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About JessicaDiamond

  • Birthday November 19

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  • Gender
    Trans Feminine (MTF)
  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Neg
  • Role
  • Background
    I'm just your friendly little neighborhood Bosmer.

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  1. Nope. I haven't seen him in over a decade. I'm friends with one of his sisters and I do think about him often. A part of me is still in love with him. A girl never forgets her first time. 💋
  2. A guy wanted me to wear his daughter's clothes and was calling me by her name. Suffice to say, I never went back.
  3. My first boyfriend and I were 13. He took my virginity and now he and his wife are the pastors of the church we grew up in. Lol
  4. I would think the better question is why are Repuklicans so dedicated to placating and appeasing (not to mention) dictators?
  5. Shoot your baby batter inside me at the same time 💋💦
  6. I prefer 6.5 to 8. I'm not a size queen but I need to feel something 💋
  7. Hott AF 🔥🔥🔥💋
  8. Umm not exactly. Lol There's this n*zi cunt that my bestie and I happened to know and who fucked us over. One day, someone (who was definitely not us) wrote "if you want a good time call (her phone number)" on men's bathroom stalls around town. I totally forgot about that until just now. I wonder if they ever figured out who did that 🤣🤣🤣
  9. In the hell scape known as USA, no. Except for Nevada* *Some municipalities in Nevada have ordinances against prostitution. SMH
  10. I'm trying to get better. Some days are okay then some days either trauma, dysphoria, or depression or even all three hit. Some days I find myself standing on my bridge looking down trying to find a reason not to jump off. My list of reasons to keep going is getting longer, so that's progress 🤗🤗
  11. I've been raped. I don't really talk about it very much. The one rape I've only ever told two people what happened. I'll talk about what led up to it and the aftermath, but I don't talk about the actual rape. The other rapes I don't talk about at all, ever. Like I told my therapist Monday, talking about it gives it power. If I don't talk about it I can try to pretend that it didn't happen. But talking about the rapes gives them form, gives them power, makes them real.
  12. I get it My mental is pretty fucked too. Last year, in September, I unalived myself. Two friends that I've known since I was 14, saved me. I flat lined five times before they brought me back. Mentally, I am doing better but it can still be a struggle. Wednesday morning, I had a close call. Therapy helps, if nothing else it gives you an outlet to vent. Personally, I try to focus on the positive things in my life, like my fur babies and trying to outlive my boomer bigot uncle. I hope that you're able to get help. Please. If you need to, you can always hit me up. Be kind to yourself, love ya 🤗💋🤗
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