a few things, and then we’ll head over to yours.” Three-quarters of an hour later, they got off the elevator at Jake’s floor and sauntered down the hall to the entrance of Jake’s penthouse suite. They made a striking couple, and with Sean’s backpack slung casually over one shoulder as he leaned close into Jake’s side, it would be pretty obvious to any nosy neighbours what was happening between them. Which was exactly the impression Sean intended to convey. As soon as they got inside, Sean peeled his bag off and set it down, then looked around. “Wow.” “You’re not the first guy who ever walked in here and said that.” “I know damn well I’m not the first guy who ever walked in here,” Sean retorted. Jake laughed. “You’re also not the first guy who ever invited himself to come in.” Sean in his turn laughed right out loud at that. “Okay, stud, but don’t let your amazing sexual attraction go to your head. Seriously, though, this place is spectacular.” It was. The floor to ceiling windows spread the width of the living-dining area, with a sliding door opening onto the balcony that gave a spectacular view of the lights of downtown. Down the hall, Jake showed him where to find the guest bathroom and bedroom. The master bedroom, around the corner, had another room-size window facing a second balcony, which would give a view of the waterfront and beach in daylight. It also had an ensuite bath about the size of the guest bedroom, including a two-man jetted tub and double-size shower. Sean chuckled. “Everything you need for a hot date.” “S’right,” Jake replied. “Right down to the pop-up bar…” and he pressed a button which caused the panel right above the tub to open, revealing a cubbyhole from which a shelf slid out with glasses, an ice bucket, and space for a couple of bottles of whatever suited the occasion. Then, he changed the subject. “So, you said you had nothing going on tonight and I don’t feel like going out again. What do you want to do about dinner?” “Mind if I just take a look at what’s in your kitchen?” “Go ahead.” Inside of ten minutes, Sean had made himself right at home in the kitchen, furiously chopping and mincing an assortment of veggies and some garlic. Before long, he had the wok sizzling on the stove, and two glasses of wine poured out. He handed one to Jake, they clinked glasses, and Jake said, “My God, I’ve fallen into the hands of a real chef. This kitchen’s never seen this kind of prize-level action since the last time I hired a caterer for a party.” Sean laughed, and then said, “Okay, out! Didn’t your mother teach you that no kitchen is big enough for two men at once?” Jake chuckled and returned to the living room, realizing that Sean was slowly growing on him. He realized it even more after another thirty minutes, when they sat down to a feast of stir-fried garlic chicken and veggies, with steamed brown rice and the rest of the bottle of wine to wash it down. After finishing his wine, Jake sighed with satisfaction. “That was amazing. Do you always cook like that for yourself?” “Any time I have the ingredients at hand, I like to go all in. I’ll eat half-assed food if I have to, but I’d rather have a proper meal any day.” “I can see why.” “My big sister taught me some cooking tricks when I was still in high school. She called it “essential bachelor survival skills.” Jake chuckled at that. “So she already knew you were a ‘bachelor,’ did she?” “I hadn’t told her, but she sensed it. I’m glad she did. Say, I have some catch-up stuff to do. Can I set up my laptop somewhere, and get your internet code?” “There’s a power bar with outlets and USB chargers on the desk in the guest room. I’ll take care of cleanup here.” “Thanks. I’ll head in there and get busy.” “Okay, Sean, later.” After Jake finished cleaning up in the kitchen, and took Sean a note with the code, he pulled out the remote, put the TV on, and called up a movie. A couple of hours later, the movie done, he switched off, put out the lights except for one in the kitchen, and then headed down the hall. He glanced in the door of the guest room, and saw that Sean was deeply immersed in whatever he was working on there. He then carried on to his own room, shucked off his clothes, hung up his suit, and headed into the shower. Jake enjoyed a long, leisurely shower, sort of hoping that Sean might feel the urge to join him. It didn’t happen, but when he finally turned the water off, he heard the other shower in the guest bathroom running as he towelled off. He then crawled into bed, picking up a book to read for a bit before going to sleep. Jake didn’t hear the other shower shut off, so he was caught by surprise a few minutes later when Sean sauntered casually into his bedroom, wrapped in a towel. Without pausing a second, the younger guy walked purposefully around the bed, and then – just as casually – dropped the towel across a stool, turned down the covers, and slid into bed next to Jake. “Don’t look so surprised, Jake. You know you’ve been eyeing me up every chance you got since I started working in your section.” “Guilty as charged.” “Besides, it’s not as if we aren’t both interested. I didn’t offer to come and stay here just out of the goodness of my heart – and I’m sure you guessed that.” Jake put his arm out and grasped Sean by the shoulders, drawing him closer. But then Sean went on, “Just remember, no ass play for me, all right? And don’t even try to sneak a lick, the stuff they’ve got me putting on it tastes gawdawful.” “I’ll bear that in mind,” Jake said, as he began kissing his new young friend. In no time at all, their mouths opened and tongues darted back and forth between them. Sean wrapped his arms around Jake, running his hands up and down Jake’s muscular back. Jake pushed his hand down between their bodies, found Sean’s cock (already standing upright, no surprise there) and began squeezing and stroking it. After another minute, Jake moved down to take Sean’s cock into his mouth. It was a nice, seven-inch, uncut mouthful, and Jake was thoroughly enjoying hearing the moans and sighs coming from Sean. But he wanted more. Pushing firmly with his legs, he rolled Sean onto his back, and then swivelled around until he was in a perfect position on top of Sean for a 69. Sean took the hint right away, leaned up and swallowed Jake’s tool right down into his throat. Jake was enjoying this immensely. Once again, he’d lucked out and found a very experienced young partner who knew his way around a man’s body and dick -- and wasn’t afraid to work at it. They kept sucking each other for about 5 minutes, enjoying that unique sensation of falling into the identical rhythm so that it almost felt like they were sucking on themselves. But Sean also had an agenda, and as their 69 went on he began putting it into play by sliding his hands down Jake’s back and grabbing his butt, then digging into the crack and fingering the older guy’s hole. Jake was normally a top, but he also knew he wouldn’t be topping tonight, so why not? He moaned in pleasure as Sean teased the little knot of his hole. Then he slowly hunched his hips, until his butt crack landed on Sean’s face, while he was able to keep sucking on Sean’s cock. Sean’s talented tongue and fingers went right to work on Jake’s ass, digging in, licking around and over, kneading the muscular butt cheeks, and teasing the hole, until his finger finally slipped into the tunnel. As Jake moaned even louder, Sean urged him to come up and leave his dick alone – he had other plans for where he wanted to let off his five-day load. Now it was Sean’s turn to roll Jake over onto his back. Sean lifted Jake’s legs into the air and buried his face right in that ass crack again. By this time, Jake was moaning up a storm, and throwing in comments about how hot it was and how good Sean’s tongue felt in his ass. Finally, though, he got tired of waiting, and said, “Come on, enough teasing, already.” Sean pulled his busy tongue out of the now-ready ass and grinned down at him. “Come on, what?” “Dammit, you know what I mean!” “Didn’t your parents teach you to ask nicely and say the magic words?” “Come on, fuck me already!” “Say the magic word.” “Please, fuck me! You’re driving me nuts, I want that cock inside me. I want you to fuck me and I want you to pump your hot load into me. Please! Fuck me now!!! Is that good enough for you?” Sean laughed, and then grabbed Jake and twisted him over so he was face down, with his beautiful firm round ass sticking up in the air. He set the tip of his cock against Jake’s hole and leaned on it. Jake hadn’t exactly planned on bottoming tonight, but he knew to relax and let his hole open up. It took a minute, but then Sean’s cockhead popped into him. Jake groaned from the pain, but he gritted his teeth and willed his butt muscles to relax. In another minute, the shaft began sliding slowly into him, going all the way until it hit bottom. Jake was struggling. He hadn’t been fucked in a long time, and Sean’s shaft was unusually thick for its length, so he felt fuller than he could ever remember feeling. But he also realized, to his own surprise, that he actually wanted and craved being reamed out like this. Sean revelled in the sensations of a hole so tight that it was practically virgin. It had been several years since he’d fucked anyone this snug. He waited until Jake’s ass relaxed enough to start expanding and contracting on his shaft, and then he began pumping, slowly at first. As Jake slowly got more accustomed to the sensation, Sean was able to start pushing his speed faster and faster, finally shifting into overdrive and pounding full force down into the hot manhole between those beautiful cheeks. After a few minutes of nonstop action, Sean pulled out and rolled Jake over again. Jake lifted his legs, right back over his head, and Sean added a couple of shots of spit to his cock, and then sank back into that hot ass. Now they were face to face, and Jake was more than flexible enough to let Sean lie right down on top of his chest and abs while he plowed ass. Jake wrapped his arms around Sean, holding him close and stroking his back as Sean drove into him. They began kissing again, swapping tongues as the horny young top drove himself towards climax. He pulled his head back, looked Jake right in the eyes, and said, “I’m going to cum – where do you want it?” Jake was running on pure instinct now. “Right inside my ass. Fill my fucking hole, stud!” Sean reared up and began piledriving Jake, slamming into him forcefully, over and over again. Jake urged him on, saying, “fuck… fuck… fuck…” like a mantra. He could hear Sean’s breathing coming in short, harsh gasps, and he knew Sean was about to cum inside him. He also knew that he was about to cum himself. “Give it to me… give it to me… breed me… breed my fucking ass….” Sean slammed all the way into Jake’s hole with a deep groan and began firing his load all the way inside the ass of his employer. Jake could feel each distinct convulsion of Sean’s cock in his hole. He lost count after about eight spurts, when the feeling triggered his own hands-free orgasm. All he knew was that Sean was still cumming inside him as his own cock leaped up and down, shooting his sperm across Sean’s abs and across his own chest. Finally, Sean collapsed on top of him and they clung to each other, both gasping for air after the intensity of their sexual coupling. Jake had surprised himself by the intensity of his reactions. The thought even crossed his mind that he might have been missing out on something good by not bottoming more often. Sean’s dick slid slowly out of his hole, and the younger guy flopped on the bed next to Jake, trying (and failing) to think of the words to express what a peak-level experience this had been for him. They rolled to face each other, lips seeking lips, and kissed together for a long time, arms around each other. Jake finally said, “Wow. That was absolutely amazing – but I’m wiped, I really need to get some sleep.” “Okay, old man. It’s after midnight, I guess you’re allowed.” “Old man! Watch out, kid, I was just being nice tonight but once that ass of yours is back in commission I’ll show you just what this old man can do!” They both laughed. After a couple more lingering kisses, Jake pulled the covers over them and they fell asleep, face to face, holding each other close. Jake’s last thought, as he drifted off, was, “Have I just complicated my life, or what?”
  7. Too little, too late -- oh, Max, get your head together! And now Steven is trying to set Alex up. Sounds like the Christmas Ball might be a very interesting evening, especially if Lizzie decides to have a word or two with Alex.
  8. Part 2: The Path in the Woods Sean was enjoying the beautiful spring sunshine as he jogged easily along the street and into the park. It was a perfect morning to be out for a run. Once he was off the pavement and onto the gravelled trail, he picked up speed into a genuine run. His name suggested Irish ancestry, but his face hinted more at an east Asian background. He had a lean, hard, athletic body and loved keeping it in shape. In high school he’d been a star swimmer, water polo player, and track athlete. Plenty of girls (and some guys) had stared whenever he’d climbed out of the pool in his wet speedo. Plenty more guys had been sneaking looks in the locker room and showers, since his equipment was definitely worth a second look. Sean had kept up all those athletic interests in college, although not on any competitive teams. Now that he was out in the working world, free time was a bit more limited, but he still kept up with his daily run and trip to the gym. This was his second Saturday since he’d started working at his new office job, and he was grateful to be outside. The daily fresh air was something he really missed when he was shut up in an office all day. Sean put on a sprint down the hill towards the lake, thinking of a couple of really good-looking guys he’d seen at work. That was something else he missed since finishing college, the ease of finding hot sex whenever he felt like it. Now that he was living in a new city, he needed to get busy and find out where all the hot spots were so he could go looking. He could feel his cock stirring in his shorts at the thought of that hot guy just down the hall from his cubicle – Mike. He had a good body and a really cute round butt that showed nicely in his pants. Now, there was an ass he’d be happy to dig into and fill up with a load of his seed. And then there was the boss, what was his name again? Jack? No, Jake. Another great-looking guy with that olive skin and bit of dark hair showing in the V of his shirt. He’d be a hot lay too. Sean preferred to top, but there was something about Jake that suggested the real alpha male. Giving up his butthole to that hunk would probably be a great fuck – and there was always the chance that he’d be versatile so they could breed each other. Musing along these lines, Sean soon left the lake behind as the trail plunged into the woods. The path started winding through the trees, and he had to slow down a bit. Coming around one bend, he suddenly had to dig into the ground with his heels to avoid slamming into a dark-haired man with sunglasses coming the other way. “Whoa, kid, take it easy, there.” “Sorry – just getting in my daily run.” “Going pretty fast – easy to see that you’re a real athlete, with a real athlete’s body.” “Thanks.” The stranger stepped right up to him – really close. “Am I making you nervous, getting this close?” “No.” “In fact, kid, you like it. Don’t pretend you don’t. I can see you pitching a tent.” Sean shrugged. No point in denying the obvious. Anyway, this burly guy was pretty good looking -- so he favoured the guy with his killer smile. The stranger came right to the point, then, reaching out and rubbing the tent in Sean’s shorts. Sean asked him, “You always move this fast when you meet someone?” “When he’s as hot as you, yeah.” All this time, Sean was trying to figure something out. The guy seemed familiar somehow. Sean was sure he’d met the man before but couldn’t think where. So he came right to the point and asked. “Have we met before?” “I don’t think so. I never forget a hot body and hot ass like yours.” But Sean was more convinced than ever that this guy was familiar. There was something about the voice. But he couldn’t pin it down in his mind, which was getting more and more disconnected as the hand worked on his dick. It was time to return the favour, so he reached out and grasped the stranger’s crotch bulge as well, feeling it swell up right away under his hand. The stranger said, “Come on over here, away from the path.” He led the way into the trees, and after about twenty paces came to a small clearing with a flattish slab of rock on the ground over to one side. The ground around the rock was littered with used condoms, a couple of popper bottles, and a pair of wrecked underwear, ripped apart right up the ass. Sean realized that, without even trying, he’d stumbled on a regular cruising ground in the park just down the street from his apartment. Then conscious thought disintegrated as the stranger pulled him close, put his arms around Sean and ran his hands down Sean’s back and into his running shorts. Sean humped his cock against the bulge in the man’s pants and moaned as those insistent fingers pried into his asscrack. “Oh, yeah – nice, tight boy ass. Gonna enjoy loosening that up. Let’s see what you can do.” The stranger pulled away, grabbed Sean by the shoulders, and pushed him down to his knees. Then he seized the back of Sean’s head and mashed it into the bulge in his crotch. Sean obediently opened his mouth and began working on the big bulge, inhaling the smelly fumes of unwashed jeans, ripe with funky piss and man sweat. He reached up and began undoing the jeans, pulling the zipper down until the uncut cock sprang out. The guy hadn’t showered that day, by the smell. Normally, that would turn Sean off but the heady smell of natural man was really turning him on. He ran his tongue up and down the shaft a couple of times. Then the stranger got impatient, and said, “Quit fooling around – suck my cock, boy.” Then he grabbed Sean’s head with one hand and slapped the hard manmeat across his face. “I said to suck it!” Sean opened his mouth and the big man shoved his dick right in and down his throat. Sean was an experienced cocksucker, but a little time to open up more would have been nice. This aggressive guy didn’t give a damn. He got both hands on the back of Sean’s head and began forcing his cock in and out, face-fucking the young mouth and mashing Sean’s face right down into his pubes on each thrust. Sean was gagging and moaning, his eyes watering, and he tried to pull away – but found he couldn’t. This guy was way too strong for him and was going to get what he wanted, whether Sean liked it or not. A well-timed slap across his face made his eyes water even more. The big man growled at him and kept punching his cock deep into Sean’s throat. At last, he pulled away, and Sean gasped in relief – but too soon. Those massive, muscled arms yanked him to his feet and spun him around. A hand grabbed the waistband of his running shorts and yanked them down off his ass. The big man flung him like a rag doll, face down across the rock slab, and landed a second later right on top of Sean, his big cock digging into the younger guy’s ass crack. By now, Sean knew what was coming next. A small part of his mind was screaming, “It’s rape – this big guy is raping you!” But another, and much bigger part of his mind was thinking, “Fuck, yeah! Ram it into me! Use me and fill me up!” He heard the sound of the man spitting twice, and then the big head began pushing into his crack. Sean hadn’t planned or prepared at all for this, but he desperately willed his muscles to relax. It didn’t help. The stranger found the little knot of his hole, positioned his cock right against it, and then gave a mighty shove that planted it halfway inside Sean’s ass. Sean tried to scream with the intense pain, but a big hand clamped over his mouth and muffled him. He was pinned down, helpless, the man’s burly body lying flat on top of him and the cock digging farther and farther into him. The man came to a stop, buried all the way inside Sean’s tight hole. Sean could barely feel anything except the fullness and the pain. Then the man started fucking him. His hips rising and falling, smacking into Sean’s firm round ass cheeks on each thrust, he fucked hard and fast. When Sean began making noise, the man reached down, grabbed something off the ground, and stuffed it into Sean’s mouth. It was the discarded, ripped-up underwear. Sean bit down on it, hard, as the big dick pounded into his hole. The guy was fucking him hard and fast, but still taking plenty of time before cumming. Sean was a crazy mess of mixed-up feelings – pain, shame, sexual thrill, and more. His own cock had gone completely limp when the guy rammed into him, and it wasn’t getting hard again, but still it felt like he was going to come. He was moaning and whimpering nonstop as the big fucker plowed his hole mercilessly. Then it happened. Sean’s muscles began contracting and a stream of hot cum oozed out of his limp cock and onto the rock, under his belly. The stranger gave a loud roar and slammed all the way into Sean’s convulsing hole, spurting cum into his guts. He kept punchfucking Sean – an extra slam as each bolt of cum rocketed out of his dick. He slammed into the young ass eight times, releasing eight spurts of seed into the boy’s butt. At last, he stopped and collapsed across Sean’s quivering body, breathing hard. After a minute, the stranger stood up, yanking his cock quickly out of Sean’s hole and bringing out one more howl of pain. A couple of firm slaps shut Sean up again. The man growled, “Fucking kids these days, they can’t take it like a man.” He rolled Sean over onto his back, and then shoved his dick back into the younger guy’s throat. “Clean it off, boy.” Sean didn’t even try to resist. Obediently, he sucked up and down on the man’s cock, cleaning away the mess left behind by the fuck. Then he just lay there and watched as the man pulled his jeans back up. He zipped up his jeans, and said, in a disgusted tone, “Get yourself dressed and get your pretty boy ass out of here.” Then he walked away, leaving Sean alone, draped over the rock. Sean got up and dressed, slowly listing all the pain points in his mind: the knees and elbows that had slammed into the rock, the sore throat, and above all the fierce ache in his hole. It had taken a long time for his hole to close up after that ferocious fuck, and when he’d checked with his fingers, they’d come away covered with a mix of cum and traces of blood. It hurt like hell but he couldn’t deny that he’d enjoyed it. Being taken, used, abused, and thrown away like that had really turned him on big time. Sean walked slowly home – running was out of the question. When he got back to his apartment, he showered to wash off the scrapes, cum, and blood and, more telling, the pheromone-laden sweat in his armpits. He’d definitely been turned on by the rough stranger, no question, but another part of him was disgusted at himself for enjoying it. By now, his cock had gotten rock hard again from thinking about the encounter, and was dripping plenty of pre-cum. He stroked it quickly, under the cascade of hot water, and in a minute or less he fired an enormous load up onto the shower wall above his head. It wasn’t enough. He was still so turned on that he kept right on rubbing and pounding his cock and in about five more minutes fired a second load, just as big. Only then did the young jock finally begin to relax and calm down enough to get back to wondering about the stranger. The rough, burly man in the park definitely reminded him of someone – but who?
  9. Part 1: The Weird Encounter Jake Bianchi walked around the corner from his parked sports car and opened the nondescript, modest door of his favourite bath house. He’d had a long Tuesday at work, and a hard one too. It was the sight of the newest member of his staff, a sexy young hunk with perfectly-fitted tight pants, that had given him such a hard time today – although he had trouble deciding whether it was the visible bulge down the left leg or the swelling curves of the form-fitting fabric over the ass that made life harder for him. At this point, all he wanted to do was to peel away his own designer clothes, find some totally cute young twink, and then get his rocks off, preferably inside said twink’s tight butthole. He wasn’t looking for a long evening, certainly not a take-home overnighter, and definitely not any kind of relationship – just a good pump and dump. It was the right time of day for it. It was 4:15 pm and half-price admission for college boys on Tuesdays lasted until 5:00. He could be sure that there’d be plenty of enticing young cuties roaming the halls. He sighted his first prospect right in the change room, as he shucked off his suit, tie, and dress shirt, then his tight briefs and socks, and stored them in a locker. This was a lean blond twink with a mostly hairless body, some decent muscle, and an enticing lump under his towel. He sauntered past Jake, eyeing the older man closely, admiring Jake’s dark Mediterranean good looks, and rubbing the bulge in his towel as he went by. Walking past Jake, the young fellow deliberately started rolling his hips a bit to emphasize the curves of his ass. No surprise, Jake’s seven-inch cock began filling up and straightening right away. He slammed his locker, grabbed the key and his towel, and followed the twink into the showers. The young guy already had the water running, and was letting it cascade smoothly over his body, just standing there under the spray while giving Jake a good sample of “fuck me” eyes. Although there were 6 shower heads free, Jake helped himself to the one right next to the twink’s glistening, wet body. The young fellow, seen up close, was a little older than some of the jailbait that occasionally sneaked in with fake I.D. – at a rough guess, Jake figured he would be about 22-23 or maybe a bit older. Good – that also meant he was likely to be experienced, not some novice kid who would have to be taught, step by step, how to take a man’s cock. Just as he thought that, the twink proved he was right by grabbing Jake’s cock and stroking it with a slight twisting motion. Then he fell to his knees and took the older man’s rapidly swelling dick into his mouth. Within three or four plunges, he got right down to the root of the matter and Jake felt the guy’s throat tickling his cockhead as the hot mouth slid up and down his shaft. Jake now realized that he wasn’t in quite such a hurry as he had thought. This young guy was proving to be a really talented cocksucker, and Jake was thoroughly enjoying the skill he brought to his work. He wasn’t even embarrassed to let out a couple of low moans as the fellow worked on his tool. Eventually, though, Jake felt the end drawing near, and he didn’t want to blow his load just yet. He pulled the young man up, and began kissing him, driving tongue into the guy’s mouth and at the same time sliding his hands down to play with the smooth, round ass cheeks. Jake’s fingers slid around those swelling mounds of ass flesh into the deep crack, and there he began playing with the hole. Now, it was this twenty-something bottom boy who was moaning at the touch of Jake’s experienced fingers, actually thrusting his butt backwards against the older man’s busy hands. Jake knew that this hot young fellow was going to take one hell of a ride from him. He spun the blond around, dropped to his knees, and buried his face inside that enticing ass crack. He lashed his tongue over the boy’s tight hole, then began digging in. As he tongued the younger man’s ass, Jake worked on the twin mounds of his cheeks, squeezing and massaging that beautiful ass with his busy fingers. He dug even deeper into the hole with his tongue, eating that ass like it was a five-course banquet and he was starving. He lapped and slurped and sucked, while above him the guy was moaning and grunting like crazy. Now, Jake started sliding a finger into the hole, still working away with his tongue. He dug in and twisted his finger around – then another one. Now this hot young guy was pushing his ass back into Jake’s face, thrusting backwards to try to get those fingers farther inside him. It was time. Jake stood up, grabbed the hot blond by the shoulders, and marched him down the hall to the room with the fuck bench. He pushed his young conquest backwards onto the bench, lifted his legs into the air, and slobbered all over that tempting hole one more time, just to make sure. He shoved his cock back into the young blond’s hot mouth and let him get it all wet and ready. Jake pulled away from that eager, sucking mouth, lifted the young guy’s legs higher and pushed them right back over his shoulders until he was bent double, like a paper clip. Then he started sliding his rock-hard tool into the twink’s tight hole. This young guy might look innocent, but his hole opened right up like any good, well-trained, bottom, and Jake was able to slide his seven-inch rod slowly but smoothly all the way in. It felt amazing, and the twink obviously thought so too, because he was moaning like crazy, saying, “Oh, yeah, Daddy, fuck me deep and hard.” Jake didn’t really go for that “daddy” bit that much, but if it made this guy hot, well, all right. “You like Daddy’s big, hard dick inside you, don’t you, boy? Daddy’s going to give you a fuck to remember.” With that, he started pumping his big boner in and out of this hot blond’s hole, driving in hard and twisting on each stroke so he hit different places inside the guy. As he fucked that beautiful ass, he slowly leaned forward until he was lifting the tight butt right into the air and pounding straight down into it. By now, half a dozen other young college guys had gathered around to watch Jake ramming the twink’s ass. All the time, the twink kept moaning and mumbling, “Fuck me, daddy, fuck me,” over and over. His talk line sounded like a bad porn film soundtrack. Jake wished the kid would just shut up and let him do his thing. His thrusts got faster and deeper, and he was driving his cock all the way into the butthole under him. He knew he was getting close now, and it felt like it was going to be an epic finish, after a whole day spent gazing at that hot new young staffer in the office. He could feel the pulses of sperm rising up his dick and gasped out, “Gonna cum…!” The blond bottom yelped, “Cum inside me, daddy! Breed my ass!” Jake started driving in the last few strokes, frantic now to release his load. Just as he was firing the first shot, a couple of huge, beefy hands grabbed hold of his shoulders and yanked him forcibly backwards, his cock popping clear out of the kid’s asshole as he was shooting. Before he could even finish yelling, “What the fuck!”, the big hands shot across his chest from either side, locking him in a death grip of two massive arms. Jake shouted incoherently and kicked out fruitlessly as his cock jumped up and down in front of him, firing spurt after spurt of wasted cum into the air. The bottom just kept wailing, “No, daddy, cum inside me!” But Jake no longer had a choice about that. A deep, ugly voice growled in his ear, “I told you the last time I threw you out of here to stay out and not come back. You want me to persuade you with a few broken bones this time?” Jake yelled, “What the fuck are you talking about? I’ve never been thrown out of here!” The man spun him around, and Jake recognized him as Bill, the big, burly bouncer from the bar down the street. Jake couldn’t ever remember seeing him in the baths before, but here he was – wrapped in a towel, with his massive hands gripping Jake by the shoulders. “Figures you’d try that line on – and after last Tuesday, when you practically tore some kid a new hole and had him crying and sobbing and yelling ‘No, no, no’ as you were breeding him. Now, I’m gonna take you back to the lockers and stay right there watching while you pull your clothes on, and then you’re going to get out of here. And if I ever see you in here again, it’s gonna be your sorry ass that’ll have a new hole ripped in it!” “But I wasn’t even fucking here last Tues…” “MOVE!” Bill stuck right with him, true to his word, until the locked door swung shut behind Jake and he was back in the entryway. He tried to complain to the desk clerk at the entrance, but the clerk just shrugged and said, “We ask him to hang around at the busy times. Helps if someone’s getting out of control. Sorry, bud, no refund.” And there Jake was, back out in the street, permanently thrown out of his most convenient and preferred place to fuck and breed hot young guys. Sure, he’d unloaded all right, as planned, but he was feeling less satisfied than he’d ever felt. Even the most useless, boring ragdoll of a bottom had left him happier than he felt right now. What the hell had just happened? And how was he ever going to find out?
  10. Hot story -- let's see what happens next!
  11. Interesting suggestion! I was picturing Max being invited to become the Master of the Royal Art Collection, or some such title.
  12. So exciting and then so utterly heartbreaking. You've got me crying for both Alex and Max now.
  13. I suspected Max would be thrown off by discovering the truth about Alex, but didn't expect it to be nearly this dramatic or intense. Well written chapter, you really had my hair standing on end a few times!
  14. You and me both!
  15. Would this gallery event just conveniently happen to occur in the gallery where Max works as a curator of contemporary art (as we learned on his first appearance in the story)? I wonder if Max is going to get a severe attack of cold feet when he realizes Alex's status and position? This suspense is really keeping me hooked on your story!
  16. Another super-heated encounter with Nick, and what a setting for it! And all the time, Max keeps lurking in the background of Alex's thoughts as London keeps turning up in the outward events of the story. This teasing is "almost" (not quite) unbearable! Loving every chapter!
  17. I must stress that this story is entirely fictitious, including the names and personalities of the characters. Among bareback gay porn aficionados, the name, face, and especially the monumental cock of Rod Rammer are almost as well known today as any of the legendary porn stars of the more distant past. You all remember him – don’t bother pretending you don’t. Yes, I’ve watched his films, and yes, I’ve jerked off while doing so. Yes, I’ve fantasized about being on the receiving end of that huge tool. Yes, I’ve dreamed of having that massive monster rearranging my guts, and yes, I’ve imagined the feeling of one of those signature 10-spurt cumshots filling me up to overflowing while those intense grey eyes stare at me with that trademark devilish grin spread across his handsome face. Yes, I’ve often thought it was unfair that one guy should be allowed to have it all like that. Yes, I’ve wondered why blind fate gave all of that to him, instead of spreading some of it around to the rest of us. What I didn’t ever expect was to find him looking me right in the eye as I crowded up to the bar at my favourite watering hole to order a drink. It was obvious right away that he was incognito. He’d disguised himself pretty carefully, obviously not wanting to get swarmed by legions of fans panting for some action. He’d covered his dark, curly hair under his hoodie, and deliberately wore baggy clothes to disguise his broad shoulders and slim waist. The one thing he couldn’t disguise was what caught my eye first as I looked for a clear spot to put down my foot next. There was no mistaking the size of the lump, which showed clearly even through slacks that were plainly two sizes too big. And then, when I looked up, there was no mistaking the eyes – or the look of fear, almost dread, in them. He wasn’t just incognito, then. He was desperately anxious to stay that way. Just as I reached that conclusion, he leaned close and said, “Don’t say anything – please.” “How about, ‘Let me buy you a drink.’ Is that okay?” He nodded and mouthed “Margarita” at me. I got two, then steered him out of the crowd in front of the bar and over to a quieter corner where there were a couple of free seats. He flopped into a chair with his back to the crowd of men in the club, and I sat down across from him. “Before you ask, I’m not working tonight,” he said, by way of an opener. “I guessed that. I’m Jim, by the way. Why are you here, then?” “Just needed to get out for a breather. Tomorrow, I have to work with a real creep on my current, uh, job (he emphasized the word with air quotes) – and I needed to get away from him for a bit. I was supposed to meet one of the crew here, but he ghosted me.” “His loss -- he got scared, huh?” “Story of my life, it happens all the time. If they only knew….” His voice trailed off. “What do you mean?” It was a sincere question. I sensed that he really needed to talk, and I was prepared to listen. Plenty of people have told me I’m a good and sympathetic listener. He still hesitated for a few moments, so I prodded him a little more. “You can tell me; I won’t rat you out.” He sat and thought for a minute, and then reached a decision. Leaning closer, he said, “I don’t want to talk about it here. Do you know someplace quieter where we could chat?” “I just live a block away.” He tossed back the rest of his margarita. “Sounds good. Let’s go.” I tossed mine back too, and then walked out of the club with Rod Rammer beside me – and nobody else in the place apparently aware of who’d just been that close to them or what a golden opportunity they’d all missed. Or had they? It seemed plain to me that the world-famous porn stud was hiding out tonight, but I wondered if the reason might have nothing to do with his career. We walked in silence down the street, around the corner, and into my building. It’s a third-floor walk-up, and I live alone – thank goodness. I’d never have dared bring him home if I had any gay roomies. I led him into my apartment and offered him a seat and a drink. “Thanks – but just a Perrier with ice if you have it. I can’t afford to drink too much the night before a shoot.” “Take it with lemon?” “Yes, thanks.” I set up the glasses with ice and lemon, opened the bottles of Perrier for both of us, and set them down on the table, then sat next to him. He poured some for himself, and then sat there, staring at the bottle as he turned it slowly around and around in his hands. I was already expecting his next question, and he went right where I guessed he would. “So, how did you spot me?” I pointed at the clearly visible lump in his baggy trousers. “Do you really have to ask?” He groaned. “There’s just no way to hide the damn thing. Let me tell you, it’s not a blessing, it’s a curse.” “That doesn’t stop half the tops on the planet from wishing they had one like yours.” “I know. Idiots have no idea what they’re wishing for. In films they have to pair me with bottoms whose holes are pretty much wrecked. I have no idea what a nice, tight newbie feels like because they all run screaming when they see it.” “I’d have run away when I was just getting started.” “You don’t know the half of it. Several studios have wasted time and money on at least 20 scenes that never got finished because the bottom lost his nerve and took off. But that’s not why it’s a curse.” “What then?” In his films, Rod Rammer was always an aggressive, take-charge, go for it now, and no hesitation kind of man’s man. Right now, though, the guy sitting beside me was so hesitant that it made him look like a completely different person – as I suppose he was. I was seeing the real man, not the screen persona. He took a deep swig of his Perrier. I waited. At last, he spoke. “It’s a job. The money’s good, and I earn it. I put in a good day’s work and the guys financing the films are as happy as pigs in shit. But, see, they don’t give a royal flying fuck if the people working in front of the camera are happy. It’s just “this is who you are, this is what you do” and no arguments. “And you’re not happy?” “No, I’m not. I go through the motions because it’s my job and I pride myself on doing that job thoroughly. I’ve been doing it for years, as you know. I’ve had some fun moments with some great guys, and some awful moments with some rotten ones. Everybody thinks I must be happier than a pig in shit myself because I get to fuck so often with so many world class studs and cute twinks under me. But I’m not happy. Truth is, I’m really getting fed up with the whole fucking deal.” “Because…?” One last long moment of hesitation, and then he let it out. “Because I really prefer to bottom.” I must have been staring at him with my mouth hanging open in shock because he went quickly on, the words spilling out as if he’d been holding them in far too long. “Yeah, I know, what kind of a weirdo nutcase am I, sitting here with the dick of death that so many guys dream of having, and I’d rather have someone else shove his dick inside my ass. But that’s it. I want to get fucked. Not just once, or twice – a lot. It’s so damn frustrating! Not one guy I hook up with will ever do it, because all they can think about is trying to get my cock inside their holes. And the studios? No way are they going to finance a movie with that in it. If it ever gets out that the Numero Uno Top Stud in gay porn is really a bottom at heart, my career is toast.” As he said that last bit, a few tears started trickling down his cheeks. He sucked in a deep, shaky breath. Wow. I sure hadn’t seen that coming. Any of it. But I picked up my cue quickly. “Come here. Closer.” I got my arms around him and hugged him, stroking his back to soothe him and help him calm down. He put his head down into my shoulder and I held him close. His shoulders quivered a few times, and I just said quietly, “Breathe. Breathe deep. It’ll help.” We sat like that for a few minutes while he slowly got himself under control. Then he lifted his head up and said, “Sorry for letting go like that.” “It’s all good.” He raised one hand, grasped my chin, and lifted my face until he could look into my eyes. I smiled, and then moved my lips to make contact with his. We kissed tentatively at first, then more deeply. As we kissed, I slid my hand down his back until I reached his ass. I squeezed it with my hand, and our kiss caught fire. I was kneading his buns firmly, and he had his hand clasped around my rapidly growing cock. But then he stopped and pushed me away. “I’m sorry, I don’t think I can do this. Don’t get me wrong, I want you to do me -- but I can’t cum. I have to save that load for the creep.” I nodded my understanding. It made sense. I mean, you could come a few times the night before and still summon up some sort of money shot for the cameras – but a “Rod-Rammer-Ten-Spurts” money shot needed to be prepared carefully and saved for the real moment of truth. That didn’t bother me at all. I just went right back to kissing him, telling him between kisses to just let me know if he felt dangerously close and we’d stop. Then I began standing up, drawing him up with me. We walked down the hall to my bedroom and began undressing each other. And that’s when I got a feeling that I was stuck in some weird kind of dream. I mean, here I was, with the most famous (or infamous) giant piece of man meat in the gay porn industry staring me right in the face -- but the owner of that meat, the notorious Rod Rammer, didn’t want me giving his gigantic dick any of my attention. As much as I’d fantasized about getting that enormous thing inside me, I knew I wanted to -- no, needed to -- give him, just for once, the kind of sex which the man behind the screen name craved so badly. So, I spun him around, dropped to my knees, and buried my face in the tight crack between his small, curving ass cheeks. That was weird too. Somehow, his massive dick and equally huge reputation made him seem much bigger than he actually was. He had broad shoulders, yes, but they were almost disproportionately large compared to the rest of him. His waist was tight, and his butt cheeks looked almost twink-tiny. Once I got going, I stopped worrying about it. I’m versatile, I love bottoming and topping equally, and I was more than happy to have such a sweet ass begging for my attention. As I lapped and tongued away at him, he was moaning loudly above me, and muttering things like, “Jim, that’s incredible – don’t stop!” After a few minutes, I began prying into the hole with my tongue, twitching the tip to get him to loosen up and open. It didn’t take long. He might not get fucked that often, but he knew the drill just as well as I did, and knew how to relax and let his muscles loosen. Before long, I had my tongue digging right into his hole, alternately with my finger, which I twisted and corkscrewed around to loosen his neglected ass even more. At last, I felt he was ready. I stood up, grabbed my lube, and greased up my cock – then shoved a couple of lubed-up fingers inside him. He moaned again. “You ready?” “Damn right. Give it to me.” “Get on your back.” That’s my favourite position. I love watching a guy’s facial expressions, and looking into his eyes, connecting with him while I’m screwing him. On this night, making the connection personal and intimate was probably more important for this bottom than it had ever been with anyone I’d fucked before. Obediently, he laid down and hoisted his legs, pulling them back to his shoulders. It was a sight for sore eyes, with his hard dick stretching itself halfway towards his face. I don’t think that old expression, “the third leg,” had ever looked so appropriate. I knelt there, looking him over, and then moved the head of my respectable seven-incher to rest against his hole. He closed his eyes, and I pushed – gently, but firmly. The head popped inside quickly, to my surprise. But, hey, this guy was a pro and he knew how the game worked. I held it there until I sensed that he was ready for more, and then began to lean and push. Slowly, my entire length disappeared inside his tight ass. He was tight, no kidding. I could easily believe that he’d only ever been fucked a handful of times and hadn’t had a cock in him for years. I took it easy, pumping gently in and out while kissing him with full tongue, until I felt his hole begin to work with me. Then I began to pick up the pace. I used all the best techniques I’d mastered over the years, varying the speed, the angle, and the rhythm of my thrusts. His almost-virgin-tight hole was stroking my tool too effectively. I tried to think about anything else to avoid peaking prematurely -- the quarterly results from my company, the long-range weather forecast, the probability of a drought in coffee-growing areas -- but I just couldn’t stall the inevitable. This was going to happen. I was cumming -- and cumming very soon. “I’m gonna cum – where do you want it?” “Inside me, of course. Fill me up, give me your fucking load!” That’s all it took. My cock exploded inside his ass, pumping shot after shot of cum into him. I collapsed on top of him, breathing heavily, my still-hard cock firmly lodged inside his satisfied ass. There was no doubt that he was satisfied; he was purring like a contented cat. I finally lifted my head, and we kissed again, repeatedly. Finally, I spoke. “I’m sorry I came so fast. I don’t know what got into me.” His reply: “Do you hear me complaining?” I had to laugh and admit that, no, I hadn’t been hearing any complaints. Then he added, “Besides, who said I’m letting you off with seeding me just once?” Okayyy. It took a while (hey, I’m not 19 years old anymore), but eventually my cock rose to the occasion and delivered a second load inside his sweet hole, after a much longer and more vigorous fuck that included a much greater variety of positions. I think he made the most noise when I spooned him, lying on my side behind him. I had my fingers locked onto his nipple, pulling and twisting as I drove my hard meat deep inside his butt. Then, when I rolled onto my back, he mounted up and rode me like there was no tomorrow, slamming his ass at top speed all the way down onto my cock and then pulling up until only the tip was inside him, over and over. At last, I could feel my load beginning to build up. I seized him around his chest and rolled until he was face down under me. A minute later, when I came, I was lying flat on his back with my arms wrapped around his body and my hips slamming down onto that sexy butt, driving my cum as deep inside him as I could reach. After that second climax, as I cooled down and then slid out, I realized that he was dozing off, and I looked at the clock – 1:15 am. I leaned over and murmured in his ear, “Stay with me tonight, okay?” He nodded, mumbled a sleepy “Thanks, Jim,” and checked out. I kissed the back of his neck, pulled the covers over both of us, and went to sleep, embracing him with his happy ass cushioning my satiated dick. Around 7 :30, I woke up to the unmistakable sensation of a hot mouth working on my dick. I stroked his head as he bobbed up and down and said, “Good morning.” “Goo morrn” was the response, a little mumbled, which wasn’t surprising as his mouth was kinda busy. It only took a few minutes before I felt my sperm rising again. I warned him that I was about to cum, and he redoubled his efforts until my morning load blasted off into his mouth, to be quickly swallowed. He came up, kissed me, and said with immense satisfaction, “That’s something else that the damn studios will never let me do!” He seemed a completely different man this morning, bright and cheerful, with a real (not faked) sparkle in his eyes. That made me feel good. And it nerved me to make a little request. “Can I get you to do a little something for me?” Immediately, he looked guarded and suspicious. “What?” “Nothing heavy or awful,” I said. And then I outlined my request. He demurred at first, but I assured him that it would only be for a minute, just long enough to take a no-faces picture. I had my camera in place on the tripod, as always, and ready to go. At last, he agreed. I dived onto his cock, sucking and slurping at it until it came up to full mast. I had to keep rising higher and higher off the bed to keep up with it. Then, I grabbed the lube, greased that pole and my ass, tossed the lube aside, grabbed the camera remote control, and proceeded to sit down on the most famous cock in gay porndom, facing Rod Rammer’s feet. I was only able to get about half of it into me, but that was enough. Two pictures later, I got a wet cloth and washed off his dick and my ass. Then I showed him the pics – and he agreed that they were discreet enough to keep him from getting in trouble with his current exclusive studio contract. The most important detail was that I had gotten the distinctive mole on the underside of his shaft safely concealed inside me before hitting the shutter button. We enjoyed a languid shower together – no more fucking or sucking, just a lot of pleasant sensual caressing with and without the soap. I quickly found out that, like me, he was really touch-sensitive in a lot of areas of his body, not only the usual main target zones. After a late, leisurely breakfast, he had to go – he was due on the location at 1:00 pm. We exchanged phone numbers, and then I asked him if he could tell me his real name. “My real name is Steve – Steve Rotherham.” It made me feel good that he trusted me enough to share that detail with me. As Steve, he suddenly became an entirely different person. I wished him well, and he kissed me goodbye warmly, saying, “I’d like to see you again, Jim.” “That would be great,” I replied. And, in truth, I had enjoyed our night together far more than I usually enjoyed one-night stands. But honestly, I never really expected to see him again. Six months later, his studio announced that the legendary porn star, Rod Rammer, was retiring “to pursue other interests.” I smiled broadly when I read that, certain that virtually no one among his legions of distraught fans, except myself, would have the slightest idea what those “other interests” might be. But I wasn’t surprised. I’d guessed it was coming from the moment when he’d buried his head in my shoulder while my arms wrapped around him and held him that night. I sent him a congrats and best wishes text message and got a quick “Thank you, Jim” in reply. After that, he dropped off the face of the earth. At least, that’s what the gay community thought. Last night, we were curled up in bed together after celebrating our fifth anniversary. Steve has changed his hair colour and gone back to his natural blond – which I love. He’s adopted a totally different, shaggier hair style and grown a mustache to replace his old scruff. He’s ditched his old contacts in favour of blue-tinted ones. It’s ironic, because he looks far more like an eighties porn star now than Rod Rammer ever did! He’s even found a brand of compression shorts that are strong enough to keep his one-eyed dragon under control as needed. It’s never seemed to occur to any of our numerous friends that he might possibly be familiar to them in another and quite different context. And we are both more than happy to leave it that way. As a couple, we enjoy a spectacularly successful sex life. We always love a good hot sixty-nine, either swallowing each other’s loads or exchanging mouth-to-mouth cum swaps afterwards. It’s been a real challenge to learn to take his huge dick down my throat – but, yeah, I enjoyed all the work and effort it took me to perfect that skill. I’ve gotten really smooth at finding multiple ways of pleasuring his ass, and I never tire of demonstrating. Steve, in turn, has gradually gotten over his deep-rooted aversion to any more topping and will give my hole a good, intense workout every now and again -- although he still prefers the bottom role. We’ve also gone on some overseas holidays which have led us into more than a few scorching three-ways with local guys. Once in a while, though, I will get a fit of the giggles when I’m pounding him and he’ll say, “Knock me up!” It always brings on a nutty mental image of Rod Rammer showing up for a film shoot, monstrously pregnant. The giggles can also happen when he is reaming me out and the ghost of Rod Rammer rises up in my imagination each time that massive cock pushes up inside me. He doesn’t even mind that anymore, because I’ve often said to him that Steve is a far more interesting and sexy person than Rod Rammer had ever been. I’m not lying, either, when I tell him that. As we cuddled together, on our fifth anniversary night, I finally asked him a question that had popped into my mind every so often. “Steve – what made you decide to trust me on that first night? I mean, we’d only met a few minutes earlier and you told me all about your feelings. Just curious.” He looked at me solemnly, and then replied, “You had more than one bottle of Perrier, and it wasn’t past the best-before date.” It took me a second to recognize that mischievous twinkle in his eye before he laughed heartily. “Jerk!” “And you love it, Jim – don’t pretend you don’t.” “That’s a smart-ass answer that fully deserves a good hard fucking.” “Go for it!”
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  18. All of us who were "suspicious" about Nick turned out to be right. I just thought it was odd that he was so secretive in a country that's supposed to be so open-minded about these things. Maybe a less open-minded family background? Anyway, that was a terrific hot scene -- I think Nick broke Alex in and down better even than Marty did! I also got a good laugh out of Liam asking Alex if going out to dinner was appropriate -- as if they hadn't already blown the entire protocol book out of the water. It's a great story, and I'm really excited to see what will happen next!
  19. Thanks for the tip. The first one happened after I'd already drafted the second one!
  20. Part 5: Seven Years Later It happened like this. One day, out of the blue, I got a call at work from Coach Graham. It surprised me, because I hadn’t seen him or heard from him since I’d gone off to college. He’d seen a piece about me on the local TV news and had called to ask if I’d be willing to come and give some pointers on college-level polo to his current squad of high school seniors. I jumped at the chance. After all, it’s always good for athletes to share their experience and expertise with younger sportsmen who are still learning the ropes. Okay, who am I kidding? I couldn’t wait to get back to the club, just to be able to see that awesome hunk, Coach Graham, again. Looking at a new crop of young hotties in speedos would be the icing on the cake. By this time, I was a fully out and proud gay man and I’m sure he knew it. I was also sure that he was gay too but flying a bit lower under the radar – as he had to be, of course, in a coaching job with teenagers. Back in the day, I’d caught him once or twice looking at me in an odd way, and I was pretty sure I had spotted him briefly scoping out my speedo bulge. He’d have had to be pretty dense not to have caught on to the fun that had been going on in the showers after practice. We met outside the pool, shaking hands, and exchanging greetings. The firm grip of his handshake assured me that he was just as muscular as ever. We were a bit early, and the public swimming time was still going on, so I just showered and changed into my speedo and t-shirt in the public dressing rooms. When I came out on the deck, I exchanged friendly hellos with Anita, the lifeguard – she’d been in a couple of my classes in high school. Then she blew the whistle to clear the pool, announcing the end of public swimming for the day. There was the usual round of complaints from the younger kids who would have stayed in the water all day if you let them. That made me smile – I could still remember being one of those dorky kids, and giving some grief to the lifeguard who, at that time, was a hunky college guy in a bright orange speedo. He was probably the first guy I ever looked at who gave me that quivery feeling. But back to the moment. As the public gang cleared out, the teenaged lads in the club were coming out onto the deck and dropping into the water in twos and threes. Then Coach Graham appeared, still hot as ever in his signature too-tight t-shirt and speedo. He introduced me to the club members, and then began the drills. I spent a fair bit of that practice actually in the water with the club members, demonstrating some of the higher-level skills and tricks I’d learned from my coach in college. By mid-November I had visited the club often enough that I had pretty much become the de facto assistant coach of the squad. Coach Graham asked me one day to hang around and lead some extra drills again, twenty minutes’ worth, but this time he stayed right there on deck watching me working with the younger group. After I dismissed them, we both peeled off our shirts and dived in to swim a few laps and unwind. When I came up for air after an underwater sprint, there he was seated on the edge of the pool right in front of me, with his furry, muscled legs dangling into the water and his hand resting, very casually, on the growing bulge in the front of his speedo. It didn’t take a massive amount of intelligence to realize that he was coming onto me, and I was definitely ready for some action with him – I’d been ready for that ever since I was a teenaged club member myself. I climbed out of the water, and we both stood up. We had to be careful, with Anita on her lifeguard stand watching us, but I turned half away from her, winked, and groped my own swelling crotch quickly. I walked away from Coach towards the locker room door, making sure to give him a good eyeful of my well-built ass. I went into the now-empty locker room, heard the key locking the door from the pool behind me, and headed for the showers. I just stood there, without peeling my speedo off, letting the water pour over me. Less than a minute passed until I felt a firm hand gripping my butt. I turned, and there was Coach Graham, with an expression of pure lust on his face. I reached out and stroked his hard, lightly furred pec, tweaking the nipple enough to produce a quiet moan. Then he leaned close and whispered, “The shower in the coach’s office is a lot more private.” I needed no encouragement to follow him. In the coach’s shower, with the water running, I finally got to do something I’d dreamed of for years. I pulled the drawstrings on Coach Graham’s speedo, and then slid it down, releasing his big uncut dick. I dropped to my knees and took his big tool into my mouth, working my tongue around the head and then drawing it deeper inside. He moaned and then grasped my head, pumping his cock slowly in and out of my throat. “Fuck, you’re one hot cocksucker,” he muttered. I reached up and around, pulling that tight suit off his swelling glutes, and began working them with my fingers, sliding my two index fingers into his furry crack. “That’s not all I’m good at,” I shot back as I started teasing his hole. Damn, I couldn’t make up my mind what I wanted to do first – suck his load down my throat, fuck his muscular ass, or get his big cock deep inside my tight butt. So many choices. He decided for me. He reached down, grabbed me under the armpits, and pulled me to my feet, locking his mouth onto mine with the speed of a striking snake. His tongue quickly worked its way into my mouth. As we made out, his hand delved into the front of my speedo, pulling the drawstrings before he fished my cock out, rubbing the head as he did. “Oh, fuck, Coach!” “Doug. My name’s Doug.” “Hi, Doug. I’m Pete.” We both laughed, but I quickly began moaning into his mouth as his hand started to work magic on my rock-hard cock. After another minute of intense kissing, he spun me around, pushed me up against the wall, and then dropped down and buried his face in my crack. He didn't stop at the crack, either -- he was kissing me all over my muscle butt, and even biting down on my ass cheeks hard enough to leave marks. “Oh, fuck, yeah, eat my muscle ass.” “Tightest ass I’ve ever seen in my life. I’ve been wanting to do you for years.” Well, that answered that question. By this time my dick was leaking precum as he worked my hole with his talented tongue. “Fuck, yeah, Doug, I want it.” “Want what?” “I want your big dick in my hole.” “Need a rubber?” “Fuck, no. Bare’s the only way to go. I want your cock, and I want your load.” “Good man. You always were one of my brightest and best players.” He stood up and started working his finger inside me. I groaned again. “Sweet, tight ass. This is going to feel awesome.” He kept pumping me with his finger, then added a second one which made me moan even louder. His talented hand twisted those fingers around, sliding them in and out and working them in circles until he felt I was ready for the main event. Then he pulled his fingers out, and I felt the blunt end of his cock nudging against me. I relaxed, arched my back, and felt the pressure – then, quickly, the pop as the head went in. Slowly he worked, sliding inch after inch of his big meat into my hole until his hips came up against his ass – and I knew that I finally had that hot coach dick all the way up inside my body. Doug wrapped his arms around me in a fierce bear hug, grinding his big pecs against my back as he humped me, working his cock in and out of my butthole. I groaned as he thrust in, clamping down my muscles on him, and felt that hard dick pushing its way deep in my guts. His thrusts speeded up, and I pushed back and out, getting every bit of him into me. I slammed my hands up against the shower wall, bracing myself there to hold firm against his ferocious pounding into my ass. Before long, I could hear the change in his breathing. I didn’t want it to end, this fantasy fuck of my entire lifetime, but I knew it had to finish soon. I could feel the pulses of sperm starting up into my own cock, and I knew Doug was close too. Suddenly, he let out a roar of “Aw, fuck!” and slammed all the way in, holding it inside me as his load pulsed out, filling my guts with his babies. Just the feeling of him cumming inside me popped my cork. My dick lifted, spurted fiercely against the shower wall again and again, in time with the ongoing flexing of his cock in my hole. He was holding me so tightly against him that I could almost feel my ribs bending. Slowly, our breathing returned to normal from the orgasmic gasping, and his crushing grip on my body relaxed as his cock began to slide out of me. An incredible, top-of-the-league fuck, yes, but this went further than anything I’d ever experienced with Brent, Kyle, Tyler, Doug, or Sven – or any of my other casual partners since them. I knew it for me, and as soon as I turned around to kiss him, I knew it for him too – just from the look in his eyes, and the way he seized me and kissed me. Then, he opened his eyes, and looked right into mine. “Dinner at my place? Please, say yes.” How could I say no to an invitation like that? Half an hour later, I was walking around the living room of a very neat house, looking at pictures and other bits and pieces of his life, while he busied himself in the kitchen. I couldn’t help noticing several pictures of him hugging and smiling with a handsome redhead, both of them obviously younger than Doug’s current age. Over dinner, I asked him, adding hastily that he didn’t have to tell me if he didn’t want to share. “That was Sean. He was my high school crush, but I never actually met him then. We both dated girls – flying under the radar, you know. I met him in second-year college, and right from the get-go we were inseparable. Our friends all knew, and they mostly didn’t care. We had a place together by third year, and after graduation, we got good jobs right out of school – which is how we could afford this house.” Doug had this beautiful, wistful smile on his face as he recalled this love from his past. “What happened?” I already sensed that the story didn’t have a happy ending. “He was killed by a drunk driver. It was a week after his thirtieth birthday. That was 8 years ago.” My heart went out to him. “Doug, I’m so sorry.” I couldn’t think what else to say. The pain slowly left his face and he smiled at me again. “The pain comes and goes. He’s always a part of me, as I was of him, so the loss never leaves. I’ve just learned to live with it.” I could make a guess at how he felt. At 31 myself, I was old enough to have experienced a few losses, although none that cut as close to the bone as this loss of the love of his life. We finished our dinner in silence, but it wasn’t awkward – it felt as if we were communing. Finally, I knew that I had to say something. “Doug, thank you. Not just for the meal, although that was awesome, but for sharing your story.” “Fair’s fair. Time for you to share yours with me.” I laughed. “Pour another glass of wine, this is going to take a while.” We sat together on the sofa, and I began. He laughed at me watching Brent and Kyle getting it on in the showers, and how easily they got me involved in their shenanigans. “Yeah, I knew those two couldn’t keep their hands off each other but I didn’t know how they pulled you in!” I went on with our college adventures, the water polo tournaments we won, and how many of those victories ran on a solid foundation of drained cock and filled ass. He was snorting and giggling a mile a minute at some of our dirty antics, especially when Brent told us about his “tryouts.” He practically hyperventilated when I told him all about the poolside orgy. When I got to the bit about me asking Brent to take my cherry, he turned solemn. “Wow, that was a mighty big dick to take on for your first time.” “It helps when you know you want it.” “Yes, I know that well enough.” I suspected that he was alluding to some past moment with his lost Sean. Then he asked me, “So where are all of them now?” It took me a few minutes to update him on Brent and Kyle, and how we still visited back and forth when we could. “It would be great to have a reunion with those two. All three of you were among the best players I ever coached, and you sure tore up the record book on your college team too.” He gave one more loud laugh when I told him about the college coach winking as he announced that Brent, Kyle, and myself would be the captain and co-assistant captains in our last year. Then he just sat, quietly, and reached out an arm to draw me close. Again, it felt as if we were communing. At last, he said, quietly, “Want to go upstairs?” I stood up, and drew him to his feet, then kissed him. “Lead the way.” In his bedroom, we undressed each other slowly, carefully. He pulled me down onto the bed with him, and we began to really explore each other’s bodies. This wasn’t at all like the lust-fuelled encounter in the shower. Beyond any doubt, we were making love, and it was like nothing I had ever experienced before. Even when I took him in my favourite position – on top, face to face, kissing each other as I worked my cock inside him – it was totally different from the way it had felt when I’d done that with Kyle, with Tyler, even with Brent when I took his cherry. When I finally worked my way up to climax, it was another world-shaking orgasm far beyond any I’d had in my entire life – and when we recovered our breath and began kissing again, the tearful smile on Doug’s face said it all. Even before he said the words, I knew he would invite me to stay – and I knew that I would. It’s been cough-cough-cough years since that night when we fell out of lust and into love. Brent and Kyle stood up with us at our wedding, and we’ve had them and their husbands as guests in our home. We’ve had plenty of other guests, too, from the people at City Hall to Doug’s colleagues from his banking job. Every time we have company, he gets busy in the kitchen and whips up another incredible meal. I eat like a king, day in and day out, because I had the good luck to marry an amazing chef. He’s also an incredibly hot daddy who’s still awesome as hell in bed. We let the water polo club go some years ago to Paul, a younger man who was one of Doug’s stars at the time I met him again. But we still go to the games and cheer ourselves hoarse. Incidentally, we’re not the only old-timers who still support the club. There’s one thing that might surprise some people, but here goes. I don’t mind at all that the pictures of Doug with Sean are still there in the house. There are pictures of Doug with me on the walls along with them – one of our wedding is hanging just to the right of a picture of Sean, who was caught by the camera giving a wicked and meaningful wink! And after all, in a very real way, it was Sean who brought us together. Here’s to you, Sean, wherever you are.
  21. Prince Hotstuff has so many guys on his hands, he can't choose which one to go after first! That massage from Nick, though... what a hot scene! And then a trip to London? Time for the elusive Max to reappear and bring our Prince Charming his true love that he's been pining after for so long.
  22. Part 4: Returning More Favours After my cock, excited beyond anything I’d ever felt before, fired my load deep into Brent’s spasming hole as he came right with me, we both passed out. That whole Saturday was the most exciting day I’d ever experienced but it was also exhausting! Somewhere during the night, I woke up to a rather full sensation in my lower regions, and a hairy, brawny arm wrapped around my chest. That sneak, Brent, had wormed his way back into my ass while I was asleep on my side and was busily pumping his way up to another orgasm. My god, I thought, doesn’t this stud ever stop or even slow down a bit? I responded as best I could in my half-asleep state, and I managed to start working him a bit with my muscles, which brought him to the finish line. As another dose of sperm pumped inside me, I was already falling asleep again, but I did register the squeeze of the arm and the whispered “Thank you” just before I went right under. Turnabout is fair play. I woke up first in the morning and found Brent lying asleep on his face next to me. Those bulging, furry butt muscles were just too tempting to ignore. I knew it for me, and I knew it for my dick because it woke up and went from nowhere to full erection very quickly. But I didn’t feel the need to fuck Brent again – at least, not right away. I was hungry, and the answer was staring me right in the face. Rolling over, I got on all fours between his legs and started licking at those cakes, and the crack between them. Gradually, I worked my way deeper and deeper into that incredible ass, lapping at the hole and tasting the cum that oozed out of him. Evidently, in spite of all our sexual antics the day before, I’d managed to produce a more-than-respectable load when he asked me to treat him to his first-ever assfuck. But hey, a man’s gotta look out for his friends and do whatever he can to help them, right? As I was busily enjoying this first course, Brent slowly woke up. I swear, I could hear the smile in his voice when he muttered, sleepily, “Don’t stop, Pete, that feels so good.” I redoubled my efforts, plunging my tongue into his hole and prying open his no-longer-virgin ass. As my tongue wormed its way inside him, he moaned aloud and reached back to grasp my head and jam me further inside his crack. After a few more minutes of butt munching, I rolled Brent over onto his back. Then I climbed over him, turned to face his feet, and lifted his legs up, pushing my head back into his welcoming ass. As I did, I slowly eased my own butt down towards his face, and he took the hint with no prompting. The moans in his room got louder and louder as we drove each other crazy with our ass eating. I could feel drips of pre-cum from Brent’s cock smearing onto my neck and chin, and I knew mine was leaking too. We kept tonguing and piercing each other’s holes for a while, in no hurry to do anything else, and then the door opened and Kyle walked in. Naked as the day he was born, Kyle was definitely a sight for sore eyes. So were the two big steaming mugs of coffee in his hands. His cock was growing even with no hands to help it wake up. “I was going to ask if you fellows wanted breakfast, but I see you got there ahead of me.” Brent and I laughed, as we untangled ourselves long enough to grab the coffee and start warming up our insides while we joked about the wild time we’d been having. Finally, Brent called the business meeting to order. “Okay, guys, I know we’d all love to spend all day romping again, but we need to clean everything up and get this house and yard back in order. My family are coming back into town in two days, and I don’t think they’d be amused at the mess we’ve made of this place.” The rest of that Sunday passed in a whirlwind of cleaning, pitching, scrubbing, washing, and garbage collecting. We picked up pop cans, beer cans, pizza boxes, takeout bags, and more – but no used condoms (surprise, surprise!). And airing everything out. Brent’s bedroom did reek of man sweat and cum, for some strange reason, and so did Kyle’s room where there had been some more antics going on the previous night, after we’d eaten dinner and before the three younger guys left. By about five o’clock, we had everything back in good order. All three of us packed up our bags to head back to the campus and our respective apartments there. But the fun and games kept right on rolling, throughout the remainder of the summer and the whole of the next school year. Twosome and threesome (and foursome and moresome) sleepovers became the rule, rather than the exception, and could happen any time those pesky things called “roommates” were out for the night. I’m sure our respective roommates all knew what was going on, but there was no point getting them upset with how easy it was for us to get laid while so many of those poor straight guys struggled in vain to keep up with us! My ass was now thoroughly accustomed to being fucked, having been reamed out by Doug once, Sven twice, and Brent – well, I lost count of how many times Brent and I did each other. But there were other favours to be returned too. It seemed only fair that, having enjoyed bottoming so much, we should at least introduce Kyle and Tyler to the joys of topping. That was another memorable night of multiple orgasms and ended with a couple of positions I’d never experienced before. First was a four-man fuck train, with me at the front, then Tyler fucking me, Kyle fucking Tyler, and Brent bringing up the rear, lodged firmly inside Kyle’s rear. We were lying on the floor in a row on our sides, and the noise of moaning and grunting would have done justice to a particularly sleazy porn flick. I remember thinking it would be awesome if we all came at the same time, but that wasn’t quite how it worked out. Tyler was so excited by all the stimulation he was getting that he shot inside me within about two minutes. But he kept right on going, partly because his cock wasn’t folding on him at all, and partly because there was no way Kyle was letting go of him. After that, I think Kyle came next inside Tyler, then I blew my rocks off, and Brent fired the last shot of that train ride. Or at least, it would have been the last shot if Tyler hadn’t yelled at Kyle to “keep going, I’m almost ready to shoot again.” Kyle bravely kept pumping, and a minute later Tyler propelled another load into my ass. After a break for drinks and getting our breath back, Tyler told us he wanted to try something else he’d never done before. He proceeded to direct us, just as if he was a film director. He had Brent and me lie down on the floor on our backs, feet to feet, and then interlock our legs and slide together until our balls and dicks were touching. At first, I didn’t know what he had in mind, but Kyle figured it out when he saw Tyler squirting a generous dose of lube into his hand and applying it to his butthole. “Dude, you’re not really, are you?” “Stick around and find out.” With that, he crouched over us, grabbed both our hard dicks with one hand, and proceeded to wiggle around and push and turn until he got both those big hard tools inside him at once. I think my jaw was hanging open at the sight of this slim young man with his narrow hips and tight ass forcing so much man meat up inside his butt at one time. Tyler moaned, “I fucking love taking two at once.” That’s when I realized that the horny young slut had done all of this before, probably more than once. Once he was firmly seated on our cocks, he began to move up and down. The first few times, he lost one pole or the other, but eventually he got into a rhythm that let him keep both of us right where he wanted us. After a few minutes, Brent started to thrust up into Tyler, and with that I began to move too. We synchronized automatically so that I pulled down as Brent shoved up, and vice versa. Kyle stepped in front of Tyler and fed his cock into Tyler’s mouth, and although Tyler’s eyes were glazing over with the powerhouse sensation of being double-fucked, he managed to start sucking on Kyle at the same time. And it was Kyle who came first, pumping his sperm into Tyler’s gaping mouth. It didn’t take much longer before I felt mine rising up my shaft. And Brent muttered that he was just about to come too. Both of us speeded up, and this time it worked. Inside Tyler’s overstretched hole, I could actually feel Brent’s cock flexing against my quivering tool, as both of us pumped our seed out into Tyler at the same time. And just as we came, Tyler moaned and shot his load off into space without even having touched his cock. I think everyone went home aching after that party. Before we really had time to notice, we realized that the end of the semester was coming up – and for Kyle, Brent, and myself it was the end of our college career and our water polo career. It was no surprise that Brent ended his career with a year as the team captain, with Kyle and I serving as co-assistant captains. (I remember the coach had given a little wink while formally announcing those positions at the start of the season). It was also the end of our long-running sexual shenanigans, as Brent was going off to a far-distant larger school for his med schooling, while Kyle was moving to the west coast to live the life, and I was going back home to take up a position in the business office of city hall. Doug, Tyler, and Sven all moved up into starter positions on the water polo team. We had one last wild weekend with all six of us to say goodbye, and then we were off and on our various ways into “real life” – whatever that might hold for us. We’d long since become good friends as well as fuck buddies, so you can be sure we all kept in touch with each other. We also scheduled occasional visits to each other’s locations, but those often involved as much talk and reminiscence as they brought on any more hot and heavy bedroom fun. I sort of expected one or more of our original three to settle down first, perhaps Brent because of his intense workload. But he continued to work hard and play hard. To my surprise, and probably to everyone else’s surprise as well, it was dear, slim, slutty Tyler who settled down before any of the rest of us, forming an exclusive relationship only a year or two after leaving school with a guy who was about 8 or 9 years older than him, although otherwise cut from the same hairy, muscular cookie cutter as Brent, Kyle, and myself – but with blond hair. Sven and Doug hooked up by the time they left school and stayed together for quite a few years. I suspected Brent might be getting serious about one of his med school classmates, but he always dismissed it as “just fuck buddies.” And life rolled on. I had some casual liaisons, but nothing serious or lasting. Twice a week, I drove into the nearest big city for the regular practices, and occasional games, with a gay water polo team. That certainly helped me to keep in fighting trim, as did my other periodic visits to a masters’ swim club. All the while, I was moving up the ladder at work. When the Chief Administrative Officer got recruited to a larger centre, I applied for the position and got it, in spite of still being only 30. It was a great, albeit challenging, job and I enjoyed it immensely from the get-go. Work was such a challenge, in fact, that I felt I could quite easily go on as I was, doing without a partner of my own. Then, right around the seventh anniversary of my graduation from university, my past reached out to bite my ass – literally – and turn my life into a rather different path than I had been envisaging.
  23. Part 3: Diversifying Our Talents Now, all this time, I’d stayed a bottom virgin, but I have to admit that watching Kyle get so wound up from having a dripping hard-on slamming inside him had me wondering what it felt like. One Friday night, I’d nearly asked the boys to top me, but I’d lost my nerve before I could get the words out. I didn’t need to know that badly, anyway – I was having all the sex fun a young guy in his prime could handle. But I’d kept having those thoughts all the same, even more so on this sunny Saturday as I watched Tyler and Doug getting the same enjoyment out of being reamed out. And now – in the middle of this hair-raising poolside orgy -- here was Brent’s thick cock nestling in between my ass cheeks, making itself right at home. I turned my head around, kissed Brent, sticking my tongue into his mouth, and finally found the nerve to say it. “Oh, yeah, Brent, do it.” “Do what, Pete?” “Come on, Brent, slide that big piece of meat into my hole. I want you to do me – push it inside my butt and fuck my brains out.” “Shit, Pete, I thought you’d never ask!” He dropped to his knees behind me and buried his face in my crack. It felt awesome. I’d swapped rimjobs a couple of times with Kyle, but Brent took the fine art of butt munching to another level altogether. In no time his eager tongue and busy lips had reduced me to putty, ready for whatever he wanted to do to me. Well, almost all of me. My hole was still tightly knotted. Brent began inserting a finger into me, but he was having trouble getting through the knot. He stood up again, began kissing me on the neck, and quietly asked, “How long has it been since you got fucked?” “Try, twenty-four hours the wrong side of never.” “No shit, you’re still cherry?” “Not for long, I hope.” “Okay, man, you have to relax your butt muscles. Awesome strong butt, no wonder you’re such a good polo player, Pete, but you have to let it go slack.” He dropped back down and dived back into my crack. Once again, I felt that virtuoso tongue going to work on me but this time I was consciously unclenching the muscles. Brent brought his finger into play again and now it began to work its way inside me. While his finger dug in, he kept tongue-lashing my hole as well. I could feel my ass starting to relax and Brent felt it too. Soon, he got his finger all the way inside me, and then began a twisting, corkscrew motion, rotating it around and back, over and over. I was moaning nonstop now, it felt so amazing. And it was the moans that brought Kyle over to see what was happening. His eyes bugged halfway out of his head. “Fuck, Pete, you’re actually going to let him do you like that? What happened to Mister I’m-A-Top-Only?” With that, he fell to his knees and began sucking my cock. I moaned even louder, partly from Kyle’s experienced sucking technique and partly from a second finger which began worming its way inside my ass. It hurt a bit, but I didn’t care. I knew what I wanted and I knew it was going to be painful – and I didn’t care. Brent’s busy fingers were twisting around inside me, and I knew what was coming next. He leaned forward again, and asked, “You ready?” “Ready as I’ll ever be.” With that, he pulled his fingers out, and I felt the blunt head of his big cock against my hole. “Relax, relax, relax,” I kept chanting inside my head. Kyle came up off my cock and stood up, moving around to the side as he said, “This I gotta see.” Brent leaned forward again and bit down, hard, on my neck. I jumped and yelped and, in that moment, he thrust forward, getting the head of his cock lodged in my hole. “Aww, fuck!” I let out a few more grunts and cries as the pain washed over me. Kyle let out a whoop of excitement at seeing Brent taking my cherry. Sven and Tyler now joined us, with Tyler taking Kyle’s place between my legs, and sucking on my dick. It was trying to collapse and shrivel from the sudden pain, but Tyler wasn’t having any of that. His eager mouth action slowly brought my cock back to full erection. Meanwhile, Sven had gone on his knees and buried his mouth in Kyle’s crack. I had no more attention to spare for Sven and Kyle. Brent’s tool was moving, sliding slowly in and out in short strokes, but gradually working his way deeper each time. As he worked his way in, the pain slowly ebbed, to be replaced by a feeling of fullness. As he worked his way in, he slowly speeded up his pumping action, until he was riding me full-thrust, driving his cock all the way into me with every stroke. By now, I was getting used to the sensation, especially when he changed his angle a bit and little earthquakes of excitement began shuddering through me. I knew he was hitting the sweet spot nailing my prostate with every thrust, and it felt incredible. I was completely open to him now, taking all of his dick and loving it. Brent pulled out, turned me over, and put me down on my back. “I want to watch your face while I shoot my load inside you,” he said, with a salacious grin. Obediently, I lifted my legs over my chest and he slid back into me, going all the way in one smooth thrust. Then he started really pounding it into me, nailing me down onto the lounge chair as he got ready to fill me up with his load. Slowly, he bent forward until he was right down on top of me. We locked our lips together, tongues working in each other’s mouths, as he drove home the last few deep strokes. His hips slammed down hard on mine, his whole body stiffened up, and he uttered a muffled, “Oh, fuck!” I felt the fullness in my guts increasing as he pumped spurt after spurt of cum into my no-longer-virgin hole. As Brent slowly calmed down from his massive climax, I was lying under him, loving the feel of his hairy, muscled torso rubbing against me. At last he recovered his breath enough to speak. “Fuck, Pete, I’ve been wanting to get into that ass ever since I saw you years ago, but I had no idea it was going to be this damn good!” “I hear you, Brent. Now I know why Kyle loved it so much when I did him this way, face to face.” Then I heard Kyle chiming in: “It’s still my favourite position, and Sven’s nailing it.” I looked over, and there was Kyle, on his back on the next lounge chair with his legs up, and Sven right on top of him, his hips going like a blur as he pounded into Kyle’s ass and got ready to fire. Tyler was standing right there, looking enviously at them, and stroking his own cock. Brent turned my attention back to him with a firm hand. His dick was slowly sliding out of my hole, with a sizable stream of cum flowing out right after it. I tried to clench my hole shut, to hold it in, but my muscles were too wrecked from the workout Brent had given me, and I couldn’t control them at all. He looked at my raging erection and said, “You didn’t come yet, did you?” I wrapped my hand around my pole and began jerking it, but Tyler intervened. “Don’t waste it, Pete – I want that dick and I want your load!” With that, the cute young guy, plainly an experienced slut by now, came over and plunged his sweet young ass right down onto my cock. I was so turned on that I knew it wouldn’t take long. He rode my hard tool frantically, his ass muscles clutching at it as he pulled up each time. In less than a minute, I felt the moment coming and I grabbed hold of him, stopping his movement as I thrust frantically up into him. “Here it comes, Tyler, take it all!” “Yeah, Pete, pump it deep inside me!” I jammed my cock all the way up inside his hole and held it there as I fired half a dozen shots into him. At the same time, I heard Sven giving some guttural cries over Kyle’s “Fuck, yeah!” as Sven pumped another huge load into Kyle’s willing ass. Doug had come over now, too, and jerked his cock, spraying a more-than-respectable blast of cum all over Kyle’s back. By this time, we all needed a break. The six of us flopped down on assorted lounge chairs around the pool. In a little while we all jumped into the pool to cool off and wash off. Then Brent fired up the barbecue and cooked up some burgers and brats. When we got our hands on the food, Kyle came and sat down next to me. “Pete, was that really your first time getting fucked?” “Yeah, it was – no shit, Kyle.” “Coulda fooled me – you took it like a veteran bottom.” “You mean, like you and Tyler?” We both laughed. One by one, the three “guests” got dressed and left, with a lot of prolonged kissing and a few phone numbers getting exchanged in the process. We poured ourselves a round of scotch, but we were pretty tired too. It was getting dark outside, and we’d had a busy day. Kyle wandered off first to the room where he had his sleeping bag rolled out. I was about to follow him, but Brent stopped me. He clearly wanted to say something, but he was looking unusually shy. Finally, he spoke. “Pete, I just… thanks. Getting it on with you like that was really awesome. I had no idea it could be that great. And I had no idea anyone could enjoy changing it up as much as you did.” “It was great for me, too, Brent. Glad it was you that broke me in.” “Pete, do you wanna come sleep with me?” He didn’t need to ask twice and, in a minute, we were undressed again, and cuddled up together in his bed. And that’s when he really surprised me – no, shocked me. “Do you want to return the favour?” All I could think of in reply was the same snarky comment Kyle had made to me when he saw Brent rimming me before that epic fuck. “What happened to Mister I’m-A-Top-Only?” Brent chuckled. Then, in a softer, quieter voice than I’d ever heard him use, he said, “I guess he wants to diversify his talents.” I returned the favour. And it was another epic fuck. (P.S. At least one more chapter still to cum)
  24. I've been thinking the same thing off and on too. But I'm also waiting for Max to see some pictures of Alex in his official capacity, and put two and two together. In which case, we might have the answer to your question!
  25. Soap opera drama to the max, with the creep getting fired and the baddie getting the snot beaten out of him by the security boys. Plus another cute young hottie attracting Alex. My favourite part of this episode? The hilarious dialogue among Alex and his Three Musketeers: Francis, Liam, and Artem. Funny as hell!
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