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Everything posted by LoboBoy

  1. ^^ thought you might run into trouble.
  2. ...can I go back to being a dirt bag now? :-)
  3. lol ok that's funny. But to be serious, yes I see them...and no not on drugs. In fact that side of shuts done when high. They can't harm you and most of the time what you see is not a spirt...is more like an astral shell...or residual energy if you like. True sensitives can pick up on sentient spirits and most often, they're not really happy. They can be waiting on for their loved one to pass...a misguided sense of responsibility that remains from before they died. Or they can be attached to a place. Those ones are often fucked up versions of what they were when they were alive and pretty much ooze anger. they will fuck with your head if they find away to communicate...usually they don't and you don't know they're there. Oh...the last type I've seen are kids. For some reason they are tied to a place or person in a way spirits of older decseases re not. They usually want to play...and will play. One I encountered in a friends house would jigle the locks every time I came over cos she was excited I could see her. She'd run out the front and play in the yard at dusk. Felt kinda sorry for her actually.
  4. I have actually sucked my younger bro brother when i was a teen ager. Only happened once and i remember it like it was yesterday. Always grew up very exposed to my dads cock...but never did anything with him. I was too horny for my own good as a kid
  5. Yeah...honestly you have to know you can take it...and wanting to take it is not the same thing. Even before I could get huge cock...I was stretching my hole with toys so that at least i knew how big I could actually take.
  6. Over night I guess...only had my BFs loads in me and he did shoot a lot. I guess I should keep tabs on it now i have started taking loads out in the world
  7. I'm just discovering that now...I got a young guy wanting me to be his daddy...and I just recently had the experience of being a bare-backed son. it was fucking incredible.
  8. I have only taken raw loads from my ex and this weekend I was interstate chemed up and took three loads in two hours in my hole and swallow 2 loads in that time as well. Also...In dad/son role play I was the top and this time I met someone old enough and big enough to make me his son. holy fuck it was hot on the other end. It took fucking ages which I love. A guy really needs to fuck me a long time for me to get what i need. from here on in...this is me. Filled and flowing with stranger cum. I'm not even going to bother dating...it's raw at sex on premises from here on in. I didn't think I could go back to using condoms... now I just refuse and demand to have babies shot deep inside me. I only asked the first guy if he was pos or not...after that there was no point and wouldn't have changed a thing
  9. This is why the dad/son relationship is so beautiful and rewarding. To me it's the ultimate gay relationship in that you have every aspect of love and care in there a with full life time of seeding. You can still have that family bond without the dad being your biological dad so long as he fills you with so much seed and you hold in...his DNA being absorbed into his little boys rectal lining until the daddy's juice is running in his sons veins. Tearing the little hole slightly allows for the juice to drip into the boy as well...
  10. Yeah I love that too...esp if they do shit like suck their thumb from time to time or say things like...tell me you love me more than mommy!
  11. That is so fucking perfect.
  12. I keep coming back to read this today! I love the part above. I have always thought it would be so perfect if something special happened inside with dad's and sons and brothers that boy pregnancy could happen. Being able to pop out more and more additions to the harem as they got older.
  13. ME TOO! But I'd do anything for my family. The father giving his perfect boy his AIDS baby was so sweet and having his boy cunt fucked by dogs makes me wish I had my own flesh and blood son to love like this! loading him with tina was great too. so much incest these days is released between brothers & dads &sons with tina.
  14. That was so beautiful what a gorgeous raping of your son. I could almost feel his rectum tear the way you described it with so much love.
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